You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
Server: Asura
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Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2020-08-11 06:42:42
With my R15 Gastra, wizard/warlocks, Indi focus, and AGI songs, aurastorm (this is just our normal buffing), 1000 tp wave 1, and I do 1750 wave 2 to be safe.
With Sharanga, I can get resisted with 3k tp and not one shot them, Gastra is almost required
By ksoze 2020-08-11 07:09:33
Quote: With my R15 Gastra, wizard/warlocks, Indi focus, and AGI songs, aurastorm (this is just our normal buffing), 1000 tp wave 1, and I do 1750 wave 2 to be safe.
With Sharanga, I can get resisted with 3k tp and not one shot them, Gastra is almost required
*** me
i'm rocking a
main={ name="Malevolence", augments={'INT+3','Mag. Acc.+5',}},
sub={ name="Malevolence", augments={'INT+3','Mag. Acc.+5',}},
range={ name="Holliday", augments={'"Mag.Atk.Bns."+25','AGI+15','Rng.Acc.+10','Rng.Atk.+18',}},
By Gasho 2020-08-12 07:28:45
on the first page
RNG Midshot Top Tier
I see Nisroch Jerkin and Adhemar kecks,
Can i replace them with Malignance body and leg since they have more store tp?
if its not about the tp, what is the second BIS for the body
thank you
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2020-08-12 08:14:15
Can i replace them with Malignance body and leg since they have more store tp?
if its not about the tp, what is the second BIS for the body
Optimally, you'd set up different midshot sets for different weapons or strategies. Malignance Tabard/Tights are excellent, probably BiS items when buffed for magic WS and only concerned about TP gain from regular shots. If white damage is more of a factor, Nisroch will be more appealing. Legs are probably something of a wash either way. Personally I just use Malignance there anyway.
By Viciouss 2020-08-12 08:40:39
on the first page
RNG Midshot Top Tier
I see Nisroch Jerkin and Adhemar kecks,
Can i replace them with Malignance body and leg since they have more store tp?
if its not about the tp, what is the second BIS for the body
thank you
Yes, in fact I would recommend saving your gil on Adhemar, there are a lot of options for legs that don't cost tens of millions.
As for body it depends on the weapons you have, Amini Caban +1 is really good now if you have the r15 Perun. I actually wish the guide would have a different body listed in the midshot category simply because Omen bodies are so stingy and out of reach for people new to RNG. But Malignance will work just fine.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-12 10:06:42
As for body it depends on the weapons you have, Amini Caban +1 is really good now if you have the r15 Perun. I actually wish the guide would have a different body listed in the midshot category simply because Omen bodies are so stingy and out of reach for people new to RNG. But Malignance will work just fine.
1. Curious as to why only now you're seeing Amini Caban+1 as good because of Perun+1. It has ALWAYS been a full time preshot piece for Gastraphetes users, and usable with ANY of Ranger's RMEAs with just Flurry1, which anyone /RDM has.
2. This is a discussion of midshot body pieces. If this were a BLM forum discussing AF+3 body vs Merlinic for nuking, you wouldn't bring up Fast Cast augments.
3. Lastly, the proper understanding of WHY that Nisroch is listed under "dream" sets is needed. It is called a "dream" set, after all...not a "you need this just to show up to my CP party" set.
These days there are at least 5 bodies that a Ranger can use and easily be considered a "top-tier" option.
-Nisroch Jerkin
-Orion's Jerkin+3
-Malignance Tabard
-Oshosi Vest
-Archadian Jerkin+3
And I can think of places for a midshot piece where I personally use 4 of those, depending on weapon, aftermath, and support.
Lastly, I have NOT run hard numbers as to what point it starts to win, but with an R15'ed Annihilator having Aftermath up, along with the ranged attack vomit some new augments are getting, if you get even just a few attack buffs you can start to truly take advantage of the +PDL on the JSE neck and Malignance Gear. I've switched away from Nisroch Jerkin to Malignance Tabard for my Annihilator "AM up" set to actually take advantage of the +PDL, since getting a large chunk of Ranged Attack to make up for the zero atk/ratk on malignance gear...and for the white damage increase- the STP overflow is worthless half the time I'm using Annihilator, as Coronach doesn't scale with TP.
