Ambuscade Volume 1 - December 2018

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Ambuscade Volume 1 - December 2018
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By ceinwyn 2018-12-13 12:23:16
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soo. any word on that genku move? blockable via shadows?
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2018-12-13 12:48:22
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Trying to figure out if it can be stunned or just goes off too fast. I'll try and put a group together later today to see.
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-12-13 12:50:32
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If going by appearances, it's a single target physical move so it totally should be. As I stated on the first page, Genku has a long charge time and it did 28K damage pretty readily. You can outrun it though.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-12-13 12:54:58
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Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

Initial observations of Vol. 1 Difficult:


-Recommended to use DD that dual wield and have access to shadows.
-70% to 30% HP it spams a multiple buff dispel move(4-5 buffs), so recommended to use GEO as buffer.
-Summons adds around 70% and 30%
-If you keep damaging boss while adds are out, it will gain an en-death effect on melee attacks. The proc rate of which will increase the more you damage the main NM.
-Killing the adds removes the en-death effect, which is signified by a message in chat.
-Under 30% NM gains access to(and will only use) Phantom Whorl, which is an extremely high damage, single hit attack. Even with Wilt and RUN max DT set, I was taking 3-6K damage.
-NM is harmless under 30% as long as you keep shadows up.
-Not sure on Triple Reversal mechanics used by 2nd set of adds, other than to have tank eat them so main DD stay alive. Can shadows absorb this attack too?

Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Cleared VD intense multiple times with NIN NIN RUN/BLU WHM SMN BRD without killing adds.
- 100~80% : Uses Animating Wail, Mangle and Leaping Cleave.
- 80~60% : Weapon breaks, spawns five adds, uses Hex Palm and Spinal Cleave.
- 60~30% : Equips a new weapon, gains add death, uses Unblest Jambiya (removes shadows) and Gen'ei Ryodan (single target, removes 5 shadows, dispels 1 buff per hit).
- 50% : Uses Perfect Dodge
- 30~0% : Weapon breaks again, loses add death, spam Enforce (VD only), uses Utsu San, Phantom Whorl.
Enforce : AoE HP Drain (15'~ range), drain is based on players current HP and cannot kill them, it also heals the boss for much more than it steals HP, making it unkillable when players are at full HP. The trick is to not cure melees and let them tank with 10 HP to sufficiently weaken the drain.

NINs tank boss, RUN tank adds away from the boss, BRD Elegy everything.
Boss is very manageable with 2 NINs and Slow/Elegy.
The second wave of adds won't spawn if the first wave is already present.
All the adds die when the boss is defeated.
Mewing Lullaby prevent adds from using Triple Reversal. They don't have regain, ML can be used once every 2~3 min, no need to spam it.
Boss can use Triple Reversal but the only time we saw him using it was when the adds were close.

AAHM trust has Utsusemi+1 trait. Ni give him 5 shadows and Ichi 4 shadows (R.I.P. Gessho).

Found these post's digging around from last year. The TP names don't align.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-13 12:56:16
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Can happen anytime more then one add is around another or the MB. I've seen it kill the kiter at 70% back when we were kiting. And yes it's a drain move, it straight up says drains 8 ~ 30k HP.
I believe you, but given how in over 6 hours of runs I've seen Triple Reversal exclusively from 30% onwards on both D and VD is statistically unlikely to be a coincidence.
Maybe there's some things my groups were unwaware of that we were doing to prevent TR before 30%? Something that doesn't work after?
Seems too strange to be a coincidence.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Indigla
Posts: 345
By Bismarck.Indigla 2018-12-13 12:56:40
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Couple VD vids for this month:
YouTube Video Placeholder

No Kite:
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2018-12-13 12:56:54
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
If going by appearances, it's a single target physical move so it totally should be. As I stated on the first page, Genku has a long charge time and it did 28K damage pretty readily. You can outrun it though.

