Why Does Zenith Hate Us?

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Why Does Zenith Hate Us?
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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 06:49:28
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Argettio said:

And it worries me a lot that you:
A) are talking about gear you evidently don't know the stats of
B) don't know that you AF hat (that you get 15 lvls earlier) the gear in question.

User submitted image

So... this doesnt have INT+4? and it's not good for nuking?

Argettio said:
I can't stand SCH's who wear full AF.

* Head is a crappy nuke piece, only really use is MP (and sorc ring activation)
* Body is only good for refresh (SCH should be using Relic for sublimation)
* Hands are good but matched by Vicious
* Leg are lol
* Feet are lol

If I was a SCH I would be looking to get my hands on Nashira, Shadow, Morrigans or even Marduk.

(or get your own EG gear from whatever EG event WotG gives us)

No... just no.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-10-13 06:53:43
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It should have read:
"B) don't know that you AF hat (that you get 15 lvls earlier) is better than the gear in question."

No, I meant (although I will agree it is not clear)

Zenith Crown has 3 INT
SCH AF hat has 4 INT

You said I was wrong for saying zenith crown is a bad nuke piece.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 06:56:30
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Argettio said:
You said I was wrong for saying zenith crown is a bad nuke piece.

I have never once even talked about zenith gear lmao. The only time i said anything about any of the gear SCH can't wear is that we will probably never be able to for obvious reasons.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-10-13 06:56:37
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Clinpachi said:

Argettio said:

And it worries me a lot that you:
A) are talking about gear you evidently don't know the stats of
B) don't know that you AF hat (that you get 15 lvls earlier) the gear in question.

User submitted image

So... this doesnt have INT+4? and it's not good for nuking?

Argettio said:
I can't stand SCH's who wear full AF.

* Head is a crappy nuke piece, only really use is MP (and sorc ring activation)
* Body is only good for refresh (SCH should be using Relic for sublimation)
* Hands are good but matched by Vicious
* Leg are lol
* Feet are lol

If I was a SCH I would be looking to get my hands on Nashira, Shadow, Morrigans or even Marduk.

(or get your own EG gear from whatever EG event WotG gives us)

No... just no.

WTF is wrong with you?

I was talking about the zenith set, any retard can see that.

Why do you feel the need to miss quote me to try and feel better about being wrong.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-10-13 07:04:41
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Clinpachi said:

Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 07:06:12
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Enternius said:
Clinpachi said:


User submitted image
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Shiva.Easygermany 2009-10-13 07:43:52
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I have SCH and BLM on 75.

The SCH benefit most on his Subjob.I use for Nuke only /rdm. Why not /blm? SCH have /blm no SS, Blink etc.

Yes Its right SCH dont have Acess to Over Nuking Gear like Morrigan, but SCH can benefit from JA and Change Weather.

SCH to play is fun and record on Puddings is with Thunder 4 1900 DMG with -10% MP cost.

A full merited BLM can do more DMG per spell.

In my opinion is a SCH a very good replace for WHM or BLM. I dont need Zenit Gear for SCH!

Here a link to my Item Sets:
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Deatharc
Posts: 2
By Phoenix.Deatharc 2009-10-13 08:09:52
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Yeah, we don't need Zenith but there's not much to do in the mean time, our armor is mostly consisted of AF, relic +1 and Goliard and then rings etc from Einjerhar. It's not so much that i want the items, more as i want some incentive to do more than only Nyzul Isle, Einjerhar, Dynamis. Even is this gear isn't "exactly what you need for HQ" there is a limit to equipment on sch as compared to other mages. That's all i want, some incentive.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Akairyu
Posts: 1
By Valefor.Akairyu 2009-10-13 08:23:24
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Does SCH need Zenith? No, the job is perfectly capable without the set.
Would I like to have access to Zenith on SCH? Absolutely yes.

Zmitts has the same MAB on it as Vicious Mufflers yes, but it also gives me an extra 50 MP. That's 50 MP that I can stretch pretty damn far with the use of Parsimony. Being able to use my Dalmatica would be nice too since the relic body refuses to drop for me.

The head/legs of the set I'd just use as a max MP set to buff at the start of a fight with. Wouldn't use 'em for much else, same as I do on my WHM and BLM.

As for SCH's healing/nuking efficiency versus WHM and BLM, I find that if I'm tasked with healing a tank party, WHM's larger cures make my job easier, whereas if I'm healing a DD party, SCH's ability to reduce damage taken outright via Phalanxga and Stoneskinga is preferable. If I have a chance to rest during a fight, where I shouldn't be nuking anyways, my BLM will perform better since i can focus on dumping a ton of damage. But if a fight extends for more than a few minutes, my SCH begins to outperform it, simply because it can keep nuking far longer than my BLM can, through the use of Parsimony and sublimation.

