The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*

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The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*
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Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2023-01-04 01:05:50
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I went with Gleti/Acrontica in the end. (Don't have Twash)
Having extra DT and MEVA during Waltzes/WS's probably saved me a few times.

Got the win today.
Posts: 112
By Trillium 2023-01-04 12:45:33
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Asura.Gotenn said: »
Speaking of weird sets.
I was looking at Machulele Casaque +3 and was interested in what weaponskills that 70% crit + forced double attack might be worth it on. And it got me thinking about Raging Fists with Karambits. It could also be useful to Swift Blade but I'm not sure about that one yet.

On dagger weaponskills maybe Sharkbite when your doing Bumba?
Extenterator will always be trash, but would this actually be more useful for PK when Flourish III is up?
If thinking of h2h for blunt niche sub mnk also opens up kick attacks. I recall Scotty D doing.g some crazy double attack kick ws with dnc and ambu weapon. Tp would also be ok with a crit build on it. Def niche for sure.
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Server: Asura
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user: Alseyn
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By Asura.Alseyn 2023-02-25 07:55:12
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I've been getting into Dancer recently and came across a nice video from Kagrra, posted several months ago:

Solo AOE farming Crawler's Nest with the aid of Fan Dance, Turms Mittens and Phalanx II from King of Hearts (ideally have at least 15 Phalanx+ from Taeon or Herc DM augs, if you also play RUN you'll probably have this).

Cornelia (womp), StarSibyl, Brygid, KingOfHearts, Monberaux

Merits: Crits received 5, Fan Dance 5

ItemSet 390029
ItemSet 390030
ItemSet 390031

(He included some notes about what augs etc. he has that I included in the 'properties' section for each set.)

Time estimate (pull -> dead)
~60 mobs: 4-5 minutes
~100 mobs: 7-8 minutes
Server: Bahamut
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user: Jimmyjazz
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By Bahamut.Skald 2023-02-25 10:47:31
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It was a fun and effective way to EP on DNC, there was at least one other player I saw regularly doing this on Bahamut pre-Locus introduction into the zone.

I had gone out once or twice since and it was still doable however there was the new chore of single target skill chaining each Locus unsuccessfully avoided on the pull after Aeolian spam, slowing down the strategy a lot with a non optimal trust setup and especially once the number of mobs gets low where tactical parry no longer carries TP gain.
Server: Asura
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user: Alseyn
Posts: 79
By Asura.Alseyn 2023-02-25 12:11:57
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
It was a fun and effective way to EP on DNC, there was at least one other player I saw regularly doing this on Bahamut pre-Locus introduction into the zone.

I had gone out once or twice since and it was still doable however there was the new chore of single target skill chaining each Locus unsuccessfully avoided on the pull after Aeolian spam, slowing down the strategy a lot with a non optimal trust setup and especially once the number of mobs gets low where tactical parry no longer carries TP gain.

Yeah, as a strategy I think it's a bit dated by the introduction of Locus monsters - still, enjoyed the video and wanted to share across the language barrier since Kagrra posts a lot of cool stuff.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-03-02 19:15:28
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How high does feather step actually go. Is it really -70

Or does it still cap at 10%
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2023-03-02 19:28:19
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You're confusing things Eiryl. Empyrean body +3 raises the crit rate of the first two hits of a weaponskill to 70% with striking flourish. Empyrean feet +3 raise feather step to -16% crit evasion though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-03-02 19:31:09
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I was just looking at feather step and see -1% per step, but the gear has +6 and no real info on it

So it's -x to the first step and -1 to the rest
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2023-03-02 19:38:25
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Correct. Feather step caps at -10% crit evasion with 10 stacks. And Macuelelle toe shoes +3 add an additional -6%. So the cap is 16% with fully upgraded empyrean feet.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2023-03-02 21:18:28
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Bah... the formatting of my tests is unreadable now. Ragns did mention that I shouldn't have been able to embed raw HTML in my posts, but I didn't think he'd break it!

Please just re-enabled spacebar heating!
Server: Asura
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user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2023-03-21 10:29:01
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Been thinking for a while, I might find some time to make a guide on bgwiki for DNC, that said I'm not the greatest dancer ever, so if I did it would likely have mistakes in the gearsets, that said if someone would be willing to double check the gear to make it accurate where I get it wrong I would appreciate it and would give me motivation to actually do the guide.

If you're wondering "why is he posting this then? Just get on with it" I'm posting cause I know how's the community, I don't want to get blasted for making mistakes on a job I don't play often but would like an updated version since the OP here is not super updated all the time. I am quite keen to get it done these days but again, I'm not into dnc spreadsheets, I dunno how much I can trust kastra tool yet, I am mediocre at maths. But I got time to spare and will to set it up if anyone's willing to validate the gear.

edit: also I assumed we need a new guide, I somehow doubt the main op evisceration/ae sets are current, plus other things look fishy to me. If we don't need it let me know and I'll do another job instead :P
Server: Bahamut
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user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2023-03-21 14:19:19
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I would point out that this threads DNC guide still includes a lot of helpful information, abilities and their uses are explained and laid out well which is something that can be confusing for players new to the job. Some of it absolutely suffers its age but above all it would be great to see it curated a little more thoroughly and expanded on for current play.

