Ambuscade Volume 1 - December 2018
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-01 18:28:52
It's a wasted slot when you could have two jobs that are doing "nothing" sub it and achieve the same effect.
"If" you can make use of hastega II then maybe. but that means you're already way behind on buffs as you're lacking brd and/or geo.
Crystal Blessing/Ifrit/Favor does nothing and avatar dps pacts are minuscule (in this scenario)
By Afania 2019-01-01 18:41:11
meh just take a smn why bother trying to replace it, then you wont have eerie eye
The context of this discussion is PUP DD setup though, so its 2 PUP with a smn or 3 PUP without smn.
So majority of buffs like haste2 are pretty pointless. The smn is on the mew duty so that limited their dps potential. But if mew duty is split between tank and cor, thats extra slot for 3rd DD.
oh soothing current shining ruby hastega 2 ice armor and eerie eye and dream shroud are all useful in this fight as well and smn isnt there for dmg in this fight
Only if these buffs yield greater result aka kill speed than adding a 3rd dps.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-01 18:45:14
You don't have to mew with pup(s) mews only if pld/run is holding 3 or 4 adds
You got holder healer 1dps everything else is just speed enhancers.
You can go with almost absolutely anything in those 3 slots. But instead of eating one with a majority useless smn you can have 2 just sub it. Of the entire list of favors/wards only enfire enthunder and Garuda/Ifrit favor do anything.
By Afania 2019-01-01 18:47:19
I was replying to aerix's VD strat, which doesnt hold adds, just do it the normal NIN way but replace NIN with PUPs so they never die to endeath.
I also assumed PUP would out DD a smn this month because ws cap at 99999 and PUP should ws faster than BPs, and smn has to mew too. Assuming pet ws hits cap that is.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-01 18:59:15
In his very specific setup It would be more optimal to do the cor/smn pld/smn to take the 3rd pup. as smn does literally nothing except mew.
I just meant as a whole main SMN offers nothing really to any setup. Unless you need a haste source.... or your people with /smn are mildly incompetent... but going on a tangent. The worse your pld is geared the more beneficial main smn would be.
By Afania 2019-01-01 19:27:45
Yeah, I normally use main smn to make coordination easier...But one can theory craft for something more optimized :>
By Afania 2019-01-02 01:11:43
perpetuation cost isnt an issue with ballad, bp1 cap at 45 sec so each /smn can mew every 22.5 sec. Bp- piece is obtainable on any job with dm. I actually have a couple on cor, lol.
But Yeah I agree, itll be very risky /smn in practice just because people will need to rotate mew and coordinate more. And one of them will need to tank and mew. So theory craft is theory craft,
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-02 12:11:14
I'm done with Ambu this month but out of curiosity how were non-NIN DDs dealing with the dispel thing?
On NIN main I never had that issue but when I went on other DD with /NIN sub I was eventually getting vital buffs dispelled.
Having the SMN buff you with random ***like Fenrir etc helped delaying that curcial moment, but it was eventually coming.
It was annoying me so much that I kinda went back to NIN despite the lower DPS.
(Yes, I'm that OCD about buffs, don't judge me too bad ><)
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-02 12:20:32
Even on nin it gets you sometimes. it's silly to constantly try to keep 5 shadows up. Just kinda have to deal with it. You can also stun it. plenty of DD jobs with stun moves and the macc to back it up.
Say what you lost, maybe you get it put back on.
unless it gets the cor rolls, then you're just screwed.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-01-02 12:33:33
I'm done with Ambu this month but out of curiosity how were non-NIN DDs dealing with the dispel thing?
On NIN main I never had that issue but when I went on other DD with /NIN sub I was eventually getting vital buffs dispelled.
Having the SMN buff you with random ***like Fenrir etc helped delaying that curcial moment, but it was eventually coming.
It was annoying me so much that I kinda went back to NIN despite the lower DPS.
(Yes, I'm that OCD about buffs, don't judge me too bad ><)
You just bend over and take it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-02 12:34:58
I just made this post in the monk Forum. That is the downfall of not being NIN. it's not too huge, but if you're OCD like me and don't like not swinging as fast cuz you lost a march or whatever, it can be annoying. It won't cause you to lose or anything, just an annoyance.
I don't have an upgraded Verethragna yet, but I do have a R10 Spharai, and yes the damage is pretty insane on Monk, with counters and punch damage. Hit 24k DPS on parse and it was a monster.
Losing 1-2 songs/rolls during that shitty Gen'yei 5-hit move is absurd, and slows you down. And it is unavoidable with 3 shadows up: you will lose songs/rolls. Bard has to resing or whatever, and you have to waste time re-applying shadows to not lose all your haste buffs. You still come out ahead of other jobs, but I have noticed a lot of people who are saying how good MNK is for this month's ambuscade are ignoring this very important detail. You deal insane damage from 100-60, but then you have to play defensive a bit so as to not get hit with AE (in FULL COUNTER SET I still died after an Unblest > AE attack while getting caught in WS animation. Counter != Utsusemi. I have a near-perfect counter set, minus R15 weapon). After one run of having to deal with 3 shadows in a counter defensive set praying I didn't get AE, I switched back to NIN. But if you can stand losing a song or roll or two, or possibly living on the edge with an AE proc, power to you. *hat tip*
Now, if you could counter through shadows like how NIN can do it when getting a Tactical Parry proc, Monk would be unstoppable. You'd literally never get hit. I wish that was one small change the would make, but shadow = miss, hence no counter activation.
