You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
By SimonSes 2020-09-07 13:28:06
Except kc avg 4+ hits and miss half of them.
You dont use it when it miss half the hits. Its that simple. Which mean you can use it for 98% and most end game. Just switch offhand for THF and NIN mobs on wave 3 and some NMs if you dont have RDM with Distract.
By geigei 2020-09-07 13:29:10
That's the point i was trying to make.
By Weeew 2020-09-07 13:45:46
Hunters roll would probably taken it to above 87%
Its 1% per 2acc, so hunter's roll would easily cap you from 82%
We should have had malaise.. Actually I'm pretty sure it was on.
Pretty sure it wasnt. The damage is way too low for bolster malaise. Maybe someone casted entrust malaise, but there is for sure no bolster malaise there. Difference in NQ vs HQ gear wouldnt boost the WS damage x2.
Hmmm the MNK who was top on DPS chart was also the one who was suppose to replace wilt with malaise... I wonder if he sabotaged me on purpose XD
Are you sure 1% per 2 accuracy and not per 20?
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-09-07 13:51:02
By Viciouss 2020-09-11 08:37:48
Just making sure, the cohort cloak is worth the upgrade, correct? My herc augs are currently wsd 14$, mab 21, but no AGI. Room for improvement there, but the even the best augs don't appear to be better than the cloak?
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-11 08:59:09
Just making sure, the cohort cloak is worth the upgrade, correct? My herc augs are currently wsd 14$, mab 21, but no AGI. Room for improvement there, but the even the best augs don't appear to be better than the cloak?
The cloak+1's total macc/MAB is just untouchable outside of TWO killer DM augs between the head and body slots. Build it, and then do the "I don't have to worry about augs in those slots" dance.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Botosi 2020-09-11 09:21:13
How's Cacoethic ring when augmented for RNG? BiS when you need the Ranged Acc??
By Felgarr 2020-09-11 23:41:52
I noticed the main-page still shows 2 capped malevolences for Trueflight spam. I guess Rank 15 Perun+1 or Kustawi+1 don't fit, despite having so much Magic Accuracy (vs Malevolence's MAB+34)?
How do Rank 15 Perun+1 and Kustawi+1 fit with the variety of Gun WSes that exist? Nusku shield should be old news right? (for all of the WS sets on the first page?)
I assume Physical WSes just : Rank 15 Perun+1 and Rank 15 Kustawi+1
and that's it.
Trueflight, I guess is still up in the air. One Malevolence and either 1 of Rank 15 Kustawi+1 or Perun+1 .....God damn it SE. (>_<)
By Viciouss 2020-09-11 23:55:08
For Trueflight I have been subbing /sch for Aurorastorm and using a good malevolence and nusku shield.
For physical ws I use the R15 perun and nusku still. Haven't been playing a lot so haven't used a physical build since the Shoel B update. I'm sure Celebs gearsets are up to date tho.
I was pretty disappointed in the kustawi augs, I was hoping I could replace at least one of my malevolences with it, but no.
By Weeew 2020-09-12 00:10:46
I noticed the main-page still shows 2 capped malevolences for Trueflight spam. I guess Rank 15 Perun+1 or Kustawi+1 don't fit, despite having so much Magic Accuracy (vs Malevolence's MAB+34)?
How do Rank 15 Perun+1 and Kustawi+1 fit with the variety of Gun WSes that exist? Nusku shield should be old news right? (for all of the WS sets on the first page?)
I assume Physical WSes just : Rank 15 Perun+1 and Rank 15 Kustawi+1
and that's it.
Trueflight, I guess is still up in the air. One Malevolence and either 1 of Rank 15 Kustawi+1 or Perun+1 .....God damn it SE. (>_<)
Your weapon set will depend on 1) how you are typing.. Melee vs ranged, 2) difficulty of what you are fighting, 3) weapon skill you are using, 4)sub job, and 5)buffs you are getting.
Nusku shield, perun +1, kustawi +1, malevolancex2, Tauret, kraken club, naegling, ternion, all have their uses. I think the biggest change due to unity augments would be kustawi making its way back into the offhand instead of Nusku or another Perun when you are dual wielding and not attack capped.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2020-09-12 00:21:08
For Trueflight I have been subbing /sch for Aurorastorm and using a good malevolence and nusku shield.
For physical ws I use the R15 perun and nusku still. Haven't been playing a lot so haven't used a physical build since the Shoel B update. I'm sure Celebs gearsets are up to date tho.
I was pretty disappointed in the kustawi augs, I was hoping I could replace at least one of my malevolences with it, but no.
Does your WHM not sub SCH? It's pretty rare for there to be a real justification for going /SCH over /NIN.
If you're just doing it for some kind of solo garbage, you'd probably be best off using Chatoyant.