Most of the item sets beyond paper bag TP, high end Rudra's and PK are very much dated. The amount of tiered haste sets concerning Haste Samba up/down are near irrelevant outside of solo play where a single set with our DW+ options would serve much better. There is a lack of beefier hybrids, DT, Meva and tanking suggestions as well as general strategies that would do well to showcase the job even further.

As far as I know only Simonses has access to the node and has been keeping Rudra/PK stuff up to date. I would encourage you to go ahead since any interest and attention to DNC is a good thing in my opinion! Keeping in mind the thoroughness of this existing guide and follow its lead :)
Server: Asura
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user: Autocast
Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-03-30 14:09:14
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What's a current evisc set looking like assuming r20-25 ody augs?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2023-03-30 14:48:20
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
As far as I know only Simonses has access to the node and has been keeping Rudra/PK stuff up to date.

The reason why I dont upgrade many things is kinda simple for me, but might not be for a lot of people.

That reason is two words "it depends".

It's super complicated now to make bis sets, because it will all change based on target and buffs. You can have enough attack for 30%PDL, but not 50% or it might only be 10%. You might want a hybrid set that has more HP, or HP doesnt matter and its meva or eva that matters. I can throw some general sets, but I bet some people will question them, because on xxx target with xxx buffs it will be worse than something else. Lets not even start with gear accessibility. If I include R30, people will say its not realistic and if I include R25, people will say "how about R30?"
I think at this point its much easier to just take Izanami app and run simulation and make your own conclusion.

If people really want I can update few things, but I will label all of them as "one of the several potentially best sets" :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Autocast
Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-03-30 15:13:06
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Don't think the majority of players are that specific when it comes to their gear sets (30% pdl vs 50% ect), Especially since its hard for most people to know when to use which with a lot of current NM defense values not being easily accessed information.

Most people who rely on these guides tend to be looking for the "best" general WS set + attack cap (geomancy working) sets.

Adding alternatives to lower ody rank players or higher ody rank players would be nice but since that's work for you it's really up to what you want to put into it.

Same can be said for "X is 0.5% dps less but significantly higher defense" alternatives.

In the end since most people just copy/paste the sets they see in the guides, you just have to ask yourself "what do I hope the people joining my party on these jobs are using?".
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2938
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-03-30 15:35:32
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Asura.Bynebill said: »
What's a current evisc set looking like assuming r20-25 ody augs?

Imagine having R25 ody augs and not being able to figure out an Evisceration set. #Asurathings
Server: Asura
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user: Autocast
Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-03-30 15:46:16
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Imagine having R25 ody augs and not being able to figure out an Evisceration set. #Asurathings

I mean I could figure out an evisceration set but there are more knowledgeable players on this forum who tend to be able and willing to give their input so never not worth asking.

And I only have r20 augs.

But yeah, #asuradumbdumb
Posts: 3646
By Taint 2023-03-30 16:05:56
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Asura.Bynebill said: »
What's a current evisc set looking like assuming r20-25 ody augs?

Imagine having R25 ody augs and not being able to figure out an Evisceration set. #Asurathings

To be fair on Asura you can pay for all your Augments and clears. Not saying he did that but that isn't a great barometer for the server.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2023-03-31 06:36:26
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Asura.Bynebill said: »
general WS set + attack cap (geomancy working) sets.

General set like that for lets say Evisceration would have for example 5/5 R30 Gleti. What player with access to R30 Gleti would use that set for stuff when Geomancy is not nerfed?

On the other hand, person progressing through content with working geomancy wouldn't have access to R30 Gleti. Can you see the problem? :)
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2023-04-03 12:37:49
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figuring out the set on your own is fun, but rmt guy there for sure, He prob bought my r25 rp runs. Multi hit crit ws is easy to figure out its always priotising crit then dex,
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Posts: 24
By Kirakishou 2023-05-10 11:01:48
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Since the new update is out and we know what the final forms of the Prime weapons are going to be. Where would people put an early estimate of where the Mpu Gandring go in the tier list of other REMA weapons DNC can use? Would probably pretty hard to answer without know how the ftp scaling and ect works with the new WS and whatnot but why not theorize anyway.

DMG:130 Delay:176 DEX+30 AGI+30 CHR+30 Accuracy+30 Magic Accuracy+30 Dagger skill +269 Parrying skill +269 Magic Accuracy skill +269 "Triple Attack"+4% Merciless Strike Aftermath: Physical damage limit+

DMG:137 Delay:176 DEX+35 AGI+35 CHR+35 Accuracy+35 Magic Accuracy+35 Dagger skill +277 Parrying skill +277 Magic Accuracy skill +277 "Triple Attack"+6% Merciless Strike Aftermath: Physical damage limit+

My money is on that it is going to end up being; M>E>P>A. Also wouldn't be shocked if Gleti's knife is better for an offhand, when you need the acc that you can't get when you use the TP bonus dagger.
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Server: Shiva
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user: Cerderic
Posts: 463
By Shiva.Cerderic 2023-09-27 09:10:44
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I'm not seeing Skillchain Bonus considered on any of these WS sets. Are WSD/Crit always better or is this just overlooked? Maxixi Tights / Macu. Bangles / Warder's Charm. Assuming Nyame ~R25, I'm thinking Warder's Charm is the swap-in but let me know if I'm missing something.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Nickeny
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By Bismarck.Nickeny 2023-09-27 09:27:44
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As far as I remember, hitting harder would increase the Skillchain damage regardless
By Shichishito 2023-09-27 09:28:19
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Mastered DNC gets 31% skillchain bonus with nyame hands, legs and feet that puts you at 47%, adding in body you're already overcapping at 54%.

