The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*

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The Last Dance III: A Dancer's Guide *New*
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Posts: 3646
By Taint 2020-09-18 19:33:54
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Asura.Kusare said: »
i can see making a set for completion, but the last thing i want on dnc is another ja delay to deal with. wouldn't be using regular jump very much.

Jump is a good use of JA delay as long as it goes right into your WS. Worse case use it to boost your http://FTP. Play it safe and use Jump>WS at 1000tp+.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-09-18 19:42:04
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Agreed. More TP, so that's a good use of a JA delay.

It's also not the worst idea to do a high jump immediately after a big WS (e.g., climactic Rudra) to shed some hate right away.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [43 days between previous and next post]
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By Bismarck.Ringoko 2020-11-01 04:09:12
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Quick question re: Subtle Blow, how many tiers of this trait do we get?

BG DNC page lists Subtle Blow III(15) as max at level 65
DNC Page
BG Subtle Blow page lists DNC getting up to Subtle Blow IV(20) at level 86
Subtle Blow Page

I'm assuming the DNC page is just not updated but I wanted to confirm. :3
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2020-11-01 06:28:36
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Well, I went and did some tests. First I went to confirm it was (Base + 30) * (Subtle Blow)

It doesn't appear to be. It seems to be (Base + 20), which makes sense, since before the 1K change it was always (Base + 2).

I used BRD/DRG and wore max AGI without subtle blow to guarantee max dAGI.

I used Norgish Dagger, which is a base 61 TP return. No subtle blow resulted in 40 TP, and 10 subtle blow resulted in 36.

(61 + 20) * .5 = 40.5, floored to 40
(61 + 20) * .5 * (1 - 10 / 100) = 36.45

Swapped to DNC/BST and got 26 tp return. DNC also has 13 from gifts

(61 + 20) * .5 * (1 - x / 100) = 26 Would get ~35.8
(61 + 20) * .5 * (1 - 33 / 100) = 27.135
floor((61 + 20) * .5) = 40, 40 * (1 - 33/100) = 26.8, floored would be 26

Checked with an additional 5 from an earring and got 24
(61 + 20) * .5 = 40
40 * (1 - 38 / 100) = 24.8, floored to 24.

Appears dAGI is multiplied by base and floored before subtle blow gets multiplied then floored. Which would put DNC at 20 from traits before gifts.
Posts: 3646
By Taint 2020-11-01 08:17:57
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DNC is a great compliment to MNK. DNC for darkness. MNK for light.

Setan path B plus Tp bonus OH easily caps SB and can deal out great DPS. The job really needs a TP drain samba.
Server: Shiva
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user: Mlrlohki
Posts: 85
By Shiva.Mlrlohki 2020-11-01 08:26:00
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Is /SAM still preferable for Terpsichore, or should I go /DRG? I haven’t tried the latter yet though could be fun, especially if my current Store TP build is fine. Gotta love Malignance set and Relic+3 feet.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Draykos
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By Bahamut.Draykos 2020-11-30 01:33:36
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Just wanted to mention that the link to The Unfinished Waltz quest at the top of the page leads to "The Unfinished Waltzs" and not the correct page.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-11-30 01:47:32
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Taint said: »
DNC is a great compliment to MNK. DNC for darkness. MNK for light.

Setan path B plus Tp bonus OH easily caps SB and can deal out great DPS. The job really needs a TP drain samba.
Also works extremely well with a good BST.

1. BST can hit 70% Subtle Blow (20% being Subtle Blow II).
2. Corrosive Ooze and Box Step combined is -56% DEF Down before factoring in Dia II/III taking the total to 71~76%. The -56% DEF alone matches a Dunna GEO using Bolster Geo-Frailty (-56%) while with Dia II this is only beaten by an Idris GEO using Bolster Geo-Frailty, even then it's close.
3. Corrosive Ooze also reduces ATT by -33%, really helpful for lowman.
4. BST has a Leech pet with a TP drain attack, the Ready charges make it so it cannot be spammed but under Unleash a BST can spam it feely.
5. BST has an Acuex pet with a Plague attack to further limit TP feed.
6. Skillchain synergy is there, just work with Climactic's reuse timer for maximum effect.

I'd imagine BST, DNC and MNK together would be frightening.
Server: Asura
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user: Gotenn
Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2020-12-01 08:49:44
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Shiva.Mlrlohki said: »
Is /SAM still preferable for Terpsichore, or should I go /DRG? I haven’t tried the latter yet though could be fun, especially if my current Store TP build is fine. Gotta love Malignance set and Relic+3 feet.

Ive been going DNC/DRG, I just find that the added WS damage is more useful, because I don't usually spend the time to hit meditate or sekk, which /drg has jumps if needed as well. and High jump can be a life saver if you didnt expect to pull hate.