Oh okay cool. Really interested in stun also because it opens up room for many other DDs without shadows.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-13 13:00:06
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
You can always take the extra 30~60 seconds it wold take to just kill the adds on pop.
You mean on D or under? Because on VD with 4 songs (no SV, no CC) it took us way more than that with 3x NINs.
One NIN was tanking the boss.
PLD was kiting the adds, the other 2 NINs were killing adds one by one.
It's like what, 2 Astrologers and 3 other adds for a total of 5? Took us more like 5 mins, and it was probably more than that.
I'm sure we could've optimized that time a lot, but 30-60 secs sounds extremely unlikely.

In my best VD attempt so far (like 16% health left on megaboss) we were around the 6 mins mark (including 1+ mins of buffing at start), without SPs of course.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-12-13 13:12:12
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Can happen anytime more then one add is around another or the MB. I've seen it kill the kiter at 70% back when we were kiting. And yes it's a drain move, it straight up says drains 8 ~ 30k HP.
I believe you, but given how in over 6 hours of runs I've seen Triple Reversal exclusively from 30% onwards on both D and VD is statistically unlikely to be a coincidence.
Maybe there's some things my groups were unwaware of that we were doing to prevent TR before 30%? Something that doesn't work after?
Seems too strange to be a coincidence.

Triple Reverse is only available if there are adds out and they get near one another. If you are killing the adds at 80% then it will never be used as the boss never gets TP, seriously check it out they sync TP moves with the boss along with getting their own TP. If you are kiting then it's just luck as it will only take place once the pathing lines up right, which is why it's infinitely easier to just murder the adds. Once the adds are dead en-death goes away, triple reverse goes away and the boss is a joke afterward. This is a 266% reduction in the dangerous period of the fight and takes like 30s.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Asura.Limpbiz 2018-12-13 13:13:41
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Here’s what we ran with sechs on VD. Few hiccups feeling it out but runs pretty smooth.
Run/pld or /blu
Dark/nin but can be any DD, dnc would work nicely.

Dd pulls, run rdm go to middle, run pulls adds kites and rdm kites if run some how run dies, while the dds just bounce hate, we fought at N S E W of main mob and rotated using ws’s. Everyone hit 99k cap with Sam chaos, 4song and sushi. Once it hit 30% we didn’t heal anymore and just used Regen 2, to stay alive. About a 7-9min fight. Depending on what he’s spamming
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-12-13 13:15:02
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
You can always take the extra 30~60 seconds it wold take to just kill the adds on pop.
You mean on D or under? Because on VD with 4 songs (no SV, no CC) it took us way more than that with 3x NINs.
One NIN was tanking the boss.
PLD was kiting the adds, the other 2 NINs were killing adds one by one.
It's like what, 2 Astrologers and 3 other adds for a total of 5? Took us more like 5 mins, and it was probably more than that.
I'm sure we could've optimized that time a lot, but 30-60 secs sounds extremely unlikely.

In my best VD attempt so far (like 16% health left on megaboss) we were around the 6 mins mark (including 1+ mins of buffing at start), without SPs of course.

On D it's about 30s, on VD about 60. Seriously they aren't hard don't "tank the boss" ffs, just ignore it entirely because if there is no TP feed then there is no triple reverse or other dangerous stuff. If the boss doesn't have TP then the adds won't use triple reverse as it's usage is synched to the MB's TP. Just disengage and murder each add one or two at a time starting with the astrologers while the "kiter" holds the adds next to the camp. Don't chase them around the room, just hold near the MB but don't feed the MB any TP while the first wave adds are out.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-12-13 13:16:46
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Asura.Limpbiz said: »
Once it hit 30% we didn’t heal anymore and just used Regen 2, to stay alive.

Don't need to do that, his self healing is ***.