Adding skillchain bonus is very situational, if you know you're going to do a 2 step chain you'd need to add about double as much skillchain bonus than what you could get in WS dmg and that's assuming you always close without fail, the translation gets better the longer your chains get but if you have similar amount of WS dmg available it will always win over SC dmg cause SC dmg get's calculated based on WS damage.
Server: Asura
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user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2023-09-27 09:33:34
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So, the relatively short version:

You need to micromanage this. One set with high WSD for the opener, and then a second set with high WSD and SCB for the closer. And then you'd need to actively have some way to make sure you used the appropriate set for the opener, and the appropriate set for the closer, and hope you actually manage to chain.

A longer version:

Let's say you're doing Rudra's Storm, and have two sets. You have Set 1, which has 50% WSD, and Set 2, which has 30% WSD and 30% SCB. We're ignoring any other sources of anything, for simplicity's sake.

If you use only the first set, you do a 1.5x damage Rudra's to open, then a 1.5x damage Rudra's to close, and then a Skillchain: Darkness that does 100% of the closing WS's damage, for a grand total of 4.5 Rudra's worth of damage.

If you use the first set to open and the second set to close, you do a 1.5x damage Rudra's to open, then do a 1.3x damage Rudra's to close, and then do a Skillchain: Darkness with 1.3x the damage of the closer (1.3 x 1.3 = 1.69 (nice)). So, in this case, you'd do 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.69 = 4.49 Rudra's worth of damage, which is less than you'd do with the first set, and it'd get even worse if you failed to consistently chain, whereas the first set does the same amount whether it chains or not, and you don't need to worry about what set you're in.

Now, I chose those numbers to make a point: you need to math it out to see which is more damage. If you could make a 50% WSD opener set, and then a 40% WSD, 40% SCB closer, you'd do 1.5 + 1.4 + (1.4 * 1.4) = 4.86 Rudra's worth of damage when you successfully chain, or 2.9 Rudra's worth of damage when you fail to chain, which is, again, less than the 3.0 Rudra's you'd get with a 50% WSD set used twice.

It's a matter of whether you want consistency (and not having to micro, and not having to worry about getting interrupted), or want to gamble on getting a tiny bit more damage.

Edit: Max WSD, and then fit in as much SCB as you can.
Edit Edit: Assuming you don't give up so much attack or WSC or accuracy that your overall damage actually decreases from doing lower base damage, or lower overall accuracy, or [screams in too many variables]
Server: Shiva
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user: Cerderic
Posts: 463
By Shiva.Cerderic 2023-09-27 09:48:00
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Shichishito said: »
Mastered DNC gets 31% skillchain bonus with nyame hands, legs and feet that puts you at 47%, adding in body you're already overcapping at 54%.
It's not on the BGwiki list under Skillchain Bonus so I completely overlooked the SC Bonus on Nyame. Nevermind, looks like my question only factors in when you don't have Nyame yet.
Server: Asura
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user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2023-09-27 09:50:39
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A Mastered Dancer gets 31% Skillchain Bonus.

Relic 119 +3 Legs, Empyrean 119 +3 Head, Artifact 119 +3 Hands, gets you a total of 32% WSD. Throw in an Ambuscade cape, that's 42% WSD. Nyame Mail Path B Rank 7 gets you 4% WSD, bringing you up to 46%, Nyame Sollerets Path B Rank 7 gets you 4% WSD, bringing you up to 50% WSD.

You have a base of 31% Skillchain Bonus as a master dancer. Nyame Mail gives you 7%, bringing you up to 38%. Nyame Sollerets gives you 5%, bringing you up to 43%. Maculele Earring +2 gives you 7%, bringing you up to 50%.

So, I'd say, without doing any further math, that

Empy 119+3 Head, Nyame Body Path B, AF 119+3 Hands, Relic 119+3 Legs, Nyame Feet Path B, WSD Ambuscade Cape, and Maculele Earring +2 would be a core to build a Rudra's Storm set around.

Edit: typo
Server: Asura
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user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2023-09-27 09:52:29
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And, keep in mind, that, unless they really changed something in the like 4~6 years I've been gone, WSD from most sources only applies to the first hit of a multihit weapon skill, so that'd be a bad set for Kleos.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2938
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-09-27 10:22:03
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For those with R25 Nyame, are you still using AF gloves and relic legs? They have slightly higher DEX, but lose SCB and have massively worse defensive stats (if you get hit in WS set), plus Nyame has DA

Feels like only the Empy would be used?
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