Ambuscade Vol.1 April 2019

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Ambuscade Vol.1 April 2019
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aubain
Posts: 162
By Asura.Smoky 2019-04-11 15:38:04
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
That's not the question!

Curious if the bonus double gets burned if your first of the day is a zero. or if it waits until you actually get gallantry, to double it.

Does not get burned. Like i said, go Ambu V1VD, that way you don't waste your double gal on lower tier.
By Afania 2019-04-14 00:27:33
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Appearantly you dont even need a tank for this month. In a pt tonight brd secretly changed to war and tank secretly changed cor for lolz, so we ended up entering with a setup of Naegling war x2 Naegling cor x2 geo rdm (savage blade all day everyday). No tank nor brd nor whm, still got 2.5 min win excluding buff time.

Pdif is very easy to cap this month from what Ive seen so just use 1 bubble for wilt if counter/tp move is an issue. Dont need every single buff slots assign for attack buffs.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2019-04-19 06:05:55
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Anyone have a winning strat/set-up for Tri-boxing this one? My set up to consistently get the bar spells off and silencing breadwinner always lack the dps... maybe I should tank on SAM?
Posts: 850
By Lili 2019-04-19 07:20:17
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Carbuncle.Razziel said: »
Anyone have a winning strat/set-up for Tri-boxing this one? My set up to consistently get the bar spells off and silencing breadwinner always lack the dps... maybe I should tank on SAM?

3boxing VD with trusts is probably doable if your three boxes are RUN, DD COR, DD BRD, then your dps should be fine. BRD puts up songs, then wind threnody 2 + silence on pull (it should land without too much issue provided you have a decent set), then will sing and melee, and only unleash WS after each barspell, for safety. Add a rdm trust and Sylvie for quick erase on HP down/quick cures/bubbles, and a sixth one of your choice. It's not a fight that requires a lot of healing, if the RUN is good and barspells are on point. If RUN and COR put out enough damage you might end up killing without seeing any add at all.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-29 07:35:45
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Carbuncle.Razziel said: »
Anyone have a winning strat/set-up for Tri-boxing this one? My set up to consistently get the bar spells off and silencing breadwinner always lack the dps... maybe I should tank on SAM?
WAR GEO RDM with yoran cherukiki and qultada works pretty well. Use the break WS on war and just spam KJ >up >up. Geo uses fury/frail entrust wilt.

If urchins spawn, i have just been spamming fell cleave. retaliation makes this pretty fun.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-04-29 07:45:35
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Afania said: »
Appearantly you dont even need a tank for this month. In a pt tonight brd secretly changed to war and tank secretly changed cor for lolz, so we ended up entering with a setup of Naegling war x2 Naegling cor x2 geo rdm (savage blade all day everyday). No tank nor brd nor whm, still got 2.5 min win excluding buff time.

I will vouch for this. Last year, using my WAR/SAM with Chango or Montante was extremely viable and effective for tanking this fight. Hybrid DT set + Retaliation and the boss practically beats itself to death as my DPS Spikes to ridiculous levels all the while staying very safe as long as the WHM was paying attention
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-29 08:12:39
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ive rarely used a whm and never used a tank this month.

usually use DDx2 geo cor bard rdm. sometimes swap out the second DD for another buffer or whm. doesnt really seem to make any difference in the total time for the fights. 2-6 min. usually in the 2-3 minute (including buff time) range.

DD can just tank it in full TP gear. If your back up is a bit slow. then use a hybrid set.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Galiber
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2019-05-02 19:30:29
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Yeah totally useless, I know, but to my surprise I actually got some request on why I hadn't done a video in a couple of months. The answer is simple, these last 2 months were fairly easy, and everyone already got the strat down.
Also rl you know, but hey, here is yet another less than 4 min win if you wanna check it out.

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Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-05-04 15:51:38
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Ragnarok.Galiber said: »
Yeah totally useless, I know, but to my surprise I actually got some request on why I hadn't done a video in a couple of months. The answer is simple, these last 2 months were fairly easy, and everyone already got the strat down.
Also rl you know, but hey, here is yet another less than 4 min win if you wanna check it out.

YouTube Video Placeholder
nice vid.
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2019-05-04 21:10:21
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Can't even hear the guy over the in game music.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Galiber
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2019-05-05 03:31:18
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Aerison said: »
Can't even hear the guy over the in game music.

Yeah, the guy messed up, too tired. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-05-05 07:16:59
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people still play with sounds/music????
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [674 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-03-09 07:14:34
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Here's the bump for APRIL'S months V1

Thread needs to be moved into the ambuscade section from the general section, if you get rooks' attention.
GG Anna

Get ready for the bitchin about react.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2021-03-09 07:27:10
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Ambu tomorrow is the Tonberry, not the meeble.

