Lilith HTBF
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2019-10-30 08:31:09
Just went on RNG/THF to clarify something we all knew. Went outside Selbina, stole a bird feather from a Zu then Bounty Shot raised it to TH3.
Treasure Hunter = Treasure Hunter.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-10-30 08:39:47
I would also raise one more possibility: TH could have been changed fundamentally when the TH upgrade system was added. There was a significant amount of data to indicate that TH0->TH1 and TH1->TH2 were much larger jumps than TH2->TH3 and TH3->TH4 in the old days.
However, with the drastically increased amounts of TH available and the ability to upgrade it even further, they could have easily modified how it works.
As is, I think it is fair to consider the same value equal regardless of source, since they all upgrade equally. I would not jump to conclusions about potency from 9 year old data. Whether the jump from 1->2 is still greater than the jump from 2->3 is questionable, but I would consider TH4 from gear to be the same as /THF and +2 from gear.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-10-30 08:43:07
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »Just went on RNG/THF to clarify something we all knew. Went outside Selbina, stole a bird feather from a Zu then Bounty Shot raised it to TH3.
Treasure Hunter = Treasure Hunter.
Without question I agree with this analysis. I have screenshots while I was on RNG with a THF in party, where the THF procced a TH8, and then my Bounty Shot raises it to TH9 in chatlog. Its all considered the same.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-10-30 08:58:24
Quote: However, with the drastically increased amounts of TH available and the ability to upgrade it even further, they could have easily modified how it works.
As is, I think it is fair to consider the same value equal regardless of source, since they all upgrade equally. I would not jump to conclusions about potency from 9 year old data.
I wholehartedly agree with this. There used to be pretty solid evidence that thief's treasure hunter 2 trait was much more potent than the bonuses from assassin's armlet's and thief's knife at level 75. Anyone remember Tremor Rams? I sure do. But that was before the level cap increase, before the proccing system was created, and before the ability's potency was capped. Just by implementing a proccing system and adding the TH 8 / Th 4 caps they changed the system outright. It's highly likely the increased drop percentages for each value were streamlined at the time. Treasure hunter today is likely just a linear bonus to increases. That probably wasn't the case years ago, but you shouldn't rely on the data collected over a decade ago when so many major ovehauls have happened since.
Quote: But this wasn't my question. My question is if TH+2 on a piece of armor actually gives the same amount of TH as the traits which THF or /THF has, or if it is more like the 1% extra that every additional TH+1 gives after TH2.
All evidence suggests that yes, equipping TH +2 in gear as a non thief is identical to the /th +2 job trait you get from subbing thief. There is no reason to believe the two are any different. The reason thief main has an advantage in treasure hunter department is simply because we have a higher treasure hunter cap, and we alone can proc values upwards of 10 and 11+. The job traits and gear appear to be identical today.
Quote: Is TH+2 on armor = TH2 trait drop rate.
YES, they are the same thing.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-10-30 09:01:38
But this wasn't my question. My question is if TH+2 on a piece of armor actually gives the same amount of TH as the traits which THF or /THF has, or if it is more like the 1% extra that every additional TH+1 gives after TH2.
Is TH+2 on armor = TH2 trait drop rate.
Is TH+2 in armor just +2% drop rate.
No THF or /THF present.
That is my question.
TH+2 on armor, with no THF present, should be considered the same as a THF45+ or /THF45+ hitting the mob, as both apply the TH2 debuff and both can be increased to TH3 via bounty shot. If they are being treated the same there, it is extremely unlikely they are treated differently elsewhere. I would assume there is no difference between gear and traits when creating your total TH value.
Additionally, TH values beyond 2 may very well matter less than the first 2 points, but we don't even have the data to say that conclusively any more.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-30 09:44:27
Rams in Abyssea La Thiene should be a good target for testing, as they appear in great numbers and Ram Skins have a very strong and easily visible dependancy on TH.
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-30 11:06:09
Does TH+13 (+10 gear) have a higher proc rate than TH+8 (+5 gear)?
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-30 11:07:12
Does TH+13 (+10 gear) have a higher proc rate than TH+8 (+5 gear)?
Edit, Devs said higher = more procs, but never confirmed that part
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2019-10-30 11:07:31
You are going to find that cleaving with th2 or th4 in abyssea is going to net you less drops than killing the same amount of mobs individually. However, since mobs respawn rapidly in abyssea, cleaving gives you more drops in an hour than killing individually. I do this at least once a month on the 11 Cankercaps in Aby. LaThiene to feed my addiction to marine stewpots on all my ranged jobs and characters.
2-3 agaricus per 11 cleaved
3-4 agaricus per killing 11 individually
5 minutes to run around killing 11 Cankercaps individually
1 hour to kill 132 Cankercaps individually
nets 3.5 stacks of agaricus
1 minute to train and cleave all 11 with Voracious V atma + tactician roll.
1 minute respawn + 10 secs for the mobs to notice.
20 secs-> Oh look! Dragon meat in that brown chest.
