Items Updated - 2018.07.09
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2018-07-10 10:39:03
So how much did this argument 'cost' everyone? :D
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1401
By Fenrir.Richybear 2018-07-10 10:39:22
All this time writing up replies could be better spent flipping gil to some Saudi prince
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2018-07-10 10:40:41
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »So how much did this argument 'cost' everyone? :D
A handful of seconds while I wait for batch processing to complete before I check it.
Entertainment has value, me spending my time for entertainment is time well spent.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-10 10:42:14
Time = Money is a gross oversimplification, and is not true in all situations.
It's 100% true in all situations across the universe.
Time is a universal currency, you only have a limited amount of it and it can never be created. Once Time is spent it can never be regained again. Money is just a numerical representation of somebodies time. Because time has different value to different people, currencies are created as a universal method of exchanging that time.
Again you have the relationship reversed, Time is the universal currency, Money is just a way to represent it numerically. Because of that relationship, Time = Money is always true to all things in all places. Someone not realizing it's true doesn't stop it from being such. And you not realizing that time itself has a variable relationship with money doesn't stop it from being such. You can spend time without gaining any positive monetary result (and can indeed decrease it) just fine. If you spend your time doing something no-one else would be willing to exchange for, it has zero monetary value. If you spend your time canceling out previously fruitfully spent time, you can have a negative conversation rate.
You cannot directly exchange time, so it is only the basis for currency, and not the universal currency itself.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2018-07-10 11:09:32
I don't care that Time = Money or anything like that. This is a GAME. You play it to blow off steam and have fun. If farming gil and spending 300M on an item as soon as it comes out is fun for someone, then they are using the game for its intended purpose. Someone who shows up and starts calling those people "stupid" and "idiot" is just pathetic and insecure. They're people who cannot differentiate between RL and Game; making a big deal out of nothing and judging a person's intellect by their role-playing actions.
The people who overpay stuff might actually be really good with money irl but they throw it around in game just to get it out of their system. Meanwhile, people calling them stupid might be eating kraft dinner every night in a one-room apartment and sleeping on a futon.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2018-07-10 12:15:39
All this time writing up replies could be better spent flipping gil to some Saudi prince Lol
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-10 12:28:46
You guys are seriously boring me with this "money = time" argument that constantly gets spewed around. You're not spending every waking hour of the day making money, so time spent in a game can't be equated the same. But honestly, who cares? Some people play this game just to **shocker** ENJOY IT. They aren't totally consumed into that economy elitist mentality. They play, farm, buy, sell, level, log off, and enjoy their real life afterwards, and the choices they make in game are totally unrelated to their real life. You sound really insecure saying "but...but... you could have made a million dollars with the time you spent farming that gil that you overpaid for x item. BIG DUMMY!!".
At the end of the day, if someone else wants to pay 300M for a virtual item, it matters not, unless your life or livelihood revolves around the game itself. In that case, the person who is the real idiot has revealed himself.
edit: thanks for the items Rooks
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 12:35:58
It does matter though. If random guy A is willing to pay WAY more than item is worth, then it takes longer for guy B to be able to afford it.
In that time, guy C is like, zomg moneh. and makes a ton. then guys DEFG don't buy item, and guy C is SOL cause he's got a ton of worthless garbage that he overpaid to make.
So he raises the prices on everything else he has to cover the loss.
Everyone loses.
By Afania 2018-07-10 12:37:15
It does matter though. If random guy A is willing to pay WAY more than item is worth, then it takes longer for guy B to be able to afford it.
Sucks to be B then :D
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2018-07-10 12:40:17
It affects game economy, yes. It doesn't make the buyer an idiot.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 12:40:19
It does matter though. If random guy A is willing to pay WAY more than item is worth, then it takes longer for guy B to be able to afford it.
Sucks to be B then :D
Exactly the opposite, guy B saves his money by waiting for C to ruin the market.
True Economy.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2018-07-10 12:42:36
The game is 16 years old and it's always been this way. Get over it.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 12:43:24
Smarter decisions make a brighter future. It's never too late to start.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-10 12:47:08
It does matter though. If random guy A is willing to pay WAY more than item is worth, then it takes longer for guy B to be able to afford it.
