You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-04-01 09:28:57
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Bismarck.Drakelth said: »
wait people use ranged strategies for omen aeonics still? my group does them all melee since its faster

Sure- in regards to some HELMs(2 of 7), I did say "most predictably" in regards to easy wins, not always fastest. Same for the 2 omen bosses I referred to. And I certainly agreed from the start that a ranged strat is often not the fastest option, but rather the safer option so that's why its chosen.
Server: Bismarck
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user: drakelth
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By Bismarck.Drakelth 2022-04-01 09:31:12
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Faster the mob dies less chance it has todo shitty ***. mnk method vini for example kills it in less than a minute and is really safe imo.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-04-22 19:01:24
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Q1: For Arma and Gandiva, what do you use for a midshot when you have both AM and Double Shot up?

I don't have Nisroch Jerkin for body, so I want to say I'd take Arcadian+3 over Meghanada+2.

Q2: Does anyone know what the proc rate for double > triple shot on the Arcadian+3 body?
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-04-22 19:22:26
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I typically only alter my accessories during doubleshot active if riding an Empyrean or Annihilator AM3. I use Oshosi+1 Head/Legs/Feet, Arcadian Body, and Ikenga Hands- as I don't use Oshosi hands on my COR during Doubleshot (definitely good reasons for that called Relic+3 hands haha), I don't bother with them for just RNG usage. Throwing in the Ikenga Hands gives me a little bit extra Subtle Blow and +PDL- another option in particular is to alter your Rings to include the Mummu Ring, and include Mummu Wrists+2 for the set bonus and some more +critrate.

Rings/Earrings/Waist all lean towards +crit options when possible and I completely ignore STP.

In regards to your question on the relic+3 body proc rate, I don't know offhand but its gotta be respectable based on just observation over time- wouldn't surprise me at all to find out its between 20-25%.
Server: Shiva
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user: Flowen255
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By Shiva.Flowen 2022-04-22 22:32:14
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Q2: Does anyone know what the proc rate for double > triple shot on the Arcadian+3 body?

It's high, I believe it's like 40-50%? Small sample size but this was from a while back:

- 250 shots fired under double shot ability.
- Only double shot effecting piece was arcadian jerkin +3 (ie no oshosi gear)
- Capped double shot JP

- 93 shots were single, 157 were multi-hit (62.8% "double shot proc rate", in line with previous data that 40% is base + 20% for JP)
- of 157 multi-hit shots, 72 were double shot (45.85%) and 85 were triple shot (54.14%).
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1847
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-04-23 09:39:06
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Thank you both for the answers.

I'm glad it's not just me thinking the triple proc is around 50%. It's so easy to get carried away when something nice is happening more than 1/3 of the time.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-23 10:46:08
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Thank you both for the answers.

I'm glad it's not just me thinking the triple proc is around 50%. It's so easy to get carried away when something nice is happening more than 1/3 of the time.

Pretty sure i posted test results here somewhere too and it was between 50 and 55% rate too. Just another confirmation for you :)
Server: Shiva
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user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2022-04-23 15:42:26
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Thank you both for the answers.

I'm glad it's not just me thinking the triple proc is around 50%. It's so easy to get carried away when something nice is happening more than 1/3 of the time.

Pretty sure i posted test results here somewhere too and it was between 50 and 55% rate too. Just another confirmation for you :)

Nice. I was hesitant to claim 50%+ based on my small test but good to see it looks fairly accurate!

Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Thank you both for the answers.

I'm glad it's not just me thinking the triple proc is around 50%. It's so easy to get carried away when something nice is happening more than 1/3 of the time.

Yeah it's a nice buff. A triple emp AM3 crit has to be one of the most satisfying things in the game for me. Just wish I got to play rng more!
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3700
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-23 19:10:05
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Thank you both for the answers.

I'm glad it's not just me thinking the triple proc is around 50%. It's so easy to get carried away when something nice is happening more than 1/3 of the time.

Pretty sure i posted test results here somewhere too and it was between 50 and 55% rate too. Just another confirmation for you :)

On topic but not-RNG thing: COR relic +3 hands have a similarly high proc rate for Triple->Quad Shot procs. IDK if Simon or anyone else has numbers, and maybe it's lower than the Double->Triple effect on RNG, but IIRC it's still something like 40%+ rate.
By Afania 2022-04-23 21:56:46
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Thank you both for the answers.

