The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-06-08 19:22:10
Quote: Was checking out the guide again to revise my sets, it feels like for the ws sets anything under pyrrhic kleos is not updated or I'm just bad at dnc gearing?
Don't use exenterator. It's a bad weaponskill. Regardless what your current state of gear progression is, evisceration and rudra's storm are going to be your primary bread and butter weaponskills. Pyrrhic kleos is not worth using if you don't have terpsichore btw. It's also not a very strong weaponskill by itself. The reason pyrrhic becomes usable with terpsichore is because at rank 15 terpsichore gives it a flat 49.5% damage boost on every hit just tauret does for evisceration, in addition to the mythic aftermath terpsi provides.
As for general gearing tips, your main non-rema daggers worth aiming for are gleti's knife, tauret, ternion +1, and crepuscular knife. As far as REMA daggers go, twashter is generally a better REMA for pure offense, but terpsichore is still useful (especially when you're supporting more and spamming waltzes) and its just darn fun. A mix of malignance, gleti's, nyame, and JSE is what most end game dnc generally aim for with their gearing. Herculean armor can be replaced by gleti's and nyame entirely once you get some mastery ranks on them without any notable loss. The extra defensive stats you get from the oddy equipment is worth it if you ask me. The amalric and herc stuff listed on the front page is still pretty current though. But once you get your oddy equipment high enough you'll probably prefer to swap over to it instead. The defense you get from it is really hard to pass up and the difference in the max DPS versus hybrid options just doesn't warrant the survivability tradeoff imo.
And yes, the optimal aeolian edge set is 5/5 nyame. But nyame doesn't actually overtake the better herculean options for pure damage until roughly ranks 15-20. It's still a good set defensively of course, but depending on your level of oddy progress if all you want is harder hitting aeolian edges then max auged herc is the way to go until that point. Getting the oddy sets to rank 15-20 ++ opens up a lot of dps potential, and that's one of the biggest current goals.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-06-08 19:34:53
Quote: Was checking out the guide again to revise my sets, it feels like for the ws sets anything under pyrrhic kleos is not updated or I'm just bad at dnc gearing?
Don't use exenterator. It's a bad weaponskill. Regardless what your current state of gear progression is, evisceration and rudra's storm are going to be your primary bread and butter weaponskills. Pyrrhic kleos is not worth using if you don't have terpsichore btw. It's also not a very strong weaponskill by itself. The reason pyrrhic becomes usable with terpsichore is because at rank 15 terpsichore gives it a flat 49.5% damage boost on every hit just tauret does for evisceration, in addition to the mythic aftermath terpsi provides.
As for general gearing tips, your main non-rema daggers worth aiming for are gleti's knife, tauret, ternion +1, and crepuscular knife. As far as REMA daggers go, twashter is generally a better REMA for pure offense, but terpsichore is still useful (especially when you're supporting more and spamming waltzes) and its just darn fun. A mix of malignance, gleti's, nyame, and JSE is what most end game dnc generally aim for with their gearing. Herculean armor can be replaced by gleti's and nyame entirely once you get some mastery ranks on them without any notable loss. The extra defensive stats you get from the oddy equipment is worth it if you ask me. The amalric and herc stuff listed on the front page is still pretty current though. But once you get your oddy equipment high enough you'll probably prefer to swap over to it instead. The defense you get from it is really hard to pass up and the difference in the max DPS versus hybrid options just doesn't warrant the survivability tradeoff imo.
And yes, the optimal aeolian edge set is 5/5 nyame. But nyame doesn't actually overtake the better herculean options for pure damage until roughly ranks 15-20. It's still a good set defensively of course, but depending on your level of oddy progress if all you want is harder hitting aeolian edges then max auged herc is the way to go until that point. Getting the oddy sets to rank 15-20 ++ opens up a lot of dps potential, and that's one of the biggest current goals.
Yeah consider I got all nyame r20 going to soon push 25, so kinda just trying to clean inventory space from obsolete gear, been looking at all my jobs using herc to see if it's justified using still. I'll keep in mind for pyrrhic too so I can save some space there too :).
I already got a lot of the gear for the job I'm just bad at making gearsets especially for ws so I tend to follow the guides a lot more than my gear says I should, got 4/5 relic +3 (just not done gloves) got most of af +2, empy +1, 5/5 maglig, r20 nyame, working at some point on gleti r20 but got the knife, aeneas, and other things. Just yeah, I play too many jobs so I'm bad at making sets on my own :).
