Team/Content Advice

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Team/Content Advice
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Francisco
Posts: 343
By Shiva.Francisco 2018-10-16 16:13:42
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BLU is a LOT of fun, and I’d highly recommend it. Might be fun to go out and hunt spells together and stuff too. At 1200 JP, it becomes an absolute beast.

One job I haven’t seen mentioned much is SCH. SCH/RUN/GEO could probably do quite a bit of the higher tier GFNMs. SCH is able to make skillchains using T1 spells, and then magic burst for some insane damage with T3-5 spells.

A BLM and GEO paired with a SCH is a death sentence for many big NMs - but you’ll probably need a tank to hold the monster in place. Maybe August / AA EV can handle it, and let you guys go SCH/BLM/GEO - but it would be riskier. Perhaps someone else can chime in on that....
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2018-10-17 06:29:45
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Your situation is eerily like the trio we currently run in game ... minus the fact that we dual box.

I know paying for two accounts is tough to wrap your head (13 extra bucks), but worth the engaging journey for higher tier wins.

Playing two character w/o gears-swap / spell-cast) allows you to gain that sense of accomplishment in a timely fashion, while keeping you fkning uber busy multitasking.

No more slacking while playing the job, dude its a non-stop task of playing two characters.

Our current build on two characters apiece:

(Dual box 1) THF/SMN/BRD : GEO/SUM/SAM
(Dual Box 2)PUP - PUP : PUP/RDM/COR
(Dual Box 3) 2 SUM / 2 PUP <both versatile on each job>

Omen / Vagary / Sinister Reign / Dynamis 1 / 2 <no boss on 2>
Adoulin Content (including instances like Delve) is easy with the dual boxing we do. The only things we have not *yet* completed is Dynamis Boss 2/ wave 3 / AMAN Trove Kills.

With relative safety these dual box build<s> are completing OMEN and working our way up to Aeonics and Tier 3 mobs (will need to team up with other folks for Tier 3 but working on it) We can easily help each other build Ultimate Weapons outside Aeonics.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hyriu
Posts: 167
By Shiva.Applesmash 2018-10-17 08:24:13
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Asura.Aerox said: »
Food for thought, Drg also has angon which stacks with frailty and dia. Add a brd into the mix and that's pretty good dmg output, moreso if it gives you tp overflow for 1750% stardivers (get WoTG earring). You will need a DT set though for aoe dmg moves, can't just rely on august tank and whm trusts :) But yeah if your Thf wants to stay main dps then changing to either cor or blu are good options as others have said.

Angon has a 30s(or 1:30 with 5/5) duration on a 3:00 cooldown for 20% Defense down.

Tachi: Ageha has a 25% defense down effect that lasts 3min(1min30 if resisted) and you have the advantage of not being on DRG.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Bismarck.Malewyb 2018-10-17 10:09:12
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Shiva.Applesmash said: »
Asura.Aerox said: »
Food for thought, Drg also has angon which stacks with frailty and dia. Add a brd into the mix and that's pretty good dmg output, moreso if it gives you tp overflow for 1750% stardivers (get WoTG earring). You will need a DT set though for aoe dmg moves, can't just rely on august tank and whm trusts :) But yeah if your Thf wants to stay main dps then changing to either cor or blu are good options as others have said.

Angon has a 30s(or 1:30 with 5/5) duration on a 3:00 cooldown for 20% Defense down.

Tachi: Ageha has a 25% defense down effect that lasts 3min(1min30 if resisted) and you have the advantage of not being on DRG.

Outside of the DRG savagery, you have officially sold me on Samurai.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2018-10-17 10:42:19
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DRG (with samurai sub) runs around with 20% native JA haste. No reliance on Last Resort or Haste Samba to cap attack speed.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1418
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-10-17 11:16:32
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You stated having whm trust problems.

Which whm trusts are you using?

Because outside UNITY leader white mages, they will all run out of MP, except Ygnas. Ygnas takes a long time to get though. So I HIGHLY recommend Yoran-Oran or Apururu.

Apururu is better at Curaga for full party healing of AoE damage. Yoran-Oran gives Cureskin though, and was my preference. You can't have Sylvie at same time as these healers, but if you have a player geo, thats alot better anyway. Basically both trusts will refill their own mp w/ weaponskills, which they get TP from an innate REGAIN instead of engaging.

Those 2x trust healers are pretty amazing in all but the most gimmicky fights. Sure a real player can always be better (though I've known a few players who were inferior healers ;.;).

There are really good trust tanks, healers and support, but trust damage dealers are not so great. Shantotto II is the best Trust Damage dealer, but only measures up to a mediocre player damage dealer.

Jobs that can Support and Deal damage are pretty amazing for small group setups.

I would agree with people who have Recommended Blue mage, Corsair and Rune Fencer.

Rune Fencer is really good to have a tank/sturdy dd. However, Rune fencer needs a healer. Often a Trust will be enough. Especially when the RUN is the only one engaged, or in range.

Blue mage is incredibly versatile. It can fill the role you need. However you already have puppetmaster, which has incredible versatility as well. my omen group actually gets impatient with non-pup tanks because they actually have to cure them :P.

Corsair is a solid damage dealer who will buff ANY group composition. It can buff pet parties, it can buff mages, melee, tanks.. its really a fantastic support job for any situation, plus a very good ranged damage dealer for physical or magical damage.

However, I would also say that Pet job setups are proficient at low-man conquering of content.

Omen on a 3 man team, would be incredibly demanding however. The fewer people you have, the more specialized your gear and experience have to be.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-10-17 14:40:20
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Shiva.Applesmash said: »
Tachi: Ageha has a 25% defense down effect that lasts 3min(1min30 if resisted) and you have the advantage of not being on DRG.

DRG is a very competent DD and is in a very good space right now. Old stigma can die now. Stardiver is insanely good, and the DRG job competes very well with other top-end dps, so nobody should be discouraged from picking it up because of "lolDRG" reasoning anymore. I know you were semi-joking, but a genuinely ignorant person will read this comment and say "lolDRG, im gonna play SAMwagon", and they probably have never heard of Tachi:Ageha in the first place. Truth be told, DRG gains an advantage when fighting dragons, which is more frequent than demon advantage, and also excels when fighting piercing weak (flying) monsters. That covers a decent bit of Geas Feat monsters, and is an advantage (small) that is often overlooked. If you're comparing SAM to DRG, they offer perks equally, but the gap is so small, it would hardly make a difference.

Nobody should ever think that picking DRG over SAM will make them less favorable in lowman scenarios (which is what OP is about), given that DRG has far more tricks to help it stay alive than SAM does. For lowman, I'd rather use DRG over SAM, if support was waning a tad and damage wasn't the biggest concern for the group, but that's just me.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-10-17 14:54:59
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Eh, on that topic. Sam has better survivability. Isn't crippled by losing a pet on a 20 minute timer. Has weapon versatility (not that it really matters) Is a better tank. Can freely sub anything. And is generally easier to pick up and gear.

Zanshin even covers your fails, hard to beat. And I loathe samurai. So there's no bias there.