Lilith HTBF

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Lilith HTBF
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-09-16 19:48:17
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Yeah, SE should totally lock more content behind character minimums so all the people with five mules can keep doing what they're doing while the people who don't want to shell out that much suffer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-09-16 19:50:12
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It's an MMO, they absolutely should

(you shouldn't be able to multibox either, but yeah)
By 2019-09-16 19:58:09
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Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2019-09-16 22:23:19
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Are you sure Mewing is nerfed that much after 1 cast, or is it that it just brings her TP TO 200-300 regardless of how much TP she has?

She has Occult Acumen too.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. After 1-2 mews the effect gets nerfed. Didn't know it would be for 45secs though.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Casnik
Posts: 37
By Bismarck.Casnik 2019-09-17 10:54:59
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What's the Black Mage strategy? Been soloing VE on BLU/NIN with Tank setup (Geist Wall and Taking job traits) with not very much luck. Interested in finding out more of this BLM setup if someone can explain it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-09-17 11:02:27
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Bismarck.Casnik said: »
What's the Black Mage strategy? Been soloing VE on BLU/NIN with Tank setup (Geist Wall and Taking job traits) with not very much luck. Interested in finding out more of this BLM setup if someone can explain it.

Setup I was involved in was RUN WHM GEO SCH SCH BLM. 2 SCHs allow constant strategems/constant skillchains. The WHM is there honestly as the safety valve- I'm sure it would be possible to swap in a 2nd BLM, COR or other job if your SCHs don't mind pulling double duty of SC'ing and healing. Fusion/Light skillchains on form 1, Distortion on form 2.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2019-09-17 11:38:59
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I really like run/whm sch 2blm geo thf/whm. /blu on run wasn't really needed and i like the easy reraise and cure access if i need it for recovering from a wipe and the annoying zombie status from 2nd form from occ fetters. Be willing to choke down panaceas or remedys in the fight. Subjugating Slash: is the annoying tp move that hits for 1.9-2.1k always and hate resets i think.

Geos can cover healing if needed and help burst 1st rayked form. Blms should be on point and kill 1st form in one SC but if they can't make liquification and turn it into fusion for 3 strats. Hopefully you can corral everyone before the fight and have pro/shell and regen aoe before entering outside in selbina to save on strats.

Lilith Ascendant i think gets more magic evasion. Ice gambit Focus Malaise make induration over distortion the light helix cures her for like 19-32k Usually like 10%+ depending on d-vd. Thf feint sneak attack bully tag her and toss cures or erase as needed. If tank dies from bad positioning from knockback and a fetter explosion, with a good helix and blm manawalling its still doable waiting for strats for the one more SC or two needed. With really good Blms 2nd form goes down in 2 SCs usually.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tallica
Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2019-09-17 19:32:29
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Sorry if this was answered, but is there any way to control hate from the specter? I can handle the knock back ok....if the specter isn't spamming it on my whm. The pld had plenty of hate the whole fight, no hate reset move, then the specter start spamming knockbackannoyingasshit move and it was over.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 258
By Bahamut.Eternallight 2019-09-17 19:44:43
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Silly question, but what is the option for countering her dread spikes?

It seems to pop on so close to instantly, that if you are mid attack, you basically drop to 0 before you even can react to it/dispel it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 175
By Bahamut.Empyrean 2019-09-17 20:47:20
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Holy F*cking S*it, F*ck me, that took F*cking forever.

Took about 200 fights across all 5 difficulties for me to get 5/5 armor (and all weapons/earring)

The last piece I needed was hat, I had seen it around fight #30 or #40, but was out lotted.

So there is hope on getting all the gear, I got most on E. Not really worth doing in a group unless you set seacom for everyone. Otherwise everyone will be lotting over each other.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-09-17 22:02:41
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Bahamut.Eternallight said: »
Silly question, but what is the option for countering her dread spikes?

It seems to pop on so close to instantly, that if you are mid attack, you basically drop to 0 before you even can react to it/dispel it.

Just wear some DT gear, that's what I did. It gives me plenty of time to turn around and Geist Wall.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2019-09-18 05:00:11
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Recommend bringing Panacea if you're doing this with trusts.