Missing twashtar and some other random stuff but yeah, was mainly trying to cut down on obsolete gear cause 80/80 on all wardrobes due to playing more than 15 jobs and it seemed weird not to 5/5 nyame for shark bite since I only use it for ws linking, and no idea if the gear for evisceration on the main page is still relevant and things like that. I appreciate the extreme dedication but if I was carrying 10 herc augs for all my jobs I'd have no space to play... so gotta find something to cut and not sure if dnc needs the herc anymore...
edit: forgot to thanks for the info also, already changing some gearsets!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-06-08 19:46:29
Quote: Yeah consider I got all nyame r20 going to soon push 25, so kinda just trying to clean inventory space from obsolete gear, been looking at all my jobs using herc to see if it's justified using still. I'll keep in mind for pyrrhic too so I can save some space there too :).
That makes things simple enough. It sounds like you know what you're doing as well. My gear sets are pretty simple. I've maxed out my gleti's and herculean sets to rank 25 completely so I've chucked all of my herculean gear onto a mule and I don't miss any of it. I mainhand either terpsichore or twashter depending on fight and my mood, with gleti's knife offhand. I use 5/5 gleti's for both pyrrhic kleos and evisceration, and 5/5 nyame for rudra's with the exception of climactic which is 4/5 nyame and the empyrean head. The empyrean head is always worth using for climactic. The boost is just too strong. I run 5/5 malignance when I'm maining terpsichore for tp and my twashter tp set is either the same as the one on the front page aimed at maximizing empyrean aftermath's white damage potential or 5/5 malignance (again, depending on the amount of danger associated with the fight).
If your oddy progress is as high as you say it is you can safely eliminate a lot of the older equipment without any noticable change. It's extra baggage and the difference between the pieces performance wise is so small you don't even notice it. One of the nicest things about having oddy equipment at high ranks is the inventory you can save with it.
Quote: I appreciate the extreme dedication but if I was carrying 10 herc augs for all my jobs I'd have no space to play... so gotta find something to cut and not sure if dnc needs the herc anymore...
It really doesn't. From the sounds of it your progress is more than sufficient that you won't miss it.
By Hopalong 2022-06-08 21:33:46
Don't throw away your Herc TreasureHunter equips tho ^.-
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2022-06-09 14:11:06
For PK I use
ItemSet 384983
For shark bite
ItemSet 384984
For Evis
ItemSet 384985
For Exen
ItemSet 384986
PK I only replace rudras with if I'm really attack capped Evis is pretty powerful if your very lightly buffed but falls behind other options once you start getting buffs Exen I only use for skillchain purposes which is why its mostly skillchain damage
By Afania 2022-06-09 21:01:30
Don't use exenterator. It's a bad weaponskill
Bad or not you need them to activate umbra, may as well to keep an updated set.
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By Afania 2022-07-15 04:35:14
Has anyone tried to bring Karambit DNC to Ngai for steps/haste samba/cures? How good is it without TK from /MNK? Anyone has Karambit TP/WS sets that they can share?
I'm thinking of trying shark with this setup:
War/MNK or PUP or DNC/club rdm or Blu or DNC or melee geo/cor/BRD/whm.
(The reason why I'm bringing DNC for this because for us filthy casuals curing iz hard lol)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-07-15 07:59:40
The reason groups bring monk and warrior as the standard dd's to ngai is because Monk has really bonkers white damage and caps subtle blow, and warrior has similar white damage as the monk with judgment spam. Your setup will work up to vengence 10 or so, maybe even on 15 with recent gear creep (maybe not though, it's hard to say), but it won't do for vengence 20 in any way shape or form. Karambit dancer's are limited to asuran fists and that's a pretty garbage weaponskill compared to the real H2H weaponskills that monk can use, and dancer has much lower white damage, lacks impetus, has no native martial arts, and isn't capping subtle blow. That's going to make the fight vastly more difficult than if you just went with the standard setup.
Raging fists, Howling fist, tornado kick, and dragon kick are all exclusive to monk or puppetmaster and dancer can't use them without a sub job. The lack of martial arts also means you aren't capping your attack speed either. That's going to utterly cripple your ability to kill ngai on higher vengences if you slot dancer in as a primary DD.
