You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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Server: Bahamut
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user: gymj1m
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By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2021-03-19 23:21:37
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
trinironnie said: »
Any update with new odyssey gear?

the tl;dr version of Ikenga's gear pre-augment I see as boiling down to this:

1. If you're using a piece of malignance gear in a shooting TP set, this immediately replaces it, as its better for shooting in all ways possible except ranged accuracy- and with all the traits we get, that is manageable.

1a. if shooting from distance, the loss of meva and -DT is not of as large of a concern, as you'll likely still idle in safer sets.

2. It's value in physical WS sets is hard pressed unless you are super buffed, and even then going 5/5 is just a whole lot of PDL (once you add in jse neck) that needs filled, so I see using a mix of WSD gear with PDL gear when appropriate as much more realistic.

3. Annihilator's Aftermath of +10% Ranged Attack just got made relevant- it was helped with malignance gear, but now you get -enmity, ranged attack, and more STR along with that +PDL. Its just magnifying all the things Annihilator already does, and I'm adding some of this gear in my aftermath sets for it over +crit rate, depending on total gains and buffs.

post augment will a more interesting debate, but the nice thing is that in your shooting sets it does have a place already. It may work its way into more camoflague/aftermath TP sets as augments and people test things- I know spreadsheets are a great starting point, but I still like to get out there with real buffs on a real target fighting back and see how things pan out, in particular when it comes to things like Arma/Gandiva aftermath sets.

Its not replacing anything in a Doubleshot set as far as I see, unless you weren't running with 4/5 oshosi and relic body.

So the extra STP in Malignance doesn't really help at all? Just got access to this, and trying to piece together some sets.

Edit: talking about Ikengas, just to be clear.
Posts: 19
By leosmike 2021-03-24 11:36:33
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
trinironnie said: »
Any update with new odyssey gear?

3. Annihilator's Aftermath of +10% Ranged Attack just got made relevant- it was helped with malignance gear, but now you get -enmity, ranged attack, and more STR along with that +PDL. Its just magnifying all the things Annihilator already does, and I'm adding some of this gear in my aftermath sets for it over +crit rate, depending on total gains and buffs.

Its not replacing anything in a Doubleshot set as far as I see, unless you weren't running with 4/5 oshosi and relic body.

I'm curious to see your AM set(s) if you are willing to share them, since they aren't in the guide/sticky. Didn't even think about possibly running something different while my AM was up.

You mention 4/5 oshosi - including the head? The guide has Arcadian head and it looks better, does the Osh. head boost that much while DS is up?
Posts: 9210
By SimonSes 2021-03-24 11:55:03
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leosmike said: »
You mention 4/5 oshosi - including the head? The guide has Arcadian head and it looks better, does the Osh. head boost that much while DS is up?

You can check here

Also if you have Annihilator in mind, Arcadian Beret additional TP gain would need to cut your time to WS, otherwise that additional TP would do nothing.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2021-03-24 12:00:10
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The headpiece definitely depends on what WS you are using and what your goal is. If you are just doing Coronach spam then Oshosi head should win out but if you are just maintaining AM with coronach and using Last stand then I'd imagine Arcadian would win.

I would be more curious to see how the white damage gain from Oshosi head compares to the WS damage gained from Arcadian beret. Specifically in the Arma AM3 scenario.
Posts: 19
By leosmike 2021-03-24 12:37:40
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Well those wouldn't be mutually exclusive right?

We'd still have a WS set for wtvr WS was being used, the double shot set would only apply over the TP set while double shot was active then, which should mean choice of WS doesn't impact what my "best TP / dmg while DS is up" set should be.

Am I missing something?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-24 12:58:44
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leosmike said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
trinironnie said: »
Any update with new odyssey gear?

3. Annihilator's Aftermath of +10% Ranged Attack just got made relevant- it was helped with malignance gear, but now you get -enmity, ranged attack, and more STR along with that +PDL. Its just magnifying all the things Annihilator already does, and I'm adding some of this gear in my aftermath sets for it over +crit rate, depending on total gains and buffs.

Its not replacing anything in a Doubleshot set as far as I see, unless you weren't running with 4/5 oshosi and relic body.

I'm curious to see your AM set(s) if you are willing to share them, since they aren't in the guide/sticky. Didn't even think about possibly running something different while my AM was up.

You mention 4/5 oshosi - including the head? The guide has Arcadian head and it looks better, does the Osh. head boost that much while DS is up?

