You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-14 12:47:09
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Asura.Sagaxi said: »
I assume /drg for hate shedind (arebati comes to mind)?
No sub job in Gaol
Server: Asura
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user: xXSagaXx
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By Asura.Sagaxi 2022-02-14 13:04:31
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Server: Asura
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user: thesteja
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By Asura.Thesteja 2022-02-14 13:38:08
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wheres does martial knife and kclub stand with ws? lol
Posts: 1449
By fillerbunny9 2022-02-14 13:47:54
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pretty sure Martial Knife does nothing for ranged weaponskills, so not particularly high....
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-14 13:48:23
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Asura.Thesteja said: »
wheres does martial knife and kclub stand with ws? lol
Would need more info about what you mean.
Martial knife TP bonus only effects main hand.
Server: Asura
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user: thesteja
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By Asura.Thesteja 2022-02-14 13:51:40
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main hand the martial and off hand kclub,
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-14 14:07:44
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Asura.Thesteja said: »
main hand the martial and off hand kclub,
Again Martial weapons only effect the weapon itself so no would not want to use it.

Kclub can work in offhand depending on buffs/debuffs/etc
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-02-14 14:20:38
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I suppose Jupiter's staff + bloodrain strap is nice. I think our RNG is rocking that to try to take Arebati Aura down.
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-14 14:29:20
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I suppose Jupiter's staff + bloodrain strap is nice. I think our RNG is rocking that to try to take Arebati Aura down.
This is interesting idea for when trying to take down aura, But not sure if its worth losings AM over dagger. But will also depend on what rolls you are getting for COR etc.

Also claymore grip
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-02-14 15:44:26
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I suppose Jupiter's staff + bloodrain strap is nice. I think our RNG is rocking that to try to take Arebati Aura down.

Jupiter Staff Crit Rate only works for the staff itself. It does NOT impact ranged attacks or WSs
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-02-14 16:22:53
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Asura.Sagaxi said: »
I assume /drg for hate shedind (arebati comes to mind)?

I tend to find RNG has enough enmity tools to not need /DRG, and the extra offhand from /DNC or /NIN (if not in Gaol) is normally of more value to me than /DRG's jumps and WS bonus. I mean, /DRG is still a reasonable enough potential choice... but unless I really thought I needed to spam Last Stand or something and there's just no other way, I rarely feel like /DRG is just imperative for RNG.

1) If enmity control is really that serious, just use Annihilator (or even switch to it on a temporary basis, do a few Coronachs, then switch back to another weapon).

2) Hover Shot gives enmity down when doing the dance. Can also switch to Decoy Shot as needed (and if using Empy AM + Decoy, the stronger /ra shots are even more effective at feeding enmity to a tank).

3) Camouflage is a nice way to cool off on enmity for a bit too. Especially for AM3 up Empy where you don't necessarily need to WS as frequently as possible to maintain good DPS.

4) Wildfire is extremely low enmity when that WS works (magical WS AND enm- varies with TP). Trueflight, as a magical WS, also isn't that bad for hate management (though when well buffed, yeah, massive WS damage can still certainly pull mobs - but it's at least less risky than huge physical WS).

So really, the big risk is blasting mobs with huge physical WS when magical just isn't viable, and a slip up where you pull hate could be catastrophic. If that's the case, IMO just use Anni for that situation and accept the relatively minor hit to DPS in exchange for practically zero danger of accidentally pulling hate.

Fomalhaut and Last Stand (or Gandiva/JR, though at least Camo/Decoy work better with that) is for when you're a madman or don't particularly care if you happen to pull hate ;)

Asura.Sagaxi said: »
P.S. So glad, finally 7/7 on rng remas!

Wooo! Big congrats on that accomplishment. Just recently finished 4/4 Marksmanship REMA myself, which feels great. Even though I know better, I'm feeling somewhat tempted to get the bows too lol (because WHAT IF ONE DAY BOW RETURNS TO GLORY, HUH???)
Posts: 2752
By Nariont 2022-02-14 17:20:01
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One little note to the low hate ws' is that when closing a sc the sc dmg incurs normal hate, so can quickly grab hate that way too if the chains are high enough
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-02-14 18:10:38
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Nariont said: »
One little note to the low hate ws' is that when closing a sc the sc dmg incurs normal hate, so can quickly grab hate that way too if the chains are high enough

Just a tagalong because this is so right, annihilator also gives ratk+10% -25 enmity, with aftermath so launching a couple last stands here and there with Anni is actually pretty strong when compared to the other remas. It's no foma but having the option to coronach. The aftermath enmity- can help cap even odd sets if you aren't using dirge.