The only sad part I find about Terp, is on very high level mobs, like Wave 3 dyna, in spammy situations, Rudras even with terp tends to out perform PK.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2020-12-01 11:52:12
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Asura.Gotenn said: »
Shiva.Mlrlohki said: »
Is /SAM still preferable for Terpsichore, or should I go /DRG? I haven’t tried the latter yet though could be fun, especially if my current Store TP build is fine. Gotta love Malignance set and Relic+3 feet.

Ive been going DNC/DRG, I just find that the added WS damage is more useful, because I don't usually spend the time to hit meditate or sekk, which /drg has jumps if needed as well. and High jump can be a life saver if you didnt expect to pull hate.

The only sad part I find about Terp, is on very high level mobs, like Wave 3 dyna, in spammy situations, Rudras even with terp tends to out perform PK.

With Terp, I find I just don't need Sekk for anything. The chains always come together just fine.
Posts: 202
By malakef 2020-12-01 13:02:17
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Isn’t that true with literally any weapon now at 99 with even trusts buffs? I feel like sek hasn’t been needed in years...

And I always /DRG now. The hate shedding I find to be invaluable.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2020-12-01 13:08:29
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malakef said: »
I feel like sek hasn’t been needed in years...
It's good in one place:

Though on DNC.... not even then TBH.
Posts: 3646
By Taint 2020-12-01 13:16:33
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Building Flourish + Climactic Flourish + Rudra's = 30k all day everyday. No need for SC damage.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 40
By Asura.Silvannesti 2020-12-02 12:37:37
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What’s a Bis Terp TP build look like these days? Finally got around to 119 AGing my Terp. Still needs more astrals though.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-12-02 13:14:04
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I use 4/5 malig with relic feet and moon rings and jse neck, stp on the cape. Very durable build with very fast tp gain. Offhand weapon can either be twash or cento depending what I'm doing, but mostly twash. Kentarch for belt (haven't even augmented it yet), might be a better option.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-12-02 15:29:16
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I'm not a dancer, but I would think Adhemar hands would probably still be very potent on Terp AM3, sure you lose a bit of STP from malignance, but you keep 4% TA and still have +7 STP.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2020-12-02 15:33:31
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TA isn't THAT important for Terps, because getting enough TP to self-sc is easy without it and PK's damage doesn't scale with TP in any way. Better to just have more defense.

I use basically the same setup as Crossbones describes except I use a DRing instead of one of the moons. Self-scing in a fulltime -50% PDT basically forces me to relearn how to play the game every time I switch to another job.

EDIT: for belt, I don't have a Yotai so I use Patientia if I need the DW (just Haste 2; I don't typically run bard trusts) and Windbuffet +1 if I don't. Full-aug Taming Sari offhand + Chaac Belt if farming, Tauret offhand if not.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 40
By Asura.Silvannesti 2020-12-02 17:48:57
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I haven’t made anything special yet, but my normal hybrid set is Full Malig, JSE+2 neck, D ring, Gere Ring, Sherida Telos, Standard TP cape STP ect, Aurgelmir +1, Windbuffet +1, and Twash offhand.

Was wondering about Dedition Earring over one of the others, Chirich +1 ring over one of the others, and Patientia or a fully augmented Kentarch instead of Wind.

Also for solo, keep Relic +3 Feet for enhanced Closed position, but in a party or event set up do you still keep them equipped? I do in my normal TP set, but in my Hybrid for group content I go all Malig.

Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-12-02 19:03:34
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I do because I typically run fan dance and end up pulling hate anyways or tank intentionally but that's my play style. If mobs don't have counter or conal ws they are great in that situation as well, pretty much any time mob isn't constantly bouncing hate or facing it is dangerous.

I don't carry dedition earring as I don't use it on any jobs (to me a couple stp isn't worth 10-20 acc loss) but I'm sure it can be useful in x-hit builds and some other cases. I think as far as rings, belt, and ear slots go the differences will be almost non existent in real world scenario so pick whatever you like most, there are a lot of good options.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 40
By Asura.Silvannesti 2020-12-02 21:35:33
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Most probably gonna play around with Terp/Twash instead of my usual Twash/Cento

Get AM3 up and Rudra spam, or PK?

Personally I really like Rudra, and my sets are good, PK sets need a lil tweaking. All my Adhemar is on different paths from the PK set in the guide.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Kwech
Posts: 37
By Bahamut.Kwech 2020-12-02 22:30:20
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Asura.Silvannesti said: »
Most probably gonna play around with Terp/Twash instead of my usual Twash/Cento

Get AM3 up and Rudra spam, or PK?

Personally I really like Rudra, and my sets are good, PK sets need a lil tweaking. All my Adhemar is on different paths from the PK set in the guide.

