Lilith HTBF
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-11-28 17:22:21
She has very high resistance to Light elemental magic damage in her first form. You can see her resistances here:
By Fauve 2019-11-28 22:49:47
Ah okay I gotcha. The numbers make sense now
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2019-12-14 09:43:57
1612 kills(E, w/TH) later, i have 12 full sets
with variance and wasted drops, should put it pretty close to 1% per kill on any given piece (pole/sword/earring are obviously much higher than daybreak and gear)
By Unzero 2019-12-14 11:25:53
1612 kills(E, w/TH) later, i have 12 full sets
with variance and wasted drops, should put it pretty close to 1% per kill on any given piece (pole/sword/earring are obviously much higher than daybreak and gear)
Been afraid to do E, but you said you've done it 1600 times, any tips?
By Fauve 2019-12-14 14:17:45
1612 kills(E, w/TH) later, i have 12 full sets
with variance and wasted drops, should put it pretty close to 1% per kill on any given piece (pole/sword/earring are obviously much higher than daybreak and gear)
Been afraid to do E, but you said you've done it 1600 times, any tips?
Personally what helped me get over the hump from VE>E was using Panaceas, the React addon, and Ajido-Marujudo in my trust lineup.
1. Using a panacea for Petaline Tempest (Moonlight Veil and to a lesser extent impact as well) is a godsend because it erases every stat down including the awful HP down ( it also gets rid of TP down which is helpful too). This makes you less likely to get crushed by a Subjugating Slash + Auto Attack combo. But all the gil can add up to be really expensive unfortunately, I run through about 6-10 panaceas per fight depending on how often she spams her stupid attacks. But this made the fights way more consistent for me.
2. React addon. Set it to turn around for Fatal Allure and dread spikes. This isn’t 100% effective for the charm, however because it doesn’t turn you around in the middle of weapon skills (she just loves using Fatal Allures in the WORST times lol) so just be aware of that. To get around that I found that if you use your weapon skill and then IMMEDIATELY turn around the weapon skill will go off with your back turned, this means you can play more aggressively instead of waiting for the right moment to activate it.
3. Ajido-Marujudo is amazing for this fight. Just Koru-Moru is VERY inconsistent with dispelling her dread spikes. Her spikes are VERY powerful, you can kill yourself in seconds if you attack her too much. Ajido prioritizes removing buffs and will dispel the SECOND her spike animations play, and he doubles as a backup healer (which is very welcome since my Apururu always dies near the end).
And the start of the fight is important as well. If you run towards Lilith and pull her to the opposite side of the arena your trusts won’t get ganked by her gyves.
Anyways, these are just a few things I’ve picked up from fighting her on E. I’m most definitely not the best at this and I can probably improve things a bit, but that’s my strategy. Hope this helps out a bit.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2019-12-14 14:39:02
Can't say my advice is as helpful as people who were actually soloing, since I have so many characters I brought 3 per run(RUN THF SCH). A single MBed helix2 will wipe her entire HP pool in about 5 minutes if your gear is adequate to hit 10k. I would back tank on the RUN, burst helix2, and basically just chill and let trusts heal me until she died. THF tagged for TH. No worries about dread spikes or charm.
I suspect SCH would have one of the easiest times soloing if you use a tank trust and just support them from a distance(and you can probably just reraise from a wipe and let helix kill her unless wiping resets DoTs or something). You may have to recast helix if dark thorn dispels it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-12-14 14:44:36
Monk is also an incredibly simple solo on Easy. Just need to be mindful of Dark Thorn and turn accordingly. Position and fight her in the middle and just spam smite. Sub rdm for dispel to quick remove her spikes. Aaev seltheus yoran ulmia koru will cover what you need. I’ve never used panacea but if you got cash to spend it certainly helps. Mantra at start gives you a good life lead, and between you and aaev, lilith should only ws once every 4 attack rounds so she’s extremely predictable. Not 100% win rate like SCH method because she will occasionally get lucky and dread spikes you at wrong time, or impact >subjugating. But generally it’s a quick 2 minute kill
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 310
By Bismarck.Sterk 2019-12-14 16:35:43
just reraise from a wipe and let helix kill her unless wiping resets DoTs or something) From my experience, her second phase will Regen if left idle even with a DoT on. Don't know about first phase, though.