With arti head, relic pants and Ikenga body, you're -49 enmity with every other slot to mess with for damage using Anni aftermath to cover half your enmity.
Server: Bismarck
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user: drakelth
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By Bismarck.Drakelth 2022-02-14 19:07:52
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Wooo! Big congrats on that accomplishment. Just recently finished 4/4 Marksmanship REMA myself, which feels great. Even though I know better, I'm feeling somewhat tempted to get the bows too lol (because WHAT IF ONE DAY BOW RETURNS TO GLORY, HUH???)[/quote]

This is where I am at lol.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-02-14 19:28:46
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I suppose Jupiter's staff + bloodrain strap is nice. I think our RNG is rocking that to try to take Arebati Aura down.

Jupiter Staff Crit Rate only works for the staff itself. It does NOT impact ranged attacks or WSs

Do you have a link to testing on that. The only affects I know of that don’t work across weapons are tp bonus non augments and oat
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2022-02-14 19:37:28
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forever ago crit rate used to apply to only the weapon with the stat on it. JP wiki has the same thing on the staff. i don't know of any testing to verify it, whether it's been changed, or if it still applies and we just assumed otherwise.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-02-14 19:42:55
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Ok cool. There’s at least some precedent for. I was not finding anything
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-02-14 19:57:29
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I get the desire to seek out +crit rate gear for a fight like Arebati, and while building a straight critrate set for RNG is very straightforward, merging a doubleshot+critrate set can feel like you're always sacrificing and not getting anywhere....but really- a Jupiter's staff?

Oshosi Leggings+1: 10%
Ambu Cape: 10%
Kwahu Kachina Belt+1: 5%
Begrudging Ring: 5%
Mummu Ring: 3%
Mummu Wrists+2: 6%
Odr Earring: 5%
Gleti's Knife:5%


are the +crit rate pieces I use in my doubleshot set for Arebati with Annihilator. Add 5% crit rate merits ("Others" category):


Our group uses Rogues/Chaos rolls over Chaos/Sam since we use Anni RNG+ Arma COR for our DPS (putting this in for discussion in a RNG forum- in reality this worked well for v15 but we are contemplating switching to a piercing melee setup for v20). While we have a Rostam COR rolling, here's the numbers for just a crooked lucky Rogue's Roll with +7, not +8 (and not an 11, but a 5)- 20% for a crooked 5 with +7 rolls. A crooked 11 with +8 rolls is 26%.


And finally, 20% while Camouflage is up

94-100% crit rate. And that means getting to use Gleti's/Nusku with Annihilator....which has the only split WSC stat in all of Marksmanship.....AGI, and DEX.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-02-14 23:08:54
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I suppose Jupiter's staff + bloodrain strap is nice. I think our RNG is rocking that to try to take Arebati Aura down.

Jupiter Staff Crit Rate only works for the staff itself. It does NOT impact ranged attacks or WSs

Do you have a link to testing on that. The only affects I know of that don’t work across weapons are tp bonus non augments and oat

Testing was done, but I can’t find the bluegartr page for it. However, here’s some more discussion on it from 10+ years ago">
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2022-02-14 23:12:13
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I suppose Jupiter's staff + bloodrain strap is nice. I think our RNG is rocking that to try to take Arebati Aura down.

Jupiter Staff Crit Rate only works for the staff itself. It does NOT impact ranged attacks or WSs

Do you have a link to testing on that. The only affects I know of that don’t work across weapons are tp bonus non augments and oat

Testing was done, but I can’t find the bluegartr page for it. However, here’s some more discussion on it from 10+ years ago">
A lot of older crit hit stuff only worked for that weapon. So for duel wield jobs it only counted in whatever slot it was too.

TBF SE could of just changed how Crit Hite worked and never announced it. So there may or may not be a difference. I never saw any retesting of old stuff we knew only worked in that slot at the time.
Server: Odin
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user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2022-02-15 00:24:46
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"For ranged weapons, critical hit rate is the sum of the base rate (5%), gear/atma (0-100%), merit points (0-5%), Buffs, Weapon Skill modifiers, and player Agility relative to target Agility (also known as dAGI, no known cap). Dexterity does not affect critical hit rate for ranged weapons."

If Wiki is correct & I am understanding this right, then...

Can hit 73% in gear raw crit rate + 5% base rate mentioned above + 5% merits will put you at 83% with this set:
Note: This is just for a test:
ItemSet 381888
With Camouflage 20% puts you at 103%
this is before dAGI crit hit factored in. So hypothetically you can hit 100% crit without Rogues Roll.

