Windower Download Problem

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Windower download problem
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2018-07-26 10:23:41
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Downloaded windower on a different laptop to duel box but when it downloaded it didn't create a folder for it in my program files or do the setup bit like i remember before. All the addon/plugin files went to the download section for some reason.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2018-07-26 10:39:52
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Looks like they switched from an installer to somesort of portable version. I would recommend to inquire if this is normal behavior on their discord.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Talym
Posts: 70
By Sylph.Talym 2018-07-26 13:21:48
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The v4 installer was horrendously outdated, so we got rid of it.

Just download windower.exe, place it wherever you'd like it to live, and it'll create any subfolders and data files that it needs in that location.

I usually just put it in like C:\Windower4 or something of the sort.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Dierdren
Posts: 100
By Cerberus.Dierdren 2018-07-28 15:38:47
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I'm also having a problem getting Windower to work. I downloaded the program and tried to launch it and it crashes every time. Any help would be appreciated.

(I've also tried running it as an administrator)
By 2018-07-28 15:48:58
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Dierdren
Posts: 100
By Cerberus.Dierdren 2018-07-28 16:31:53
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Where would I get the Windower.exe file? I've looked for it.
By 2018-07-28 17:09:13
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Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2018-07-29 10:23:35
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Also your a/v may mess with it, also you may want to verify that wherever you put it you have permission to read/write to that location, aka check folder permissions :P