Quote: Nusku shield, perun +1, kustawi +1, malevolancex2, Tauret, kraken club, naegling all have their uses. I think the biggest change due to unity augments would be kustawi making its way back into the offhand instead of Nusku or another Perun when you are dual wielding and not attack capped.
Accuracy permitting (which should be most of the time), the galaxy brain option is Ternion over Kustawi.
By Felgarr 2020-09-12 00:23:08
I noticed the main-page still shows 2 capped malevolences for Trueflight spam. I guess Rank 15 Perun+1 or Kustawi+1 don't fit, despite having so much Magic Accuracy (vs Malevolence's MAB+34)?
How do Rank 15 Perun+1 and Kustawi+1 fit with the variety of Gun WSes that exist? Nusku shield should be old news right? (for all of the WS sets on the first page?)
I assume Physical WSes just : Rank 15 Perun+1 and Rank 15 Kustawi+1
and that's it.
Trueflight, I guess is still up in the air. One Malevolence and either 1 of Rank 15 Kustawi+1 or Perun+1 .....God damn it SE. (>_<)
Your weapon set will depend on 1) how you are typing.. Melee vs ranged, 2) difficulty of what you are fighting, 3) weapon skill you are using, 4)sub job, and 5)buffs you are getting.
Nusku shield, perun +1, kustawi +1, malevolancex2, Tauret, kraken club, naegling all have their uses. I think the biggest change due to unity augments would be kustawi making its way back into the offhand instead of Nusku or another Perun when you are dual wielding and not attack capped.
Yes. Thank you for your reply. I'm aware of all of the variables you've mentioned. Let's in Dyna, with Trueflight spam. Does Perun+1 or Kustawi (R15) replace Nusku Shield? (I think so, but I don't see it in any of the WS sets on the first page).
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-09-12 00:25:07
you would use two malevolence for trueflight spam
nusku if /non-dw
perun+1 and kustawi+1 usually if using physical ws and /dw
By SimonSes 2020-09-12 00:29:57
Im not gonna quote everyone, because im on phone in car :P
1. Malevolence is 44 mab with augment not 34.
2. /sch is not worth it unless you need to counter dark weather and you dont have WHM/sch
3. I think Ternion +1 might be competitive with kustawi for last stand while shooting if you dont need ratt. -10 enmity and 3~7 rapid shot vs 10~15 agi, 9 subtle blow and 5%wsd.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-09-12 00:43:12
forget ternion has wsd with aug
Server: Asura
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Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2020-09-12 08:21:43
Also the reason we used axe/shield, or dagger/shield was for /war fencer bonus/berserk.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-12 08:52:53
First, Trueflight weapon choices:
Shooting situations.
1. For total damage, when macc is not an issue, double malevolences will win. Even the +10agi/+5wsd from ternion+1 wont' match 40mab(assuming an "average" augment).
2. If you need extra macc, swap the mainhand malevolence for a tauret. Maintain respectable damage for the slot with a great improvement to your macc.
Meleeing situations.
basic rule of thumb if meleeing and using trueflight is mainhand a Malevolence, then make your offhand a multiattack weapon within your budget/gear/target mob/buffs tolerances.
1. Malevolence/kclub, if buffs allow. This is all about speed of TP gain and weaponskill frequency, not individual WS potency.
2. Malevolence/Blurred+1- probably the most reachable for most and is a great combination.
3. Malevolence/Ternion+1(augmented). Should be your best balance of TP gain with potent Trueflights. My Ternion+1 should be finished this weekend as long as I don't get 1st box mimic'ked lol.
4. Malevolence/Mercurial Kris. If you gear/buffs allow it, many find this combo to be the 2nd best TP gain compared to a kclub offhand. I prefer to keep an iLvl weapon in offhand until I (maybe) get a kclub...I just don't think the loss of acc is worth it until kclub, but I'm kinda alone in that thinking.
Now, Last Stand weaponry:
Shooting situations.
1.Perun+1/Ternion+1. Best raw damage. 18-23AGI and 5WSD, GREAT ranged attack.
2.Perun+1/Kustawi+1. Your racc option. Huge boost to racc, and -10 enmity to boot! I just find its extremely rare, even in WS sets, that ranger needs that racc, so I'd default to the dmg option. Definite bonus of extra -10 enmity sure helps with Fomalhaut Last Stands.
3.Perun+1/Odium. A good damage option due to the base stats on Odium. Definitely outclassed by the prior options, but again, a reachable option, and far superior for damage to Perun+1/Perun.
4.Perun+1/Nusku while /DRG. 7% WSD, a hate tool in High Jump, and a little extra STP from the Nusku. A VERY viable option, and my one of choice if using Fomalhaut and in a pure shooting situation. Personally, I'd stick with mainhanding Perun+1 over Ternion+1 for a single wielding shooting situation due to insane amount of ranged attack and STP from Perun+1 should allow better TP overflow to compensate for the WSD from Ternion+1.
