You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-10-19 02:43:57
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Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »
difficult to consistently take advantage of and even harder when hovering.

That's a very good point! I still forget to consider that sometimes out of old habit :)
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-10-19 04:58:16
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Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »
head		=	TaeonHead.Snap,         --10
body		=	EMPY.Body,	
hands		=	"Carmine Fin. Ga. +1",          --8
legs		=	AF.Legs,                        --15
feet		=	"Meg. Jam. +2",                 --10
neck		=	"Scout's Gorget +2",            --4
waist		=	"Yemaya Belt",			
right_ring	=	"Crepuscular Ring",             --3
back		=	RNGCape.Snap,                   --10

This is my no flurry set

If you don't have AF1+3 Legs you can always use impulse and Su3 HQ to reach the same full cap snapshot for no flurry as well.

Just trying to throw options out there.

It's always better to full cap snapshot and velocity shot because it's almost like JA haste for ranged attacks, rapid shot is quick magics ugly step brother.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-10-19 14:56:56
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Good call on the Oshosi legs, I always forget those for slightly more Snapshot than my usual go-to in Adhemar+1 that I still use in my Flurry up sets. Never did make Orion+3 legs before since I never really found a set that I'd use them in, but perhaps they're more viable as preshot gear given the additional flexibility offered with newish Snap options like Crepuscular Ring and Perun+1 augs.

Personally, I've always thought of something like a Snapshot+68 or 69 set as totally fine, to the point of being practically imperceptible for someone relying on manual human input to shoot. Rapid also never bothered me as much as quick magic, but admittedly that may be outdated thinking from a pre-Hover Shot time - it's a little more annoying now while doing the hover dance.

Empy body is another story though, I realize that's super impactful so I do want to reconfigure my no Flurry set (that I'm finding myself using more often these days) to get it in there.
Posts: 107
By kunami 2021-11-11 09:38:14
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Guess I gotta redo the subjob section of the node :3
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-24 02:39:28
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I was kinda curious whats the DPS on ML20 RNG with Naegling/Savage setup with capped acc/att (and standard buffs I usually use, so capped magic haste and 70 sTP SAM roll). I changed few things in COR sheet to simulate RNG. It's not perfect, because this sheet kinda lacks qRatio and wRatio, but for capped attack it should still be pretty close. I got 13800 DPS against Apex Bat (136). Thats like miles ahead of any other melee jobs with regular buffs (so, no SPs and probably no WAR's Warcry, tho WAR's Warcry would still boost RNG too). Ofc even with 20ML Kraken offhand won't be viable everywhere, because of accuracy, but it should be viable for a lot of content. For example my friend Weeew said, that when he was using Kraken in W3 year+ ago, he was parsing around 80% hit rate with it. That means at 20ML it should be capped now.

Also Im well aware that at W3 Trueflight or Aeolian Edge might be way better anyway. I mentioned W3 only as reference to comment about Kraken club accuracy.
Posts: 68
By Fribbit 2021-11-24 13:01:33
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Quick question about Holliday: which augments/stones should I be looking for/using? STR, AGI, MATK Bonus, WSD and Store TP all seem like good choices, but there are a lot and I was curious what the best ones to look for were.

I currently have a Nibiru Gun that I use for Last Stand and a Doomsday for WF/TF.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Darkvlade
Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2021-11-24 19:55:28
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AGI/MAB/WSD, Will give you a nice set for Trueflight and Wildfire.
AGI/RATK/WSD will be for last stand
if getting STP guess you'll be shooting for tp
Posts: 68
By Fribbit 2021-11-24 20:24:01
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Cerberus.Darkvlade said: »
AGI/MAB/WSD, Will give you a nice set for Trueflight and Wildfire.
AGI/RATK/WSD will be for last stand
if getting STP guess you'll be shooting for tp

Fair enough! Thanks!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2021-11-24 23:47:05
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SimonSes said: »
I was kinda curious whats the DPS on ML20 RNG with Naegling/Savage setup with capped acc/att (and standard buffs I usually use, so capped magic haste and 70 sTP SAM roll). I changed few things in COR sheet to simulate RNG. It's not perfect, because this sheet kinda lacks qRatio and wRatio, but for capped attack it should still be pretty close. I got 13800 DPS against Apex Bat (136). Thats like miles ahead of any other melee jobs with regular buffs (so, no SPs and probably no WAR's Warcry, tho WAR's Warcry would still boost RNG too). Ofc even with 20ML Kraken offhand won't be viable everywhere, because of accuracy, but it should be viable for a lot of content. For example my friend Weeew said, that when he was using Kraken in W3 year+ ago, he was parsing around 80% hit rate with it. That means at 20ML it should be capped now.

