Random Politics & Religion #35: It's Turtle Time!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 15:18:14
San Diego office had to be evacuated as well as Senator Harris' office. Fortunately no injuries so far. But troll away right? When someone gets shot, we might care, and if we do, we’ll be 100x more compassionate than democrats. Tell that to Gabby Giffords. I was sad to hear she was attacked. It ain't right. Again, both sides need to stop this nonsense.
Nausi would more than likely claim she was a paid crisis actor and that the whole car attack in Charlottesville was staged, because that's the extent of his defective mind's functions. All he can do is barf up whatever *** Alex Jones has been howling for the past day and nothing else beyond that. I see the reason she was brought up.
However, she was murdered in a terrorist attack carried out by a Nazi who was a registered Republican and supported Donald Trump. What if he was reacting to being attacked?
I can't be bothered to say he wasn't a Nazi or Republican, but who says it was a terrorist attack? Those usually involve planning and scheming. Maybe I have not scene the evidence he planned to run people over for his cause. Can you provide that? Because saying "terroist attack" in refute of someone claiming someone to be a "crisis actor" with neither argument having proof of, is terribly debated. More of the "no u!"
In other far-right Nazi related news, Richard Spencer, the idiot dubbed "the left's favorite punching bag", is facing a lawsuit from his wife for beating her. That's good. When is the left going to care about Keith Ellison?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 15:21:23
Nobody wants to go out and vote for someone because he opponent is "more evil". Don't know, if evil is defined by watching the other side cry like babies because of an election? I would. If the evil person would bulldoze them off a cliff into a moat full of alligators if reelected, I would vote for that too. >_>
But he promised us he'd lock someone up and he hasn't. He promised he'd get rid of all of Obama's crap, and he hasn't. He hasn't even built our wall!!!!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11581
By Garuda.Chanti 2018-10-24 15:25:38
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »...
Like when i reply to CJ and we have a normal conversation and debate, that's good. And productive. I honestly didn't believe the Caravan could have been a republican plot until he and chanti brought it up. SO yes, his idea gave me some doubt. I'm still saying 99% Democrat made thing, but I could be wrong.... There have been cravans before this one, and there will be after it.
But the timing of this one is such a political gift to the GOP that one has to wonder about it.
I read an article that claimed that this one started because of one person's post or broadcast with spurious claims of food and support for all who would attempt it. I cannot find the article today though and disremember if it was on news or social media.
The president of Honduras blames it on a former legislator, a leftie naturally.
That's two of the only two sources I have found that point to a single person as the trigger for the start of this caravan. Different single people though.
The rest point to miserable conditions in central America, conditions that have launched caravans before.
By fonewear 2018-10-24 15:30:34
San Diego office had to be evacuated as well as Senator Harris' office. Fortunately no injuries so far. But troll away right? When someone gets shot, we might care, and if we do, we’ll be 100x more compassionate than democrats. Tell that to Gabby Giffords.
Who ?
By fonewear 2018-10-24 15:30:51
Gabby Giffords is she a porn star ? If not I never heard of her.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11581
By Garuda.Chanti 2018-10-24 15:35:15
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »There are and have been semi-automatic sporting rifles since at least the 60's. That's not an argument they should even be having let alone actually seriously trying to win. I don't mind reposting this over and over. No one is proposing banning your sporting rifles Kojo, which have nothing to do with military style assault weapons. I am necroing this. What do you mean the "military style assault weapons" won't affect sporting rifles? What is one of those to you? I don't know what that means. Tanks? Grenade Launchers? F-22 Raptors? You need to read my posts on this Skull. I will mention, for the third time, Washington Initiative 1639.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11581
By Garuda.Chanti 2018-10-24 15:37:45
CJ I know why they are leaving, its the why now that I am REALLY FRICKING CURIOUS about.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11581
By Garuda.Chanti 2018-10-24 15:38:34
P. S.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 15:39:45
You do know his accuser has an obvious agenda and reason to fake it, right? It's more than likely a nothingburger like the whole Al Franken thing. SO it's an accuser with an agenda when it fits the narrative your side pushed. Gotcha.