Melee situations.
I rarely use Last Stand if meleeing on Ranger. On COR, sure. But the benefits RNG gets from meleeing really only shine as top DPS choices if using Trueflight or Savage Blade. If you insist, I'd do a setup of Ternion+1/Blurred+1 or something similar.
Hope this helps, and when I have concrete numbers, or someone does, I'm sure they'll be posted.
tl;dr- upgrade Perun+1, Kustawi+1, and Ternion+1 from Sheol B. All three are amazing weapons for ranged jobs, and have a place. Life is just fine without being a kclub ranger. And sadly, Ingrid will just have to be our Mistress until we utter the safe words: "woot 2 capped malevolences".
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-12 09:08:27
Also the reason we used axe/shield, or dagger/shield was for /war fencer bonus/berserk.
This was the reason prior to the job adjustments to Dragoon which even affected /DRG. 7% WSD and High Jump are amazing benefits to a job that when we rip hate while shooting can cause huge problems for an alliance.
/WAR for fencer/berserk is still incredibly viable. But once you're attack capped via buffs, that 7% WSD should beat even berserk in most situations.
By SimonSes 2020-09-12 09:14:43
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »2. If you need extra macc, swap the offhand malevolence for a tauret. Maintain respectable damage for the slot with a great improvement to your macc.
If you switch weapon for macc like that, you should swap Tauret to main hand. It has much higher magic accuracy skill.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-12 09:18:54
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »2. If you need extra macc, swap the offhand malevolence for a tauret. Maintain respectable damage for the slot with a great improvement to your macc.
If you switch weapon for macc like that, you should swap Tauret to main hand. It has much higher magic accuracy skill.
DOH- can I call this my Friday Brainfart? 100% correct. will alter my prior post to reflect it.
By Viciouss 2020-09-12 11:33:15
For Trueflight I have been subbing /sch for Aurorastorm and using a good malevolence and nusku shield.
For physical ws I use the R15 perun and nusku still. Haven't been playing a lot so haven't used a physical build since the Shoel B update. I'm sure Celebs gearsets are up to date tho.
I was pretty disappointed in the kustawi augs, I was hoping I could replace at least one of my malevolences with it, but no.
Does your WHM not sub SCH? It's pretty rare for there to be a real justification for going /SCH over /NIN.
If you're just doing it for some kind of solo garbage, you'd probably be best off using Chatoyant.
Quote: Nusku shield, perun +1, kustawi +1, malevolancex2, Tauret, kraken club, naegling all have their uses. I think the biggest change due to unity augments would be kustawi making its way back into the offhand instead of Nusku or another Perun when you are dual wielding and not attack capped.
Accuracy permitting (which should be most of the time), the galaxy brain option is Ternion over Kustawi.
What's a whm? Is that some mythical creature found in other linkshells? The most I have seen is a curebot and the very occasional flurry.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 30
By Bahamut.Jackflashh 2020-09-15 12:14:10
Anyone crunched any rough math on if R15 Tatenashi set would beat Malignance for melee tp? Few LS members were discussing if new augs made it BiS for Rng now.
By SimonSes 2020-09-15 12:18:06
Bahamut.Jackflashh said: »Anyone crunched any rough math on if R15 Tatenashi set would beat Malignance for melee tp? Few LS members were discussing if new augs made it BiS for Rng now.
I kinda did here
Also to the arguments I mentioned there you should add that you lose TONS of meva and 31%DT and RNG is not a MNK, you kinda need that defensive boost to even stay in melee range on anything with serious AoE. Not to mention taking hate. with this in mind, I would give a BIG NO for TPing in Tatenashi.
I'm also talking about melee with KC offhand here. TP gain will look different for other off hand options, but I'm not sure if its even worth to melee on RNG when you cant abuse KC + Malignance.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-15 12:28:09
I did some really basic looking at numbers comparing my existing melee sets as a non-kclub RNG(read- my melee sets aren't 5/5 malignance, I like to still keep some multiattack). For comparison if that is an option for you is best coming from someone like SimonSes or Weeew, or another of the kclub RNGs who post regularly.
First things first- if you're not in the Unity faction in 1st place, the loss of STP between malignance may cause issues in your build, so most comparisons will assume a 1st place ranking.
Second question to ask is "where do I get my Dual Wield from?" I personally get it from a combination of Adhemar+1 body and Suppanomimi, so the body for me doesn't become a real gain. If you get your Dual Wield from either a +10 cape or a waist/earring combo, the body may become more workable.