Per the March 3rd teaser: Ambuscade contains a rerun of the Tonberry battle as well as an all-new leech battle.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-03-09 07:28:07
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Whoops, month early bump then!

Prebump so I can find it in April since it's in the wrong category.

(it's now in the right category)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4561
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2021-03-09 12:06:48
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If only the mob family name were put in the topic...but thats a 4d chess move.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-03-09 12:07:48
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That IS what's happening, and why I bumped it, so Ty could find it and do just that.

Notice the trend for all the recent ones have been converted from month, to named species. Would've been fine to just rename these... but it is what it is.

(just did this one too soon, it's april not march)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-04-02 08:09:42
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Now is the right month for this one
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2021-04-02 08:52:23
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Yeah that would be nice if mods could just rename these old ones. Haha
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-04-02 11:46:38
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Want to post this here to save the shitposting there.

Now that buuki opened the "its impossible" quest, I wonder how long it will take to start the flame war of "get good" vs "it is literally impossible" "but my lag" "get good" "use react" "noobs"

It's that kind of fighting that we come here for.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-04-02 11:55:16
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Now that buuki opened the "its impossible" quest, I wonder how long it will take to start the flame war of "get good" vs "it is literally impossible" "but my lag" "get good" "use react" "noobs"

People are just going to lie and say they are doing it by hand when they are just Reacting to it.
By 2021-04-02 12:51:01
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Posts: 4880
By RadialArcana 2021-04-02 13:16:04
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The only problem with react is stupid people don't realize when it's being used and expect everyone to perform at that level, then give players not using it grief if they miss some.

"I can't catch every single one"
"well the last person did!"

You're not actually supposed to catch every one, that's the point of it being there. It's supposed to give you a bump in the road and recover from it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2021-04-02 13:32:01
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Idk if I'm the only one that feels this way, but manually reacting to this month's barspell requirements really aren't that bad. There's atleast 2-3s of a ready time before the spells even go off. Like if the reaction time required was similar to the Lamiae ambuscade then ok sure, it's not doable by the large population of players.

If someone isn't multiboxing and their only job is barspells, I don't see why someone couldn't manually react to all.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-04-02 13:38:24
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So like it's very easy to react with one action (just, turn around!) and it's reasonably easy to react to three actions.
Pinkie on control and fingers on 123, but 6 incorporates a finger jump and at least doubles the 'difficulty'. And there is zero margin of error. If you meant to hit 2 but you hit 5, it (can be) instant game over. Not worth the risk. And literally no one can type /bar*** fast enough

EDIT; It IS absolutely impossible on a controller. Best case scenario you're sitting in the menu waiting to cast and you have to hit up or down 3 times. Not a chance in hell.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2021-04-02 13:44:51
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It's definitely not the easiest, but memorising macro placement and only reading chatlog and knowing which button is which is definitely doable, although while I'm not saying don't use React, just mentioning it's doable with much more ease than other "react" only months.

I know some people are SE white knights and any mention of 3rd party stuff gets you a lecture about how you ruin the game, so them knowing it's possible means they don't complain about it being "impossible".
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-04-02 13:50:00
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I would just say it's unreasonably fast, for the options available.

The speed is fine, the chances (6) are too high.

If it's just fire or water, it's totally fine. But 6 takes it from reasonable to unreasonable. Context, 30 year old players that have inadequate reaction speeds to play a real game. So... it's kind of silly to expect your playerbase outside of whats expectable.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-04-02 14:11:36
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RadialArcana said: »
The only problem with react is stupid people don't realize when it's being used and expect everyone to perform at that level, then give players not using it grief if they miss some.

I wouldn't call them stupid. Using tools that manipulate the game can completely fool even experienced player as to what a monster's behavior really does, or how difficult it is to pull off normally.

When Bumba first came out, I had a group where the PLD asked if Bumba used any knockback. One of the players who has beaten it on V15 said no. As soon as the fight started, PLD was getting pushed back. Bad advice? The other player had no idea there was any knockback because he had done it in a group that just used anchor.

Using tools that circumvent game mechanics can trick/lull people into believing some things aren't really as hard as they really are. (Not saying handling knockback is hard, but using a program in general that leaps over an in-game obstacle is very deceptive to some who may not know the actual mechanics).
Posts: 55
By kasnuaku 2021-04-03 13:10:29
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-04-03 13:13:01
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2022 its a video from the future!
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