By Afania 2022-07-15 08:17:39
The reason groups bring monk and warrior as the standard dd's to ngai is because Monk has really bonkers white damage and caps subtle blow, and warrior has similar white damage as the monk with judgment spam. Your setup will work up to vengence 10 or so, maybe even on 15 with recent gear creep (maybe not though, it's hard to say), but it won't do for vengence 20 in any way shape or form. Karambit dancer's are limited to asuran fists and that's a pretty garbage weaponskill compared to the real H2H weaponskills that monk can use, and dancer has much lower white damage, lacks impetus, and isn't capping subtle blow. That's going to make the fight vastly more difficult than if you just went with the standard setup.
From pure DPS perspective, if 2 DD setup using PUP+MNK can clear v20 with 5 min left, I'm not seeing how one dnc buffing 2 other DD with haste samba and capping box/feather step can't even do enough dmg for v15, even if that DNC do 0 damage on the parse. Remember war isn't capping delay with judgement build, so their DPS would be way higher with samba.
The only question is if debuffs from rdm or geo or MNK is necessary to survive. I don't think DPS is a problem from what I've seen with DDs dmg today.
If I actually know anyone with BLU leveled, I'd actually rep DNC with Blu for heal lol.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2022-07-15 08:29:16
We've done it WAR DNC BRD GEO COR WHM.
By Nariont 2022-07-15 08:35:45
As far as karambit TP sets go, think this is still pretty up-to-date
ItemSet 375142
There's no way to cap delay, youll still be round 11~ MA short as well as only having 38/75 SB if that's a concern, guess you could slide in another chirch but donno if itd be worth the trade off. Karambit asuran isnt terrible, think its the best thing to use even if you have the other h2h options available unless you can build over 2k which with reverse flourish can happen but otherwise just spamming at as close to 1k is the better overall dmg
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-07-15 09:21:44
If you use that tp set on ngai you'll end up dying horribly. You need to stay in defensive builds the whole fight. Malignance is a must for him, even on vengence 15. He hits WAY too hard to wear non-hybrid builds. The accessories are fine, but you can't fight him without a hybrid build. Malignance all the way.
By Afania 2022-07-15 10:10:37
What about WS set? I'm thinking either gleti for str vit stats or Nyame for high attack, fotia x2 and whatever STR attack accessories. I'm not sure if I miss something better.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-07-15 11:48:10
If your gleti is unaugmented, I would just go full nyame for survivability, maybe slot in gleti body for the PDL.
By Nariont 2022-07-15 11:54:30
If you use that tp set on ngai you'll end up dying horribly. You need to stay in defensive builds the whole fight. Malignance is a must for him, even on vengence 15. He hits WAY too hard to wear non-hybrid builds. The accessories are fine, but you can't fight him without a hybrid build. Malignance all the way.
I'm aware, that was just the last set i could find which was just as much tp you could pump out of the build, more than likely youll be turtling in malig/gleti's
gleti's at atk cap obviously, otherwise it's... likely still gelti's or nyame as mentioned really, you want acc/atk since AF can't MA at all, highest atk options would be either aug'd gleti's or i think some relic pieces but those don't provide much defense either
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-07-15 12:13:21
Asuran Fist's mods are 15% strength and 15% vitality. Every single piece of gleti's armor is higher in both of those stats than nyame. The full set of Gleti's has 169 str and 175 Vit whereas nyame has only 144 str and 152 vit. So for pure damage you're better off going 5/5 gleti's, but it comes at the cost of magic evasion. Nyame is better defensively. I'd start with 5/5 gleti's and then if you find yourself dying in your weaponskill set swap to nyame if it becomes a problem.
By Creecreelo 2022-07-15 16:34:56
I've got a fair bit of experience with Dnc and Karambit; it's a bit of a dark horse I'd say when it comes to Odyssey. I've gone Dnc to quite a few Odyssey farm runs and Ngai by this point, so I could maybe offer some insight to my own experiences.
When I first started messing with Dnc H2H, I tried /mnk in order to open up better WSs. However, I realized that Dnc's greatest strength with H2H was that it had Haste Samba, and honestly doesn't seem to need any Martial Arts, which is great for allowing your base TP/hit to not be hindered. And while /mnk WSs were nice, they could still be inconsistent, which can really be annoying in farms, and going /drg and spamming the hell out of AF seemed better.
For mobs that seemed too strong to survive a quick AFx2, I'd hold TP a bit after the first AF (maybe throw in a Jump or High Jump for a quick TP boost) and close a Fusion SC with Combo. Combo can hit pretty decently, certainly harder than AF at higher TP, especially with multi-hit. Can always follow up with an AF right afterwards to kill or make a Grav; this would only usually be needed on a mamool beastman though if att buffs weren't good (SV is a huge). Typically I'd try to avoid Mamool beastmen when on higher floors with SV down, as my time was usually better spent on other mobs (for example, Dnc excels very well on undead mobs like Skellies and Ghosts, or just going on a tear with one-shotting mobs with CF Rudra).
