July 2018 Version Update

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July 2018 Version Update
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2018-07-05 13:56:13
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Actually monk is OP we need to nerf it:

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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Neyochi
Posts: 91
By Ragnarok.Neyochimaru 2018-07-05 14:03:45
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This right here is why I haven't given up on life yet.

Go gettem tiger.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-07-05 14:12:07
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
DRG had that gaffe, paired with the 2hand update (which was fixed in literally 24 hours) that made them demigods. This is what happens when people (JP players) complain about jobs being too strong rather than arguing about not being strong enough. BLU is seeing the side effects of that, but it's not like the job is that bad atm.

Again, I think BLU competes in nearly every content and can fill in niche roles that pure DPS couldn't dream of. White Wind spams, Winds of Promy, Sudden Lunge stunlock, status debuff/magical aoe cleaving dynamis zones... Sure it's not on Niqmaddu Ring or got any amazing pieces in af/relic+3 (empy could be different), but the job really isn't in a bad place by any means. It's still a highly desired job for a few things, that I can think of. Not for pure damage, but in most cases, the difference in pure damage is negligible when you factor in the additional utility BLU brings to the table.

Very true. I’ll stay away from asking for BLU to be stronger for now. I would however like it if they added something for BLU that triggers a “Ohhh I need that” response. Even if it’s something as simple as a Neck with like +20 FC (Inventory- ftw)

On a side note, I really hope that the Erase and Dispel boosts are +1 buff/debuff per cast. That’d actually be wonderful for RDM for quite a few mobs and epic for WHM Especially with Yagrush. What is the Esuna booster supposed to do though?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-05 14:14:53
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I mean like, the esuna boost will get mostly zero use. You have to be in misery, instead of solace. That more or less never happens.

Dispel +1 is pretty dope. Not actually useful, but nice to save a couple seconds of casting. (want to make it useful, make it like reverse divine caress. "if haste removed, mob cannot reapply haste")

Club will remove FIVE! debuffs, under misery. RDM neck removes 2 buffs per cast. WHM neck would get 2 debuffs per cast, actually quite nice.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2018-07-05 14:19:42
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Dispel +1 is actually quite nice for a couple of mobs that absorb or copy buffs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-05 14:22:20
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Too bad you'd need like Dispel +5 to keep up with Glassy Gorger if your melees are fully buffed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-05 14:25:00
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Too bad you'd need like Dispel +5 to keep up with Glassy Gorger if your melees are fully buffed.

Basically the jist of it. It's cool, for a cheap piece (NQ +1 and +2 all have dispel+1)

It's not something you would drop hundreds of millions on for +2.

First buyer already paid 20m for the first NQ, he got hosed.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-07-05 14:30:03
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Actually Esuna is SUPER useful in certain fights. Admittedly, it’s very niche right now but in fights where the target is gonna just DUMP debuffs on the tank/DDs, Misery + Esuna will clear literally everything in one cast as long as the WHM is also hit with it.

So I’m curious now what an enhancement would do... Able to remove debuffs even if the WHM isn’t hit by them maybe? That could actually be pretty useful for mobs that AoE certain buffs but save the BS for the tank (lots of NMs)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: ikariiiii
Posts: 198
By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2018-07-05 14:34:25
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So we did Dynamis - Jeuno, after killing mega boss Obstatrix, the area near mog house is free of mobs (still aggro'd as we had people on the bridge above mog house).

Observed sets of mobs standing around an elemental circle. We went for the mobs near the consulates/fountain, above the stairs to MH were a ton of pet jobs. The NIN mob in wave 3 uses Mijin but single target (4k dmg to unprepared BLU), and seems to lose enmity quickly and picks random targets to swing at.

Accuracy, WS and Magic damage were horrendous, but darkness skillchains did full damage on all targets. We needed about 1700 acc to hit comfortably on every target.

Wave 3 drops old identification cards, 100 = 1 demon's medal.