Also Im well aware that at W3 Trueflight or Aeolian Edge might be way better anyway. I mentioned W3 only as reference to comment about Kraken club accuracy.[/quote
[quote="SimonSes" pid=3601841]I was kinda curious whats the DPS on ML20 RNG with Naegling/Savage setup with capped acc/att (and standard buffs I usually use, so capped magic haste and 70 sTP SAM roll). I changed few things in COR sheet to simulate RNG. It's not perfect, because this sheet kinda lacks qRatio and wRatio, but for capped attack it should still be pretty close. I got 13800 DPS against Apex Bat (136). Thats like miles ahead of any other melee jobs with regular buffs (so, no SPs and probably no WAR's Warcry, tho WAR's Warcry would still boost RNG too). Ofc even with 20ML Kraken offhand won't be viable everywhere, because of accuracy, but it should be viable for a lot of content. For example my friend Weeew said, that when he was using Kraken in W3 year+ ago, he was parsing around 80% hit rate with it. That means at 20ML it should be capped now.

Also Im well aware that at W3 Trueflight or Aeolian Edge might be way better anyway. I mentioned W3 only as reference to comment about Kraken club accuracy.

Even before master levels, I was consistently getting 6-7m damage in sheol c segment farms just using Savage Blade. Aside from crabs I rarely changed weapons.

336 native club skill with merits puts me at about 1100 offhand acc. I can't wait to play around with actual buffs.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-25 01:49:09
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Bahamut.Greyfawkz said: »
Even before master levels, I was consistently getting 6-7m damage in sheol c segment farms just using Savage Blade. Aside from crabs I rarely changed weapons.

336 native club skill with merits puts me at about 1100 offhand acc. I can't wait to play around with actual buffs.

To be fair I tried KC Savage RNG in C too and while its amazing on parse, it's not really that amazing in reality. Most of that parse damage comes from 55k HP Savage blade on mob with 5-10k HP left. You can only one shot first floor mobs (maybe now also 2nd floor with ML20?), but after that it's 2x Savage Blade per mob and it's a lot of overkills and virtual damage. KC RNG is still faster than most other jobs that need 2x WS to kill tho, because WS frequency is much higher.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: appleboy
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2021-11-25 01:58:00
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Greyfawkz said: »
Even before master levels, I was consistently getting 6-7m damage in sheol c segment farms just using Savage Blade. Aside from crabs I rarely changed weapons.

336 native club skill with merits puts me at about 1100 offhand acc. I can't wait to play around with actual buffs.

To be fair I tried KC Savage RNG in C too and while its amazing on parse, it's not really that amazing in reality. Most of that parse damage comes from 55k HP Savage blade on mob with 5-10k HP left. You can only one shot first floor mobs (maybe now also 2nd floor with ML20?), but after that it's 2x Savage Blade per mob and it's a lot of overkills and virtual damage. KC RNG is still faster than most other jobs that need 2x WS to kill tho, because WS frequency is much higher.

So.. its pretty good in reality?
Posts: 1184
By Seun 2021-11-25 02:42:31
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Bismarck.Ringoko said: »
So.. its pretty good in reality?

The reality where the mobs have more health and it's effective damage instead of overkill, yes.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-25 02:48:51
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Bismarck.Ringoko said: »
So.. its pretty good in reality?

In the sense its much faster than other jobs who also kill with 2xSavage like COR for example, but its not really better than some jobs that do WS and finish with melee hits or one shot better, which looks much worse on parse, but is effectively as fast or faster.

Seun said: »
The reality where the mobs have more health and it's effective damage instead of overkill, yes.

