You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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Server: Asura
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user: Aquatiq
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By Asura.Aquatiq 2023-05-10 17:05:53
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Foxfire said: »
forcing scavenge to be useful is great and all but again how does this work for cor
are they just ***out of luck or what

It kinda makes sense to buff "ranged CORs" in general and make COR/RNG a thing that is better at ranged DPS than a dual wielding COR. The bullet/traits/whatever would have to compensate for /NIN and /DNC utility plus offhand stats, which is a tall task. And we need more content than the occasional Ambu where you need to kill something from >20' away. But yeah if there could be a real reason to be shooting instead of Savage Blading when a fight technically allows for either, that'd be awesome.
Server: Odin
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user: Demhar
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By Odin.Demhar 2023-05-10 18:09:49
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recycle proc rate on RNG is pretty high. For single hit WS's its gonna work just fine. The problem becomes Last Stand, but there is hope with the new WS. Detonator is looking pretty shinny now with this bullet combo
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
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By Asura.Melliny 2023-05-10 19:45:02
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I'm honestly just interested in finding out what the stat mods are on the weaponskills. And I'll be curious to know if either of them have any enmity suppressing characteristics. The names of the new weaponskills all indicate they're basically enhanced versions of the originals. Terminus versus coronach, merciless strike versus mercy stroke, etc etc. If Terminus has similar enmity generation mechanics as coronach we could have something really good coming our way here.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-05-10 21:42:01
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Atleast for cor even if the bullet is R/E you can put it on your Ataktos and Savage in it for -50 enmity /shrug
Server: Bahamut
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user: afraidnot
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By Bahamut.Orlanda 2023-05-19 21:35:51
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What are we thinking for the datamined TVR rings for Gandiva/Jishnu's set?

Lehko's ring looks like the clear winner with DEX+10 "Store TP"+10 Haste+10% Critical hit rate +10%

But is Eph ring's PDL and extra AGI/RATK putting it over both for AM3 shots and Jishnu WS?

STR+10 DEX+10 AGI+10 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 Ranged Accuracy+20 Ranged Attack+20 Physical damage limit +10%
Server: Asura
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user: Raytheon
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By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2023-05-23 14:57:47
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Bonus with Lehko's is you get 10% crit rate with Gandiva AM up for those spicy AM3 procs.
Server: Asura
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user: quro
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By Asura.Essylt 2023-05-23 19:30:37
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Bahamut.Orlanda said: »
What are we thinking for the datamined TVR rings for Gandiva/Jishnu's set?
Not doing it for Jishnu's specifically, but leaning toward's Lehko's because it just seems like something I'd get the most value out of.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Gahlek
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By Cerberus.Gahlek 2023-06-12 09:53:07
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Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Did you bring yourself into proper True Shot range? If outside that range it really doesn't do jack- the gear increases the boost when at proper distance, it sadly doesn't increase the distance/range that gives the boost.

Sorry to follow up on a topic from a few pages ago...

Just recently finished Gandiva with the hopes of experimenting with True Shot's potential. As Celebrindal has mentioned before, this seems like something SE is really pushing for RNG.

Anyway, this is surely a dumb question, but is Gandiva considered a Short Bow? Both Distance Plus and quick bunny testing shows the sweet spot damage dropoff at 11 yalms. Sweet spot seems to be 7.5 - 11. This seems to coincide with Short Bow Distance Correction, not Long Bow.

Finally, if this is indeed true (or something everyone already knows but me), any thoughts/experience on Arebati positioning considering his large npc size? Is True Shot utilization viable? I typically use Anni or Arma for Arebati, but Gandiva sounds like fun.
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2023-06-12 10:13:46
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Gandiva is a long bow. You can hit Arebati from true shot range at approximately 12.5 yalms. Trust me on this, I've had plenty of time to test this on V25 to confirm true shot is active at that range. And you can see the message in the chat log telling you if you're in the sweet spot. The game will tell you if you're standing in the right place or not on any non-critical hit via a chat message. If you're hitting the mob squarely, you're close, and if your shot strikes true and pummels the target, then you're positioned perfectly.