I think the clear winner of the 4 for Ranger will be the feet and/or legs. Legs seem like a good accuracy swap if you were using Samnuha Tights to maintain good STP and multi-attack. If you were using Malignance legs, its a manageable haste loss, a minimal STP loss, and you gain some multi-attack.
Feet are almost identical to malignance in accuracy,STP, and haste, and add 3 TA. For comparison to Herculean Feet you give up some multiattack in lieu of gaining STP and much better accuracy (likely outside of an amazing augment).
Hands are too similar to a pair of Adhemar Wristbands+1 accuracy path for me to justify the cost/time. Similar STP, same Tripleattack, a smidge more accuracy.
The real question is if you can give up "free" -DT in your melee sets from malignance and some magic evasion in my book. The Tatenashi+1 set has respectable MEVA, but certainly not malignance level MEVA. Not to mention the loss of actual -DT.
The improvements are there, but they're not amazing in most cases. And your mileage may vary based on your weapon setup. I'd like to see what kclub RNGs feel about these pieces, as well.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2020-09-23 23:40:22
I'm currently putting together a Trueflight/Wildfire set for my RNG and I'm having a hard time deciding what would be better in the leg slot?
I have Relic +3 legs (WSD +10%, R. Atk +81, Mag. Acc +39) and I also have Augury Cuisses +1 fully augmented (+46 MAB, but no Mag. Acc)
While I do have Herc legs, I have terrible luck with augments so for the moment I've given up on that.
So between Relic +3 legs and fully aug'd Augury Cuisses +1, which would be better?
By Aerison 2020-09-24 09:40:38
I'm currently putting together a Trueflight/Wildfire set for my RNG and I'm having a hard time deciding what would be better in the leg slot?
I have Relic +3 legs (WSD +10%, R. Atk +81, Mag. Acc +39) and I also have Augury Cuisses +1 fully augmented (+46 MAB, but no Mag. Acc)
While I do have Herc legs, I have terrible luck with augments so for the moment I've given up on that.
So between Relic +3 legs and fully aug'd Augury Cuisses +1, which would be better?
I'd stick with +3 until you can get decent augs on herc legs, just due to the macc the +3 provides. Aug +1 wins by a bit on paper, at least with the dps cal I used, but not having macc will hurt.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-24 11:06:31
I'm currently putting together a Trueflight/Wildfire set for my RNG and I'm having a hard time deciding what would be better in the leg slot?
I have Relic +3 legs (WSD +10%, R. Atk +81, Mag. Acc +39) and I also have Augury Cuisses +1 fully augmented (+46 MAB, but no Mag. Acc)
While I do have Herc legs, I have terrible luck with augments so for the moment I've given up on that.
So between Relic +3 legs and fully aug'd Augury Cuisses +1, which would be better?
I've toyed with TF sets a lot using the various options I've had over the years, and I get the best raw damage results with a solid mix of MAB/WSD...going "all in" on one or the other never seems to reach the same potential. And its due to diminishing returns seen all over the place in this game.
As a result, I'd default to the relic+3 legs. Most rangers are going to shoot for Cohort Cloak+1(aug) these days for head/body. That's 0% WSD in two slots, but the benefits of a huge amount of MAB/macc are just too much for most other gear options to even compete. As a result, the Relic+3 legs help "make up" that lost WSD one likely had using the typical herculean augs in head/body.
The above comment regarding some extra macc never hurts, either. While comparing single piece to single piece can give misleading results (vs. comparing set vs set), I think @Aerison nailed it with how Augury+1 might win barely on paper, but the difference isn't enough to justify the macc loss.
By kunami 2020-09-24 13:05:31
I tweaked the set in the node to have arc legs +3
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Topace 2020-09-25 11:59:49
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-25 14:23:43
Thoughts on how? I've wondered how to "fix" Archery many times, mostly with the goal of making our use of Marksmanship vs Archery situation based, and there's a few things I just find "unfixable" to compete with Marksmanship.
1. Archery would need at least 1 magical WS option that competes with Trueflight/Wildfire. Flaming Arrow isn't gonna cut it. I'd prefer to see a Thunder-based elemental WS for bow.
2. Something unique compared to Marksmanship. I'd LOVE to see all distance penalty removed from Archery, or better yet have them get STRONGER from distance than close in a linear scale(no sweet spot), and allow WSs from the full 25' distance with longbows. My thought was to make Marksmanship the option when we can use the "sweet spot" or while meleeing, but keep bows for true distance fighting, and make them the king of that aspect.
3. Outside of Jishnu's Radiance and Namas Arrow, change the dSTAT for Archery WSs to 100% AGI to match Marksmanship.
4. Give Archery a Conal/AoE weaponskill. (my naming vote would be "Vishnu's Arrow", but hey, whatever) Again, seeking something unique for Archery to rest their laurels on^^
I'm just curious how other rangers think Archery can be fixed.