In that time, guy C is like, zomg moneh. and makes a ton. then guys DEFG don't buy item, and guy C is SOL cause he's got a ton of worthless garbage that he overpaid to make.
So he raises the prices on everything else he has to cover the loss.
Everyone loses.
Exactly correct. But that's how economy works. Seller set the price, person buys it. The only possible reason for anybody to be bothered by someone paying "high price" for an item is because of selfish reasons. Basically, jealousy because they can't afford it, or aren't willing to pay that much and the sale has ruined their future plans. But that's not the initial buyer's problem.
How many people bought Moon Whistle +1 for 300+M when it first came out? How many people just bought it this month alone? Who was smarter for buying their item when they did? Neither, the item is only worth what a person is willing to pay for it. The person who pays 300M for the item values it more, so they buy it for the price they want because they get use out of it. The person who buys it for 40M benefits (when the price drops) because they get use out of it for an affordable price. They may have to go several years without the item, or may have to save up for it, but they spend whatever value they think the item is worth. That's entirely how the market in this game has always operated. It doesn't make anyone else stupid for doing that, it just makes others salty because they don't want to pay that much. Nothing lost, just wait. The price of iPhones and Apple watches drop over time. You're not an idiot for buying it at market price upon release, and you're not smarter for waiting 3 years for the price to drop. You're just buying it at the price you feel comfortable with.
I just want to also add that counting another person's pockets is really weird and men (and women) should never do this in real life, because it appears really insecure. Doing this in a video game is even more strange, since these are virtual items and virtual currency. What one person does with their gil may affect others, but this is an MMO and everything you do in this game affects others. People aren't going to stop mercing for high prices just because it "affects others". Most of you players are selfish and only care about your own means. Now you want to talk about how it affects "others"? Get outta here with that for real.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2018-07-10 12:48:40
Smarter decisions make a brighter future. It's never too late to start. Being less of a constant downer also makes for a better future. So maybe you're not one to talk.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 12:51:08
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Smarter decisions make a brighter future. It's never too late to start. Being less of a constant downer also makes for a better future. So maybe you're not one to talk.
I'm actually being quite positive. If I can make even one person realize they shouldn't pay 300m for a +2 torque, that's a win.
They can use that money on something actually worthwhile, and in turn improve their station, and improve the group they join.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2018-07-10 12:59:43
By calling people idiots.
Whatever, you just refuse to see it.
By Afania 2018-07-10 13:02:05
It does matter though. If random guy A is willing to pay WAY more than item is worth, then it takes longer for guy B to be able to afford it.
Sucks to be B then :D
Exactly the opposite, guy B saves his money by waiting for C to ruin the market.
True Economy.
You don't get it, besides the fact that time spent in game doesn't always translate to rl money, you also dont realize performance increase plays a factor here.
Say if that thing cost 300m and after 4 months it will be 50m. For 4 entire month the guy who paid 300m will out perform the guy who wait for 4 months.
In reality its the choice between stay ahead of the packs by paying more or not.
There are tons of additional benefit that comes with staying ahead of the packs in endgame community that cant be measured with gil.
For one, obviously you will perform better for 4 months, that benefits everyone in group.
But more importantly, the top end community with serious players often welcomes player that's perceived as serious player as well. So if someone willing to pay 300m for performance increase for first 4 months, it would be easier for them to get into better groups. because people will look at them as "that elite with hq" instead of "that cheap player with nq and doesn't want to improve"
Need me to name the benefit of connecting with top end groups? Faster income via merc or efficient VD runs, less wipe and failure in contents to save time, access to groups idris and rema brd mules, and list goes on. Theres HUGE difference in quality of life between having top end player connection or not.
Whether you like it or not, or dont agree with how endgame community functions, thats just how it goes. Nearly 10 years of leeching in endgame community, it has always been like that, everywhere I go.
There is absolutely nothing wrong being guy B in your case, but if you think guy B gain more than guy A is universally true, you are wrong.
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Smarter decisions make a brighter future. It's never too late to start. Being less of a constant downer also makes for a better future. So maybe you're not one to talk.
I'm actually being quite positive. If I can make even one person realize they shouldn't pay 300m for a +2 torque, that's a win.
They can use that money on something actually worthwhile, and in turn improve their station, and improve the group they join.