As far as I'm aware, both messages are enough to trigger true shot bonuses from equipment, but pummels gives a larger damage increase. If I'm wrong here on squarely messages activating true shot equipment then by all means please, someone correct me for it.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Gahlek
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By Cerberus.Gahlek 2023-06-12 10:48:55
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I appreciate the response, but I'm still getting the "pummeling" message on Carrion Worms (very narrow npc model) only at a distance of 7.5ish to 11ish. Farther out, the damage drops down and the "pummeling" message disappears.

The "squarely" message appears from 12 - 17 yalms, but does not appear to reflect True Shot bonus. I tested this by simply using the same Gandiva RA set with True Shot gear equipped. The damage difference is immediately noticeable from 12 > 10.5.

Not sure why this is. Thank you for the reply/discussion!

Edit: Shooting from "yellow" range, i.e. the ranged attack does not hit squarely, seems to show the same damage as the "squarely" messages.
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
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By Asura.Melliny 2023-06-12 11:06:16
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I'm going to follow up on this with some testing I just did on tunnel worms in south gustaburg, and I rescind my earlier statement about true shot gear activating on squarely messages. I just ran a few basic tests shooting from exactly 13.3 distance, which gave a squarely message wearing just nyame and no belt. The damage returned was 1884 both times. Then I equipped nisroch, tellen, empy +3 legs, and R30 Ikenga's clogs and repeated from the same distance. The damage returned was 1937 both times. That's only about a 2% increase which is irrelevant.

I tried again standing at 10.2 which gave a strikes true and pummels message. The damage return with nyame and no belt was 2166, and the damage return with nisroch, tellen, amini bragues +3, and R30 Ikenga's clogs was 2769, which is about a 28% increase. Clearly my trueshot equipment was affecting the pummeling messages, but it didn't appear to do anything on squarely. So you do need to be in the sweet spot to utilize true shot gear.

As for Arebati... he's a very big lion and he has a very large profile. His true shot range is pushed back farther than you get for stuff like worms. You're going to have to trust me on this... these screenshots were taken from approximately 12.5 distance. You CAN absolutely hit him from true shot range and be just outside the range of his most dangerous attacks. You can see the pummelling arrebati message in that first screenshot. You'll just have to take my word here I was standing at around 12.5. Or better yet... try it for yourself and see!!

Server: Cerberus
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user: Gahlek
Posts: 18
By Cerberus.Gahlek 2023-06-12 11:15:02
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Thank you!

Yes, I think it must be related to the size of Arebati's npc model and being "12.5" yalms away (maybe from how Distance Plus calculates from the center of the model?) is still in the sweet spot.

It still begs the question based upon both our numbers, though... is Gandiva a Short Bow?! If it was a Long Bow, at 13.3 yalms I would think you would get the "pummeling" message on your tests. You didn't get that message until you came in closer to 10.2. This lines up with what I was observing.

Edit: Or, is Wiki incorrect with Long Bow Distance Correction values?
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2023-06-12 11:23:14
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For reference, these are my Mid shot and jishnu's sets I've been using for gandiva. It deviates a bit from some of the older sets. Instead of Meghanada Visor +2, Mummu Wrists +1, Arcadian Socks +3, or Kwahu Kachina belt +1 I've opted for some more modern equipment. I prefer blistering +1, amini gloveletts +3, tellen belt, and ikenga's clogs. Since I'm going to be shooting from true shot range the bonuses on tellen and ikenga's feet are always active, and will compensate similarly to the difference in crit rate. But they come with a significantly higher amount of store TP. The same goes for gloveletts +3 over mummu, and blistering +1 swaps crit damage for crit rate. But all of these pieces have much higher overall stat piles. Mummu gloves has pretty shitty strenth and no ranged attack, whereas empy +3 have 28 strength and 62 ranged attack on top of 38 archery skill. Blistering has 41 strength, and ikenga's, tellen, amini also give you 22 store TP on top of all that. It just feels better to me and the results so far have not disappointed.

ItemSet 390339
ItemSet 391557

Edit: And yes, Gandiva is a Long Bow. You can tell just by looking at the thing. It's huge. Long bows and short bows have very distinct models in game. Gandiva is absolutely a long bow. There is no question about it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Gahlek
Posts: 18
By Cerberus.Gahlek 2023-06-12 12:00:51
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Asura.Melliny said: » Edit: And yes, Gandiva is a Long Bow. You can tell just by looking at the thing. It's huge. Long bows and short bows have very distinct models in game. Gandiva is absolutely a long bow. There is no question about it.