SCH's nuking will never consistently beat a well-geared BLM on nuke-by-nuke strength. But no BLM will ever be able to keep nuking as long as I can without needing to rest. It's the whole Tortoise and the Hare kind of thing. BLM is a sprint nuking job, where SCH is a marathon nuker.

Which doesn't even mention anything about SCH's handy CC tricks with Graviga and Bindga.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2009-10-13 08:47:52
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cc trick?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Shiva.Easygermany 2009-10-13 08:52:35
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In my optinion is a MP set useless. No SCH will wear zenit gear. Its the same with Ixion Robe. INT+13 its nice with Refresh but there are better and cheaper gear.

Z Hands give a SCH -50 HP to MP. Not really good with sublimation. V Mufflers is better there. If u need MP in Dynamis use summum malum and aspir to recover alot of mp.

Z gear is only to say "yes i have it" but really useless if u use sublimation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2009-10-13 08:53:09
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Heimdall said:
cc trick?

Crowd control.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-10-13 08:59:38
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Easygermany said:
Z gear is only to say "yes i have it" but really useless if u use sublimation.

Although I think you are right about zenith being no use for SCH:


wiki said:

Convert HP to MP gear (such as Serket Ring, Astral Ring) does not decrease the max limit for sublimation. However HP-/MP+ gear (such as Electrum Ring) will.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Damii
Posts: 345
By Lakshmi.Aaroca 2009-10-13 09:18:14
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I don't think there would ever be a time where I used Zenith really.

Head theres AF1, AF2, Goliard and MKE hat.

Body, Argute Gown (which boosts your sublimation also), goliard, errant.

Hands; Vicious, and better yet Goliard.

Legs, This is where you get me because I only really use Mahatma, and some HMP ones for healing. But I dont mind Mahatma.

Feet; Uh yeah.

As for SCH hitting the 320/120 cap, it's not very hard.
With Dark Arts and naked I am already at 272 skill as SCH/RDM and 77 INT.
With SCH+1 gown, genie gages and Ele torque that puts me at 302.

With Snow ringx2, Abyssal, Yigit,Penitents, Gleemans cape, MKE Hat, the INT on gown, mahatma Slops and phantom talthum that puts me at 120.

Not hard but I like using more M.acc.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Damii
Posts: 345
By Lakshmi.Aaroca 2009-10-13 09:19:12
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Convert HP to MP gear doesn't effect Sublimation.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Vitaru
Posts: 32
By Remora.Vitaru 2009-10-13 09:21:24
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Clinpachi said:
Vitaru said:
Clinpachi said:

Case in point: HNM is a very small percent.

Fixed to End game*

HNM does not =/= The definition of endgame. It's ONE of the endgame activities. People do still actually do Dynamis Limbus Salvage Einherjar ZNM and Sky Gods.

dude we used to call all bosses on those activities "HNM" before even it's released to you in the US, so stop giving me definitions.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-10-13 09:23:19
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Before it was released in US, the only HNMs were Simurgh, Roc, and King Arthro >.> Yes, you can call those HNMs but only because the level cap was like 60.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 09:28:01
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Enternius said:
Before it was released in US, the only HNMs were Simurgh, Roc, and King Arthro >.> Yes, you can call those HNMs but only because the level cap was like 60.

*** zing. head over to your local endgame linkshell forums such as BG and tell them you have HNM experience because you do salvage and limbus.

See how far that gets you into being accepted.

Saying things like that is as pointless as saying "i was first on the boat to Aht Urghan while you were still figuring out the quest".
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-10-13 09:35:02
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I was the first person on the server to finish the Chanoix's Gorget quest.

Therefore, you're all noobs.

No really, I was the first one lol.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Vitaru
Posts: 32
By Remora.Vitaru 2009-10-13 09:38:53
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The point is... when u compare the effectiveness of two jobs, where it matters is on "HIGH STATs MOB", call it HNM or edngame i don't really care.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-10-13 09:44:04
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That's not where it matters though. It's a small portion of where it matters, yes. But it's not everything. Dynamis/Limbus/Einherjar/Nyzul/Assault/Salvage, the mobs have almost no resistance to magic, so you can't really count those.

Sky, it would be embarrassing to get a resist there on anything other than Kirin on SCH.

Sea, totally made for mages, SCH has no trouble here.

