There's the context I was missing, for that fight at least. I've definitely also seen the same concerns voiced for v20 Arebati, before v25 was a thing.
That being said, I've also wondered why there's so much concern with RNG pulling hate when conventional melee DDs are churning out more damage in a shorter period of time. There doesn't seem to be the same 'warnings' when discussing other primes. Maybe it's because there just aren't many fights where you're sporting a conventional Tank and spank setup that lasts long enough for ripping hate to be a thing? Just a matter of theory vs practice?
Arebati is a combination of DPS check and enmity management. By the end of the run the PLD and the RNG could reach cap hate alongside RUN which is guarantee fail.
Between the RNG and RUN if the second KI starts very high on HP, the RNG will have to chop off so much HP that it will eventually hit cap enmity. You can use better mitigating ranged weapon but you might time out. Here the COR needs to do a whole lot of damage to prevent this situation from happening.
Between PLD and RUN. Since RUN is taking damage from Arebati it will be shedding enmity while the PLD, who is not taking damage from Arebati is not affected by it. The PLD needs to heal RUN throughout the whole fight so he builds enmity from doing that and it could end up pulling hate which will kill both, PLD (because Arebati will legit murder him) and RUN (because the two boars will murder him).
For that reason, before the second add comes out, I purposefully let RNG be second on the list. Taking the add from the RNG is easy and doesn't put the fight at risk of PLD taking hate from Arebati. RNG shadowbinds the add and I flash it.. and thats all I need.
Some PLD, however, can walk the fine line of enmity building and keep themselves second on the hate list. I'm the PLD that Shadowmeld mentioned above, which is why I dissed myself by saying PLD skill issue. lol.