I'm glad it's not just me thinking the triple proc is around 50%. It's so easy to get carried away when something nice is happening more than 1/3 of the time.

Pretty sure i posted test results here somewhere too and it was between 50 and 55% rate too. Just another confirmation for you :)

On topic but not-RNG thing: COR relic +3 hands have a similarly high proc rate for Triple->Quad Shot procs. IDK if Simon or anyone else has numbers, and maybe it's lower than the Double->Triple effect on RNG, but IIRC it's still something like 40%+ rate.

I thought it was tested and posted on the forum when it was out?
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3700
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-24 01:52:42
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I'm sure it probably was, but not surprising that people don't remember or can't locate years old forum posts. It's not on the more easily consulted sources like BG Wiki...

I do remember both the RNG and COR pieces have a very high proc rate for the multishot enhancement though.
By Afania 2022-04-24 08:20:22
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
I'm sure it probably was, but not surprising that people don't remember or can't locate years old forum posts. It's not on the more easily consulted sources like BG Wiki...

I do remember both the RNG and COR pieces have a very high proc rate for the multishot enhancement though.

After some digging I found the 2018 me who said the proc rate is 50%.

I don't remember a thing that I said 4 years ago but I trust the 2018 me being correct on such information. So yeah.....
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-24 09:37:10
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
A triple emp AM3 crit has to be one of the most satisfying things in the game for me.

Ideally with 25 hover stacks and in true shot range too :D In bis white damage set it's possible to break 50k on second hit of double shot in that scenario. Probably highest single hit white damage in game. I guess maybe Boosted veret crit am3 hit with 50 impetus stacks could be competitive, but that's not exactly a regular single hit. One day I will change moonshade for fun and fool around trying to make 99k white damage crit :)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3700
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-25 17:15:01
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SimonSes said: »
In bis white damage set it's possible to break 50k on second hit of double shot

Wait, what? Can you, or anyone else, explain any Double/Hover Shot mechanics that I don't think I've ever seen stated re: second shot doing more damage than the first.

1) Is this just part of Double Shot's core mechanics, or only when combined with Hover? And for Hover, since you haven't moved between shot #1 and shot #2 of a double shot proc, is shot #2 based purely on the damage from shot #1 (but no reset to the hover shot stack)?

2) What about when Relic body proc upgrades a double shot to triple shot? Does the 3rd shot just duplicate shot #2, or does it have damage calculated differently?
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-25 17:33:15
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
SimonSes said: »
In bis white damage set it's possible to break 50k on second hit of double shot

Wait, what? Can you, or anyone else, explain any Double/Hover Shot mechanics that I don't think I've ever seen stated re: second shot doing more damage than the first.

1) Is this just part of Double Shot's core mechanics, or only when combined with Hover? And for Hover, since you haven't moved between shot #1 and shot #2 of a double shot proc, is shot #2 based purely on the damage from shot #1 (but no reset to the hover shot stack)?

2) What about when Relic body proc upgrades a double shot to triple shot? Does the 3rd shot just duplicate shot #2, or does it have damage calculated differently?

It's part of the "Double Shot" damage+ mechanic (Ambu back, Oshosi head, Relic+3 body), not basic DS or Hover. Hover multiply both hits evenly and both shots are even without "Double Shot" damage+. "Double Shot" damage+ only works for second hit (unlike "Double Attack" damage on melee swings on WAR gear or Sakpata head, which works for both hits of double attack).
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-04-25 17:36:27
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I actually was wondering how it interacts with Double Shot as well. Wiki doesn’t state anything one it, like with the extra shot from the same spot reset it.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-25 17:59:08
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
I actually was wondering how it interacts with Double Shot as well. Wiki doesn’t state anything one it, like with the extra shot from the same spot reset it.

Hover shot mechanic is based per executed /ra or WS, not individual hits within /ra or WS, neither missing or hitting any of those hits.
Posts: 174
By IGDC 2022-04-25 18:12:19
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SimonSes said: »
One day I will change moonshade for fun and fool around trying to make 99k white damage crit :)

I'm guessing you mean to the "Occ. grants dmg. bonus based on TP +5%"?
I've never seen(or used) this augment. Can you explain how it actually works?
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-25 18:18:30
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IGDC said: »
SimonSes said: »
One day I will change moonshade for fun and fool around trying to make 99k white damage crit :)

I'm guessing you mean to the "Occ. grants dmg. bonus based on TP +5%"?
I've never seen(or used) this augment. Can you explain how it actually works?

