The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*

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The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-05-06 08:59:55
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If BLU and BRD puller/tank is any indication, I think DNC would work quite well. You'd probably would need to supertank instead of trying to aoe tag mobs because it's quite hard to get a good SIRD set that's also capped DT on DNC. Maybe have the healer to keep accession aquaveil up for you if you want to aoe tag. Not sure what the enmity generation is like with waltzes, if it's like cure spells, divine waltz should work well for enmity.
By Afania 2022-05-06 10:41:12
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Asura.Aburaage said: »
If BLU and BRD puller/tank is any indication, I think DNC would work quite well. You'd probably would need to supertank instead of trying to aoe tag mobs because it's quite hard to get a good SIRD set that's also capped DT on DNC. Maybe have the healer to keep accession aquaveil up for you if you want to aoe tag. Not sure what the enmity generation is like with waltzes, if it's like cure spells, divine waltz should work well for enmity.

I'm thinking that with capped evasion and BRD sleeping mobs I wouldn't need a SIRD set. Sitting in SIRD or FC set will lower my evasion and make myself get hit too.

That being said I still kinda prefer keeping mobs hate on tank for as long as possible so DD can sit in DT set less time.

Anyways, thanks for input guys!
By dreke 2022-05-07 22:21:18
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Does anyone have a working Ashitacast xml similar to the gearswap lua in this guide?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-05-11 12:36:39
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Anyone know if it's possible to cap waltz potency recieved with currently available gears?
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-05-11 13:11:58
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I believe it is not. I only see 20% available:

I think we know the cap is 30% because SE told us.
Posts: 51
By Penpenn 2022-05-11 13:26:23
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I believe it is not. I only see 20% available:

I think we know the cap is 30% because SE told us.

I think you are missing Gleti's Knife, has 10% Waltz on it as well. That would put you to the 30% mark.

EDIT: Nevermind... you totally said received and not total waltz potency - my mistake
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-05-11 15:34:43
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I believe it is not. I only see 20% available:

I think we know the cap is 30% because SE told us.

I've always thought it was just a reasonable assumption that Waltz Potency Received has the same cap as Cure Potency Received, which we know is 30%. Given that Waltz Potency has the same 50% cap as Cure Potency, that sounds pretty logical. But perhaps SE did mention it at some point.

And yeah, 20% potency received is the most we can get right now, with the 3 items Byrth mentioned: 9% Mummu +2 head, 8% AF+3 body (along with 19% potency and Waltz recast -2sec), 3% Asklepian Ring. Perhaps they'll stick some more on one of the Empy +2/+3 reforge pieces, or one of the upcoming JSE accessories the devs mentioned.

FWIW, a way overcapped Waltz set showing current best in slot Waltz potency pieces + max Potency received (excluding augmented Herculean gear):
ItemSet 384603

Personally, I use the following set for capped potency and PDT- (and capped MDT, assuming you have Shell):
ItemSet 384604
The above gives:
* Waltz Potency +54% (over capped by 4%)
* Waltz Potency Received +17% (I don't bother carrying Asklepian Ring for 3% these days, but use it if you like)
* DT-38% (3% from Odnowa+1 augment)
* PDT-14% (PDT-10% on cape, 4% on Flume +1)
* MDT-2% (Odnowa base stats)

- I tend to use Gleti's offhand for my DNC, but if you don't you would need to replace that loss of 10% potency from the weapon. Etoile Gorget NQ/+1/+2 (5%/7%/10%) or Maxixi Toeshoes +1/+2/+3 (10%/12%/14%) are probably the most likely candidates. Or, could use a 5% potency piece like Toetapper's Mantle or Roundel Earring (and if that leaves you at 49% potency, IMO it's no big deal to miss out on that last 1% - but LOL why couldn't they have just made AF body 20% instead of 19% to make that a little cleaner?)

- For max waltz numbers you'd want to use highest possible CHR in free slots. I'm not a fan of that approach, I'd rather waltz in DT- gear in case I take a hit instead of trying to squeeze out a tiny bit more in HP cured.

- I don't bother making a separate set for waltzes targeting myself versus targeting others, but feel free to do that (or automate it) if you want. You'll still want AF body either way, so you're really just swapping out (1) Mummu head for either a potency piece (i.e., Horos Tiara), defensive option (Nyame, Malignance), or Anwig Salade with waltz recast -2sec augment, and (2) Asklepian Ring if you're using that for potency received (swap that either with a defensive ring, or CHR for stronger waltzes).
Server: Asura
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user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-05-18 22:25:07
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Was wondering since I'm catching up on JP on dnc, for AE in crawler's, since dnc is not on malevolence do we go sub /rdm? Also I imagine it's the front page set but 5/5 nyame r20/25 ideally? Daggers I guess aeneas/tauret if centovente in OH not available? Sibyl scarf better than baetyl?


edit: should've clarified, had some complaints of doing low AE dmg and trying to fix it, not sure what sub to use in general there <.<
Posts: 2735
By Nariont 2022-05-19 01:13:52
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/drg is probably slightly better, dagger combo sounds right though might be missing something better and yes scarf beats pendant handily
Posts: 53
By suuhja 2022-05-19 01:17:17
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Asura.Neviskio said: »
Was wondering since I'm catching up on JP on dnc, for AE in crawler's, since dnc is not on malevolence do we go sub /rdm? Also I imagine it's the front page set but 5/5 nyame r20/25 ideally? Daggers I guess aeneas/tauret if centovente in OH not available? Sibyl scarf better than baetyl?