TP generation with Karambit is absolutely *** insane on Dnc, especially combined with buffs like Sam Roll and Saber Dance. As /drg with Sam roll, TP return on AF often seems to land between 400-520~ TP just from WSing. Very often you'll only need one attack round and you can immediately AF again.
I'm sure /sam could be great for further TP generation with Karambit, however /sam offers nothing in the way of Att, which H2H Dnc REALLY needs. Gleti's obviously benefits hugely from att, and dmg will really fall off when it's low. Overall, I really like /drg's Smite, Att Bonus, WS Dmg traits, and jumps, but /drk could maybe be an interesting sub at higher MLs due to the higher Att bonuses/LR/Smite 3/Dmg Limit+ 3.
When it comes to Dnc on the shark, the trio of Geo/Dnc/War is quite nice, as the Haste Samba can greatly help the War and Geo's club TP. The shark itself of course, can still just be a total PITA. Dnc can be a great help with assisting with heals; Trance and spamming DW2 for 0 TP can be super nice.
In the end though, even if you have great defensive gear/buffs/great whm, sometimes the shark will just catch you (HP- is such a pain), especially with Def-/MDB- auras. Ideally though, once steps are set up, the Dnc won't have to support heal too much and they can just spam AF back to back to back to back. AF dmg won't be nearly as much as Club WSs, but the speed at which they can come out really helps make up ground. I'm not sure if I'd say Dnc is necessarily better than Geo/Blu/War or Geo/Mnk/War, but it certainly is viable and fun, which is pretty neat.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 765
By Asura.Lunafreya 2022-08-10 05:26:22
Maculele Tiara +2:
DEF:121 HP+61 STR+26 DEX+33 VIT+22 AGI+34 INT+16 MND+16 CHR+16 Accuracy+51 Attack+61 Magic Accuracy+51 Evasion+99 Magic Evasion+89 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+8% "Store TP"+9 Weapon skill damage +8% Climactic Flourish: Critical hit rate +1 Critical hit damage +28% Set: Augments "Samba"
Maculele Casaque +2:
DEF:154 HP+83 STR+35 DEX+43 VIT+29 AGI+43 INT+26 MND+26 CHR+27 Accuracy+54 Attack+54 Magic Accuracy+54 Evasion+105 Magic Evasion+99 "Magic Def. Bonus"+9 Haste+4% "Dual Wield"+11 "Subtle Blow"+13 Damage taken -13% Striking Flourish: "Double Attack" critical hit rate +65% Set: Augments "Samba"
Maculele Bangles +2:
DEF:111 HP+47 STR+22 DEX+48 VIT+35 AGI+22 INT+18 MND+36 CHR+23 Accuracy+52 Attack+52 Magic Accuracy+52 Evasion+86 Magic Evasion+73 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+5% "Skillchain Bonus"+12 "Reverse Flourish"+13 Damage taken -10% Set: Augments "Samba"
Maculele Tights +2:
DEF:134 HP+70 STR+39 VIT+21 AGI+35 INT+35 MND+22 CHR+16 Accuracy+53 Attack+53 Magic Accuracy+53 Evasion+97 Magic Evasion+105 "Magic Def. Bonus"+8 Dagger skill +33 Haste+6% "Critical Parry"+23 Physical damage limit +7% Set: Augments "Samba"
Maculele Toe Shoes +2:
DEF:92 HP+35 STR+22 DEX+34 VIT+17 AGI+52 MND+17 CHR+38 Accuracy+50 Attack+50 Magic Accuracy+50 Evasion+130 Magic Evasion+105 "Magic Def. Bonus"+8 Haste+5% "Store TP"+11 "Feather Step"+5 Damage taken -9% Set: Augments "Samba"
Skillchain Bonus +5/6/7, PDL + 7/8/9
Tiara is awesome as expected. More sources of PDL is…interesting.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2022-08-10 07:00:32
More reasons to use Twash and Aeneas over terps. I hate it here.
Will be getting it tho…
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 765
By Asura.Lunafreya 2022-08-10 07:28:01
Not like you can't clim rudra with Terps :) especially with all the over-TP'ing you do.