Comments taken in reverse of your asking:

1. For Annihilator, Armageddon, and Gandiva, my doubleshot sets run 4/5 Oshosi+1 vs 3/5 with the Arcadian Headpiece. For those weapons, I still easily am able to self-chain without the additional TP per Recyle proc on the Relic+3 head, so I prefer more chances for double/triple damage to proc (higher Doubleshot rate). The additional damage to double/triple shot on the Oshosi head was shown to only affect the first shot of each proc, so while its nice its not gamebreaking. But each shot can proc the AM- that is worth it.

For Gastraphetes and Fomalhaut, TP overflow is king, and while Gastra can proc double/triple damage, the gains from TP overflow for Trueflight outweigh it in my book.

2. I run with 2 aftermath sets for Annihilator- one when I'm getting Chaos Roll+ at least Honor March/Minuet5, and when when I'm not getting as many attack buffs. At the moment all my Ikenga Pieces are without augments.

Low attack situations:
head="Arcadian Beret +3",
neck="Scout's Gorget +2",
left_ear="Odr Earring",
right_ear="Telos Earring",
body="Nisroch Jerkin",
hands="Ikenga's Gloves",
left_ring="Regal Ring",
right_ring="Begrudging Ring",
waist="K. Kachina Belt +1",
back={ name="Belenus's Cape", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','AGI+10','Crit.hit rate+10','Damage taken-5%',}},
legs="Darraigner's Brais",
feet="Osh. Leggings +1"

high attack situations:
head="Arcadian Beret +3",
neck="Scout's Gorget +2",
left_ear="Odr Earring",
right_ear="Telos Earring",
body="Ikenga's Vest",
hands="Ikenga's Gloves",
left_ring="Regal Ring",
right_ring="Dingir Ring",
waist="K. Kachina Belt +1",
back={ name="Belenus's Cape", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','AGI+10','Crit.hit rate+10','Damage taken-5%',}},
legs="Ikenga's Trousers",
feet="Osh. Leggings +1"

The major differences being I sacrifice crit rate/damage in lieu of more PDL. My thinking is that crit rate affects SOME of the hits, but PDL affects ALL of the hits, if you have enough ranged attack buffs. But I still maintain crit rate in some slots where its just big numbers or not a better option.

For Armageddon, its a little trickier but very similar. The "low attack" set is similar, the "high attack" removes Dingir Ring for Mummu Ring, and replaces Ikenga Hands for Mummu Wrists +2. I also do the highly debatable swap of Relic+3 head for Meghanada Visor +2 for extra Dead Aim. This results in 9% more crit rate and slight improvements to ranged accuracy for a loss of ranged attack/PDL. Its a work in progress...that weapon, and by extension Gandiva, have so much potential, but its often hard to really squeeze it all out.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2021-03-24 16:10:32
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leosmike said: »
Am I missing something?

Yes. If we are using Coronach the additional TP we gain from the Arcadian beret won't mean much, but if we are using Last Stand than that additional TP gain will matter.

The conversation was always about midshot sets during Double-shot.
Posts: 19
By leosmike 2021-03-24 16:21:53
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Oh, I see. The recycle TP gain definitely exceeds the addition double shot proc TP gain? Or is it just a more even proc rate?
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2021-03-24 16:29:58
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Honestly, I don't see why it wouldn't but I don't have the exact math on the sets to prove it. Considering that the Beret interects with the other DS pieces and that 3 piece Oshosi is already a 76% chance to double shot it would make sense that the TP gain is higher with the beret.

Edit: Looks like its about 97 more TP on average with the Arcadian beret per round. In hingsight, the math on figuring that was incredibly easy. I also think its important to remember that the Arcadian beret provides Ratk but idk how that fairs up to the DA damage +25.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-24 16:36:05
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Its mostly a matter of how you're using Doubleshot.

Using it to get from WS to WS? Max STP and use Relic+3 head so you can abuse the TP overflow.

Using it for white damage? Add in as much per-attack round damage boosting things you can, whether that's a little more doubleshot rate, STR, crit rate, or ranged attack.
Posts: 9210
By SimonSes 2021-03-24 17:50:39
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leosmike said: »
Oh, I see. The recycle TP gain definitely exceeds the addition double shot proc TP gain? Or is it just a more even proc rate?

eliroo said: »
Edit: Looks like its about 97 more TP on average with the Arcadian beret per round. In hingsight, the math on figuring that was incredibly easy. I also think its important to remember that the Arcadian beret provides Ratk but idk how that fairs up to the DA damage +25.