By Viciouss 2020-08-12 10:10:47
I didn't bring up Fast Cast augments?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-12 11:03:22
Can rng trueflight one shot statues in dyna-d? if so, what are the minimal requirements?
Just want to add a little info on the thorn in the side of every ranger in dynamis-divergence (or really any double-darkness weather situation).
Most times, if a group is consistently bringing a Ranger or two to Dynamis-Divergence, its with the intent of a strategy built around magical weapon skills from Rangers and Corsairs, as they are simpler to buff and capable of ridiculous damage with the proper buffs/debuffs/gear stacked.
However, the introduction of the Hachirin-no-Obi, while an incredible space saver, created a problem for us.
Even if you are receiving Aurorastorm II from a Scholar, the Hachirin-no-Obi will actually apply the stronger effect- the double Dark weather- to your Trueflights. The only way to avoid this AND use an Obi is to remake the original Sea Korin Obi that ONLY applies the effects of Lightsday/weather.
**see post down a bit for some testing that completely refutes this. Thank you to Shadowmeld for questioning me, and Kyte for his insight as well.**
While VERY valuable in some situations, with the increase of meleeing rangers for TP building in many situations inside Dynamis-Divergence most Rangers will aim for Orpheus Sash usage over Elemental Obis in any form. At melee range, it will win out for damage, so if you're meleeing for TP and then using Trueflight, you're fine not building that Korin Obi. If you want an option for any situation, its worth doing.
I've found like mentioned earlier that with R15 gastraphetes I am for 1750TP for wave1, 2000TP for wave2. This is likely a little overkill, and Magic Accuracy is much more valued. Here's a little bit of what I use in Dyna-D when on RNG for Trueflight:
-Malevolence (10int/10macc/10MAB/5fc)
-blurred knife+1
-cohort cloak+1(once augmented, this likely will be your biggest macc tool and it shows inside Dyna-D)
-JSE+2 neck
-herculean gloves(got lucky with a pair that actually beats Carmine+1 path D hands, in particular losing +WSD in head/body with cohort+1)
-weatherspoon ring+1 (again, a BIG macc boost for that slot)
-Orpheus Sash
-Relic+3 legs
-DM aug herculean feet (+47mab)
And its pretty standard for someone in the "ranged" party to pop a Stewpot for the combination acc/racc/macc all-in-one.
Buffs/Debuffs always include at least Acumen/Langour, with an off party GEO doing Malaise; 2 cor setup (as they are DDs as well in there) that allows Samurai,Hunters,Wizards,Warlocks; Distract3/Frazzle3 on NMs, and that allows the BRD to handle haste issues and melee accuracy...there's zero need for any +attack buffs for this concept. And its only when in this style setup I feel as confident shooting statues on RNG as I do on COR.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-08-12 12:28:22
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Even if you are receiving Aurorastorm II from a Scholar, the Hachirin-no-Obi will actually apply the stronger effect- the double Dark weather- to your Trueflights. The only way to avoid this AND use an Obi is to remake the original Sea Korin Obi that ONLY applies the effects of Lightsday/weather.
Really? I was always under the impression that SCH weather spells completely overrode universal weathers in place.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-12 12:34:08
comment removed due to being completely wrong! See below for info not just me talkin out of my butt.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2020-08-12 12:35:59
Storm IIs are double weather- so yeah, that particular problem with the obis isn't a thing. However, day conflicts can occur.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-08-12 12:38:59
My understanding (should probably be tested) a tier 1 storm spell would override double weather too. It's been a long time since I've looked at anything regarding weather.
By ksoze 2020-08-12 13:16:44
Thanks for a little more depth celeb
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-12 13:22:47
So I just went out to Walk of Echoes on RNG/SCH. I initially expected to do some testing in there due to the double darkness weather being constant like in Dynamis-Divergence, and going /SCH wouldn't show anything other than confirmation of how worthless NQ storms from /sch would be.
...and I was wrong as hell.