By Taint 2019-12-14 17:06:47
MNK is my go to, 2min kills with top notch gear. I DO NOT cap haste just 30% since spikes is my only chance at wiping.
SAM works really well too, i use Doji over masa to reduce white damage. Had a few AM crits that wiped me and went Doji onry. 5 step than 3 step and she’s dead. Again 30% haste.
By Draylo 2019-12-15 12:47:56
2 min kill average? I usually run with extra chars because I am only missing two pieces so I only have two trusts. I do have an idris GEO with me but that seems unrealistic for a MNK not even haste capped to clear consistently in 2 minutes. Maybe 4 minutes. Unless I am missing something that makes MNK so much more powerful than idris geo + BLU.
Also, Panacea are not expensive they are 20k each from an NPC. It's 2020, don't have a stigma for using meds if it helps you lol.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 383
By Sylph.Traxus 2019-12-15 13:15:54
Opening SC (exp>thrashing>savage>cdc) takes most of her hp on solo blu with sylvie if you don't get interrupted. I was killing in 1-2m from engage on E if no major slowdowns like amnesia landing, and that's without tizona augment and missing a lot of wsd.
By umii 2019-12-15 13:38:24
I think mnk is the fastest way to do this. I can kill Lilith with capped haste in 2 minutes with malignance armor as my tp set and some times near 1 minute if everything goes well(Shijin -> smite -> smite for double light and another smite to finish blow).
The downside is that sometimes I get killed with dread spikes even with react+anchor.
Trusts used: Sylvie, King of Hearts, Ulmia, Ajido, Cherukiki
Sub /war and th4 on armor used with chi blast.
By zixxer 2019-12-15 15:23:24
Just sharing my experience.
I just read up the tips here and after 4 wipes I was able to solo E on war/sam.
My original plan was to 4 step radiance but there’s a lot of inconsistencies to prevent me from completing sc. And my original trust setup was not dispelling in time. And I wasn’t turning around for Allure because I was too focused on Scing her.
My winning runs have been with trusts Apururu, Ajido (thank you to those that recommended this, he’s a godsend), kupipi, Koru Moru, Joachim. Went in with provoke, took to the center, retaliation, warcry and aggressor. Just spammed Upheavals when it’s up and I kept a keen eye on Allure. Turned when I see dark thorn as well for just until it was dispelled. Ran away when the Gyves came up, and voked when hate reset goes up.
None of the trusts died. I did this till I ran out of merits.
Hope this helps someone.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-12-15 22:26:07
It's not particularly fast but sch can solo easy with out trusts by mbing a helix then just sc/mb her down with fire.
I farmed my set on SCH + GEO on Easy -- by far the fastest/safest method. 2 skillchains, 6-8 MBs, dead. No waiting around for Helix. 60-90 sec fight, including buffing.
Only thing that introduces any kind of risk is the hate reset from Subjugating Slash. In that case, just bounce hate between the two mages until the trust tank can get it back.
Trusts: AAEV, Star Sybil, Yoran and Ygnas.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 159
By Valefor.Gorns 2019-12-16 03:20:59
It's not particularly fast but sch can solo easy with out trusts by mbing a helix then just sc/mb her down with fire.
I farmed my set on SCH + GEO on Easy -- by far the fastest/safest method. 2 skillchains, 6-8 MBs, dead. No waiting around for Helix. 60-90 sec fight, including buffing.
Only thing that introduces any kind of risk is the hate reset from Subjugating Slash. In that case, just bounce hate between the two mages until the trust tank can get it back.