Engaging an elemental circle spawned a Disjoined Mithra ???, NIN mob wielding aeonic and just does a lot of damage. We focused down the elemental circle (which does slow but wide AoEs, not aura like Provenance Watcher ones), and when the circle died so did the Disjoined Mithra ???. We did not engage the Mithra, so unsure what to expect there apart from the fact that it hits hard.

that mithra tho

Mobs weren't sleeping/breaking, and enmity isn't alliance wide so you can sac pull to your hearts content.

It's still a mystery to us, but it felt like in the mob sets, the last mobs standing grew more powerful. We literally crushed the first 2 mobs in a set of 4, but then it got real ugly.

The MNK we left 2nd to last and he had defense and HP like jesus, this is with BRD and 2 GEO buffing BLU THF and SAM, and several mages MBing.

Not sure which part gave us the unlock, but now we can purchase Moldy h2h, dagger, axe, and gsword for 1 demon's medal.

I would recommend anyone trying this to try bringing a COR to close with leaden again, as darkness was unresisted. My only concern is that magic damage was kind of ***, so maybe leaden would be the same. Second strat would involve super buffing a THF to close rudras, or another dps /THF...? Or maybe SE really wants us to utilize Umbra skillchains.

Another theory we're playing around with is to potentially weaken all the mobs in a set, and kill them off together at the end. Would love it if someone else could test this theory as the last mobs in the set got ridiculously strong.

Sorry for the wall of text. tl;dr: wave 3 is strong tho
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-05 14:42:40
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Speculation; the point of that mob isn't necessarily to kill, they said that they will be used to augment REMA, by doing damage.

So, damage is nerfed, so you can beat on them longer, getting more points for upgrading.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-07-05 14:53:04
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Actually Esuna is SUPER useful in certain fights. Admittedly, it’s very niche right now but in fights where the target is gonna just DUMP debuffs on the tank/DDs, Misery + Esuna will clear literally everything in one cast as long as the WHM is also hit with it.

So I’m curious now what an enhancement would do... Able to remove debuffs even if the WHM isn’t hit by them maybe? That could actually be pretty useful for mobs that AoE certain buffs but save the BS for the tank (lots of NMs)

Requoting myself here but upon further thought, *IF* This does allow Esuna to remove up to 5 Debuffs even if the WHM is not afflicted by them, we now have a serious contender for front-running JA. Basically Cure-All vs Cureskin at that point. Very interesting
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-05 14:55:56
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Actually Esuna is SUPER useful in certain fights. Admittedly, it’s very niche right now but in fights where the target is gonna just DUMP debuffs on the tank/DDs, Misery + Esuna will clear literally everything in one cast as long as the WHM is also hit with it.

So I’m curious now what an enhancement would do... Able to remove debuffs even if the WHM isn’t hit by them maybe? That could actually be pretty useful for mobs that AoE certain buffs but save the BS for the tank (lots of NMs)

Requoting myself here but upon further thought, *IF* This does allow Esuna to remove up to 5 Debuffs even if the WHM is not afflicted by them, we now have a serious contender for front-running JA. Basically Cure-All vs Cureskin at that point. Very interesting
It's pretty clear from the description that it just increases the number of status effects Misery + Esuna can heal per cast.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-07-05 15:01:00
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Ragnarok.Jukiro said: »
So we did Dynamis - Jeuno, after killing mega boss Obstatrix, the area near mog house is free of mobs (still aggro'd as we had people on the bridge above mog house).

Observed sets of mobs standing around an elemental circle. We went for the mobs near the consulates/fountain, above the stairs to MH were a ton of pet jobs. The NIN mob in wave 3 uses Mijin but single target (4k dmg to unprepared BLU), and seems to lose enmity quickly and picks random targets to swing at.

Accuracy, WS and Magic damage were horrendous, but darkness skillchains did full damage on all targets. We needed about 1700 acc to hit comfortably on every target.