If your Trust healers die and she lands her Magic Def. Down on you her attacks are going to start hitting very hard.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-09-18 05:36:42
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Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
Just wear some DT gear, that's what I did. It gives me plenty of time to turn around and Geist Wall.

That depends what job you use and how much buffs you have. If you are using something like DRK with Caladbolg then good luck with DT on that Triple damage melee swings :)

With Chaos roll and minuet/honor I died from single attack round on THF using Tauret/Twashtar and I had Lux x2, Dark carol and 4/5 Malignance, so a lot of DT and magic evasion.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Maurauc
Posts: 126
By Valefor.Maurauc 2019-09-18 05:38:02
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Anyone attempting the Mew method, a Blue Mage's Reaving Wind and Feather Tickle land nicely on her first form. The second one not so much, but we found between Mew and Reaving, she was consistently around 0 TP. (VD)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-09-18 08:50:32
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It looks like on higher difficulties Lillith gains 100% damage immunity with 6 fetters up. I joined a manaburn party last night on Very Difficult and our scholar was a little slow on the skillchains. We got Lillith's second form down to 10% and she stopped taking damage entirely. Since fetters absorb magic damage we had no way to kill them and had to give up. I was hitting 90k fire VI magic bursts on form 1, but by the time we got to form 2 my numbers dropped to 45k and 20k on blizard VI and V. Then she put up the last few fetters and burst damage went to ~~8500 and then zero. That group was able to kill on D but couldm't finish her off fast enough in VD. So there's a window of opportunity with manaburn, and if you miss it you're sore out of luck.

Also I concur with Simon that Dread Spikes is a huge problem for a solo thf. I can deal more damage in a single attack round than I have in HP. Even with -DT and magic evasion between crits and triple attacks any form of spikes just one shots me at this stage in the game. Powerful spikes effects are literally one of the worst things a thief can encounter nowadays. Soloing easy is vastly more challenging than very easy just because spikes are almost always insta death with thief's attack speed.

Holy F*cking S*it, F*ck me, that took F*cking forever.

Took about 200 fights across all 5 difficulties for me to get 5/5 armor (and all weapons/earring)]

Cry about it why donchya. The fights frustrating as hell. I'd be happy if I got 5/5 armor in 200 runs. So far I'm 0/70+ on armor soloing VE all with TH 8+, and that doesn't include my group queues which haven't been favorable. If the drop rates didn't favor weapons so heavily when the drops actually do load it would be a lot more bearable, and that's something treasure hunter has no control over. 200 runs feels like a lowball number for 5/5 armor to me. I suspect many or even most people won't be so lucky.
Posts: 189
By waffle 2019-09-18 09:22:11
Link | Quote | Reply上位ミッションBCについて?p=619848#post619848
Fujito confirms the drop rate is set higher than most other htbf across difficulty levels because there are so many drops. Also says there's some condition you can meet in normal and above that will increase the number of drop slots, making it more likely to get multiple drops.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korgull
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 09:54:12
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That may explain why some people report low drop rate on VD and lucky on lower difficulties.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2019-09-18 10:02:26
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waffle said: »上位ミッションBCについて?p=619848#post619848
Fujito confirms the drop rate is set higher than most other htbf across difficulty levels because there are so many drops. Also says there's some condition you can meet in normal and above that will increase the number of drop slots, making it more likely to get multiple drops.

Have we confirmed the gimmick?
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-09-18 10:02:31
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Soloing easy is vastly more challenging than very easy just because spikes are almost always insta death with thief's attack speed.

Actually its easy after you get used to it. I simply turn around after every attack round or ws, when I expect tp move from her. Then after her TP move I do few rounds normally, then turn around after each round again. I died only once in 30 runs now, only because of bad luck with being bound in feather and Lilith basically coming around to let me hit her with dread spikes up.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-09-18 10:10:43
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waffle said: »上位ミッションBCについて?p=619848#post619848
Fujito confirms the drop rate is set higher than most other htbf across difficulty levels because there are so many drops. Also says there's some condition you can meet in normal and above that will increase the number of drop slots, making it more likely to get multiple drops.

Nice find. Thanks for sharing.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-09-18 10:17:21
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Holy F*cking S*it, F*ck me, that took F*cking forever.