-RNG/SCH (weapon array: Malevolence/Nusku/Gastra/Quelling)
-Walk of Echoes Walk#8 (adamantoises), NOT Surged.
-Apururu and Koru-Moru only trusts called. Resulted in trust buffs of Pro/Shell5 and Flurry2.
All Trueflights performed at 3k TP.
Double Dark Weather, Watersday.
All done with Hachirin-no-Obi when obi was used.
No Storms, No Obi. Damage: 14991
No Storms, WITH Obi. Damage: 11242 (25% reduction in damage)
Aurorastorm I, With Obi. Damage: 16489 (10% INCREASE in damage)
These numbers are 100% on par with what would be expected if even a single Tier 1 Storm is overwriting double "natural" weather. The Hachirin-no-Obi forces the double weather proc, which is a 25% change. In this case, as its the conflicting element, that change is a reduction. Tier 1 storms are a 10% change, and since aligned with Trueflight, it results in a 10% boost...even against double weather.
So MANY apologies for bad info above- I've left it there and changed it to italics in my original post along with a note to look below to this information.
The only scenario I can see that would cause issues is a No-Storm, in dynamis on lightsday situation where the single bonus of Lightsday gets trumped by the double darkness weather. Still to be tested as the days move in vana'diel, testing storms against the triple of darksday+double dark weather fighting against Scholar or /SCH storms.
tl;dr- Korin Obi was a ruse, one I and others fell for. Its completely unnecessary to get as with SCHOLAR storms you will get the proper bonuses.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-08-12 13:53:12
It's certainly convenient for cors / rdms because they don't have to worry about getting the proper storm spell up in dyna. I see a lot of people these days going back and getting some key obis for stuff like this. Korin Obi because of the light / dark dynamic. Anrin and Furin are two others as Anrin is the dark / light dynamic again, and Furin because there are a lot of wind based magic WS that are good and you want to be able to maximize.
tldr: It's still probably a good idea to do a Korin Obi if you want to optimize.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-12 13:55:47
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »It's certainly convenient for cors / rdms because they don't have to worry about getting the proper storm spell up in dyna. I see a lot of people these days going back and getting some key obis for stuff like this. Korin Obi because of the light / dark dynamic. Anrin and Furin are two others as Anrin is the dark / light dynamic again, and Furin because there are a lot of wind based magic WS that are good and you want to be able to maximize.
tldr: It's still probably a good idea to do a Korin Obi if you want to optimize.
On Corsair, outside of the wave3 boss and light/fire circles, I'm 100% Wildfire. But yes, for wave1/wave2 and wave3 boss, its Leaden all day and night. Once the days progress I'll head back in to WoE and test both T1 and T2 storms with a SCH during darksday+double weather...then we'll see how Hachirin reacts to that scenario and if Korin is truly necessary- if anyone has any info on that situation already, would love it, and so would my SCH friend getting forced into helping me :)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-08-12 13:59:25
I don't even think you'd need a sch to go with you. If you go with /sch and the damage is different with the no obi, no proc damage then one or the other of day / storm affects damage. If it's the same as the no obi damage. Then T1 storm and opposite day cancel each other. I guess it would be good to see if T2 storm + opposite day gives a +10% or +15% damage buff. I suspect it would be +10%.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-08-12 14:03:04
Also, might be able to test on light day with cor/sch and then you don't need a friend.
By Gasho 2020-08-13 14:03:18
for Last stand
how much wsd/agi I need on herculean to beat Meghanada +2 body and feet
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-13 14:24:24
for Last stand
how much wsd/agi I need on herculean to beat Meghanada +2 body and feet
Not. Much. :)
Meg Curie+2 relevant stats:
Herculean Vest relevant BASE stats:
Most Last Stand sets end up with 1WSD= about 4-5AGI. The less WSD you have, the more AGI each single point of it equals. So just 2 WSD essentially works out to equal the AGI on meghananda+2 body. On Ranger, there are many other slots to make up a racc loss, but of course you still want to see 30ish total ranged accuracy. So that only needs an augment of racc+15.