Trusts: AAEV, Star Sybil, Yoran and Ygnas.
Personally; I prefer to use Amchuchu over AAEV for SC-ing interrupting reasons. EV or August tend to WS and interrupt SC more than Amchuchu
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-12-16 04:27:11
Amchuchu is sort of a bad tank when it comes to keeping hate, she has low hp as well.
But it's true she rarely ever WSs, if at all, so it's quite nice if you need a tank and need to SC through whichever means.
By Nariont 2019-12-16 05:24:09
amchu's generally fine, so long as the fight doesnt involve heavy phys dmg, since she loves to use berserk for whatever reason. Hate wise i think EV has a rough start but long as she can cure herself she does pretty well, august i find is the worst when it comes to keeping hate.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 159
By Valefor.Gorns 2019-12-16 07:04:17
Amchuchu is sort of a bad tank when it comes to keeping hate, she has low hp as well.
But it's true she rarely ever WSs, if at all, so it's quite nice if you need a tank and need to SC through whichever means.
Yeah, but hate management isn't really a problem when you do SCH. HOweevr low hp can be as it's true she can be one-shotted.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-12-16 07:10:59
2 min kill average? I usually run with extra chars because I am only missing two pieces so I only have two trusts. I do have an idris GEO with me but that seems unrealistic for a MNK not even haste capped to clear consistently in 2 minutes. Maybe 4 minutes. Unless I am missing something that makes MNK so much more powerful than idris geo + BLU.
Also, Panacea are not expensive they are 20k each from an NPC. It's 2020, don't have a stigma for using meds if it helps you lol.
2min is about right on easy. Counting buffing at the start. R15 vere. But I take in regal cor and 4song hm. So usually just chi blast>spiral>smite>smite and it's dead. She usually cant get off a ws. But I also use sylvie. Now how anyone else could do it in 2 mins without those kind of buffs on monk is beyond me.
By geigei 2019-12-16 07:48:08
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »Now how anyone else could do it in 2 mins without those kind of buffs on monk is beyond me. Anyone can when they pull numbers out their ***.
By Taint 2019-12-16 08:01:54
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »2 min kill average? I usually run with extra chars because I am only missing two pieces so I only have two trusts. I do have an idris GEO with me but that seems unrealistic for a MNK not even haste capped to clear consistently in 2 minutes. Maybe 4 minutes. Unless I am missing something that makes MNK so much more powerful than idris geo + BLU.
Also, Panacea are not expensive they are 20k each from an NPC. It's 2020, don't have a stigma for using meds if it helps you lol.
2min is about right on easy. Counting buffing at the start. R15 vere. But I take in regal cor and 4song hm. So usually just chi blast>spiral>smite>smite and it's dead. She usually cant get off a ws. But I also use sylvie. Now how anyone else could do it in 2 mins without those kind of buffs on monk is beyond me.
I use Sylvie, koru and ygnas. Engage and go to town. While you are rolling/singing I’m prob half way done.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-12-16 08:18:26
I prefer to use Amchuchu over AAEV for SC-ing interrupting reasons. EV or August tend to WS and interrupt SC more than Amchuchu
In this instance, the fight is over before she ever gets TP most of the time.
If she does WS, it will always be Vorpal Blade closing Scission following Liquefaction, so just follow up with Impaction to make Fusion. Her WS AI is the most predictable of the bunch.
Amchuchu had trouble surviving Impact and Subjugating Slash on E if used early.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-12-16 08:19:47
I do have an idris GEO with me but that seems unrealistic for a MNK not even haste capped to clear consistently in 2 minutes
It's not en unrealistic. I just cleared 5~ or so last night with a LS friend literally tagging TH and not engaging (but taking up a Trust slot), so he could vouch. Took 2 minutes or less after casting trusts (AAEV/Yoran/Koru/Seltheus). I was also on MNK/RDM
for Dispels, and was not eating any food. So basically no buffs outside of Impetus while using R15 Verethragna with a hybrid set mix of Malignance + Kendatsuba +1 + Bhikku Cyclas +1. And the fight was under 2 minutes every time.