Took about 200 fights across all 5 difficulties for me to get 5/5 armor (and all weapons/earring)]

Cry about it why donchya. The fights frustrating as hell. I'd be happy if I got 5/5 armor in 200 runs. So far I'm 0/70+ on armor soloing VE all with TH 8+, and that doesn't include my group queues which haven't been favorable. If the drop rates didn't favor weapons so heavily when the drops actually do load it would be a lot more bearable, and that's something treasure hunter has no control over. 200 runs feels like a lowball number for 5/5 armor to me. I suspect many or even most people won't be so lucky.

I know right? Dude's crying because it took him a whole week after the content was released to finish it forever...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korgull
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 10:32:56
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SimonSes said: »
Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Soloing easy is vastly more challenging than very easy just because spikes are almost always insta death with thief's attack speed.

Actually its easy after you get used to it. I simply turn around after every attack round or ws, when I expect tp move from her. Then after her TP move I do few rounds normally, then turn around after each round again. I died only once in 30 runs now, only because of bad luck with being bound in feather and Lilith basically coming around to let me hit her with dread spikes up.

SCH solo on E is braindead:
1) Apururu, Koru-Moru, August/Amchuchu, W/E (I use star sybil) and THF mule for tagging only.
2) Light/Add:White, Reraise III, Perp/Accension Regen V party.
3)Dark/Add:Black, Firestorm II and wait for strats.
4)Klimaform, engage, frazzle, as soon as august gets hate start fusion. Tanks won't last long because fetters will spawn on top and kill quick. Use this time to skillchain w/o getting knocked back and land Pyrohelix 2 (Non master sch with bis = 8.5k helix 2)
5) After this its autopilot, trust tankk will prob die, back tank it (because of charm), refresh, aspir II, nuke tier 5,4, fusion again if you want to MB Fire V.
6)Tag it with TH if you are able.
Posts: 441
By Meeble 2019-09-18 10:49:11
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Bahamut.Eternallight said: »
Silly question, but what is the option for countering her dread spikes?

It seems to pop on so close to instantly, that if you are mid attack, you basically drop to 0 before you even can react to it/dispel it.

There's no cast time; Dark Thorns is a TP move that removes debuffs on Lilith and gives her Dread Spikes.

You can either gimp your damage output so you won't immediately kill yourself, or TP exclusively on the fetters she spawns while weaponskilling on her.
Posts: 173
By Artsncrafts 2019-09-18 11:20:28
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More gimmick speculation plz

Kill fetters?

Lvl 4 SC?

Kill her outside ring while helix is up?

Land x debuffs

Use x weapon types

Any other ideas?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-09-18 11:22:16
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Obviously it's /fume

After reading Fujito-san's comment, I was more motivated to take solo.
Posts: 4
By Hawkenstoned 2019-09-18 11:27:58
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Is this the forum to cry about things that make you butt sore? Or is that all of them?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 175
By Bahamut.Empyrean 2019-09-18 11:53:42
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
It looks like on higher difficulties Lillith gains 100% damage immunity with 6 fetters up. I joined a manaburn party last night on Very Difficult and our scholar was a little slow on the skillchains. We got Lillith's second form down to 10% and she stopped taking damage entirely. Since fetters absorb magic damage we had no way to kill them and had to give up. I was hitting 90k fire VI magic bursts on form 1, but by the time we got to form 2 my numbers dropped to 45k and 20k on blizard VI and V. Then she put up the last few fetters and burst damage went to ~~8500 and then zero. That group was able to kill on D but couldm't finish her off fast enough in VD. So there's a window of opportunity with manaburn, and if you miss it you're sore out of luck.

Also I concur with Simon that Dread Spikes is a huge problem for a solo thf. I can deal more damage in a single attack round than I have in HP. Even with -DT and magic evasion between crits and triple attacks any form of spikes just one shots me at this stage in the game. Powerful spikes effects are literally one of the worst things a thief can encounter nowadays. Soloing easy is vastly more challenging than very easy just because spikes are almost always insta death with thief's attack speed.

Holy F*cking S*it, F*ck me, that took F*cking forever.

