The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*
By SimonSes 2022-11-16 02:52:45
I've tried my best to get Aeneas to compete with Twashtar (I have both at R15), and Twash just always wins for me in practice. Even if you can squeeze out better WS average with Aeneas, Empy AM (even AM1) on Twash ends up closing that gap and then some.
The situations where I find Aeneas comes into play are rather niche. Things like multistep Umbra SCs, or Aeolian Edge cleaving. If you only have Aeneas (and Tauret, which is definitely still worth getting regardless of what other options you have) available as a mainhand option, Aeneas is still a good weapon - it's just not as good as Twashtar.
I was trying to reproduce scenario he was asking about, which was solo and Rudra > Rudra SC so I assumed:
- Uncapped attack
- Malignance 4/5 + empy/relic feet (survivability with high TP gain)
In that scenario white damage is reduced (low attack, pdl doesnt work, low crit rate). In that scenario, sheet shows that both daggers have almost the same DPS, but Aeneas has higher Rudra damage, which means it would produce higher DPS if you add skillchain damage based on WS damage. Around 1400TP (before TP bonus) Twashtar WS damage catch up to Aeneas while still providing higher white damage and it starts winning.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10227
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-16 03:02:11
On the sheet when I tested things around with Aeneas R0 vs Twashtar R15 with that type of Rudra spamming I got results identical to Simon, despite the fact I conducted these tests a long time ago (I was using Ternion+1 R15 as OH for Twashtar, and Twashtar itself as OH for Aeneas).
When I tried to parse a few things I've done recently though, Twashtar MH always comes ahead for me. Odd...
And the difference only gets larger if for a few moments I'm able to OH Centovente.
But that's no surprise, we all know how powerful Twashtar MH can be if you can offhand Centovente.
By SimonSes 2022-11-16 04:02:00
On the sheet when I tested things around with Aeneas R0 vs Twashtar R15 with that type of Rudra spamming I got results identical to Simon, despite the fact I conducted these tests a long time ago (I was using Ternion+1 R15 as OH for Twashtar, and Twashtar itself as OH for Aeneas).
When I tried to parse a few things I've done recently though, Twashtar MH always comes ahead for me. Odd...
And the difference only gets larger if for a few moments I'm able to OH Centovente.
But that's no surprise, we all know how powerful Twashtar MH can be if you can offhand Centovente.
If you use waltzes or samba you increase part of white damage in your total damage. Every missed skillchain also push Twashtar ahead. Every tp overflow above 1400 push Twashtar ahead (including reverse flourish). Climactic flourish usually also favors Twashtar because people rarely do it with low TP Rudras, your instinct tells you to tp overflow it for higher number and then it also force big Crits on few melee hits, which also favors Twashtar. So in general, in real test it's easy to go outside of boundaries that you set in sheet.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2022-11-16 08:29:06
Personally I'd rather have terpsichore for aeolian edge cleaving than aeneas.
That's fair, if you have both options. But like you said, Mythic is quite the commitment, especially for a secondary choice. I would imagine it's more likely that your average endgame player might wind up choosing a dagger if they do Aeonics and run out of other stuff to pick, versus going down the very intentional grindy path of building Terpsichore (this is me too, I'm a Twash/Aeneas/Tauret DNC so I do still get some AE use out of Aeneas from my options).
Pretty straightforward these days though and I think we're basically saying the same thing:
1) Make a Twashtar if you really care about DNC (and/or THF)
2) Terpsichore at this point is more of a luxury item or for hardcore DNC, but certainly has its uses.
3) Aeneas isn't really a priority, but for those who happen to have one already (or can get Aeonics more easily than making an Empy or Mythic) and don't have Twash/Terp, it's a very solid option. I would agree that it's far from necessary due to Tauret existing and putting out relatively comparable damage... however, I *do* often get better DPS out of Aeneas than Tauret (even if I can't manage to get Aeneas to beat Twash) so it's not a bad choice for those without Empy/Mythic.
4) Tauret is excellent for non-RMEA and still has a place even for RMEA DNC (or THF) when you want to take advantage of crits or Evisceration. Useful for a lot of other jobs too: offhand for a COR, mainhand piercing option for lots of jobs that aren't primarily dagger users, etc.
I use Twash/Cento for multiplayer situations that require something to die quickly. For everything else I find Terp/Twash to be more entertaining. Which is to say I use Terp/Twash most of the time. Spamming the same WS over and over again doesn’t appeal to me as much as Evis > PK > Rudra mayhem, in addition to the insane TP gain that allows me to do sick melon grabs. I wouldn’t tell a new DNC player to make Terpsichore as a priority, unless of course they like fun. Then I’d say choose fun, because games are better when they’re fun. Fun to some is optimizing and pushing the most damage out in the shortest amount of time. I get it, I really do, but fun—I kinda like my version of that too. Also Aeneas can be great for making Radiance, but that’s literally the only thing I use it for.