HNM, as has already been said, SCH is only 5 Elemental skill and about 2 INT behind BLM, and most of the same gear can be used by both jobs. I know I personally have 134 INT and 318 Elemental skill in my high resist set. And if that wasn't enough, SCH has two ways of boosting MACC for extra-high-level NMs.

So yes, while HNM is a portion of where jobs really have to excel, I still think SCH is on par with, if not better than BLM.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 09:45:31
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>< think we can keep this thread alive until i hit 75? i just dinged 66. Every level i get closer to 75 the more obsessed i feel with SCH ><
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Damii
Posts: 345
By Lakshmi.Aaroca 2009-10-13 09:49:03
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Enternius said:
That's not where it matters though. It's a small portion of where it matters, yes. But it's not everything. Dynamis/Limbus/Einherjar/Nyzul/Assault/Salvage, the mobs have almost no resistance to magic, so you can't really count those.

Sky, it would be embarrassing to get a resist there on anything other than Kirin on SCH.

Sea, totally made for mages, SCH has no trouble here.

HNM, as has already been said, SCH is only 5 Elemental skill and about 2 INT behind BLM, and most of the same gear can be used by both jobs. I know I personally have 134 INT and 318 Elemental skill in my high resist set. And if that wasn't enough, SCH has two ways of boosting MACC for extra-high-level NMs.

So yes, while HNM is a portion of where jobs really have to excel, I still think SCH is on par with, if not better than BLM.

What's your high resist set?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-10-13 09:49:14
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Oh btw Clin, idk if you've looked into it but Helix spells are freaking sweeeeeet. c.c Both the animations (Omg Ionohelix) and the damage. (250 per tic on Marids earlier today when I was messing around, for a total of roughly 2500 damage on 81 MP.)

Also, another thing you might be interested in seeing, are the merit Stratagems. While not particularly useful, other than the Black Magic M.ACC one, they all look awesome and I suggest you put at least 1 merit into each, just to have something cool to show off with lol.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Vitaru
Posts: 32
By Remora.Vitaru 2009-10-13 09:49:35
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Each one of the events you mentioned has a boss or a mob that resists magic. So it's always a plus to have all your elemental skill gear at all time.

I'm not saying SCH is better than BLM or BLM is better than SCH. But you have both jobs leveled and want something "only" for nukes then i'll choose to go BLM. While, if I want to be a nuker and better crowd control i'll go SCH.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 09:53:06
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Enternius said:
Oh btw Clin, idk if you've looked into it but Helix spells are freaking sweeeeeet. c.c Both the animations (Omg Ionohelix) and the damage. (250 per tic on Marids earlier today when I was messing around, for a total of roughly 2500 damage on 81 MP.)

Also, another thing you might be interested in seeing, are the merit Stratagems. While not particularly useful, other than the Black Magic M.ACC one, they all look awesome and I suggest you put at least 1 merit into each, just to have something cool to show off with lol.

I had a fun time with the wind helix and MV for the first time yesterday. I've been doing my hardcore research and buying gear slowly to fit a gear set similar to your future one. I just realized i had a ton of dynamis currency to sell off that i can't use yet anyways. That Gkatana is staying at stage 3 for now anyways. Theres no point in finishing a relic until you have all the other insane gear on SAM to go with it.

So.. that's on hold.

I plan to hardcore salvage soon, which was my initial reason for leveling SCH. But after being WHM and BLM 75 for so long, i feel like SCH can easily combine/replace them in most events or situations i do.

it WOULD be nice to see some new SCH DNC gear. I bet theres some WOTG endgame coming soon that will satisfy those needs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-10-13 09:54:27
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...because you touch yourself at night?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-10-13 09:56:24
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Korpg said:
...because you touch yourself at night?

I love myself
I want you to love me
When I'm feelin' down
I want you above me
I search myself
I want you to find me
I forget myself
I want you to remind me

I don't want anybody else
When I think about you
I touch myself
I don't want anybody else
Oh no, oh no, oh no

You're the one who makes me happy honey
You're the sun who makes me shine
When you're around I'm always laughing
I want to make you mine

I close my eyes
And see you before me
Think I would die
If you were to ignore me
A fool could see
Just how much I adore you
I get down on my knees
I'd do anything for you


I love myself
I want you to love me
When I'm feelin' down
I want you above me
I search myself
I want you to find me
I forget myself
I want you to remind me


I want you
I don't want anybody else
And when I think about you
I touch myself
Ooh, oooh, oooooh, aaaaaah
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-10-13 09:56:31
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No resists in Sky?


I nuke with this (329 skill and 120INT)

And I still get resisted a few times per fight on all the 4 'outside' gods.

It's far from the best resist set in the world, but its not bad and I would guess it would match/beat most SCH resist builds