Paying 300m for hq neck is exactly the same as improving the group.
By Taint 2018-07-10 13:07:25
Lets Face it people have billions of gil and nothing to spend it on outside of another REM that they'll never use.
My best friend in game wouldn't blink at 300mil if it enhanced one of his main jobs.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 13:08:18
My best friend in game wouldn't blink at 300mil if it enhanced one of his main jobs.
This is the important part. These. Don't. (yet* and when they do, the price will have dropped)
besides the fact that time spent in game doesn't always translate to rl money, It's literally always does.
you also dont realize performance increase plays a factor here.
Say if that thing cost 300m and after 4 months it will be 50m. For 4 entire month the guy who paid 300m will out perform the guy who wait for 4 months. There is none.
Paying 300m for hq neck is exactly the same as improving the group. That's about the furthest thing from accurate it could be, in this case.
By fonewear 2018-07-10 13:09:10
I'd pay gil just for more pointless threads on FFXIAH !
If I had 100,000 gil for every internet argument I could buy SE.
Maybe we should teach economics in school again. Seems people don't understand how money works.
By Afania 2018-07-10 13:11:45
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »By calling people idiots.
Whatever, you just refuse to see it.
His intention is obvious as hell, he wants to lower the price of the item by talking ***to it.
But elites still gonna get it a day after its out, and elites are still only inviting elites to their group, nothing will change.
The guy B in the story either struggle to become guy A or just live with reality like most of us do.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-10 13:12:01
My best friend in game wouldn't blink at 300mil if it enhanced one of his main jobs.
This is the important part. These. Don't. (yet* and when they do, the price will have dropped)
You can't speak for everyone else.
By fonewear 2018-07-10 13:12:24
I personally know guy B and that guy is dumb enough to pay 300 M for a 10% cure potency necklace.
By Afania 2018-07-10 13:13:21
My best friend in game wouldn't blink at 300mil if it enhanced one of his main jobs.
This is the important part. These. Don't. (yet* and when they do, the price will have dropped)
They do now, unless you are blind.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 13:14:44
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »By calling people idiots.
Whatever, you just refuse to see it.
His intention is obvious as hell, he wants to lower the price of the item by talking ***to it.
But elites still gonna get it a day after its out, and elites are still only inviting elites to their group, nothing will change.
The guy B in the story either struggle to become guy A or just live with reality like most of us do.
I can factually promise you here and now that I will absolutely, unequivocally never purchase ANY of these torques. Nor will I make them. Nor will I sell the materials to make them. Really nothing in it for me directly.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2018-07-10 13:15:47
Paying 300m for hq neck is exactly the same as improving the group.
I understand what you're trying to say, but unless you have unlimited gil then it's likely that the the 250 mil could be used on something else that besides the group more.
People can use their gil however they want, but let's be real here. If you're spending huge money on highly negligible improvements, you're doing it for your own ego. You could do a lot more for 250 million gil if you really wanted to improve your group.
By Afania 2018-07-10 13:17:57
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »By calling people idiots.
Whatever, you just refuse to see it.
His intention is obvious as hell, he wants to lower the price of the item by talking ***to it.
But elites still gonna get it a day after its out, and elites are still only inviting elites to their group, nothing will change.
The guy B in the story either struggle to become guy A or just live with reality like most of us do.
I can factually promise you here and now that I will absolutely, unequivocally never purchase ANY of these torques. Nor will I make them. Nor will I sell the materials to make them. Really nothing in it for me directly.
Even if thats true, and even if its fact that lower neck price beneifts more people like you said, necks are still performance increase for number of jobs.
By fonewear 2018-07-10 13:18:23
I'm waiting for SE release a necklace that has no stats but says elite in gold letters and people pay 300 M gil for it.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-10 13:18:37
Even if thats true, and even if its fact that lower neck price beneifts more people like you said, necks are still performance increase for number of jobs.
mmmmm nope, whm and rdm withstanding, cause as previously mentioned, they're neat, not really "performance enhancing" but that's really up to you. (by the strictest definition, yeah saving 3 seconds by having to cast 1 dispel IS better than casting 2 dispels. but if you ever idle for those 3 seconds, the gain is lost, so)