You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
By SimonSes 2020-07-11 08:01:10
/dnc might actually be interesting even for neagling/kraken.
Generally speaking you can very often get to 1000TP (sometimes 1500+ if I recall correctly) with that setup with /nin and enough storeTP (sam roll on top of set). The question would be how many times more it would happen with more tp per hit with /dnc. Assuming you wouldnt bother to haste samba all the time, if it cuts off 1 round (from 2 to 1) often enough, it might offset higher delay. That higher delay would be only on fodders too. On boss you can pop haste samba and that would for sure be much better setup, because you would cap delay again, but with better TP per hit. Really hard to estimate tbh.
By Galkapryme 2020-07-13 07:05:55
I thought Perun +1 was BiS before. Then I R15'd it. WOW. I feel like I gotta go back and re-acquire all the UNM gear I dropped or traded. A lot of the weapons are solid replacements for Fully maxed Ambu weapons. Some even make for great sub weapons for Ambu, Su5, or REMA weapons.
By bonz 2020-07-16 15:47:54
This is what I use.
ItemSet 371903
herc augmented with macc/mab/wsd (agi if your lucky)
Carmine Body is better than Herc Body with AGI MACC MAB WSD ?
By Ermah 2020-07-24 14:22:38
I just started gearing up Ranger and I'm a bit overwhelmed as I didn't have any ranged related gear to start with. I had a couple questions to help me get organized.
Currently I have a Annihilator, does the ammo from the Aeonic make THAT much of a difference on Coronach? I'm a bit disappointed with my Coronach's damage, currently between 9k-14k with trusts, but I'm missing quite a bit of gear. I also don't have any JP yet.
For sets I have a pre-shot set, missing three items from the pre-shot BIS set on the guide, the +2 neck, the +3 pants. So I'm missing about 17% SS. Is it better to get PT via spamming ranged attack or to melee or to do both? Should I wait until I can get su3 before I spam ranged attack for TP?
My Mid shot set isn't quite at the guide's level yet. It's mostly all Malignance Armor and a bunch of STP things like Chirch's Ring, Cessance Earring, Anu Torque ect.
For weapon skill set, I'm currently working on the Coronach set first. I have 5% WSD and a few ranged attack on each slot with Herc armor, the WSD cape, the Fotia and Ambuscade gloves +2. All I'm really missing is the Epaminodas Ring, Regal Ring, Sherida Earring and the two WSD Rng pieces (I have 5% instead of 10%). I'm debating trading in my Adoulin Ring for the WSD ring since Regal ring is a bit out of my grasp. After I get JP and the 10% WSD I'm missing and the extra Rattk, what kind of numbers would I be looking to see on Coronach? Oh, for weapon I'm using the Perun +1 Augmented, I do have the Vampirism and Odium, but I feel the Perun is better. I don't have the Nusku shield yet.
Aside from those I haven't started on any sets yet.
Is True Flight any good without the Gastra/Fomal?
What artifact/relic pieces should I prioritize, artifact take a while and the ranger relics are insanely expensive considering how few people play RNG?
Is Tauret worth getting or am I better with Malevolence?
What sets will make the biggest difference in my contribution?
Any tips for playing Ranger well?
Thank you.
By kunami 2020-07-25 18:08:47
First, let me say: Welcome to the ranks of Rangers, we are glad to have you.
These are my takes. Others feel free to chime in and offer better advice or correct me.
Quote: does the ammo from the Aeonic make THAT much of a difference on Coronach?
The buffs you are getting (BRD, COR, GEO, etc) are more important than your ammo or gear. That said, Coronach damage isn't that spectacular to begin with and its main draw is the enmity free mechanics of the relic.
Quote: Is it better to get TP via spamming ranged attack or to melee or to do both? Should I wait until I can get su3 before I spam ranged attack for TP?
IMO this is dictated more by the fight you're in than the gear you have. Some things have terrible AOEs and it is in your best interest to stay far away. That said, melee'ing for TP isnt that great unless you have a Kraken Club and a bunch of Malignance armor IMO.
Quote: Is True Flight any good without the Gastra/Fomal?
Again, buffs matter the most, but TF does a lot more with a Gastra, since it gets a massive boost. It also depends on what youre fighting too. (Seeing a pattern here yet?)
Quote: What artifact/relic pieces should I prioritize, artifact take a while and the ranger relics are insanely expensive considering how few people play RNG?
I'd go after the WSD pieces first: Relic legs, and AF head. Barrage AF hands are nice but very niche and malignance has filled in comparably in midshot sets. However, the relic head is huge for TP gain.
Quote: Is Tauret worth getting or am I better with Malevolence?