Like I said you can check it here There is tp per round avg and tp per sec avg there too (even that its mainly a white damage calc).
Posts: 19
By leosmike 2021-03-24 19:05:49
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I considered it, and appreciate the work that you've put into it but it's missing too much.

When I have to crosscheck stats to find out if your label for a piece of gear is using the +1 stats or the NQ stats (which would match the label) for more than a handful of pieces it's no longer worth it to me.

Likewise, Ikenga R20 stats is adorable, where's the R0 option I might actually acquire and need to be able to compare as well?

I don't want to turn this into a post bashing your work - but for it to be useful the little things you ignore/find ok need to either be more intuitive for the people you are sharing it with, or explained explicitly.

If I'm rebuilding the spreadsheet to answer my question it is not the quick and easy solution you have now twice tried to make it seem. I would not have mentioned it in this way at all if you had not attempted to remind me you had already shared the spreadsheet. Thanks Simon, sorry if this comes off as harsh.
Posts: 9210
By SimonSes 2021-03-24 19:24:50
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leosmike said: »
When I have to crosscheck stats to find out if your label for a piece of gear is using the +1 stats or the NQ stats (which would match the label) for more than a handful of pieces it's no longer worth it to me.

I appriciate your feedback, but you probably haven't read that XD

"4. Everything assumes RNG is Mastered. I haven't described items as +1 or R15, but everything that can be +1 (or higher) and R15 is assumed as that. So Oshosi Gloves are Oshoshi Gloves +1 and Annihilator is AnnihilatorR15"

leosmike said: »
Likewise, Ikenga R20 stats is adorable, where's the R0 option I might actually acquire and need to be able to compare as well?

I don't want to turn this into a post bashing your work - but for it to be useful the little things you ignore/find ok need to either be more intuitive for the people you are sharing it with, or explained explicitly.

If I'm rebuilding the spreadsheet to answer my question it is not the quick and easy solution you have now twice tried to make it seem. I would not have mentioned it in this way at all if you had not attempted to remind me you had already shared the spreadsheet. Thanks Simon, sorry if this comes off as harsh.

I mean I am not paid to do it, so its not a perfect solution. You can easily make your own copy and add gear you want to check. It takes like 1 min of work to add full Ikenga R0 (vs like 10hours of work I put in creating this tool). You kinda sounds like you would ideally ask here and wait for someone to do the work for you and give you answers. It sometimes work, but pushing aside thats very lazy approach, its also very trusty (not sure if such word exists, but I think you know what I mean XD) approach. People do mistakes in calculations (I do them too) or assume scenarios obvious for them, but forget to tell details and generally its best to crosscheck the result with other sources.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2021-03-24 19:56:17
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I just missed the part about the TP calculations because I was focused on the name of the sheet. I also have my own TP calculator that I use for such calculations.

I appreciate the calculator though and played with it to answer a few questions I had.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3721
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-03-24 23:05:24
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
1. For Annihilator, Armageddon, and Gandiva, my doubleshot sets run 4/5 Oshosi+1 vs 3/5 with the Arcadian Headpiece. For those weapons, I still easily am able to self-chain without the additional TP per Recyle proc on the Relic+3 head, so I prefer more chances for double/triple damage to proc (higher Doubleshot rate). The additional damage to double/triple shot on the Oshosi head was shown to only affect the first shot of each proc, so while its nice its not gamebreaking. But each shot can proc the AM- that is worth it.

For Gastraphetes and Fomalhaut, TP overflow is king, and while Gastra can proc double/triple damage, the gains from TP overflow for Trueflight outweigh it in my book.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
For Armageddon, its a little trickier but very similar. The "low attack" set is similar, the "high attack" removes Dingir Ring for Mummu Ring, and replaces Ikenga Hands for Mummu Wrists +2. I also do the highly debatable swap of Relic+3 head for Meghanada Visor +2 for extra Dead Aim. This results in 9% more crit rate and slight improvements to ranged accuracy for a loss of ranged attack/PDL. Its a work in progress...that weapon, and by extension Gandiva, have so much potential, but its often hard to really squeeze it all out.