Lets calculate how much AGI set gets, plus the base AGI.
ML30 RNG: AGI ~121 (no sub job) (Elvaan)
AGI on Gear: 16+25+44+22+30+8+45+51=241+[24(mummu set bonus 4pcs)]=265+[70(R15 ARMA)]=335+[15(Gleti's Knife)]=350

Total AGI: 121+350=471
Lets assume we are doing this for Arebati fight and no Camouflage we would need dAGI to be 170+ to get that last 17% Crit Hit rate from dAGI.
(Player AGI 471-Monster AGI) = dAGI
Crit Rate = +floor( dAGI÷10 )%
If Arebati or any monster AGI is under 301, then with this set you can hit 100% rng crit hit rate without Camo/Rogues
other options include:
Osh. Leggings +1
Nisroch Jerkin
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-02-15 01:58:56
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love the set- in particular the Relic+3 feet for when doubleshot is down really does its part to make up for lost Ranged Attack. And if this is a single shot set, I'd suggest swapping legs for Mummu+2 (more crit, TONS more AGI), and the body to Nisroch for those to whom its available.

My biggest question is- at what point is a 100% crit set better than an 80% crit set with Rogue's Roll over Samurai Roll in a fight like this? We know skillchain damage is garbage, but Coronach and Last Stand both can hit hard and are worth the after-WS lockout damage-wise. So the real issue regarding this situation to me is proc times. And then you gotta think- is a net 85% crit rate with doubleshot up (no camo) outweigh a 100% set in single shot when it comes to procs on Arebati?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2022-02-15 02:38:52
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
love the set- in particular the Relic+3 feet for when doubleshot is down really does its part to make up for lost Ranged Attack. And if this is a single shot set, I'd suggest swapping legs for Mummu+2 (more crit, TONS more AGI), and the body to Nisroch for those to whom its available.

My biggest question is- at what point is a 100% crit set better than an 80% crit set with Rogue's Roll over Samurai Roll in a fight like this? We know skillchain damage is garbage, but Coronach and Last Stand both can hit hard and are worth the after-WS lockout damage-wise. So the real issue regarding this situation to me is proc times. And then you gotta think- is a net 85% crit rate with doubleshot up (no camo) outweigh a 100% set in single shot when it comes to procs on Arebati?
Pretty much just for proc times when ds/camo/rogues is down. Personally I go for doubleshot AM3 camo with rogues roll all the way :) This is something experimental to see what other options can be derived.
Mummu+2 legs def. better leg option, thank you! Updated^
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-15 11:10:11
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
And that means getting to use Gleti's/Nusku with Annihilator.
I assume you don't have a Armageddon/Gandiva to use?

Also for all the sets posted good to note that when procing really high Crit+ is helpful but for DPS want to keep up some Crit Damage+ Oneiros Knife and Meghanada Visor +2 being two big ones.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2022-02-15 11:37:53
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Asura.Bippin said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
And that means getting to use Gleti's/Nusku with Annihilator.
I assume you don't have a Armageddon/Gandiva to use?

Also for all the sets posted good to note that when procing really high Crit+ is helpful but for DPS want to keep up some Crit Damage+ Oneiros Knife and Meghanada Visor +2 being two big ones.
Most certainly. This was done to see how much raw crit we can get, and to explore 100% crit rate options. The AM3/DS Crit sets still stay in tact for Arma/Gandiva set ups.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-02-15 14:50:25
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Asura.Bippin said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
And that means getting to use Gleti's/Nusku with Annihilator.
I assume you don't have a Armageddon/Gandiva to use?

Also for all the sets posted good to note that when procing really high Crit+ is helpful but for DPS want to keep up some Crit Damage+ Oneiros Knife and Meghanada Visor +2 being two big ones.

I strongly prefer Annihilator over Armageddon for most long fights. I have had every RNG RMEA for over 2 years now, and will never get tired of the insane white damage the Armageddon can put out, and with that gluttony of AGI it truly becomes a super versatile weapon that can justify its place in almost any situation. Also, with Arma, my aftermath sets do use Oneiros Knife and Meghanada Visor+2- my primary reasoning in citing the Gleti's Knife for this fight with Annihilator is the split WSC on Coronach of both AGI and DEX versus any other Marksmanship weaponskill which is 100% AGI. The crit rate+5% is just icing.

But if I want to ride Hover Shot for a long fight, Arma means at some point I'm going to pull hate, whereas with Anni I simply never do, and typically parse better if skillchaining is part of the fight (think a ranged Schah fight) versus Armageddon, and am always safer. In times where skillchaining isn't viable or the damage is garbage (like Arebati), I simply opt for Anni when I need that safety. Lastly- the Ranged Attack+10% aftermath on Annihilator helps a ton in non attack-cap situations where you're dealing with either limited buffs and/or nerfed geomancy, and with Ikenga Gear, I find that matters a lot more than it used to.