Wave 3 drops old identification cards, 100 = 1 demon's medal.

Engaging an elemental circle spawned a Disjoined Mithra ???, NIN mob wielding aeonic and just does a lot of damage. We focused down the elemental circle (which does slow but wide AoEs), and when the circle died so did the Disjoined Mithra ???. We did not engage the Mithra, so unsure what to expect there apart from the fact that it hits hard.

that mithra tho

Mobs weren't sleeping/breaking, and enmity isn't alliance wide so you can sac pull to your hearts content.

It's still a mystery to us, but it felt like in the mob sets, the last mobs standing grew more powerful. We literally crushed the first 2 mobs in a set of 4, but then it got real ugly.

The MNK we left 2nd to last and he had defense and HP like jesus, this is with BRD and 2 GEO buffing BLU THF and SAM, and several mages MBing.

Not sure which part gave us the unlock, but now we can purchase Moldy h2h, dagger, axe, and gsword for 1 demon's medal.

I would recommend anyone trying this to try bringing a COR to close with leaden again, as darkness was unresisted. My only concern is that magic damage was kind of ***, so maybe leaden would be the same. Second strat would involve super buffing a THF to close rudras, or another dps /THF...? Or maybe SE really wants us to utilize Umbra skillchains.

Another theory we're playing around with is to potentially weaken all the mobs in a set, and kill them off together at the end. Would love it if someone else could test this theory as the last mobs in the set got ridiculously strong.

Sorry for the wall of text. tl;dr: wave 3 is strong tho

Did you try any other Circles, and did they exhibit the same elemental behavior as the Mithra? Wouldn't be surprised if they were Elementally aligned to match the Circle that spawned them.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2018-07-05 15:01:05
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
I mean like, the esuna boost will get mostly zero use. You have to be in misery, instead of solace. That more or less never happens.

If I remember correctly there was a couple of ambu fights that misery is better choice than solace.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-07-05 15:06:10
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Afania said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I mean like, the esuna boost will get mostly zero use. You have to be in misery, instead of solace. That more or less never happens.

If I remember correctly there was a couple of ambu fights that misery is better choice than solace.

Better =/= actually used

Can attest to literally, never one time, ever, seeing a pug whm rock misery.

Willing to bet half of all whms don't even know what misery is or does, without being told/wiking.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: ikariiiii
Posts: 198
By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2018-07-05 15:09:06
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Nyarlko said: »
Did you try any other Circles, and did they exhibit the same elemental behavior as the Mithra? Wouldn't be surprised if they were Elementally aligned to match the Circle that spawned them.

The other circles de-spawned when we defeated that one, and some other target with a strange name appeared near zone to upper jeuno.
We didn't get a chance to engage anything beyond the mobs at fountain before timing out.

Realistically, groups that can bring 18 buff af players into dynamis will have a much easier time and is perhaps what SE is encouraging. Low-man will struggle with wave 3.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-07-05 15:16:28
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Asura.Geriond said: »
It's pretty clear from the description that it just increases the number of status effects Misery + Esuna can heal per cast.
Esuna already removes nearly all buffs though already so that doesn’t make any sense.

Never mind, apparently it only removes two debuffs per cast while under Misery according to BG? (I coulda swore I was clearing fcking leperacy in that Moblin fight...)

Even so, to any REAL WHMs, I see this as quite useful fight dependent
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-05 15:17:27
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Ragnarok.Jukiro said: »
that mithra tho

That's the exact same model as Superman HTBF statues

I'm in agreement with Nyarlko on that comment about elemental alignment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-05 15:21:38
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
It's pretty clear from the description that it just increases the number of status effects Misery + Esuna can heal per cast.
Esuna already removes nearly all buffs though already so that doesn’t make any sense.
Misery + Esuna removes 2 debuffs normally.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2018-07-05 15:31:22
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
DRG had that gaffe, paired with the 2hand update (which was fixed in literally 24 hours) that made them demigods. This is what happens when people (JP players) complain about jobs being too strong rather than arguing about not being strong enough. BLU is seeing the side effects of that, but it's not like the job is that bad atm.