Fair enough! It's a great-looking weapon.

That being said, then I don't think Long Bow Distance Correction is ~ 11.8 yalms as Wiki states.

For whatever it's worth, this is what Displace Plus references and it seems to line up with our numbers we posted:

elseif option == 'Bow' then
MaxDistance = 25
trueshotmax = s.model_size + t.model_size + 9.5199
trueshotmin = s.model_size + t.model_size + 6.02

Discussion and the sets you posted are very helpful, thank you!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2023-06-12 13:02:59
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Lehko's Ring was just a long needed replacement + improvement for the evil Begrudging Ring. Sets are looking pretty clean, I'm sure people will have some other options on certain situations. Makes me smile when I see people dropping those nice number Refulgent Arrows!
By 2023-06-19 06:10:16
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Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1831
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-06-19 13:33:52
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kuroki said: »
how necessary is last stand when not using fomalhaut? my merit ws are already spoken for.

In terms of Skillchains properties, Detonator will cover a lot of the same ground that Last Stand does. Detonator however is a single-shot WS unlike Last Stand's 2-shot, so there is the nature of 1-hit WSs to deal with there. But, for most RNGs, Detonator in max-buff situations and non-Fomalhaut moments will out-perform Last Stand (esp if <3 merits in)...its just typically best to scale TP up a bit to see this. At 1k TP Last Stand will typically always win.

Its a tough comparison in my book between the two WSs, in particular with Annihilator or Armageddon. One results in extra Ratk, the other a gluttony of AGI. If you're only riding 1 or 2 merits in Last Stand, Detonator will win with Arma almost always, but it gets dicier with more merits in the WS until Last Stand will pull ahead eventually. With Anni's Ratk+10% aftermath, it seems Detonator can surpass even 5/5 Last Stands at times.

Its something that I have wanted to take the time to really get exact testing on comparing the two (non-Fomalhaut moments)...but I feel as a single-boxer test with trusts are pretty worthless.

tl;dr- you can live without Last Stand merited. You might lose out on a little DPS in some situations, but not always.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-06-19 15:55:08
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kuroki said: »
how necessary is last stand when not using fomalhaut? my merit ws are already spoken for.

Just to be sure, because recently I was surprised to discover that several LS mates didn't know this...
Are you aware that you can increase the number of total WS merits by 10, through the 720 point and 960 point Deeds of Eminence rewards? I know that with only 40 points per month, that's a reach for people who have totally ignored monthly RoEs for Deeds to this point. But perhaps you overlooked it, or you don't have the points yet but are close enough to get it soon.

And aside from that, I guess Detonator may be a viable substitute for Last Stand, as Cele explained well. But what are you doing with your other merit WS that is taking up all of your merits?

Most of them either aren't good enough to warrant going 5/5, or you don't really need more than 1 merit if using more for utility purposes (Entropy, Requiescat, Shattersoul) or for the occasional SC on a non-Aeonic weapon (Shijin, Shoha). Several just aren't that good, and you probably wouldn't use ever find much use for them with a non-Aeonic weapon over other options (Apex Arrow, Exenterator, Realmrazer, Resolution, Ruinator).

That really only leaves a pretty small handful of merit WS that are truly worth the 5/5 (Last Stand being one of them):
* Blade: Shun - frequently useful for damage and light SCs on NIN on many weapons
* Last Stand - useful for physical damage and light SCs on COR and RNG, pretty commonly used in SCs and for magic resistant mobs (I find regular use for it with Anni, Arma, and Gastra)
* Stardiver - for WAR SAM using polearms, or non-Trishula DRG
* Upheaval for a non-Chango Great Axe WAR (pretty niche use case though, realistically probably applies mostly to Ukonvasara users, since outside of Chango and Ukon you're likely better off on WAR using something other than GA)