PK spam absolutely. With using Building Flourish on cd. As much as I love Rudra's, climactic with terps is sad.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-12-03 01:13:08
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That's why I offhand a cento with it occasionally. Terp doesn't have a load of dex but it does have higher base damage and much faster tp gain. Plus two rudras back to back can be more damage than pk spam. On top of this you get to keep up cures if you need. Not saying this is always the best weapon combo but it has a lot of perks / utility.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2020-12-03 15:31:28
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Get AM3 up and either Building > PK*, or Evis into Building > PK. Climactic cooldown will either be get 9 FMs, Building > Step > PK > Evis > Reverse > Climactic > Rudra's or Building > Step > Climactic > Rudra's > Reverse > Rudra's. Grand Pas/Trance is basically "get as many Rudra's with Climactic up as you can."

If your Adhemar +1 is down the wrong path, Relic body +3 is a great substitution.

*bonus FMs from Terp is a hugely underrated benefit, as one Presto step is enough FMs for 3 Buildings. Very set-and-forget.

Also for solo, keep Relic +3 Feet for enhanced Closed position, but in a party or event set up do you still keep them equipped? I do in my normal TP set, but in my Hybrid for group content I go all Malig.

Well, IDK what your thoughts on using DRing are here but with it you should be able to hit 50% DT without Malig boots, so even if you're not in front of the target that often you're still adding a decent chunk of attack. Multihit from gear just isn't as big an issue for a Terp DNC as it is for other melee so I never feel that bad about fulltiming DRing; YMMV.

Can definitely see the case for maxing out MEva with Malig boots, though.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-12-03 16:43:50
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ScaevolaBahamut said: »
Self-scing in a fulltime -50% PDT basically forces me to relearn how to play the game every time I switch to another job.

The problem I see here is that you will have terrible defense and meva in your WS sets and you will be in WS set a lot.

Bahamut.Kwech said: »
PK spam absolutely. With using Building Flourish on cd.

Do we know for sure, that 20%WSD from JP works for each hit of the WS. Byrth test from 2016 is really old and they were messing with WSD when they broke and fix WSD working for all hits in some update. Its possible they also changed something with building.

ScaevolaBahamut said: »
*bonus FMs from Terp is a hugely underrated benefit, as one Presto step is enough FMs for 3 Buildings. Very set-and-forget.

How? Building Flourish uses 1-3 FMs (depends how much you have). If you have 6, it will take 3 and 3, not 2,2 and 2.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kwech
Posts: 37
By Bahamut.Kwech 2020-12-03 20:02:43
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SimonSes said: »
Do we know for sure, that 20%WSD from JP works for each hit of the WS. Byrth test from 2016 is really old and they were messing with WSD when they broke and fix WSD working for all hits in some update. Its possible they also changed something with building.

It’s been a while since I had a reason to break out Terp and I don’t know for sure how this wsd works, I can say attack and accuracy were valid reasons to use Building Flourish for what I was fighting (solo omen bosses, solo Neak).
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2020-12-03 21:03:25
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SimonSes said: »
ScaevolaBahamut said: »
Self-scing in a fulltime -50% PDT basically forces me to relearn how to play the game every time I switch to another job.

The problem I see here is that you will have terrible defense and meva in your WS sets and you will be in WS set a lot.

It's true that like 60% of the times I die, I wake up in my WS set, but terrible defense in WS sets compared to what?

ScaevolaBahamut said: »
*bonus FMs from Terp is a hugely underrated benefit, as one Presto step is enough FMs for 3 Buildings. Very set-and-forget.

How? Building Flourish uses 1-3 FMs (depends how much you have). If you have 6, it will take 3 and 3, not 2,2 and 2.

Presto step with 119 Terp is 7.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10232
By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-04 01:39:51
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So the other day I undusted my DNC to do a Dyna Divergence W1+W2 farming run.
I went /DRG with Twashtar MH and Centovente OH.
My damage on Red Eyes was ok. Pretty good actually.

On everything else I was really falling behind, judging from the parse.
My buffs were:
HM, Minuetx3
Regain Roll, Sam Roll

Centovente was getting kinda wasted. Because of SAM roll and Regain Roll I was getting TP at such a speed it was hard to WS close to 1000TP.
A lot of the time I wasn't even engaging and just WS, stuff was dying so fast, sometimes I barely had the time to engage and by the time I pressed the WS button mob was dead already, forcing me to WS with close to 3K TP on the next mob, wasting the TP bonus.

For the same reason I was having trouble generating finishing moves. I have 4/5 No Foot Rise but Clearly that wasn't enough.
For all these reasons it was hard to make real use of Climactic Flourish.
Sometimes stuff was dying so fast I didn't have time to use Climactic Rudra 2-3 times, but only once.
In Wave2 I also had to step up my accuracy build (because of Centovente my avg acc was falling down a lot), furtherly reducing my dmg on trash.