This isn't a direct copy paste of last years, they changed stuff including the ridiculous HP restoration. At first we were worried too, then we noticed it would heal for not even 1% when everyone was at full health so we just said **** it* and crushed it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-13 13:31:38
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Adds don't use Triple Reversal when boss is above 30%. That's his final phase mechanic is that TP move. Killing the adds or not is really going to depend on the group, and I think the original intended strat was to peel off an add and kill them, but my group had no issues just kiting all the adds the entire fight and zerging the boss. The slower you kill, the more risk you take, though, so killing adds may be the ideal strategy for some groups.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-12-13 14:14:50
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Adds don't use Triple Reversal when boss is above 30%.

They 100% more certainly can as I've been killed by it before 30% when we were still messing around with kiting. Several of our tanks / kiters have also been killed be it.

This isn't the same as last years, they've messed with it so copy pasteing from that time isn't a good idea. Phantom Whorl doesn't exist and it gets Triple Reversal starting when it first spawns adds. Also the TP move seems to be linked with the boss's TP, which was extremely noticeable when we stopped giving the MB TP while killing the adds.

My personal theory is that if an add gets within 15~20 yalms of the boss and the boss use's a TP move, then all the adds will use it and have a chance at doing triple reversal. I've seen something that went like this during a benny hill moment.

Bigwig use's Gen'ei Ryodan
Astrologer use's some cleave move
Astrologer use's Triple Reverse
Tormentor use's some other cleave move
Tormentor use's Triple Reverse

Tormentor killed me, the astrologer killed someone else. Two separate people in two separate locations both slammed with a TP attack simultaneously. You can see it in action if you have someone hold the adds away but not too far away from the boss, whenever the boss does a TP move the adds all do one too. But if you don't feed the boss any TP then the adds will only do a TP move when they individually have TP. This is why fighting the boss while also killing the adds is a very bad idea.

Just have the second tank hold the adds right next to the boss, don't feed boss any TP and the adds melt.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Asura.Limpbiz 2018-12-13 15:36:45
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Yeah we eventually did the same Sechs, we just set on like 13,6,9 hp and said f it and quit doing Regen and just let the rdm focus on debuffing him
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2018-12-13 19:10:52
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Mewing Lullaby prevent adds from using Triple Reversal. They don't have regain, ML can be used once every 2~3 min, no need to spam it.
This is not the case anymore, they have Regain now but the method still works and is in my opinion more reliable (or at least less stressful) than kiting. Mewing isn't needed until 35%~.

Some moves have their name modified.
Sontaku Daikyoyo = Enforce
Genku Bakken = Phantom Whorl
Sontaku Kyoyo = Turn the Tables
Their effects haven't changed at all.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-13 23:30:03
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Do you use mewing on the adds, the boss or both, taking turns?
How close /far do you keep the adds and boss?
What do you do before 35% if you're on SMN main and not /SMN?

Also I feel GEO isn't necessary, especially if you don't fight the adds (they don't take 99k damage from ws and hence can benefit from frailty)

For us in the end we made Saevel method work. Kill first wave, zerg when second wave pops. It takes around 12 mins though. I'm sure we can push forward by optimizing but no way we can do under 10 mins wish those jobs and no SPs.
It's not too bad I guess, but I wanna give the mewing approach another try.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-13 23:34:04
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I was doing 5min clears last night without mewling and without killing adds. Just kite adds from the start and destroy boss. I feel we had pretty solid RNG without anyone ever dying, but was a really good combination of runs.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-14 00:30:31
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Also just been doing this with my GEO in place of the RDM, it's not hard at all to silence. It's a little more trouble since silence doesn't last the full duration and you need to re-silence, but I bet it's entirely doable for WHM, RDM, SCH or GEO to play the "Support the kiter" role.
By Afania 2018-12-14 00:42:55
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
but I bet it's entirely doable for WHM, RDM, SCH or GEO to play the "Support the kiter" role.

It is, but some jobs like whm doesn't offer as much offensive benefit as rdm or maybe geo(assuming white dmg pdif isnt capped that is)

I'd still take rdm or geo for this, personally.