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »...
Like when i reply to CJ and we have a normal conversation and debate, that's good. And productive. I honestly didn't believe the Caravan could have been a republican plot until he and chanti brought it up. SO yes, his idea gave me some doubt. I'm still saying 99% Democrat made thing, but I could be wrong.... There have been cravans before this one, and there will be after it.
But the timing of this one is such a political gift to the GOP that one has to wonder about it.
I read an article that claimed that this one started because of one person's post or broadcast with spurious claims of food and support for all who would attempt it. I cannot find the article today though and disremember if it was on news or social media.
The president of Honduras blames it on a former legislator, a leftie naturally.
That's two of the only two sources I have found that point to a single person as the trigger for the start of this caravan. Different single people though.
The rest point to miserable conditions in central America, conditions that have launched caravans before. Yah I read it. What I should have said, and POINT of me bringing it up, and sorry for not saying this, is that through both of your adult conversations with me about it, did bring a new piece of credible information that it COULD be the Republicans.
Later on after I had that revelation, Nik posted something good, probably something we both read. And that information looks way more credible then either democrat or republican side concocting this up. Still very suspicious of the timing tho.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 15:41:35
I said it yesterday, Chanti: If people feel like their politicians aren't working for them, and instead are in bed with criminal elements and they have no other recourse, then they'll act in desperation. If this wasn't staged by the GOP, or started by one of the former politicians from down there, then it's a desperation move. They're abandoning their country because the feel nothing they could ever do would change the situation and trying to go elsewhere. They should stay there and fix their country! But they are given misinformation all the time down there, that we have all the ability to take care of ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS with the snap of a finger, and we DON'T have that capability.
By fonewear 2018-10-24 15:42:51
I'm fired up now give me a beer and a voting booth !
By fonewear 2018-10-24 15:44:04
CJ I know why they are leaving, its the why now that I am REALLY FRICKING CURIOUS about. I'm really curious too...also I have no idea what you are talking about.
By fonewear 2018-10-24 15:49:34
By Nausi 2018-10-24 15:53:34
Elaborate schemes are a trademark of the Democrat Party.
I wouldn't call throwing the racist / sexist card as "elaborate schemes", more like the equivalent of a "NO U" argument. How about anti-corroborated 36 year old gang rape ring leader charges?
By fonewear 2018-10-24 15:54:26
This is too funny this is Trump's fault:
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 15:55:20
You need to read my posts on this Skull. I will mention, for the third time, Washington Initiative 1639. Chanti, I want to be sorry, but I will say this with an attitude, so I guess I am not sorry, banning rifle sales until 21 is stupid. This is a knee jerk reaction to a smaller part of the problem. And you can put part of the blame on media how it covers shootings if it fits their narrative.
Yes, have modern sporting rifles, which are semi-automatic, been used in high profile killings? Yes, but marginally. There are more attacks with handguns than long guns. Handguns are already at a 21 year old purchase law. What the *** is that going to do to the actual problem? *** nothing except gun haters getting around circle jerking each other on passing another ineffective gun law.
So their definition of "semiautomatic assault rifle" is aimed at pleasing the masses of scary guns. Assault can be done with anything. Bats, knives, ninja stars, staplers, coffee mugs. Putting the "assault label" on anything is stupid.
I now call Fone an "Assault Poster" does that make him more dangerous? He posts more and faster than us, he can post in more quantity. He has more gifs and videos to post than us. OMG HE IS AN ASSAULT POSTER! QUICK LET'S OUTLAW HIM!
What was the point of the Ballotpedia link? For the definition? Some groups scary name tactic to win over tons of sheep? It does not answer what "a military style assault weapon" is though.