Its the ranged attack that needs to be made up most, but also the easiest to get gobs of cheaply. Not to mention with the changes to Perun+1, its VERY easy to overload on ranged attack even with a piss poor augment.
If you can hit AGI+5, racc+15, ratk+20, wsd+2 that would likely win out (again, depending on your other slots), or getting a surplus of 2 of the key 3 will perform better. I'd start with Pellucid Stones to get a "workable" piece cheaply, then debate if you want to boost AGI with taupe and hope for the rest along with it, or aim for really high WSD numbers with fern while still getting respectable racc/ratk numbers.
For the Jambeaux+2:
relevant stats:
Herc Boots-
relevant base stats:
Again, the same comparison we used for the body can be used for the feet. Getting 3 WSD and nothing else would equate to the missing AGI. Or a +6AGI/+2WSD. Anything beyond those numbers should be more damage in an attack capped situation.
You still want some Ranged Attack to make it up, and a little Racc for safety purposes as well. But again, starting with pellucid and getting just AGI+5, racc/ratk+15, and wsd+2 would beat them. Its about balancing the stats- getting enough total racc in your set to consistently land all the hits of Last Stand, enough Ranged Attack so that with normal buffs you're at attack cap, and then some extra AGI and WSD to push the damage up. But due to the nature of the augments, there's lots of combinations that can "win". zero AGI, 30racc, 5WSD would win. 15AGI, 20ratk/10racc and 1wsd would win. So there's lots of ways to beat your current options.
By Gasho 2020-08-14 06:14:03
Thank you sir!
Server: Siren
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Posts: 1
By Siren.Zenkith 2020-08-14 07:47:30
I'm using Baetyl pendant for TF, WF ws set, anyone knows if scout's gorget +1 is an improvement at max aug?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2020-08-14 12:51:41
I'm using Baetyl pendant for TF, WF ws set, anyone knows if scout's gorget +1 is an improvement at max aug?
Relevant Stats for your question:
Scout's gorget +1
AGI +20 MAG ACC +20
Baetyl pendant
Trueflight Stat Modifier: 100% AGI
Wildfire Stat Modifier: 60% AGI
There are lots other slots where you can boost MAG ATTK
Unless you can get 20AGI on some other slots without sacrificing other important variables. Even then, the extra MAG ACC + TP return is gonna help you with resists & to reach next WS faster.
By Sidiov 2020-08-14 14:02:02
Using 'average' TF and WF gear setup vs an 'average' ilvl mob: TF - scouts: 
TF - baetyl: 
WF - scouts: 
WF - baetyl: 
Obviously results change a bit based on your exact AGI vs MAB, but Scout's is mostly the winner.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-08-14 14:28:38
magic ws have no fluctuation in damage if you keep tp values the same, there is no need for 3000 iterations. additionally, you have different numbers on wildfire when damage should be static
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-08-14 14:31:47
I got topic banned for saying that exact same thing about leaden. Everyone wanted to argue with me for saying it but I bet no one will say a word to you.
(resists being ignored from the factoring)
By Sidiov 2020-08-14 14:36:17
magic ws have no fluctuation in damage if you keep tp values the same, there is no need for 3000 iterations. additionally, you have different numbers on wildfire when damage should be static magic accuracy causes resists which decrease damage in set intervals.
edit: this is easy to test - go fight an ra'ka apex bat with no macc buffs and youll see 25-50-75% resists pretty often.
The iterations just averages all those resists in - although I agree is much more useful for physical WS.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-08-14 14:42:14
resists are going to happen even if you're well over capped on magic accuracy, and unless you know a mob's specific magic evasion it's just extra work for nothing
By Sidiov 2020-08-14 14:44:56
resists are going to happen even if you're well over capped on magic accuracy, and unless you know a mob's specific magic evasion it's just extra work for nothing It's literally 0 extra work apart from a second of processor time, the macc rate testing and code is done, and the iterations are there by default since its the same app for physical ws.
If it bugs you, I can set the iterations to 0, I just didnt bother taking time to change the default.
not using the same gear as above, but example:
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-08-14 14:52:46
doesn't bug me, just not necessary for magic ws unless you know a mob's magic evasion