The fight would be even faster if you didn't have to fear Dark Thorn, because you could fight without ever needing to turn for damage. MNK's low(er) TP feed coupled with their high HP (Mantra) and insane damage potential with Impetus wrecks Lilith in a matter of minutes. The only thing that makes MNK dangerous vs other jobs is that one missed Dark Thorn turn will end the run 100%. So you actually have to take your time killing.
Panacea are not expensive they are 20k each from an NPC. It's 2020
You will burn through Panaceas, at least 4/run. You don't need them though, and the damage you pass up using them basically slows your run down. Only part you could use them for is something like Impact which severely weakens you.
By SimonSes 2019-12-16 08:58:30
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »2min is about right on easy. Counting buffing at the start. R15 vere. But I take in regal cor and 4song hm. So usually just chi blast>spiral>smite>smite and it's dead. She usually cant get off a ws. But I also use sylvie. Now how anyone else could do it in 2 mins without those kind of buffs on monk is beyond me.
With those buffs the fight itself takes 15-20sec. You really think without those buffs it would take more than 4 times longer? If you go with Trusts, your buffing takes like 30 sec, then fight taking 90 sec is very realistic.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-12-16 09:47:20
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »Now how anyone else could do it in 2 mins without those kind of buffs on monk is beyond me. Anyone can when they pull numbers out their ***.
Ok, I'm pulling numbers out of my ***.
Just recorded this five min ago. Zero buffs outside of Footwork, Focus, Impetus, Mantra, and Chi Blast for Penance (TH). Turned 3 times, twice to cast dispel, and even used Cherukiki to simulate an extra healer stealing a party spot xD. And Shijin Spiral probably doesn't land, so it was a failed 3-step attempt and a DPS loss even using it. Only had Koru haste, so wasn't capped and didn't get to abuse the benefit of multi-step. Also 1/1, didn't have to recreate this multiple times to get the result I wanted. Fight is that easy, not sure why you think otherwise.
(video has no audio)
YouTube Video Placeholder
Disclaimer: used JA0wait because of the danger of Dark Thorn, but by no means is it needed. Have done it without, just safer this way.
Started fight: 29:10 (Chi Blast)
Dark Thorn turned: 28:32, 28:16
Fatal Allure turned (didn't need to but wasn't sure if it was facing me): 27:45
Fight ends: 27:38
92 seconds clear time.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2019-12-16 11:31:52
Are you having any luck getting gear doing easy? I have gotten a few weapons(pole x2, sword). But I still haven't gotten any gear in like 20+ runs.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-12-16 11:41:26
I got most of all my drops between VE on THF and E on MNK, took about 200 runs. Im still missing Malignance Tights (my last piece) and I'm well over 350 or so, though I've slowed down recently in spamming it as much. Started taking random people along for stuff since I know there was probably tons of stuff that could have dropped had someone in group not had it. It's a poor drop rate but not horrible with a reasonable line.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2019-12-16 13:00:18
You ever notice an increase in lag on MNK? Before I got the set I was experimenting with different jobs to speed it up. I tried MNK and every time the gyves popped, my game would come to a crawl and ultimately would crash. I thought it would have to do with swinging with both hands, but had no problems on BLU.
By Draylo 2019-12-16 13:10:19
Quote: You will burn through Panaceas, at least 4/run. You don't need them though, and the damage you pass up using them basically slows your run down. Only part you could use them for is something like Impact which severely weakens you.
It is mainly for when she does Moonlight Veil and you might have impact on or multiple debuffs, you don't use it every time you get a debuff but it can save you if you have that magic def down on.
What's the deal on this battlefield?