Agreed with your logic here, and to your first point it's worth pointing out that it's even easier to maintain ability to self SC (or just get from WS to 1000+TP for next WS) if you have Samurai Roll. Which you probably do in most serious shooting situations. Pretty much, with a lucky/11 (and maybe on an 8-10 roll) from a Regal Necklace COR, it's WS -> one attack round with a Double proc (and you have time for a second /ra to get above 1000tp if no proc) -> next WS.

For Armageddon, which head are you saying you prioritize if both AM3 and Double Shot are up? I use:
Oshosi +1 any time I have Double Shot,
Meghanada +2 when I have AM3 up but no Double Shot,
Relic+3 if I have no AM3 and need to get 3000tp (and in Barrage set, usually the preferred way of getting quick 3000tp)
Server: Bahamut
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user: Kido
Posts: 30
By Bahamut.Jackflashh 2021-03-25 05:03:30
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Looking for some input on W3 Dyna-D using Rng setup. I've finally convinced my LS to start using a hybrid set. We take 1 physical DD party, 1 magic ranged party (Rngs and Cors). So I'm trying to squeeze some more dmg out of Rng.

Current setup for ranged pt:
Cor- Wizard's and Sam Rolls
Brd- Dirge, Etude, Etude, Honor, Victory, Mad, Mad, Min V (we use Brd swap for 8 songs)
Geo- geo-malaise, indi-acumen
Whm- aurorastorm, boost-agi

My current TF set when I'm meleeing for TP:

Mainhand: Malevolence with perf augs
offhand: Ternion+1
sets.WS['Trueflight'] = {
body="Cohort Cloak +1",
hands={ name="Herculean Gloves", augments={'Mag. Acc.+19','Weapon skill damage +3%','AGI+10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+14',}},
legs="Arcadian braccae +3",
feet={ name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Mag. Acc.+14 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+14','Weapon skill damage +4%','MND+1','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+14',}},
neck="Scout's Gorget +2",
waist="Orpheus's sash",
left_ear="Moonshade Earring",
right_ear="Friomisi Earring",
left_ring="Weatherspoon Ring",
right_ring="Epaminondas's ring",
back={ name="Belenus's Cape", augments={'AGI+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','AGI+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}},}

Like the top says, I'm trying to figure out where to squeeze more damage. For obvious double weather reasons, cors absolutely goomba stomp the W3 boss, so I'm trying to compete. There is a massive difference noticed when geo-malaise is up vs down. We usually only cast for Su5, circles, and boss, so on trash, my TF are hitting for anywhere b/t 30-50k. Once bubbles are down, I can go from 60-99k depending on the mob. The circles are more hit/miss. Sometimes I TF for 3k, other times 30k, sometimes 50k. Obviously light circle is going to resist, so I usually switch to Wildfire for that, but wondering what others are experiencing.

My initial reaction to experimentation would be to switch Epam ring to Dingir, and Herc hands to Carmine+1, and just straight stack more Matk. I'm not sure if this is correct, or if it will even make a discernable difference. I've been trying for months to get better augs for Herc hands, and considering trying to get some Agi on herc feet. Also with the previous discussion, now I'm even wondering if I should be considering the pain of trying for Herc legs. With Cohort+1, I was under the impression I should try and keep some WSD pieces to balance the build, hence the Epam ring, Ternion, and relic legs.

Lastly, if anyone has any other experience or advice on buffs for W3. We're mostly going on intuition, but like I said, damage seems to be HEAVILY weighted on all buffs at once, so if one or more are missing, numbers drop fast. I'm looking to improve consistency.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-03-25 08:05:42
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Bahamut.Jackflashh said: »
Looking for some input on W3 Dyna-D using Rng setup. I've finally convinced my LS to start using a hybrid set. We take 1 physical DD party, 1 magic ranged party (Rngs and Cors). So I'm trying to squeeze some more dmg out of Rng.

Current setup for ranged pt:
Cor- Wizard's and Sam Rolls
Brd- Dirge, Etude, Etude, Honor, Victory, Mad, Mad, Min V (we use Brd swap for 8 songs)
Geo- geo-malaise, indi-acumen
Whm- aurorastorm, boost-agi

My current TF set when I'm meleeing for TP:

Mainhand: Malevolence with perf augs
offhand: Ternion+1
sets.WS['Trueflight'] = {
body="Cohort Cloak +1",
hands={ name="Herculean Gloves", augments={'Mag. Acc.+19','Weapon skill damage +3%','AGI+10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+14',}},
legs="Arcadian braccae +3",
feet={ name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Mag. Acc.+14 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+14','Weapon skill damage +4%','MND+1','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+14',}},
neck="Scout's Gorget +2",
waist="Orpheus's sash",
left_ear="Moonshade Earring",
right_ear="Friomisi Earring",
left_ring="Weatherspoon Ring",
right_ring="Epaminondas's ring",
back={ name="Belenus's Cape", augments={'AGI+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','AGI+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}},}