By SimonSes 2022-11-16 09:45:59
Im not sure about that Umbra. I mena if SC matters that much, that you want to make 4step Umbra, then why not simply do 4 step double darkness with Twashtar/Cento? Both will be capped damage anyway and Twashtar will have higher WS damage too.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-11-16 11:54:06
I consider Terps more of a solo weapon these days, for a couple reasons:
1) PK's skillchain properties are awkward compared to the general modern standard so it's difficult to really exploit the extreme skillchain damage potential that we bake into our assumptions about the job if you have to rely on it in a group setting. Solo, you can make whatever allowances you need to make it shine, and it does, but in a group, having to lean on a WS without a Darkness or Light property is pretty bad.
2) Mythic Aftermath synergizes amazingly well with Malignance's complete lack of multihit, so Terps will let you fulltime 4/5 Malignance plus whatever other gear you need to hit 50% global DT and still comfortably land your self-scs, even with just Haste 2 from a trust.
I only ended up making Twashtar because I won a Rank 2 Bonanza prize, but the difference in output between Twash/Cent and Terps/Gleti was immediately obvious.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3692
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-11-17 16:08:16
Twash just always wins for me in practice.
On the sheet when I tested things around with Aeneas R0 vs Twashtar R15 with that type of Rudra spamming I got results identical to Simon
When I tried to parse a few things I've done recently though, Twashtar MH always comes ahead for me.
So in general, in real test it's easy to go outside of boundaries that you set in sheet.
We're basically all saying the same thing. Regardless of the theoretical spreadsheet math, in actual practical gameplay situations Twashtar ends up doing more damage.
When I play the game, I don't care whether I can configure a spreadsheet to make Aeneas do slightly more DPS on paper. I care about whether that's actually likely to happen in my real gameplay scenario, and in my experience Twash just outperforms Aeneas on a very consistent basis (even in the situations that should be as advantageous as possible for Aeneas).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Cassiani 2022-11-18 21:44:33
This it's particularly worthwhile to maintain AM3 with a corresponding gearset for DNC? The THF thread mentions AM3 isn't really worth it and to instead spam Rudra's, but I'm not sure if that varies for DNC
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-11-18 21:50:50
This it's particularly worthwhile to maintain AM3 with a corresponding gearset for DNC? The THF thread mentions AM3 isn't really worth it and to instead spam Rudra's, but I'm not sure if that varies for DNC
THF doesn't have Reverse Flourish to get it to 3k TP faster. Spamming Rudra's is great on DNC, too - that's why we're all in agreement that Twashtar is better damage - but DNC can also throw up AM3 more or less on-demand, so why not?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2022-11-19 02:20:10
Quote: This it's particularly worthwhile to maintain AM3 with a corresponding gearset for DNC? The THF thread mentions AM3 isn't really worth it and to instead spam Rudra's, but I'm not sure if that varies for DNC
Since when? Thief has always been and always will be my favorite job and I can assure you thief wants to maintain aftermath 3 when possible. Simon advocates a white damage crit focused build on thief that maximizes both crit damage, triple attack, and triple attack damage, which synergises with maintaining aftermath 3. I've used the build for a while and it's extremely effective. Even when I'm running a hybrid on thief I still want aftermath 3 up. And if not aftermath 3, then aftermath 2 at the very least. You always want aftermath 2 or 3 up when you're mainhanding twashtar. Especially since rudra's scales so efficiently up to 2k there's no reason to ever NOT have it up. It's perfectly fine to hold tp once every minute and a half to get that extra layer of white damage out. You lose very little damage holding tp to do so and the white damage you gain always makes up for it. The payoff is worth it.
By SimonSes 2022-11-19 04:30:34
Quote: This it's particularly worthwhile to maintain AM3 with a corresponding gearset for DNC? The THF thread mentions AM3 isn't really worth it and to instead spam Rudra's, but I'm not sure if that varies for DNC
Since when? Thief has always been and always will be my favorite job and I can assure you thief wants to maintain aftermath 3 when possible. Simon advocates a white damage crit focused build on thief that maximizes both crit damage, triple attack, and triple attack damage, which synergises with maintaining aftermath 3. I've used the build for a while and it's extremely effective. Even when I'm running a hybrid on thief I still want aftermath 3 up. And if not aftermath 3, then aftermath 2 at the very least. You always want aftermath 2 or 3 up when you're mainhanding twashtar. Especially since rudra's scales so efficiently up to 2k there's no reason to ever NOT have it up. It's perfectly fine to hold tp once every minute and a half to get that extra layer of white damage out. You lose very little damage holding tp to do so and the white damage you gain always makes up for it. The payoff is worth it.