I then tried different setups:
Tauret MH / Twashtar OH
Aeneas MH / Twashtar OH

Oddly enough, according to the parser, Aeneas MH/Twashtar OH came out to be the best combination.
Difference wasn't huge, but it was still pretty considerable.
My overall damage on the parser raised noticeably, but I was still behind several of my friends.
On Red Eyes it was still pretty good.

I dunno, did other people have similar experiences? I feel my DNC would've performed better if there were 1 or 2 less DPSs probably.
I don't own a Terps but I wonder how it would've performed in my situation.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-12-04 04:57:40
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This is not DNC related, this is DynamisD related. Person with best connection and faster reaction will dominate on whatever DD job on trash mobs in DynamisD. We had one guy on NIN being very close to top of the parse once. He was playing from Japan and it was perfectly visible how he was engaging everything slightly faster. The only counter to that is run to your own mob during pull, but then you gonna face different problems like a) you or mob will be outside of GEO buffs/debuffs b) mob's job will be worse for DPS (PLD, THF, NIN etc.)

It only gets worse if mechanics of job you play includes many JA usage.

Another problem of parsing in dynamis is multihit WSs (including Pyrrhic Kleos) will often hit like 2 out of 6+ hits and do like 8k damage, because mob only had 7k HP, while DRK with Caladbolg can WS almost dead mob with 1k hp left and do 50k Torcleaver.

You also had terrible buffs for Twashtar/Cento. Regain roll and 3 minuets? For wave 1 and 2 its much better to get pdif with personal buffs, rather than frailty. geo buffs has pretty low range and on 20-40 mobs per pull a lot of them will be ranged mobs, that wont run into frailty. Its way faster to run to them and kill them on spot. Most people should just run to their own mob and solo skillchain it.

Idk I generally never bothered to really try to parse high in Dynamis. I was more about to kill mobs fast as an alliance, not individually. As for Climactic I was using it on NINs to make sure they go down smoothly and otherwise use it on red eyes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10232
By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-04 05:22:56
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SimonSes said: »
this is DynamisD related. Person with best connection and faster reaction will dominate on whatever DD job on trash mobs in DynamisD.
In general I absolutely agree and completely support this Simon, but in this specific circumstance it wasn't a PUG, it was an usual run with my static group of friends with whom I've been running twice a week for the past 3+ years.
You won't believe me maybe, but I too "dominate" the parse sometimes, on other jobs with similar level of gear quality.
I'm not the most skilled player around, but my skill is pretty much the same on all of my jobs.
Some jobs are just more... straightforward and require less things though. I feel DNC is somehow really dependent on several more variables than another job like, MNK, which hardly requires anything.

Another problem of parsing in dynamis is multihit WSs (including Pyrrhic Kleos) will often hit like 2 out of 6+ hits and do like 8k damage, because mob only had 7k HP
I agree but this wasn't the issue for me (except when I swapped to Tauret, spamming Evis) because I was spamming Rudra only.

You also had terrible buffs for Twashtar/Cento. Regain roll and 3 minuets? For wave 1 and 2 its much better to get pdif with personal buffs, rather than frailty.
GEO is in his own party and we usually have 2 melee pts and a single GEO who stays alone in the third party.
Buffs weren't ideal, I hate Regain, but then again it's beyond my control :-P
The CORs like it when they go around shooting statues.
I agree things could be more efficient but then again stuff dies to *** fast I'm not sure we'd notice a difference either way, to be completely honest lol.
For that to matter we probably would need to bring 1 or 2 less DPS. When you have that many, really, it sorta stops being fun playing a DPS job, if you ask me.

otherwise use it on red eyes.
Yeah, I started doin that myself, I just couldn't afford to use Climactic anywhere else, so I stopped.

But the thing is, a DNC who's not using Climactic on CD for his Twas/Cento Rudra is losing a lot of his potential DPS, which explains why I was so much further down than I expected to be, on the parse.
In a way, I guess this makes perfect sense.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-12-04 05:53:19
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ScaevolaBahamut said: »
It's true that like 60% of the times I die, I wake up in my WS set, but terrible defense in WS sets compared to what?

Compered to hybrid TP set. Its a problem when you try to stay defensive in TP set, but your DPS rely on very frequent WSing. Its also another reason why mnk is so good as safe DD. You have exceptional white damage, so timing your WSs dont hurt you that much, especially that most of them scale very well with TP and even if you finally decide to WS, you can do it in Kendatsuba +1 set, which has very high meva, good def and HP+. Bis PK set has 2 Lustratio pieces with 0 meva and other pieces having low meva. whole set is also low on def and HP. If you want to stay defensive on DNC its possible that better solution would be using Twashtar/Ternion combo, so you can spend less time in WS set, does better white damage and scale better with TP overflow. Its complex topic tho.
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