5% to multiply your white damage hit based on TP you have. Up to x2 at 3000TP. It's not really good (It's basically +5% white damage on avg and only if you don't WS and build and stay at 3000TP), especially in comparison to TP bonus +250, but funny item to fool around with :P
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3700
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-25 18:34:35
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Thanks for the explanation, Simon. More questions :)

Re: Arcadian Jerkin +3, how does this mechanic work when you get an upgrade from Double Shot to Triple Shot?
1) No "Double Shot damage" bonus at all to additional shots because it's no longer a Double Shot?
2) Does shot #2 still get the damage bonus, but shot #3 gets no bonus?
3) Do both shots #2 and #3 get the same "Double Shot damage" bonus?

If it's #1... I assume "Triple Shot damage +" on Oshosi Mask/+1 (currently the only pieces in the game with that stat, unless I'm overlooking something) does still work, correct? And if so, how does THAT get applied - does the damage increase apply to both shots #2 and #3 from a triple shot proc (I would assume so, given the smaller damage increase for Triple Shot dmg+ basically meaning it's just spreading a similar amount of extra damage across 2 extra shots instead of the 1 extra shot on a Double Shot)?

And indulge me a moment despite this being the RNG thread... does COR just get screwed if their Triple Shot becomes a Quad Shot (via Lanun Gants +3), and they get no damage bonus at all from Oshosi head? Or is there still some bonus damage applied to that multi-shot proc?
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-25 18:41:06
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Re: Arcadian Jerkin +3, how does this mechanic work when you get an upgrade from Double Shot to Triple Shot?
1) No "Double Shot damage" bonus at all to additional shots because it's no longer a Double Shot?
2) Does shot #2 still get the damage bonus, but shot #3 gets no bonus?
3) Do both shots #2 and #3 get the same "Double Shot damage" bonus?


Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
If it's #1... I assume "Triple Shot damage +" on Oshosi Mask/+1 (currently the only pieces in the game with that stat, unless I'm overlooking something) does still work, correct? And if so, how does THAT get applied - does the damage increase apply to both shots #2 and #3 from a triple shot proc (I would assume so, given the smaller damage increase for Triple Shot dmg+ basically meaning it's just spreading a similar amount of extra damage across 2 extra shots instead of the 1 extra shot on a Double Shot)?


Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
And indulge me a moment despite this being the RNG thread... does COR just get screwed if their Triple Shot becomes a Quad Shot (via Lanun Gants +3), and they get no damage bonus at all from Oshosi head?

I was testing that and I want to say yes, but it's like 98% yes.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-04-25 18:46:34
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SimonSes said: »
(It's basically +5% white damage on avg and only if you don't WS and build and stay at 3000TP

This +5% avg might be a lie too, because I have no idea how it interacts with multihit. Could be limited to 1hit per round like hidden effect on relics or could multiply every hit in the round (with separate chance for each) like Empy aftermath. If it's like relics, then it's less than +5% on avg, unless you have 0 multi-attack in your build.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Xeones
Posts: 65
By Bahamut.Xeones 2022-04-29 02:19:46
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Coming back to game after break, havent played since hover shot.

Which bow should i make? and what's the archery ws that's good now that hover is a thing?
Server: Fenrir
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user: melphina
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-04-29 09:37:06
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Which bow should i make? and what's the archery ws that's good now that hover is a thing?

Rangers use guns over bows nowadays because marksmanship weaponskills are much stronger than their archery counterparts. Last stand is the go to for physical damage, and trueflight is for magic damage. Archery can't compete with either of those really.

As far as which weapon you should start with I'll be blunt. Get fomalhaut. Not only is it a serviceable weapon for both last stand and trueflight, but by owning one you get an unlimited supply of chrono bullets. That's the real reason you want it. Ranger suffers from not having a good source of usable ammo unless they own an REMA, since the alternatives are buying titanium bullets from the auction house or spamming domain invasion for voluspa bullets. Trust me, neither of those options are any fun.