Went out and tinkered with this a bit on Dho Gates apex mobs --

Holding tp past 1k doesn't seem worth it for the damage increase it provides. Damage numbers spamming at 1k had aeneas + tp bonus > tauret + tp bonus > aeneas + tauret > tauret + kaja, so accuracy allowing the tp bonus dagger is good. You may find on beetles in cnest that not be the case, depending on your buffs. Make sure to use reverse flourish on cooldown, right after a weapon skill.

For subjob, probably BLM or DRG for the MAB or WSD traits respectively. For gear, Nyame like you said, or any particularly juicy dark matter augs you might possess.
Server: Asura
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user: Lordtrey
Posts: 24
By Asura.Lordtrey 2022-05-19 02:08:11
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you should also try tauret/lavante.

Ok, i just checked, I assumed DNC would get access to Lavante, but also a no. Of course you can use swords, so I don't have to look at Neageling or Vampirism.

I wouldn't discount blurred +1 or raetic/+1 or making a follow up attack horos and offhanding tauret. Adding an extra attack to 40% of all swings with that dagger is really often over looked TP gain. They are better for TP gain that the STP variants.

Its a different direction to go. But its all about DPS, not max WS damaged per se.

Its so much easier on COR and RNG. Can uses tauret/neagling on cor and malevolenceses on RNG with a TP bonus Ranged and MAB or WSD ammo. Its actually pretty hax. its basically any magic AOE was job or BLU can have so much fun. On war I prefer cataclysm. I even once saw a pld really tearing it up with AE. I honestly didn't even know they could use the was. But its the easiest way to get EP out of the way on any job that can find a way to spam some AOE as fast as they can. BLU still likey wins at AOE spam. Just no more CJ EP :(
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Rudra
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-05-19 05:38:28
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I'll probably suggest you to /pld if you're going with trusts especially since dnc doesnt have a similar retaliation JA for tp gain. I recently finished my war ml29 to 30 in nest. And w/o sentinel i wasnt able to hold hate on the mobs after the first two earth crushers, no matter the numbers of mobs 15 or 30, no mattet i used warcry, they still went to the healer after the first two ws's, and this include war tp gain using retaliation and fast ws spam above 2k tp which dnc cant do i think
Server: Asura
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user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-05-19 07:42:07
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Thanks for all the suggestion, yeah I was stunned on how poorly I was doing compared to my other dagger jobs on my setup, was told I was doing 10k avg with idris geo, there was a bit of conjecture if the mobs were tagged okay and whatnot but I ws doing much less than the rdm and about equal with the cor, but had a feeling the cor was not super geared.

I'll make the improvements and try again, completely didn't think about /drg so fingers crossed I don't get called out again <.<
Server: Asura
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Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2022-05-24 12:59:19
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Does un-augmented gleti's have any place in any type of sets for DNC?
Server: Fenrir
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user: melphina
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-05-24 13:51:18
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Un augmented gleti's knife ranks just a step below ternion dagger +1 in performance, which is perfectly acceptable if you don't have anything better. Even at rank 0 is very strong, and it only gets better once you start augmenting it. It's one of the best offhands we have access to no matter how you slice it. It's just good!
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-05-24 15:44:20
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Un augmented gleti's knife ranks just a step below ternion dagger +1 in performance

I'd emphasize "just a step below" - they're pretty close, and your mainhand might change the decision.

Twashtar or Aeneas mainhand get more out of Ternion +1 due to the WSD+5% impact on Rudra's Storm. Terpsichore also would favor Ternion +1 R15 > Gleti R0 offhand.

Tauret mainhand will get more out of Gleti's due to Evisceration not being heavily impacted by WSD + more impacted by Crit rate. Some very quick checks on an older spreadsheet seem to suggest Tauret/Gleti (spamming Evisceration) slightly ahead of Tauret/Ternion even at capped atk, and Gleti obviously does even better when atk is uncapped.

And if anyone has a relatively up-to-date spreadsheet, feel free to share ;) I think the one I had saved was last updated in 2018, maybe that came from Simonses?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2022-05-25 14:04:43
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Un augmented gleti's knife ranks just a step below ternion dagger +1 in performance, which is perfectly acceptable if you don't have anything better. Even at rank 0 is very strong, and it only gets better once you start augmenting it. It's one of the best offhands we have access to no matter how you slice it. It's just good!