I could certainly be overlooking something, or maybe you just have a personal reason for wanting another one merited (hardcore MNK who just can't bear to not have 5/5 Shijin because it's h2h, dammit). And maybe the capacity just doesn't work for your specific situation, YMMV. But it might be worth thinking about whether you're truly unable to make room for Last Stand when it's one of a small handful of relevant primary damage merit WS in practical situations.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Xagashi
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Xagashi 2023-06-30 18:12:24
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Anyone have an update lua they could share?
Posts: 89
By wick 2023-07-08 05:04:39
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Asura.Melliny said: »
For reference, these are my Mid shot and jishnu's sets I've been using for gandiva. It deviates a bit from some of the older sets. Instead of Meghanada Visor +2, Mummu Wrists +1, Arcadian Socks +3, or Kwahu Kachina belt +1 I've opted for some more modern equipment. I prefer blistering +1, amini gloveletts +3, tellen belt, and ikenga's clogs. Since I'm going to be shooting from true shot range the bonuses on tellen and ikenga's feet are always active, and will compensate similarly to the difference in crit rate. But they come with a significantly higher amount of store TP. The same goes for gloveletts +3 over mummu, and blistering +1 swaps crit damage for crit rate. But all of these pieces have much higher overall stat piles. Mummu gloves has pretty shitty strenth and no ranged attack, whereas empy +3 have 28 strength and 62 ranged attack on top of 38 archery skill. Blistering has 41 strength, and ikenga's, tellen, amini also give you 22 store TP on top of all that. It just feels better to me and the results so far have not disappointed.

ItemSet 390339
ItemSet 391557

Edit: And yes, Gandiva is a Long Bow. You can tell just by looking at the thing. It's huge. Long bows and short bows have very distinct models in game. Gandiva is absolutely a long bow. There is no question about it.
What set do you use when AM3 and double shot active?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3
By Asura.Stewey 2023-07-17 00:51:51
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Does anybody have an up to date lua i could have to use as a gear guide. Idk what really to use for my ranged tp set
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-07-17 07:40:53
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wick said: »
What set do you use when AM3 and double shot active?

Oshoshi Mask +1
Arcadian jerkin +3
Oshoshi Feet +1 are break even with IkengaR30 at True shot range.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-07-17 07:41:26
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Asura.Stewey said: »
Does anybody have an up to date lua i could have to use as a gear guide. Idk what really to use for my ranged tp set

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Server: Asura
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user: melphina
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By Asura.Melliny 2023-07-17 07:55:21
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What set do you use when AM3 and double shot active?

Oshoshi Mask +1 and Arcadian Jerkin +3 are my only mid shot swaps when double shot is up. I midshot in R30 ikenga's fulltime if I'm at trueshot range, and I still prefer amini gloves and legs +3. Everything else I listed IS my AM3 midshot set. If I'm using gandiva it's assumed I'm keeping up aftermath in trueshot range. It's the whole point of the bow.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3
By Asura.Stewey 2023-07-19 02:11:29
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Can someone tell me if you have to wear the oshosi pieces the entire time for the double shot proc bonus or if it’s just required to be worn during activation of double shot?
By Dodik 2023-07-19 04:38:58
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Oshosi are midshot pieces wrt double shot. Ja activation doesn't matter.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3
By Asura.Stewey 2023-07-19 21:04:41
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Thank you, im still learning lol
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-07-19 21:29:53
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If you don't know already relic head is in most tp sets in guides because it gives you 10 tp per merit in recycle when it procs. So you put 5 points into recycle and get 50 tp extra if this is in your midcast when you recycle.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Feanorsof
Posts: 49
By Bismarck.Feanorsof 2023-07-21 04:15:32
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SimonSes said: »
wick said: »
What set do you use when AM3 and double shot active?

Oshoshi Mask +1
Arcadian jerkin +3
Oshoshi Feet +1 are break even with IkengaR30 at True shot range.

Is Oshosi Mask +1 definetly better than the 12 Dead Aim on Meghanada Visor? I was questioning this yesterday when I gave my oshosi mask +1 away
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-07-21 04:22:20
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extremely dependent on your weapon of choice. I find that I keep the Meghanada Visor in doubleshot sets for my Empyrean weapons, Oshosi+1 for Fomalhaut/Annihilator, and I still prefer the relic head for Gastra.

Plus, i do run a midshot set mode (both double and standard shot) that ensures capped -DT over maximizing dps capabilities. Fights like v20+ Arebati with them piggies running around are just not worth marginal improvement in damage to risk being one-shot in my book, so (again, weapon-dependent) there are times when one would look at my doubleshot sets and think they're seeing gaps, but in reality they're planned sacrifices.
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