Just Here For Nostalgia

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Just here for Nostalgia
Posts: 8
By Sencux 2019-08-20 12:24:32
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Came back to the game for the Free Month, friend must have moved my account since I quit, but Sylph will always be home...

Who still alive from the iiZerg/Stunmelo/DA days?

Sylph still have an active EGLS population or has it gone the way of Salvage?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Banhammer
Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-08-20 15:46:44
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I stole this from Reddit and edited the naughty words.


Theres a lot more shells than the population would suggest on sylph. A lot are event based. If you see players running around without one, I've found usually theyre jp and it's just not event time.

That rule doesn't always apply, there are some good fulltime shells too around 6 good active shells on sylph, and I've talked to most of the leadership, most are nice people.

Daemonicslayers is by far the largest

You can also try

Thecoalition - gippo (me)

Supersecretpizza - staleyx

Oldguysneedgeartoo -funkworkz


Theres also a shell called penfifteen, but it's full of the top elitist f**s on the server, and they wont even talk to you unless your p***s is 9 inches long.

Good luck to you. Ffxi still has a lot of fun to offer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2019-08-20 15:51:19
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Or, if you want to transfer to a not-dead server like Asura, there's that too. Good chance any friends you've been looking for are already there!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2019-08-20 15:52:42
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9 inches?

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Banhammer
Posts: 130
By Sylph.Banhammer 2019-08-20 16:44:59
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Asura.Frod said: »
Or, if you want to transfer to a not-dead server like Asura, there's that too. Good chance any friends you've been looking for are already there!

Yeah, maybe if you want to wait around all day for 1 go at Ambuscade it's great.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2019-08-20 16:48:42
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Kawar (SP) shell is still going on? walkingsideway or something
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2019-08-20 17:19:18
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Sylph.Banhammer said: »
Asura.Frod said: »
Or, if you want to transfer to a not-dead server like Asura, there's that too. Good chance any friends you've been looking for are already there!

Yeah, maybe if you want to wait around all day for 1 go at Ambuscade it's great.

they just doubled the zones for that this update.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-08-20 17:28:58
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You should really transfer to Asura. Sylph was crazy dead when I came back in 2017. Asura feels like the game in its heyday. Just... ignore the yells. For the sake of your own sanity.

And Ambu has been really fast with the second zone.

Sylph.Banhammer said: »
Theres also a shell called penfifteen, but it's full of the top elitist f**s on the server, and they wont even talk to you unless your p***s is 9 inches long.

LOL they're still around? I thought most of that LS got banned in the Salvage bans back in '14 or '15.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-08-20 17:47:42
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Only took 3 posts for someone to suggest Asura, and he didn't even mention smn burn all the things.

Lol at the ambu wait, they literally made the adjustment to zones specifically for Asura's benefit. You wait no more than five minutes now, it's great.

Oh yeah, you didn't know? you can't ignore the yells on asura. There is a cap on blist and you will fill it up in one hour of playing during prime time. Between gilsellers named hddshkitdsrjbdeyhxdh and the usually dozen idiots shouting nightly, you're going to just have to turn off yell completely if you want some peace. QOL update to that would be great, but I know someone is going to create a lua that finds a way around it soon enough.

I didn't even recommend coming to asura either because it's a given nowadays, sadly. Any new players returning to their dead server will probably quit in a few short days due to no friends. The ONLY choices you have is convince a shell to let you join, reconnect with friends who haven't moved to asura, or move.

Welcome back sir/ma'am

(BTW I am from sylph before I moved to Lakshmi. It was dead five years ago. Lakshmi is the same now. I moved twice, on asura now)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2019-08-20 18:05:36
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I don't see enough people actually advocating the "dead server" thing enough. I mean, you play group content with your linkshell/the people you know, and then all of the other stuff is open to solo with no competition generally because "dead server"

The big benefit of Asura is the AH/items available, so I'll give it that for sure
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-08-20 18:13:37
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You don't see people advocating it enough because in practice, it just doesn't work. You need people to make reasonable progress in this game. Unless you multi box everything. A returning player likely has very little currently geared jobs for any content, unless it's a recent return. So any link they join will need to carry them before they get up to speed.

There's tons of links that will carry you along for clears. The dilemma? Most are on Asura, and require friends to accomplish. This is why things turned into a merc culture. Pay your way for progress because it's grindingly slow to catch up.

As a person from two previously dead servers with little friends (they quit, rip), I recall spending literally HOURS shouting to fill skirmish, htbf, delves, cp, etc. The one shell I was able to join kicked me because they were a regimented group that required attendance whenever you were online. Believe me,it's not that easy to survive out there on a dead island without anyone reaching out to you. If it were easier to do, more people would do it. You'd accomplish more with less competition. Only reason people move it because they HAVE to
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2019-08-20 19:33:14
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The yells on Asura aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Sure, sometimes you'll run into a random yell-fest where people want to spam politics, science, or talk other trash, but that isn't as common as it's made out to be. What you really have to do is be pro-active on the black-listing of people that want to sell (read: scam) JP leeching. If you see someone yell anything about "500-2100", just block them right away. As far as the RMT yells go, when they have gibberish names, I find it easiest to just... for example:

Name is: Aeonidsnfuasdfnasdnf. Type /sea all aeo. Click their name like you're going to whisper them and then use the arrow keys to remove "/tell" and add "/blacklist add" in front of their name.

My biggest tip though, is for people with mules. Just block yell when you're on a mule. You're not going to miss anything important. If someone is giving away a Kraken Club, there is a 0.000000000% chance that you would be the one they are giving it too. Turning off yell, on mules, allows you to not have to keep your blacklist constantly up-to-date.

Another tip is to just avoid standing around in towns. Be out doing something. If you must be in town (say you have to camp the crystal ephemeral moogle while crafting or something), just keep on the blacklisting. SE doesn't ban RMT as quickly as they should so it helps.

Anyhoo, this wall-of-text is kind of pointless as anyone that actually uses blacklist already knows this stuff and those that don't use blacklist and yet still complain about yells are asking for it.

I just really dislike Asura's bad rap.

Following image of Final Fantasy XI troll:

It's bad Aps.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [63 days between previous and next post]
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2019-10-22 09:26:17
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Sylph.Banhammer said: »
Theres also a shell called penfifteen, but it's full of the top elitist f**s on the server, and they wont even talk to you unless your p***s is 9 inches long.

lol i see what you did there.

i miss sylph as its my home but go to Asura if you want to play again. most ppl are gone or/and hovering for the nostalgia. they are not really going to play this game again.

lastcall is somewhat stunmelo
penfifteen is somewhat iizerg
BR is somewhat Thecoalition
i think funkz ls is for returning ppl hence the name.

however anyone who was anyone of these foundations is long gone or just hovering between games.

from the ppl i played with and or know have quit gaming for adulting or play 14 or other casual games.
Posts: 8
By Sencux 2019-11-01 12:01:16
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Oooh? Which Stunmelo players still kicking around?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [33 days between previous and next post]
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Mesathus
Posts: 1
By Sylph.Sefadin 2019-12-04 20:51:07
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What's a Stunmelo? All the active players in LastCall are Fairy natives.
Posts: 8
By Sencux 2019-12-05 09:52:52
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Just some group of OG thugs.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [332 days between previous and next post]
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: chardero
Posts: 3
By Sylph.Chardero 2020-11-01 10:41:08
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Love kickin'around the old sites, I miss this game.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Shinsonja
Posts: 60
By Shiva.Shinsonja 2020-11-01 16:24:08
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wait for a free campaign and come back, if for just a few weeks.