Tauret is a good dagger and it is definitely worth getting. It has great Macc for high end content and is just a great melee weapon in general relative to the investment it takes to get it. That said, Malevolence will buff your dmg more.
Quote: What sets will make the biggest difference in my contribution?
RNG is very dependent on WS sets, so I would focus on those, but it again probably depends on what your goals are.
Quote: Any tips for playing Ranger well? Use a good gearswap to fine tune your sets. Don't use autoRA. Make sure you have good buffs from your party members. Don't stress about REMA but aim for them someday if you want to be a top end ranger because they are worth the grind. Except the bows. :(
By ksoze 2020-07-26 05:31:07
I thought Perun +1 was BiS before. Then I R15'd it. WOW. I feel like I gotta go back and re-acquire all the UNM gear I dropped or traded. A lot of the weapons are solid replacements for Fully maxed Ambu weapons. Some even make for great sub weapons for Ambu, Su5, or REMA weapons.
Can you elabotate you wow?
Whats the actual difference with r15
By kunami 2020-07-26 09:06:16
Can you elabotate you wow?
Whats the actual difference with r15
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-07-26 09:39:59
That little bit of extra Snapshot really changes matters for Annihilator, Fomalhaut, and Armageddon, the 3 weapons you're most likely to already be using Perun+1. the tl;dr version is that it allows full time use of Amini Caban+1 even without flurry, and without Gastraphetes or Su5's Snapshot.
Here's what I've come up with so far with raw number crunching. My early projects for Lustreless Hides and Sheol B have put Perun+1 likely next, but not started, so this is just on paper.
No Flurry:
-Taeon Chapeau(+10snap)
-Amini Caban+1
-JSE Neck(+1 or +2 works)
-Carmine Hands(path D)
-JSE cape(+10snap)
-Impulse Belt
-Adhemar Kecks+1(path D)
-Meghananda Jambeaux+2(+10snap)
Flurry 1:
-Orion Beret+3
-Amini Caban+1
-JSE Neck(+1 or +2 works)
-Carmine Hands(Path D)
-JSE Cape(+10 snap)
-Yemaya Belt
-Adhemar Kecks+1(path D)
-Meghananda Jameaux+2(+10 snap)
-Orion Beret+3
-Amini Caban+1
-JSE Neck(+1 or +2 works)
-Carmine Hands(Path D)
-JSE Cape(+10 Snap)
-Yemaya Belt
-Adhemar Kecks+1(pathD)
-Pursuer's Gaiters(path A)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 224
By Sylph.Snk 2020-07-31 13:55:50
Just for the hell of it, Did anyone ever make a good Apex Arrow build?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2020-07-31 14:50:50
Just for the hell of it, Did anyone ever make a good Apex Arrow build?
I use the same Last Stand set (both have ~85%AGI stat modifier) but swap Moonshade earring with Beyla earring since dealing with fourfold attack (higher chance to miss) and fTP is at 3.0 across all TP stages.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 224
By Sylph.Snk 2020-08-04 10:49:29
Just for the hell of it, Did anyone ever make a good Apex Arrow build?
I use the same Last Stand set (both have ~85%AGI stat modifier) but swap Moonshade earring with Beyla earring since dealing with fourfold attack (higher chance to miss) and fTP is at 3.0 across all TP stages.
That works I suppose. Thanks for the assist.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-04 11:17:14
I can definitely respect the concept of "oh well, if I'm gonna use it, it might as well be as good as possible"...the problem is even at its best, Apex Arrow is gonna lose to a crappy Last Stand almost always, and WILL always lose to a crappy Trueflight (barring magic resists). So an "ok" set is what most of us go for regarding Apex Arrow, and if we want to go Legolas mode and Bow it, its Jishnu's or Bust. The fact that its the CDC of Archery doesn't hurt as it self-chains without any aftermath up.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-08-04 12:04:31
The way I see it, mixing in Apex Arrow in with two Jishnu's Radiance makes double light, so may as well have a point in it. And with a point in it, there is no harm in having an Apex Arrow set.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 88
By Asura.Zeroburning 2020-08-04 12:08:27
Only problem with it is that it's still just meh dmg from apex arrow and probably lose dps in the long run rather then just spamming jishnu
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-08-04 13:18:15
Lets say, hypothetically, that 1 light SC = 1 Jishnu's Radiance.
Jishnus to Jishnus (light) = 3 Jishnu's in 2 WS, or 3/2 Jishnus per WS.
If we do
Apex to Jishnus (light) to Jishnus (light) thats 4 Jishnus in 3 WS, or 4/3 Jishnus per WS.
Now lets compare them more directly, 3/2 = 9/6, and 4/3 = 8/6 Jishnu's per WS respectively.