2.5 minutes per cleave
24 cleaves in 1 hour = 264 dead shroomies
nets 5 stacks of agaricus in 1 hour plus other stuff from brown chests.
(Yes I need to learn to ignore the brown chests to farm more agaricus, but I am an OCD taru gamer girl)
Not sure why we are talking about TH drop rates on normal mobs in Lilith HTBF. I have no clue how TH factors into an instanced battlefield chest. Friends get abysmal results with TH8+ on D while I get roughly 20% drop rates on th4 with at least 3 slots open. The thing I know I am doing differently is my OCD frugality with maintaining maximum food buffs. I know WOE is governed by the past so I get full sigil buff (food, refresh, meal duration) before doing Selbina HTBFs.
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-30 11:10:12
when the dev made the post, full TH gear included: Thief's knife, relic+2, and empy+2 for a total of TH+4 in gear...
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-30 11:12:01
when the dev made the post, full TH gear included: Thief's knife, relic+2, and empy+2 for a total of TH+4 in gear...
Naw dood, TH leveling up didn't happen until... twentyteens
Quote: 2012-11-09
There is an increased probability in the occurrence of TH level rising when the difference between the value of the player's TH and the value of the current TH level on the monster are further apart. Therefore, equipment that raises the TH level above the natural trait level will prove advantageous from the beginning of the battle or if the TH level has already risen.
There have been requests that THFs would like to switch equipment after giving the effect of Treasure Hunter. Since this would reduce the overall value of Treasure Hunter equipment by diminishing the benefit in raising the TH level, we will maintain the current situation.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2019-10-30 11:14:34
Does TH+13 (+10 gear) have a higher proc rate than TH+8 (+5 gear)?
Yes. If you ever suffered through proccing to at least th14 on multiple Urmahlullu to get Chastissers... The higher your TH with gear and crits, the easier it is to hit high th numbers before the mob dies a slow death...
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-30 11:15:11
Quote: A way to prove to your friend that you do not need to see the TH proc in the logs is to do VW. When you open the chest at the end of a VW battle, it shows your spectral allignment. It will also say something like "Your spectral allignment has been increased by x% across all spectrums", X being the TH that was applied to the mob if any TH was applied to the mob. If you have a 99thf wearing full TH gear (knife/hands+2/feet+2) tag the mob once and sit out the rest of the of the fight, everyone will see 7% in the message, and everyone in the pt will have that 7% added to all thier lights.
10-19-2012 01:06 PM
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-10-30 11:22:43
You are going to find that cleaving with th2 or th4 in abyssea is going to net you less drops than killing the same amount of mobs individually. However, since mobs respawn rapidly in abyssea, cleaving gives you more drops in an hour than killing individually. I do this at least once a month on the 11 Cankercaps in Aby. LaThiene to feed my addiction to marine stewpots on all my ranged jobs and characters.
2-3 agaricus per 11 cleaved
3-4 agaricus per killing 11 individually
5 minutes to run around killing 11 Cankercaps individually
1 hour to kill 132 Cankercaps individually
nets 3.5 stacks of agaricus
1 minute to train and cleave all 11 with Voracious V atma + tactician roll.
1 minute respawn + 10 secs for the mobs to notice.
20 secs-> Oh look! Dragon meat in that brown chest.
2.5 minutes per cleave
24 cleaves in 1 hour = 264 dead shroomies
nets 5 stacks of agaricus in 1 hour plus other stuff from brown chests.
(Yes I need to learn to ignore the brown chests to farm more agaricus, but I am an OCD taru gamer girl)
Not sure why we are talking about TH drop rates on normal mobs in Lilith HTBF. I have no clue how TH factors into an instanced battlefield chest. Friends get abysmal results with TH8+ on D while I get roughly 20% drop rates on th4 with at least 3 slots open. The thing I know I am doing differently is my OCD frugality with maintaining maximum food buffs. I know WOE is governed by the past so I get full sigil buff (food, refresh, meal duration) before doing Selbina HTBFs.
This entire post is a trainwreck of anecdotes, misinformation, and general malaise. Also, HTBC do not drop chests, they direct drop the items.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-30 11:23:04
oh snap, looked after posted
But still though, it actually would probably be pretty quick tbh to confirm a difference between trying to raise TH in +8 vs TH21(max possible, TH?)
Melphina was already going to maybe verify that in the thf thread
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-10-30 13:08:20
Quote: Melphina was already going to maybe verify that in the thf thread
I'm not going to buy gandrings or get TH +2 augs via dark matter though. I can reach the equivalent of TH 14 with gear, which should be enough to produce the results you're looking for. If wearing TH 14 increases the odds of proccing TH more than just TH 8 it should show after a while. I'm still waiting for people to respond with what they feel a reasonable test and sample size would be though. This isn't something I would be able to do very quickly and I haven't had time to even start it yet. Basically it would mean autoattacking a bunch of apex mobs and AFKing for hours on end and measuring the TH proc with TH 8 versus TH 14 equipped. Kparser can measure total number of swings as a metric for attacks to proc ratio, and TH tracker can report current TH on any given mob. So it's testable. But it's going to be a pain to do because of how slow it'll go and I can't get anything else in game done, so I'll have to schedule it around real world activities.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-30 13:13:34
Honestly if you melee 1 apex mob with TH8, and then do 1 with TH14 and you cap / hit cap faster, that's good enough. maybe 2 or 3 just for verifiable results.