I use Twashtar and tp dagger.
Posts: 5
By kenos 2022-06-02 01:02:31
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I know there aren't too many use cases for DNC with Karambit as a weapon when compared to REMA, but now that sub monk is available with kick attacks I've been loving the tp generation on lower evasion content.

I've tried looking through other job forums for decent Asuran fist builds or Tornado Kick builds. What should I focus on, MA? Crit? Flat WSD? Just getting some more main stat?

Current Set (in lua form since I don't know how to link the cool boxes) Nomally low-buff low-man content Crit-focused.

ammo="Charis Feather",
neck="Fotia Gorget",
head="Adhemar Bonnet",
body="Meghanada Cuirie +2",
hands="Maxixi Bangles +3",
left_ear="Odr Earring",
ear2="Moonshade Earring",
legs="Mummu Kecks +2",
feet="Mummu Gamashes +2",
ring1="Mummu Ring",
ring2="Karieyh Ring",
back={ name="Senuna's Mantle", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','STR+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}},
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2022-06-02 05:41:41
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Asuran cant crit, Tornado can't crit.
Generally for low buff you want mainly attack, STR and WSD(less important) for Asuran and attack, multi-attack and WSD (Starting ratio is 1%TA==2%DA==4%WSD) for Tornado. It's hard to say what you have access to, so I will stop on that.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1824
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-06-02 07:05:34
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I assume they are talking about pairing them with climactic for crit.

WotG CS nostalgia is hitting hard.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2022-06-02 10:37:13
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
I assume they are talking about pairing them with climactic for crit.

WotG CS nostalgia is hitting hard.

I doubt that. Pairing with CF would mean there is no need for crit rate (which he has a lot in this set) and head would be Empy+1, because it's the best head for CF by far. Also Asuran is terrible to pair with CF, because CF only force crit on first hit and Asuran has 8 of them. Tornado would be slightly better, but Ternary flourish might possibly be a better idea anyway.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1824
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-06-02 20:42:15
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Now my brain is asking if that is also how sneak and trick work for thf. If it's only the first hit that crits or if the first one crits and the rest are based on crit rate.
Posts: 2735
By Nariont 2022-06-02 21:23:11
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Sa/ta force a crit on the 1st hit of a phys ws regardless of if it crits naturally or not. All hits after behave normally, how its always been.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1824
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-06-02 21:58:10
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Ty for the response
Posts: 5
By kenos 2022-06-04 21:47:38
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SimonSes said: »
Asuran cant crit, Tornado can't crit.
Generally for low buff you want mainly attack, STR and WSD(less important) for Asuran and attack, multi-attack and WSD (Starting ratio is 1%TA==2%DA==4%WSD) for Tornado. It's hard to say what you have access to, so I will stop on that.

No I appreciate that Simonses, for whatever reason I was thinking that the Weaponskills all crit in the same way that they would with a Shining One equipped--it also explains my atrocious damage numbers on things as well. Gonna swap some pieces in the Lua to maximize, but thankfully have a lot of +3 pieces that can still slot in accuracy plus stats. With a TA focus I can probably build a specific weaponskill set with TA using Herc gear, and maximizing saber dance uptime--or ternary flourish since climactic numbers are pretty low.
Posts: 2735
By Nariont 2022-06-04 21:57:21
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just to add on in case it isnt known, asuran can't MA either since it already hit the 8-hit cap naturally, tornado can and that should be the focus really as stated. Main go-to ws at high tp (2k+) is raging fists, tornado is mainly only used when Footwork is up which is mnk exclusive, while asuran is what would be best to use if you're just firing off at 1k
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-04 22:36:03
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holding tp for raging is a loss compared to spamming asuran with karambit. if you get that much then yes, use raging.
By Afania 2022-06-06 08:08:06
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Asura.Wormfeeder said: »
Does un-augmented gleti's have any place in any type of sets for DNC?

The biggest value of gleti is waltz potency +10% IMO. So you can cap waltz potency more easily, and have extra slots for more defensive gears or enmity+ gears if you intend to use divine waltz to pull hate.

Attack on it is nice for offensive purpose too.

Although Acrontica is probably better at this but some of us is too cheap to pay for more wardrobes for situational swaps. So I like gleti for general purpose offhand.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-06-08 18:44:27
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Was checking out the guide again to revise my sets, it feels like for the ws sets anything after pyrrhic kleos is not updated or I'm just bad at dnc gearing?

Mainly thinking for shark bite/evisceration/exenterator they don't look as updated as everything else?

Kinda trying to get rid of as much herc aug gear I can so wondering if anyone's got updated sets or are those in the guide still necessary with herc gear?
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