This means that for an Apex Arrow to Jishnu's Radiance to Jishnu's Radiance SC to deal as much damage as a Jishnu's Radiance to Jishnu's Radiance SC, Apex Arrow has to deal a mere 1/6th the damage of a Jishnu's Radiance.
Apex Arrow may not be amazing, but its not anywhere near that terrible. And on top of that the second light SC will always be larger than the first, simply due to the way SCs work.
So no, you won't lose DPS in the long term over spamming Jishnu.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-08-04 13:20:58
Multi-stepping increases the damage of each progressive skillchain; the 2nd Light there would be worth 1.5 Jishnus assuming neutral SC damage from Light.
On the other hand, there are definitely monsters that resist Light SCs significantly, so you can't just multi-step SC indiscriminately regardless of what you're fighting.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-04 13:40:38
The way I see it, mixing in Apex Arrow in with two Jishnu's Radiance makes double light, so may as well have a point in it. And with a point in it, there is no harm in having an Apex Arrow set.
Asura.Zeroburning said: »Only problem with it is that it's still just meh dmg from apex arrow and probably lose dps in the long run rather then just spamming jishnu
RNG can do the same 3-step with Savage Blade instead of Apex Arrow, if you MH Naegling. You also gain access to the DI ammo for an extra 20% WSD (minus the TP bonus bow). That's probably a better alternative if you're able to use sword.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-08-04 14:51:07
Tbh, if youre meleeing with naeg, youd probably get better mileage out of spamming savage than jishnus anyway. So we can at least assume there is a reason for being at a distance and using 3 ranged WSs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-08-04 15:43:35
If I'm using Jishnus, it means I'm shooting with Gandiva. If I'm shooting with Gandiva, I'm not meleeing with Naegling.
If I'm mixing Apex Arrow in with Jishnus, I'm specifically aiming for skillchain damage. With the second SC dealing 1.5x damage as Geriond reminded me, even if Apex hits for 0 it's still worth it for the SC damage.
So no, I don't see having an Apex Arrow set as being worthless in the slightest.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-04 17:32:03
RNG can do the same 3-step with Savage Blade instead of Apex Arrow, if you MH Naegling. You also gain access to the DI ammo for an extra 20% WSD (minus the TP bonus bow). That's probably a better alternative if you're able to use sword.
That would be horrifically risky. As someone who's lost 2 DI arrows (one to stupidity, one to lag), the only time that arrow gets anywhere near my Inventory even is during 100% melee situations and Savage Blade spam only.
And like @Mims says later- there's zero reason to use Archery Weaponskills if you're meleeing for TP. Either you're using daggers and meleeing for TP to use Trueflight or Wildfire, or you're in a Savage Blade build, or maybe even meleeing and using Last Stand if it allows chaining with someone else.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-04 17:49:03
I use it for Apex bats sometimes since they are piercing weak and the skillchain damage wrecks them. I haven't lost an arrow yet
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-08-05 19:21:36
Help! I have a really nice Savage Blade set: WSD arrow, TP bonus bow, good WSD pieces, etc. I do not have a K.Club. What offhand do ya think is next best for a full on melee RNG spamming SB? We're talking mainly Divergence with some buffs, but obviously stuff like wave 3 (or more evasive wave 2 NMs) is going to be harder on acc and non-ilevel weapons will suffer more there.
I have Ternion +1 R15, which I've been defaulting to since getting it (WSD+5! Low delay! TA+4! Lots of acc!). Also have the rest of the usual dagger suspects: Tauret, Mercurial Kris, Blurred Knife +1... or could get whatever else that isn't K.Club.
(if you want to just give me a K.Club, that's fine too)
By Nariont 2020-08-05 19:35:31
pretty sure kris is the next highest tp-generating off-hand to k.club, though its a decent gap between the two
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-08-05 20:16:54
Anyone done the math to figure out if Ternion +1's WSD+5% is competitive enough to offset the loss in TP generation from giving up M.Kris?
For situations where acc matters, Ternion seems to make sense. Not sure how much it differs for stuff like wave 1 Dyna where kris is fine acc-wise.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-05 23:10:09
I used ternion and blurred during a dynamis run a while back, but I preferred the former. No kclub either
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 88
By Asura.Zeroburning 2020-08-07 03:11:32
Go to page one and look at the node and just go from there
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2020-08-07 11:45:21
Got Perun+1 R15 last night. Really noticeable change especially low buff situations. Totally worth it.
By ksoze 2020-08-11 03:46:15
Can rng trueflight one shot statues in dyna-d? if so, what are the minimal requirements?
By Weeew 2020-08-11 05:31:13
Can rng trueflight one shot statues in dyna-d? if so, what are the minimal requirements?
Yes and depends on your gear, weapon + rank, buffs, etc.