People keep saying blu got nerfed hard because QQer, this is absolutely false.

Blu got 1 wsd 10 piece from relic +3 last update, same as everyone else. By comparion rdm got.... 6. Nin got wsd on legs too... which overlaps with ambu causing less upgrade than other jobs.

Blu didn't get god tier dd gear this update, so does everyone else except brd.

Blu didn't get niq and sherida.... so does handful of other DD. Both nin and cor aren't on them either. All of the light armor job aren't on niq except mnk pup run, heavy armor jobs arent on sherida. Run mnk are the only job that got them all.

If we look at all jobs fairly its usually one job get a piece this update then next update it gets nothing. Then another update it gets something. Maybe a few jobs get slightly more and some jobs slightly less. Blu just happened to be on the "slightly less" side because of its hybrid nature if it. But compare with other hybrid jobs like NIN RDM Im not convinced that blu got special treatment. And yet blu mains complained the hardest for war drk sam topping parse charts because of QQer. Exactly how does it fair for a hybrid jobs to top the parse charts.

Overall this is just general direction of how se give jobs gear. hybrid jobs get less dd focused gears and it has been that way since forever.

And even then, hybrid jobs still has way more niche than specialist jobs. Nin and blu are still preferred dd in unafraid of the dark is one example. When did you hear people said"lets do master trials, come drg and drk plz". Ive never seen anyone say that, and that bc is highest lv melee only content.

Tldr: stop exaggerating, people.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-07-05 15:53:29
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I agree that hybrid jobs usually get less DD oriented gear but I do feel that Omen gear was deliberate. The job combinations on most of the accessories did not follow the conventional patterns. It felt very deliberate that BLU was left off (and NIN for some reason too...)

I disagree with your analysis on how people use hybrid jobs. Using BLU for Unafraid of the Dark is completely based on precedent and not what's best. WAR is and was a much better choice. The same can be said about Tumult Curator. The first winning strategy used BLU for DPS and stated that only melee could be used and that ranged DPS wouldn't be high enough, but in reality ranged setups were fast enough and much easier. Group composition in FFXI is based mostly on precedent. Only sometimes is there a valid reason for the precedent.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1760
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-07-05 16:05:22
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
It's pretty clear from the description that it just increases the number of status effects Misery + Esuna can heal per cast.
Esuna already removes nearly all buffs though already so that doesn’t make any sense.

Never mind, apparently it only removes two debuffs per cast while under Misery according to BG? (I coulda swore I was clearing fcking leperacy in that Moblin fight...)

Even so, to any REAL WHMs, I see this as quite useful fight dependent

You're probably thinking of Sacrifice, which removes up to 7 debuffs (and adds them to WHM) while under Afflatus Solace.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2018-07-05 16:08:16
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Also BLU's WSD body/legs came with zero attack lol
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1418
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-07-05 16:15:58
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Bst and pup got food this update.

oh wait, so did everyone else

I guess I should whine and complain and bellyache because the world is all against me...

... or not
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2018-07-05 16:30:57
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Bst and pup got food this update.

oh wait, so did everyone else

I guess I should whine and complain and bellyache because the world is all against me...

... or not

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-07-05 16:32:24
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Can attest to literally, never one time, ever, seeing a pug whm rock misery.

Willing to bet half of all whms don't even know what misery is or does, without being told/wiking.

Vast majority of WHM players are objectively worse than a trust/cure-bot, so that's not really saying much.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Asura.Cloudblade 2018-07-05 16:48:07
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Any idea on where the Zanmato comes from? Log in?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Leviathan.Blackwhirlwind 2018-07-05 16:49:36
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Asura.Cloudblade said: »
Any idea on where the Zanmato comes from? Log in?
Ambuscade for 1200 points.
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