In such scenario, KC RNG is completely overpowered, assuming you cap acc with KC. In Shaol C its still very good (probably the best on first floor and maybe even on second too now with ML20) and can compete with most efficient DD jobs for Shaol C, but it doesnt have such advantage over them like parse could suggest.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2021-11-25 02:55:47
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it definitely is amazing on the parse lol
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2021-11-26 17:15:57
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Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »
head		=	TaeonHead.Snap,         --10
body		=	EMPY.Body,	
hands		=	"Carmine Fin. Ga. +1",          --8
legs		=	AF.Legs,                        --15
feet		=	"Meg. Jam. +2",                 --10
neck		=	"Scout's Gorget +2",            --4
waist		=	"Yemaya Belt",			
right_ring	=	"Crepuscular Ring",             --3
back		=	RNGCape.Snap,                   --10

This is my no flurry set when not using gastra or perun
I always prioritize snapshot and velocity shot over rapid shot because of rapid shot's random nature making it very difficult to consistently take advantage of and even harder when hovering.

In regards to Flurry sets in general: After the introduction of Crep. Ring Impulse belt can directly be replaced with Yemaya Belt for the extra +5 Rapid Shot in all Flurry stages that it was previously being used.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2021-11-26 17:50:01
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kusaregedo77 said: »
probably expecting too much, but i'm extremely underwhelmed with coronach while i gear up rng. missing the two big wsd pieces as i make capes, farm cards and do unlocks, but what else should i change in the meantime? perun and nusku or ternion for main/sub.
sets.WS.Coronach = {
	head="Orion Beret +2",neck="Iskur Gorget",ear1="Sherida Earring",ear2="Ishvara Earring",
	body="Ikenga's Vest",hands="Meghanada Gloves +2",ring1="Dingir Ring",ring2="Regal Ring",
	back="Belenus's Cape",waist="Fotia Belt",legs="Meghanada Chausses +2",feet="Ikenga's Clogs"}

This is what I use:
sets.precast.WS['Coronach'] =  {
        head="Orion Beret +3",
		body="Ikenga's Vest",
		hands="Meg. Gloves +2",
		legs={ name="Arc. Braccae +3", augments={'Enhances "Eagle Eye Shot" effect',}},
		feet={ name="Nyame Sollerets", augments={'Path: B',}},
		neck="Scout's Gorget +2",
		waist="Fotia Belt",
		left_ear="Ishvara Earring",
		right_ear="Sherida Earring",
		left_ring="Regal ring",
		right_ring="Epaminondas's Ring",
		back={ name="Belenus's Cape", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','AGI+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}},

If /nin or /dnc R15Perun+R15Ternion (Gleti's also another option)
If /drg /war /sam R15Perun+Nusku is a go to. R15Ternion+Nusku when Rattack is capped.

Some tests on Eschan Zdei where Rattack was capped.
R15Perun: 27689
Gleti's: 28000
R15 Trenion: 28680

hope this helps
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Skyekitty 2021-11-26 20:41:45
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I love my Gandiva but have never really found a good place for it. How does Gandiva fit into Ranger's game play these days? Considering playing my Ranger again. Thank you.
Posts: 57
By Lobivopsis 2021-11-26 21:15:20
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Asura.Skyekitty said: »
I love my Gandiva but have never really found a good place for it. How does Gandiva fit into Ranger's game play these days? Considering playing my Ranger again. Thank you.

Jishnu's is useful when you can't melee or be within optimal gun distance due to auras and/or horrible rape radius and whatever you are fighting is also resistant to magic damage. Ideally you're going to also want a Fail-Not for making chrono arrows for your Gandiva.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2021-11-26 21:26:40
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Asura.Skyekitty said: »
I love my Gandiva but have never really found a good place for it. How does Gandiva fit into Ranger's game play these days? Considering playing my Ranger again. Thank you.
Gandiva is a high white damage option next to Armageddon. Typically used for long boss fights where there is going to be a lot shooting (physical damage) involved. With the introduction of Hover Shot, the performance of Gandiva has been improved. Although, Armageddon still holds the top white dmg spot. So it all comes down to what you have in your arsenal. If you currently have both Gandiva and Arma, have fun with both of them on boss fights like Arebati. It is certainly worth R15ing and Chrono Arrows needed for top performance.
Posts: 57
By Lobivopsis 2021-11-26 21:29:08
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »

But is there a good way to fit Empy body in here? For instance, worth swapping head/waist for Taeon head/Impulse belt for a set with Snap+68 Rapid+24 and Empy body?