Actually, people already kind of do it. VW qutrub. They just don't record TH results. There would already be months worth of data, lol Anyone already sparkafking that way could just record one of the color % at the end. change gear for a couple kills to a max th set.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-10-30 13:25:19
Quote: But still though, it actually would probably be pretty quick tbh to confirm a difference between trying to raise TH in +8 vs TH21(max possible, TH?)
The test is to determine whether or not Treasure Hunter is hard capped at 8 or whether higher values affect proc chances. I suspect that S-E implemented it so that when the game calculates whether or not a melee swing procs a treasure hunter increase it does so using values that cap at TH 8, and any values beyond that are ignored for the calculations. It's possible to raise worn treasure hunter levels well beyond 8, but I don't believe anything beyond 8 is effective at raising treasure hunter values through the proccing system. They heavily eluded to that in the March 2014 update when they wrote this
Quote: An upper limit has been set on the effects of Treasure Hunter.
This adjustment has been made in light of the future introduction of equipment enhancing the effects of Treasure Hunter.
•Upper limits of Treasure Hunter including the total of bonuses provided by equipment, atma, and job abilities.
Source: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxi/threads/40657
It strongly implies that not only is Treasure hunter 8 the maximum we can get using gear without procs, but that TH 8 is also the highest value the game considers when calculating proc increases. Everything anyone has said arguing either way (for or against) up to this point has been anecdotal, eyeballing, or personal opinions or conclusions. there's no REAL evidence one way or another.
Again, this can be tested at apex camps with a simple measure of total swings versus treasure hunter levels raised. If for example after 10 mobs with TH 8 I swung 1000 times on each mob and the average TH level was 11, versus 10 mobs with 1000 swings each using worn TH values of 14 and the average level was say 13, that should support the idea that higher worn values do affect proc chance. If the average levels were almost the same it would be pretty solid proof that wearing anything beyond TH 8 has no impact on proc chances.
I'm not an expert in statistics and Motenten hasn't played the game in years (God I miss him....) So again, what would be an acceptable sample size to determine statistical significance of a test like that? I'm pretty sure just 1 or 2 mobs isn't enough, but what about 10? Would I need 20? 10,000 total swings combined for each data set? 20,000? It's not hard to do, it just requires time.
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-30 13:33:50
I'd say, tag three mobs, each with TH3, then melee each in TH4, TH8 or TH12.
Clock how many attack rounds each took for each upgrade.
If the time it takes to get TH4 in TH+1 gear is close to the same as the time it takes from TH7 to TH8 in TH+5 gear:
Then TH11 to TH12 in TH+9 gear should take a similar amount of time as TH7 to TH8 in TH+5 gear, else TH+5 is the hard cap.
If the first isn't true... this test is crap and don't bother tagging a mob to melee in TH+9 gear.
ignorance talking
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-10-30 13:54:43
Meleeing for Treasure Hunter procs has a bit of variance due to random number generation. Using a theortical example, if my chance to proc from TH 8 to TH 9 was 1%, and then my chance to proc from 9 to 10 was 0.5%, and then my chance to proc from 10 to 11 was 0.25%, I could attempt to melee a mob and hit my first TH proc within my first couple of swings if I was lucky, and if I was unlucky I may not see my first proc for over 100 swings. In a few lucky runs I may see TH 10 in a few dozen swings, whereas others it would take several hundred. When you're dealing with small percentile odds like this, variance creeps up.
That's why I'm asking how to go about testing in a way that the results are going to be statistically valid. What kind of method and sample size should I be looking for.
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-30 14:01:22
okay, then have someone else proc the mob with TH1 (level 15 THF), and see how long your proc rate remains 100% in TH8 gear and your max TH gear. if there is no difference, then TH8 is cap.
or does the higher TH overwrite the lower one with no message?
more ignorance
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-30 14:04:54
If you hit something at any point with TH8 the baseline becomes TH8
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-10-30 14:07:13
If I hit a mob with TH 1 on it my higher TH level will immediately overwrite the lower one. The mob would start with TH 1 as soon as the lvl 15 thf hit the mob but would jump straight to TH 8 as soon as I touched it.
Really this isn't something that should be that hard to test. The concept in and of itself is that "higher worn TH values affect proc chances". If this is true than wearing TH 14 should raise TH levels noticably faster than TH 8, and it should visibly show in the numbers. I'll just gather some data when I get a chance and see what kind of results I get.
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-30 14:07:15
huh, wonder why the thief complained at our ranger before then for doing a bounty shot to upgrade to TH3 before he (thf) had a chance to run in and tag the NM.
What's the deal on this battlefield?