I think the best non-rema option is still a holliday with a good augment, and it's a good starting point for a newly returned player, but you will want to work toward fomalhaut as soon as you can. Armageddon and gastraphetes can pump out more damage than fomalhaut, but they're more involved to build and in the case of armageddon you'd still want a fomalhaut eventually anyway because chrono bullets are just better than devastating bullets.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Xeones
Posts: 65
By Bahamut.Xeones 2022-04-29 14:58:08
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For context, and im sorry i left this out, I'm finishing up gastra, and just wanting some versatility. If you HAD to choose one, which bow would you choose and why, if you dont mind! :)
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-04-29 15:31:40
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Bahamut.Xeones said: »
For context, and im sorry i left this out, I'm finishing up gastra, and just wanting some versatility. If you HAD to choose one, which bow would you choose and why, if you dont mind! :)

Gandiva with Chrono Arrows built around an AM3 Crit/PDL set.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Xeones
Posts: 65
By Bahamut.Xeones 2022-04-29 16:08:36
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Thank you,

Would arma be basically the same? building crit am3 around it?

I'm curious if any of the archery weapon skills are worth building around? Someone told me flaming arrow is good now?
Server: Odin
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user: Queztocal
Posts: 16
By Odin.Daemonak 2022-04-29 16:20:57
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With the right buffs/equips you can get good numbers out of Flaming Arrow. Its more of a gimmick thing though, only works on fights where the mob doesn't resist piercing and/or fire damage. Also, can just use Hot Shot with gun for similar results.

For those rare situations where you could take advantage of it, you would likely use R15 Aeonic bow/gun for optimal damage.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-04-29 16:26:16
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Bahamut.Xeones said: »
Thank you,

Would arma be basically the same? building crit am3 around it?

I'm curious if any of the archery weapon skills are worth building around? Someone told me flaming arrow is good now?

Yes basically same build, Gun gets better pdif and it's generally easier to minimize delay increase from trying to hover with a gun than a bow due to larger base delay.

Both gun and bow hybrid ws's do benefit disproportionately from high hover shot stacks as well as introduction of Nyame path B but I haven't found a lot of fights that last long enough where I can't just cap out Trueflight instead or use wildfire if I need fire damage as elemental ws's both generate less hate and are more consistent.

Jishnu's with Gandiva is decent, actually pretty comparable to Last Stand (with the sometimes upside of crits can proc some things) but with both arma and Gandiva weapon builds you are more focused on white damage which can get insane with double shot and AM3 active.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3700
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-29 17:47:26
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Bahamut.Xeones said: »
For context, and im sorry i left this out, I'm finishing up gastra, and just wanting some versatility. If you HAD to choose one, which bow would you choose and why, if you dont mind! :)
Gandiva with Chrono Arrows built around an AM3 Crit/PDL set.

Which is... making TWO bows ;)

If you don't want to make an Aeonic AND an Empy, I'd say go with whichever of them is easier to obtain for you. Perhaps it's a consideration that Empy is solo-able, Aeonic needs a group (or paying mercs if that's a thing on your server - it really isn't on mine). Though for someone who already has a Gastra, maybe I'd lean slightly more toward Gandiva as the priority. Then you'd have one amazing magic damage ranged weapon, and one excellent physical damage ranged weapon. Plus, the Artemis's Arrows you get with Gandiva aren't THAT much worse than Chrono Arrows - it's a difference of DMG-9, Racc+5, Ratk+15. That's at least closer than the Marksmanship situation of Chrono Bullets versus Eradicating/Devastating Bullets.

But the real answer is probably that every one of the Marksmanship RMEA are a higher priority than any bow. There's no real need for Archery these days, and anything bows can do there is a (superior) marksmanship equivalent. Each of the Marksmanship RMEA have their niche too:
Annihilator: enmity management with solid DPS
Gastraphetes: max damage if magical WS are viable
Armageddon: insane white damage, probably enough to warrant calling it the "best" overall physical damage weapon, but also a great all around gun (best Wildfire, solid Last Stand and Trueflight thanks to the boatload of AGI)
Fomalhaut: highest DMG bullets (the #1 reason to get the gun), best Last Stands, very good all around performance. Dinged a little bit for lowest Racc of the Marksmanship RMEA, and mediocre white damage as compared to Arma (and even Anni with its strong Ratk from base stats and aftermath, unless you're attack capped from other buffs).

But back to Cele's suggestion, I think Gandiva probably has the best argument for a bow, for situations where you want all out maximum damage. Combines Armageddon's strong white damage with a Fomalhaut's best-in-class physical WS numbers. The thing is, Arma + Last Stand is still stronger overall physical DPS (due to gun+bullet damage making the white damage just silly)... so I'm not really sure there's a great reason to choose Gandiva over it, other than it looking cool to summon lightning with your WS.
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