Asura.Sechs said: »
Do you use mewing on the adds, the boss or both, taking turns?
How close /far do you keep the adds and boss?
What do you do before 35% if you're on SMN main and not /SMN?

Also I feel GEO isn't necessary,

We didn't use geo tonight, and some ws didn't hit 99999. I think it's more ideal to use at least 1 attack bubble and stat boost bubble for extra dps. Then remove the healer slot or something.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-12-14 00:48:37
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Afania said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
but I bet it's entirely doable for WHM, RDM, SCH or GEO to play the "Support the kiter" role.

It is, but some jobs like whm doesn't offer as much offensive benefit as rdm or maybe geo(assuming white dmg pdif isnt capped that is)

I'd still take rdm or geo for this, personally.

I said doable, not ideal. Just means I'm not going to bother gearing up a separate job for this, lol.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2018-12-14 01:01:22
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Do you use mewing on the adds, the boss or both, taking turns?
How close /far do you keep the adds and boss?
What do you do before 35% if you're on SMN main and not /SMN?
They are at 25' from the boss.
Basic SMN stuff: buff melees, Volt Strike/Shock Squall Boss, Apogee Tidal Roar/Slowga adds, main heal is also possible. /SMN supposedly still works, although I find the regain rather high to rely on 1 min recast Mewing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-14 01:13:13
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I was doing 5min clears last night without mewling and without killing adds. Just kite adds from the start and destroy boss. I feel we had pretty solid RNG without anyone ever dying, but was a really good combination of runs.
Invite meeeeeee :<

And yes, last time I was landing Silence just fine on my GEO on the 2 astrologers, and my gear back then was waaay worse than it is now.
Was having issues landing it on the main boss himself though, took me many, many immunobreaks.

Afania said: »
We didn't use geo tonight, and some ws didn't hit 99999.
Was it 1hit WSs?
It never happened this time to us, but last time this Ambu was around I noticed some WSs weren't hitting for 99k whenever someone used a 1hit WS.
Noticed even WSs that are normally much weaker would hit for 99k no problem as long as they were multihit, whereas on WSs with 1 or few hits we'd sometime notice them hitting for less than 99k.

I haven't parsed or mathed it out but I feel having a third DD using multihit WSs produces better results than 2 DDs with a GEO (which would greatly boost the white damage, but white damage is sorta irrelevant unless you have DDs with an Empy)
By Afania 2018-12-14 03:00:29
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
They are at 25' from the boss.
Basic SMN stuff: buff melees, Volt Strike/Shock Squall Boss, Apogee Tidal Roar/Slowga adds, main heal is also possible. /SMN supposedly still works, although I find the regain rather high to rely on 1 min recast Mewing.

Tried, didnt work too well with 1 /smn. It's more ideal to have both brd and healer /smn and rotate.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-12-14 06:43:03
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Also just been doing this with my GEO in place of the RDM, it's not hard at all to silence. It's a little more trouble since silence doesn't last the full duration and you need to re-silence, but I bet it's entirely doable for WHM, RDM, SCH or GEO to play the "Support the kiter" role.

I prebuffed with perp regen 5 then swapped to RDM. For the duration of 2-3 hours of spamming im betting I only cured once.

I would say that geo can fill both roles without a problem. Prebuff regen5 and geo will only need to emergency cure the kiter if things get tricky
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2018-12-14 08:37:07
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hey everyone,

i may be blind but i didn't see what it was called but isn't a hate reset move in this months ambu?
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2018-12-14 09:28:15
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zaxtiss said: »
hey everyone,

i may be blind but i didn't see what it was called but isn't a hate reset move in this months ambu?

There is shared hate with adds and MB. Also, what appears to be a hate reset but didn’t catch it’s name.
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2018-12-14 09:42:23
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yeah i didn't see a name either.
it happened around 30% it came after me while i was tanking add's across the zone.
Server: Siren
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user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2018-12-14 10:42:14
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What is the cap on hallmarks and gallantry? 10K?

(been afk for 6 years)
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