The Terp vs Twash stuff I've seen in this thread and in the community in general is overblown. Just recently made Twash after being Terp only for a long long time, and it's clear each dagger has its place in DNC's arsenal.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Butmunch 2022-08-10 07:33:00
the feet is best in slot for DNC eva set AGI-52 EVA-130 vs AGI-49 EVA-119 on malignance
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 08:48:43
The body and legs are a let down. I'm pretty sure you never use the body because that 11 dual wield is just so much loss of tp and the legs just look to me like a worse gleti's breeches. Maybe I'm missing something here and if I am feel free to point it out, but neither of these two pieces impress me.
Tiara is amazing as always. Absolute powerhouse for rudra's storm. Doesn't change anything whether you mainhand terpsi or twashtar either. You just use it and it's good. Both terpsi and twash have their place and both want the upgraded tiara.
Hands and feet are worth upgrading for the extra JA potencies alone. We already carry the bangles for reverse flourish and the feet for feather step, and the +2 add more potency than the +1. Not the highest priority upgrade, but still worth it. Also I just noticed the feet have store tp + 11. Hello?!? Malignance boots only have 9 sTP, and the toe shoes have 5 more -dt to boot. BiS tp feet hands down...without question.
Earring is interesting if nothing else. It has PDL on top of skillchain bonus. I wouldn't want it just for the skillchain bonus alone though. You end up with the same conundrum as the artifact legs, where it ends up being better to just add damage stats and make the weaponskills hit harder, because harder hitting weaponskills also make skillchain damage bigger and they still impact damage when you don't close a skillchain. So it would be mandatory for you to take advantage of the PDL bonus, otherwise Odr earring would be a better weaponskill earring because of the 10 dex.
By SimonSes 2022-08-10 08:54:11
Like I wrote in Update thread earring is crazy powerful if you can hit attack. It's equivalent to ~44DEX in current Rudra set. All that before even knowing augment/s on it. I'm hyped for earrings more than for gear :D
By suuhja 2022-08-10 10:07:57
Also I just noticed the feet have store tp + 11. Hello?!? Malignance boots only have 9 sTP, and the toe shoes have 5 more -dt to boot. BiS tp feet hands down...without question.
Have you met Relic feet?
By SimonSes 2022-08-10 10:30:10
Also I just noticed the feet have store tp + 11. Hello?!? Malignance boots only have 9 sTP, and the toe shoes have 5 more -dt to boot. BiS tp feet hands down...without question.
Have you met Relic feet?
Relics are great, but no always you can face your enemy.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 11:54:49
Quote: Relics are great, but no always you can face your enemy.
That's the context I was thinking in. Relic is far easier to use when I'm soloing. Whenever I'm in a group I spend far more time flanking mobs than I do facing them because they either spin around like a top or they die so fast that it's a race to target the next mob and weaponskill it before someone else gets to it first. I'd rather just use the empyrean feet when I'm in a group for that reason. I also spend a lot of time mainhanding terpsicore, so the "improved malignance" aspect of the feet is more interesting to me. It's a strong piece. I like the stats they gave our feet.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-08-29 09:40:08
Although low in Meva compared to Malignance and Nyame they are in fact a great addition for DNC tanking. AGI and evasion on them is currently unmatched and DT -9 on feet slot is huge which brings a great option for fan dance merit and counter builds.
Besides tiara, feet are the most welcome upgrade of the set for me.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-29 10:45:28
I also had Head and Feet ranked #1 and #2 respectively. As mentioned, Feet are a direct upgrade, and don't necessarily compete with Relic feet because Closed Position is mob-directional, so only utilized if you are soloing.
The body isn't terrible completely. DNC gets 32 subtle blow at master, so body caps SB1 in a TP set. It's not ideal, but it frees up ear/ring combination slots. If you're ever not magical haste capped, you can utilize the DW and it's not really a detriment. One use case is in Sortie, where your party may split up after buffs. DNC is self-sufficient enough to run off and complete some objectives solo, but if songs wear off, you can throw on a DW set and keep rolling.
edit: I suppose I should mention that R25 Gleti's legs also has Subtle Blow +13 and doesn't have the DW, so there's other way to hit the cap in one slot.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-08-29 12:09:05
What legs are en vogue these days? Still Malignance? Perfect Samnuha? Relic+3 with Saber Dance up? It kind of feels like Malignance might still be best?
The Empy+2 legs are good for flourish and steps, at least.
By SimonSes 2022-08-29 12:19:29
Anyone checked if they haven't "fixed" Critical hit damage on head to not be an unique multiplier? I honestly can expect everything from SE now XD