Like the top says, I'm trying to figure out where to squeeze more damage. For obvious double weather reasons, cors absolutely goomba stomp the W3 boss, so I'm trying to compete. There is a massive difference noticed when geo-malaise is up vs down. We usually only cast for Su5, circles, and boss, so on trash, my TF are hitting for anywhere b/t 30-50k. Once bubbles are down, I can go from 60-99k depending on the mob. The circles are more hit/miss. Sometimes I TF for 3k, other times 30k, sometimes 50k. Obviously light circle is going to resist, so I usually switch to Wildfire for that, but wondering what others are experiencing.

My initial reaction to experimentation would be to switch Epam ring to Dingir, and Herc hands to Carmine+1, and just straight stack more Matk. I'm not sure if this is correct, or if it will even make a discernable difference. I've been trying for months to get better augs for Herc hands, and considering trying to get some Agi on herc feet. Also with the previous discussion, now I'm even wondering if I should be considering the pain of trying for Herc legs. With Cohort+1, I was under the impression I should try and keep some WSD pieces to balance the build, hence the Epam ring, Ternion, and relic legs.

Lastly, if anyone has any other experience or advice on buffs for W3. We're mostly going on intuition, but like I said, damage seems to be HEAVILY weighted on all buffs at once, so if one or more are missing, numbers drop fast. I'm looking to improve consistency.

are you going melee or pew pew? main hand I use tauret, offhand melee I use kclub; offhand shooting i use malev.

I have noticed more consistent damage with the setup below.

ItemSet 371903

orpheus/hachi depending what storms/days.

Our wave 3's go like this..

PLD pulls all the fetter mobs. Everyone engage the easiest NM. Aeolian edge... my ranger hits 20-35k per mob. After afew AE's everything except the NMs are dead.

AE set for your reference.

ItemSet 378945

Swap to trueflight for the NMs. At this point all the debuffs including rdm debuffs are on the NM.

Holding to 2k usually nets a 99k trueflight. otherwise MACC is the biggest delta.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-25 15:09:26
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Bring a RDM. A single RDM squeezed into an ally setup makes wave3 life SO much easier for everyone. Whether its Distract 3 on the THF/DNC/NIN NMs, or frazzle on the mage ones, people are free to use higher damage sets vs higher accuracy/macc sets.

EDIT: re-read your setup comments.

Change the magical DD party to a SCH healer. Double storms for your RNGs will help a ton, and no one in that group should be pulling hate using magical WSs, so a great Regen V goes a long way.

I think your BRD swap is overkill. They have zero need for Minuets in this concept, so riding Double March, Double Madrigal should be sufficient. Not saying you won't notice higher numbers by swapping BRDs (your white dmg improvement and the etude isn't without value), but man that's a helluva way to spend 80 minutes twice a week for your BRDs.

Your CORs "may" see better numbers with 1k TP Wildfire Spam vs saving TP for Leaden Salute on wave 3 fetter mobs/NMs. Certainly for the w3 boss, leaden reigns king.

Best of luck, and keep pushing!
By 2021-03-25 17:20:46
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Server: Bahamut
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user: Kido
Posts: 30
By Bahamut.Jackflashh 2021-03-25 17:55:18
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In response to Calebrindal:
Yep, we have Rdm in the ally doing all of that, I just only listed what was in the specific party. The Sch instead of Whm for storms would definitely be an upgrade, so we're working on that. As far as healing, it's a wash, as our Whm's /sch and have massive accession regen anyway. The bard swap isn't so much for the Rng party as it is for the other melee DD party. The swap gives them a ***load of mins/mad/march, so the extra etudes and such for rngs is just what we could fit in while we're swapping for other party. As far as our Brds getting their brains pushed in by an 8 song rotation twice a week, nearly all of our supp jobs are alts, so they don't mind lol. It's actually a pretty smooth process. We just NITRO every 10 mins, and it all happens pretty fast. 2 Carn Brds is about 13 mins worth of songs without recasting. We usually save things like march/min/mad for 2nd set during swap, so at least the Brds end up with a couple decent songs on themselves for battle barding it up on W3 boss. An extra couple million dmg adds up.