I would argue that THF is both better for white damage build and for that reason is also much more viable with Gleti's offhand, which is when TP overflow with that setup doesn't hurt, since like you said Rudra scales very well. DNC with centovente offhand will lose damage tho, since you are at 3000 effective TP with just 1750TP, so going pass that won't do anything for Rudra. DNC gets less from AM3 too. That being said, I think it's still worth it to activate AM3 on DNC too or at least AM2 like Melliny suggested, especially that reverse flourish is now +1450TP if Im not mistaken, so with TP you get after WS, you are one round away from 2000+
By shastax 2022-11-26 10:26:08
How long does a samba effect last on a player who hits a mob that is inflicted with a Samba Daze effect? For example, if a DNC puts the Haste Daze on a mob, then a THF hits that mob only 1 time, how long does the haste effect last on the THF?
All the info I can find only specifies the duration of the effect on the mob, not the duration of the beneficial effect on other players.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-26 10:30:19
It makes their next round faster. If a player misses, then they have a delay to their next round as if Samba wasn't present. There is no "buff" on the player.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-20 23:18:44
Before I throw something together, does anyone have a Swift Blade set for DNC? Hepatizon Rapier +1/Demersal Degen +1.
(For dealing slashing damage on an Odyssey boss)
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-20 23:21:07
Aren't rapier types, pierce? Demersal should be as joyeous is.
No idea if either are, but you should find out before you burn a ki.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-20 23:23:29
Oh I don't know. I suppose I should test that out beforehand.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-12-20 23:24:29
Weapon skills are not affected by irregular damage types, so Swift Blade would still be slashing even with the rapiers.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-20 23:26:06
Warder of Temperence should tell me if these weapons are truly piercing damage (unless someone already knows).
By fillerbunny9 2022-12-20 23:28:43
Aren't rapier types, pierce? Demersal should be as joyeous is.
No idea if either are, but you should find out before you burn a ki. correct, Demersal is piercing during TP. Hepatizon Rapier(+1) I dunno.
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-20 23:30:56
Weapon skills are not affected by irregular damage types, so Swift Blade would still be slashing even with the rapiers.
The point is they won't be able to get tp (at all) or the white damage will be very low defeating the purpose.
Warder of Temperence should tell me if these weapons are truly piercing damage (unless someone already knows).
The mobs in romaeve would be faster
Fired Urn at (K-9/10) in Ro'Maeve (Only takes slashing damage)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-20 23:40:48
They don't work. Bummer. Still walled by Bonanza.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-12-21 07:49:03
The point is they won't be able to get tp (at all) or the white damage will be very low defeating the purpose.
odyssey is so *** stupid
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-21 08:38:56
The point is they won't be able to get tp (at all) or the white damage will be very low defeating the purpose.
odyssey is so *** stupid
nsfw I mean, if you stop trying to jam a square peg into a round ***
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-12-21 08:48:32
The point is they won't be able to get tp (at all) or the white damage will be very low defeating the purpose.
odyssey is so *** stupid
nsfw I mean, if you stop trying to jam a square peg into a round *** i had second thoughts about using the dancer forum to complain about how the main test of odyssey is the number of jobs you have geared, but then I thought, "no, actually, the forum of a second-tier niche job is the exact perfect place to complain about that"
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-21 10:10:50
It was actually just an idea for DNC in a B-team setup. It can still contribute with NFR/RF, Gleti's set, and Tact in the lobby to provide steps/HS, but I thought there may be a way DNC could contribute to damage with a BST by using swords. Oh well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2022-12-28 14:35:36
Speaking of weird sets.
I was looking at Machulele Casaque +3 and was interested in what weaponskills that 70% crit + forced double attack might be worth it on. And it got me thinking about Raging Fists with Karambits. It could also be useful to Swift Blade but I'm not sure about that one yet.
On dagger weaponskills maybe Sharkbite when your doing Bumba?
Extenterator will always be trash, but would this actually be more useful for PK when Flourish III is up?
By Nariont 2022-12-28 15:34:30
was some talk on it on the last page when emp+3 came out, its pretty good for PK, would imagine it's similarly good for RF
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Asura.Volteczero 2023-01-03 15:40:25
What's everyone's dagger of choice for Xevioso? debating between r15aeneas/gleti vs r15twash/gleti since I don't think I'll be able to use cento on this fight
Server: Asura
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Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2023-01-03 16:11:41
Dnc's ACC is op if that is what you are worried about for that nm. Twash/Cento should be fine.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3692
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-01-03 17:02:48
Even if you do run into acc issues (e.g., on higher vengeance levels), Twash/Gleti is almost always better than Aeneas/Gleti. I see no reason that wouldn't hold true for Xevioso.