Took about 200 fights across all 5 difficulties for me to get 5/5 armor (and all weapons/earring)]

Cry about it why donchya. The fights frustrating as hell. I'd be happy if I got 5/5 armor in 200 runs. So far I'm 0/70+ on armor soloing VE all with TH 8+, and that doesn't include my group queues which haven't been favorable. If the drop rates didn't favor weapons so heavily when the drops actually do load it would be a lot more bearable, and that's something treasure hunter has no control over. 200 runs feels like a lowball number for 5/5 armor to me. I suspect many or even most people won't be so lucky.

Crying? actually, it seems more like you are crying than I was. If anything I was showing signs of relief. 200 fights is daunting regardless of the time spam since release of content, if anything it is worse to do that many in a "a week from release," a lot more nerve grating than only 70 fights, that I can guarantee.
I also don't suggest doing VE, I never once saw a piece of armor drop on VE, which is why I started experimenting with other job combos on E. You can /thf and still get better drop rate on E. Which has been shown by people going blu/thf, pup/thf, even run/thf, drk/thf, thf/dnc, thf/run, pretty much anything with survival /thf.

Bonus round for information, once the 6 fetters are up, you can still kill her. She isn't 100% dt, she is high dt.

You have a few options, tank has a dd set and slowly kills her, or you can have someone melee the fetters without sc. Physical damage only on fetters.

For E on thf, sub blu and use geist wall with some level of magic accuracy, use 3 trust with dispel a tank trust and a healer trust. The worst part of that will be if you can't get the hate off the trust right after subjugation on tank, then it will sit in the new fetter and healer trust will spam erase on you to get off the circle aura debuff, which means waste mp and missing cures.
The spikes shouldn't kill you in a full meva/mdt set. Thf also gets conspirator, which briefly helps with subtle blow. If things get bad, use steal and larceny on the dread spikes. Many times over I saw I was only losing 1/4 the damage I dealt to dread spikes.

Also, there are people getting all 5 pieces in about 100-120 fights, I know people on my server with less fights than 100. So yeah, 200 sucked. The guy SimonSes and I know that was tri-boxing VD got his full set a bit faster than I did, with way less fights. Very high chance you will be doing more runs than 200 if you don't step it up a tier of difficulty or do groups with seacom on D+
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-09-18 12:29:18
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Holy F*cking S*it, F*ck me, that took F*cking forever.

Took about 200 fights across all 5 difficulties for me to get 5/5 armor (and all weapons/earring)]

Cry about it why donchya. The fights frustrating as hell. I'd be happy if I got 5/5 armor in 200 runs. So far I'm 0/70+ on armor soloing VE all with TH 8+, and that doesn't include my group queues which haven't been favorable. If the drop rates didn't favor weapons so heavily when the drops actually do load it would be a lot more bearable, and that's something treasure hunter has no control over. 200 runs feels like a lowball number for 5/5 armor to me. I suspect many or even most people won't be so lucky.

I know right? Dude's crying because it took him a whole week after the content was released to finish it forever...

Time span matters a lot less than quantity. 200+ is a lot of runs. I know I'm super glad to be done with that BC myself because it was way more annoying than the other ones they released this year. I intentionally didn't keep track of how many runs I did, but 200+ runs should be enough to get you everything from any one fight that doesn't have something like Gyve Doublet's stupid drop rate.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 258
By Bahamut.Eternallight 2019-09-18 12:48:38
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I havent had a ton of play time, only about 30 fights total so far. Finally moved up to doing it on E.

Only the staff dropped so far. Id at least like the earring and club for rdm. The rest of the armor would be nice, but im okay with getting it over time lol.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-09-18 12:51:01
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Fujito confirms the drop rate is set higher than most other htbf across difficulty levels because there are so many drops. Also says there's some condition you can meet in normal and above that will increase the number of drop slots, making it more likely to get multiple drops.

So they've added a proc system on higher difficulty levels. I wonder what the trigger is. Since nobody's reported it yet it sounds like its something obscure. I wonder if it has something to do with the spitewardens. Earlier in the thread people reported that spitewardens can become targetable and be killed, but didn't drop anything directly. I haven't heard any more discussion on that, but it might be possible that the spitewardens are somehow involved in the gimmik.

Then again it could be completely unrelated and be something as simple and obscure as "hit her with 6 weaponskills using 6 different weapon types in a specific order". But the spitewardens would be my first thought. They first appear on normal and higher difficulties right? The gimmic probably lies within the new mechanics that get added at the normal and above, so that's where I'd start looking.
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