By Afania 2019-01-02 13:35:59
I'm done with Ambu this month but out of curiosity how were non-NIN DDs dealing with the dispel thing?
On NIN main I never had that issue but when I went on other DD with /NIN sub I was eventually getting vital buffs dispelled.
Having the SMN buff you with random ***like Fenrir etc helped delaying that curcial moment, but it was eventually coming.
It was annoying me so much that I kinda went back to NIN despite the lower DPS.
(Yes, I'm that OCD about buffs, don't judge me too bad ><)
The only real "lose" would be march dispel. In that case brd can sing again, its not hard.
Losing cor rolls isnt that much dps lose because ws dmg is capped without it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-02 14:47:16
I was the ddBRD ;_;
Also when I was getting one of the 2 Madrigals dispelled, on BRD and most other dd jobs I played tbf, I was having issues keepin > 95% acc because of no rolls, no distract and no sushi 'cause I'm cheap.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2019-01-02 15:00:53
Food is required! Killing faster as non-NIN is more important since less time spent in the battle which is less room for error. Being stunned with no shadows up isn't a big deal in this fight and buffers should reapply buffs immediately (as you unstun) if you lose them or they're trash. We usually only want WAR and DRK this month since NIN DD is crap compared to those jobs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-02 15:05:22
NIN is pretty nice if they have a Kannagi actually, for this month's fight.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2019-01-02 15:21:00
Ukon is better though, so dunno why you would bother with inviting Kannagi NIN. Maybe I'm missing something?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2019-01-02 15:21:12
Really I mean at least go buy some Crab Sushi from the moogle
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-02 15:26:55
In addition to being cheap, I'm also terribly lazy!
Plus if I don't get my buffs dispelled acc wasn't an issue.
Hence I went back to NIN lmao
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-02 15:28:02
Caitsith.Mahayaya said: »Ukon is better though, so dunno why you would bother with inviting Kannagi NIN. Maybe I'm missing something? More relaxing fights, more room for errors, less annoyance on buffers, more multiboxability?
Stuff like that, I guess.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2019-01-02 15:32:29
In addition to being cheap, I'm also terribly lazy! I'm help you out buddy. I sent you 8 stacks of crab sushi! Even if you're lazy at some point you'll have to check your dbox. :P
By Afania 2019-01-02 16:21:33
Caitsith.Mahayaya said: »Food is required! Killing faster as non-NIN is more important since less time spent in the battle which is less room for error. Being stunned with no shadows up isn't a big deal in this fight and buffers should reapply buffs immediately (as you unstun) if you lose them or they're trash. We usually only want WAR and DRK this month since NIN DD is crap compared to those jobs.
Yeah, 2h empyrean is beastly this month, lol. I have no doubt that empyrean nin would be the most optimal choice because of dmg and more shadows.
But vast majority of NIN that I've seen, do mediocre dps and die/got dispelled anyways. I don't know one single nin hardcore enough to do empyreans.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-02 16:33:51
In addition to being cheap, I'm also terribly lazy! I'm help you out buddy. I sent you 8 stacks of crab sushi! Even if you're lazy at some point you'll have to check your dbox. :P Awwww <3 <3 <3
By mhomho 2019-01-02 18:54:31
I don't know one single nin hardcore enough to do empyreans.
JP's call me kasu~desu
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By Asura.Eiryl 2020-12-10 10:34:38
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-12-10 10:44:26
Caitsith.Mahayaya said: »Food is required! Killing faster as non-NIN is more important since less time spent in the battle which is less room for error. Being stunned with no shadows up isn't a big deal in this fight and buffers should reapply buffs immediately (as you unstun) if you lose them or they're trash. We usually only want WAR and DRK this month since NIN DD is crap compared to those jobs.
Yeah, 2h empyrean is beastly this month, lol. I have no doubt that empyrean nin would be the most optimal choice because of dmg and more shadows.
But vast majority of NIN that I've seen, do mediocre dps and die/got dispelled anyways. I don't know one single nin hardcore enough to do empyreans.
Not sure if something changed from last time but any DPS should be able to hit 99k WS this month. My BRD is hitting 99k Mordant Rime every time with just BRD buffs (no COR, no GEO, just honor/madrigal/minuetx2 and Dia3 from RDM). Pretty sure our NIN was hitting cap damage on every WS as well. Setup is NIN PLD RDM BRD...and 2 spots for uh. Stuff.
So fight seems to be:
100-80% - 1 Qutrub Bigwig (mega boss), nothing special.
80% - 5 adds spawn, 2 BLM, 3 THF?
60% - Bigwig brings out dagger, gains Endeath if adds are still up
50% - Perfect Dodge
30% - New set of adds spawn. Gains access to move Triple Reversal, as well as does an AOE drain spell that cannot kill you. Heals mega for a huge amount.
So far all of my runs fail at 30% as we haven't managed to figure out a way around Triple Reversal.
There are messages when you kill the first set of adds that sounds as though the endeath move won't be active if adds are dead.
My last run I was on RUN, barely touched mega boss (did a Blank Gaze and removed his haste lol) and tanked adds. We killed the adds. I stood around until respawn of adds at 30%, used one for all, then valiance. Ran around the perimeter of the map. Apparently an Astrologer hadn't been pulled by me. I went to go flash the astrologer and before I could the mega boss ran after me and used triple reversal for 8333 damage. I couldn't have had capped enmity, as I had done literally nothing between valiance and running across the map, so this move has to have something to do with the adds and proximity to the boss.
How are people beating VD *this month*? I don't care what you say about this fight over a year ago unless it was some manner of avoiding Triple Reversal for sure.