That law will probably pass because sheep are *** stupid and don't take personal responsibility in protecting themselves and insist that gates and doors and police will be all that's needed to protect them.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 15:59:22
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »You do know his accuser has an obvious agenda and reason to fake it, right? It's more than likely a nothingburger like the whole Al Franken thing. SO it's an accuser with an agenda when it fits the narrative your side pushed. Gotcha.
If we're really going that route, then you thought the same about Dr. Ford last month. I said I believed her, but not that it was Kavanaugh that did it.
To clarify, I'd love to believe Ellison's accuser, but the big problem I have is the only article Google pulls up is from Fox News and it was also a Tucker Carlson story. If there was any other sources, I'd give it a bit more stock, but Carlson is a known backer of Nazis and Klansmen. That's to say, he provides them a platform. Ellison is a black man. It's not that hard to see a clear agenda there. I wanted to agree with you, but then you brought race into this *** ***. DO I BRING RACE INTO DISCUSSIONS?? Do I bring men (at least I think its men) that wear sheets into this?
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2018-10-24 16:18:12
I commend you for trying to have an intelligent discussion with Candlejack. That being said, I may or may not be taking bets on how long it will take you to realize that you're attempting the impossible.
By fonewear 2018-10-24 16:19:16
I was at my Nazi KKK meeting last night and we were discussing ketchup vs BBQ on hamburgers. Serious stuff.
By fonewear 2018-10-24 16:19:45
Boy I tell ya what it is hard to be a Nazi and a KKK member that is a lot of meetings...
By fonewear 2018-10-24 16:22:20
Carbuncle.Skulloneix said: »You need to read my posts on this Skull. I will mention, for the third time, Washington Initiative 1639. Chanti, I want to be sorry, but I will say this with an attitude, so I guess I am not sorry, banning rifle sales until 21 is stupid. This is a knee jerk reaction to a smaller part of the problem. And you can put part of the blame on media how it covers shootings if it fits their narrative.
Yes, have modern sporting rifles, which are semi-automatic, been used in high profile killings? Yes, but marginally. There are more attacks with handguns than long guns. Handguns are already at a 21 year old purchase law. What the *** is that going to do to the actual problem? *** nothing except gun haters getting around circle jerking each other on passing another ineffective gun law.
So their definition of "semiautomatic assault rifle" is aimed at pleasing the masses of scary guns. Assault can be done with anything. Bats, knives, ninja stars, staplers, coffee mugs. Putting the "assault label" on anything is stupid.
I now call Fone an "Assault Poster" does that make him more dangerous? He posts more and faster than us, he can post in more quantity. He has more gifs and videos to post than us. OMG HE IS AN ASSAULT POSTER! QUICK LET'S OUTLAW HIM!
What was the point of the Ballotpedia link? For the definition? Some groups scary name tactic to win over tons of sheep? It does not answer what "a military style assault weapon" is though.
That law will probably pass because sheep are *** stupid and don't take personal responsibility in protecting themselves and insist that gates and doors and police will be all that's needed to protect them.
I tell ya hwat dang old man !
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2018-10-24 16:26:29
I was at my Nazi KKK meeting last night and we were discussing ketchup vs BBQ on hamburgers. Serious stuff. i thought the nazi burger only had one build:
salt and white pepper, mayo, white onions, on white bread, with a glass of milk. NO EXCEPTIONS.
By fonewear 2018-10-24 16:32:26
I commend you for trying to have an intelligent discussion with Candlejack. That being said, I may or may not be taking bets on how long it will take you to realize that you're attempting the impossible.
How CJ sounds in real life:
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 16:34:51
I commend you for trying to have an intelligent discussion with Candlejack. That being said, I may or may not be taking bets on how long it will take you to realize that you're attempting the impossible. I won't give up. I see progress. I just want good adult conversations that don't get Godwined. Also I would like Nausi not to get instant trolled by a certain cubs fan. Engage him and talk and see where the ideas might be not connecting. Like which part is not happening? The Mob Violence from the left???
Anyways back to some good vibes.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2018-10-24 16:41:51
Found Fone!!
Node 285
Fresh new thread for the Kavanaugh vote.