TBH, I hope Empy reforge eliminates this problem (give us some snapshot on body!), but until then...

27% vs 34% Velocity Shot is really big you are loosing a lot by not having it much more than if you sacrificed a bit of rapid shot to fit it in. Remember, Velocity Shot breaks the snapshot cap and that makes a HUGE difference. Snapshot is like haste in that with the way it is calculated adding more isn't a linear progression it's a curve. It does not add to your attacking speed it subtracts from your delay which is a very important difference. The more snapshot you add the more delay reduction you get for adding more snapshot i.e. 5% additional Snapshot gives you less additional delay reduction over the previous amount when your previous amount is 50% than when it's 60%.

This is why there are hard caps on haste and snapshot, if you had 100% snapshot you'd have zero ranged delay, and Velocity shot breaks that cap. So an additional 7% Velocity Shot makes a huge difference because it's getting you closer to the unreachable 100% / 0 delay. Though because it is calculated outside the normal Snapshot calculation it's not the same as adding 34% snapshot, it's less than that, but it's still huge.

If they do end up increasing the velocity shot on the +3 Sylvan Caban by a significant amount it's going to be really busted.
Posts: 57
By Lobivopsis 2021-11-26 21:32:34
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Odin.Demhar said: »
Asura.Skyekitty said: »
I love my Gandiva but have never really found a good place for it. How does Gandiva fit into Ranger's game play these days? Considering playing my Ranger again. Thank you.
Gandiva is a high white damage option next to Armageddon. Typically used for long boss fights where there is going to be a lot shooting (physical damage) involved. With the introduction of Hover Shot, the performance of Gandiva has been improved. Although, Armageddon still holds the top white dmg spot. So it all comes down to what you have in your arsenal. If you currently have both Gandiva and Arma, have fun with both of them on boss fights like Arebati. It is certainly worth R15ing and Chrono Arrows needed for top performance.

Jishnu's really synergizes well with Hover Shot and ranged attacking because it's damage is not TP dependent *and* it does pretty good physical damage at 100% TP. Anything that is vulnerable to magic damage though and gastra is still the better option.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Skyekitty 2021-11-26 21:35:22
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I currently have all bows/guns except for Armageddon (I'm on the Isgebind phase and working on it) and the Yoichinoyumi. I figured Armageddon would win because of AGL instead of DEX.

Do you gear the same for either, in other words crit gear for both because of white damage?

Thank you for the info.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2021-11-26 21:42:30
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Asura.Skyekitty said: »
I currently have all bows/guns except for Armageddon (I'm on the Isgebind phase and working on it) and the Yoichinoyumi. I figured Armageddon would win because of AGL instead of DEX.

Do you gear the same for either, in other words crit gear for both because of white damage?

Thank you for the info.
Crit gear is the same for midshout when AM is up. There is a good AM3 Crit set posted on the first page of this post.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Skyekitty 2021-11-26 21:42:53
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Senaki
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2021-11-27 00:17:08
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Asura.Skyekitty said: »
Serious question. What exactly is a sky-kitty?
Posts: 57
By Lobivopsis 2021-11-27 01:01:06
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Odin.Senaki said: »
Asura.Skyekitty said: »
Serious question. What exactly is a sky-kitty?

Mithra with wings?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Skyekitty 2021-11-27 01:25:30
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Skye is my daughter's name and kitty was the name of my first cat lol

when servers merged I had to rename. It was just Skye.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-27 03:57:07
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Asura.Skyekitty said: »
I currently have all bows/guns except for Armageddon (I'm on the Isgebind phase and working on it) and the Yoichinoyumi. I figured Armageddon would win because of AGL instead of DEX.

Do you gear the same for either, in other words crit gear for both because of white damage?

Thank you for the info.

This might help you
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Skyekitty 2021-11-27 10:26:56
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Thank you Simon, always helpful.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-12-11 17:31:48
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Similarly to what I posted in COR, I wrote some code to optimize pre-shot sets, assuming I am not missing a piece or some augments.

ItemSet 382815
ItemSet 382823

ItemSet 382816
ItemSet 382824

ItemSet 382818
ItemSet 382825

And for Gastraphetes specific thresholds:

ItemSet 382820
ItemSet 382821
ItemSet 382822
ItemSet 382826
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