Also, ya, the cor uses Wildfire on volte until W3 boss, I just mentioned Leaden b/c it's such a powerhouse on the boss it's embarrassing. Last W3 boss WS avg for one of our Cors was 93k over 65 ws's I believe, while my Rng was around 55k average.

In response to endxen:
The extra cor rolls seem nice, but chaos provides almost nothing, and macc isn't a huge issue. Also, the /sch on Brd kind of makes sense, but only if the Brd then has Carn for extra song duration. When a Brd /nin for x2 Kali or Carn/Kali, they can get 10+ min songs, which means you just NITRO every 10 mins and then never have to recast. As far as not needing a healer, it's not really about the heals as it is the regen and extra buffs you can get. While I totally agree with Caleb above that having Sch main heal in the party would be best for Storms, even a Whm/sch providing storm1 and Boost-agi is going to be better than chaos/warlocks IMO. A well geared Whm boost is +25 Agi, which is quite a bit.

All in all, I appreciate the input, we'll look to adjust a few things for max dps. Another note that sometimes gets overlooked is Threnody. Before we were doing Rng setup, the Brds were using Dark Threnody II on W3 boss to boost Leaden damage, but now that we're running Rngs, Light Threnody II can help keep averages up on Su5 and W3 boss.
Posts: 23
By Pipster 2021-03-26 09:04:24
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Hello! Anyone know if there is a cap with the number of shots Barrage can have? Looking at ASA Desultor Tassets with the Barrage+1, wondering if that +1 is counted on activation or if the pants need to be equipped during the actual shot. New Gleti's legs for my BST, means I can change the augment on the Desultor Tassets now :) Thanks!
Posts: 9210
By SimonSes 2021-03-26 09:08:06
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Pipster said: »
Hello! Anyone know if there is a cap with the number of shots Barrage can have? Looking at ASA Desultor Tassets with the Barrage+1, wondering if that +1 is counted on activation or if the pants need to be equipped during the actual shot. New Gleti's legs for my BST, means I can change the augment on the Desultor Tassets now :) Thanks!

You need that in midshot, so Tassets are not really an option for Barrage.
Posts: 23
By Pipster 2021-03-26 09:09:48
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Thanks! :)
Server: Asura
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user: Topace
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By Asura.Topace 2021-03-30 11:14:27
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In term of bows. Is it Gandiva or bust? Do any of the others even come close?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2021-03-30 11:24:42
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Asura.Topace said: »
In term of bows. Is it Gandiva or bust? Do any of the others even come close?

Fail-not is awesome for spamming Flaming Arrow on trash. But that is about it sadly.

It also gets you better arrows for Gandiva
Server: Odin
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user: Demhar
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By Odin.Demhar 2021-03-30 11:56:25
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Been working on a All 7 RNG RMEA R15 review from my experiences in different contents. Hopefully it will be helpful and clear out a lot of Ultimate Weapon questions that people keep bringing up. The goal is to get the video out there by May. Been extremely busy with work and Odyssey.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-03-30 12:05:48
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Asura.Topace said: »
In term of bows. Is it Gandiva or bust? Do any of the others even come close?

I am a big gandiva > all bow fan.

BUT... Ongo V15 uses a setup that I found insanely fun

jishnu -> Leaden -> Namas -> Wildfire.

This makes a stupid long burst (earth/darkness) chain for a blm to just go nuts.

So I dusted off my r5 (yoichi) and it paid off.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ginza
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2021-03-30 16:24:44
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The new Nyame path B gear looks perfect for hybrid weapon skills.
Do you guys think that if someone maxed out the set, (in like, 2 years lol) that Fail-Not and Flaming Arrow could theoretically become relevant?
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2021-03-30 16:30:00
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Hot shot would most likely be more preferable because of the stat mod.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Dekar1
Posts: 250
By Cerberus.Dekar 2021-03-30 21:11:37
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Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Asura.Topace said: »
In term of bows. Is it Gandiva or bust? Do any of the others even come close?

I am a big gandiva > all bow fan.

BUT... Ongo V15 uses a setup that I found insanely fun

jishnu -> Leaden -> Namas -> Wildfire.

This makes a stupid long burst (earth/darkness) chain for a blm to just go nuts.

So I dusted off my r5 (yoichi) and it paid off.

The Distortion property on Namas arrow is really useful. Makes it a great SC partner for Leaden.
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