I feverishly follow the principle of the Four D's- Dead DDs Don't DPS. So yes, I pull out the Arma for times like Zerde, several Ambuscades, and its my most-common weapon choice while soloing (see my opinion on its versatility for reasoning), but I won't be pushed away from viewing an R15 Annihilator as Ranger's best physical damage weapon by leaps and bounds, in particular for longer fights.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-02-15 15:09:23
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Asura.Bippin said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
And that means getting to use Gleti's/Nusku with Annihilator.
I assume you don't have a Armageddon/Gandiva to use?

Also for all the sets posted good to note that when procing really high Crit+ is helpful but for DPS want to keep up some Crit Damage+ Oneiros Knife and Meghanada Visor +2 being two big ones.


But if I want to ride Hover Shot for a long fight, Arma means at some point I'm going to pull hate, whereas with Anni I simply never do, and typically parse better if skillchaining is part of the fight (think a ranged Schah fight) versus Armageddon, and am always safer. In times where skillchaining isn't viable or the damage is garbage (like Arebati), I simply opt for Anni when I need that safety. Lastly- the Ranged Attack+10% aftermath on Annihilator helps a ton in non attack-cap situations where you're dealing with either limited buffs and/or nerfed geomancy, and with Ikenga Gear, I find that matters a lot more than it used to.


I won't be pushed away from viewing an R15 Annihilator as Ranger's best physical damage weapon by leaps and bounds, in particular for longer fights.

So I think these ideas are very shortsighted when other jobs can effectively remove/eliminate enmity. I love my Annihilator dearly and I too agree it is one of the best weapons to just deal boat loads of damage without a boss looking at you. However, best physical damage has to go to Arma with the caveat you must have someone else helping you with enmity.

One caper at the right time and you sail through a fight full time with Arma. A SMN using pacify every so often, exactly the same.

My favorite (and quite possibly biggest) advantage of Anni over Arma is AM maintenance. Sure you can barrage and doubleshot/overkill to get AM3 back relatively quickly, however Anni just never stops ws'ing. Even when using last stand with annihilator, you rotate in 1 coronach and the hits keep rolling.

Huge fan of Anni, huge fan of Arma, only 5/7 rng myself, but Arma > Anni for physical damage. Anni is one of my favorite constant weapons especially utilizing pup tanking strategies, but enmity is it's big trick, if you can manage enmity in another way, it's behind AM3 Arma. Just gotta work to your party's strengths.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-02-15 15:20:05
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I openly call Ranger my Princess Job in tribute to "The Princess and The Pea"- if even one thing is off, we suffer ;) We are quite the demanding DD in our own ways that because we're outnumbered by melee DD options, feel annoying to others^^

And the scenario you describe simply isn't always available, and effects the overall performance of either weapon. This is why spreadsheeting drives me batshit- sure, when everything is perfect and you can essentially take all responsibility regarding game mechanics from the Ranger and let them unleash hell, then sure, go for it.

If you want to bring a SCH to a fight like Arebati, it can have great tools- Embrava giving some Snapshot, Animus Mineo, and a 1hr of Caper Emisarrus. Or, you could bring a RDM, adding Dia3, Flurry2, and heavy landing enfeebles (yes, you can effectively enfeeble all the A3 NMs on V20, just not every enfeeble), along with better tools to help the RUN than a SCH brings for that particular the expense of simply having the Ranger change the weapon they use. So why put responsibility on others when you can still perform at an extremely high level and make life easier for everyone?

Regarding AM3 maintenance on Armageddon (or any Empyrean)- I find those easiest to maintain because if you're bringing them into play, its not for a 35k Last Stand- its for 30k doubleshots without a 2 second lockout after WS. So more often than not I'm sitting on TP anyways, and the Wildfire is actually a loss of DPS not just in raw numbers, but in time lost.

"Your Party's Strengths" party isn't there just to make me look pretty and make my job simpler. They're there so we all can succeed with the most predictable way possible with as few variables to balance. Just a different approach, I guess.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-02-15 15:24:39
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Why not both?
With HS stacks carrying over even when switching weapons, no reason to not just use both when needed.

I've been farming v20 arebati for RP this past week, and I find myself switching back and forth between Arma and Anni during the battle. I start with Anni to build HS stacks, switch to Arma when I have double shot/barrage up, then switch back to Anni when they're down. Everytime I fulltime Arma, even when SCH caper'd at 60% HP, I'd still have to hold back or pull aggro.

As far as crit and procc'ing, our group just completely ignore trying to blue proc, we've been in too many situation where we drag the fight on too long trying to proc while we can just straight up kill it. We've found more success this way.

I'm getting HM min3x minne (no dirge yea), geo fury, indi-barrier. With these buffs, Coronach with full HS stacks are doing 39k~ avg
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