Antican Ambuscade V1
By tyalangan 2020-01-22 09:14:25
If people using melee groups have access to a GEO, COR and SAM, Konzen-Ittai > Leaden Salute from a R0 Death Penalty with Ecliptic Attrition Malaise from an Idris GEO 1-shotted the Cactuar on D dealing 150k damage.
Edit: Just checked, and yeah it will deal enough damage on VD with just Ecliptic Attrition as well.
1. To proc Malaise fast enough are you placing malaise on MB then when cactuar runs in to bubble are you quickly doing a fast hate grab on geo (dia/bio) > konzen > LS all within like 2-3 seconds? I would assume you would have to be quick tagging on geo.
2. Are you successfully trioing D (or VD)? If so are you indi-wilt to tank as Sam?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2020-01-22 09:15:56
Apparently not, lol
Quote: Only the Bozzetto Consul needs to be defeated in order to win. It and a Sabotender Dulce are present initially upon entry.
The Bozzetto Consul will summon additional Antica (varying with difficulty) approximately every 15~120 seconds.
Adds must be defeated in order to win. Ya, adds definitely need to die lol.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-01-22 09:20:37
1. To proc Malaise fast enough are you placing malaise on MB then when cactuar runs in to bubble are you quickly doing a fast hate grab on geo (dia/bio) > konzen > LS all within like 2-3 seconds? I would assume you would have to be quick tagging on geo. Because of the zone hate in Ambuscade, the GEO doesn't need to tag the Cactuar. And yeah, I place Malaise on the Antica and wait for the Cactuar to come in and needles.
2. Are you successfully trioing D (or VD)? If so are you indi-wilt to tank as Sam? I can do D, but not VD; trusts die to 10k needles. Yeah, I'm doing Wilt and Entrust Haste. Ecliptic Attrition Malaise for Cactuar, then Blaze of Glory Frailty for Antica.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2020-01-23 00:10:21
1. To proc Malaise fast enough are you placing malaise on MB then when cactuar runs in to bubble are you quickly doing a fast hate grab on geo (dia/bio) > konzen > LS all within like 2-3 seconds? I would assume you would have to be quick tagging on geo. Because of the zone hate in Ambuscade, the GEO doesn't need to tag the Cactuar. And yeah, I place Malaise on the Antica and wait for the Cactuar to come in and needles.
2. Are you successfully trioing D (or VD)? If so are you indi-wilt to tank as Sam? I can do D, but not VD; trusts die to 10k needles. Yeah, I'm doing Wilt and Entrust Haste. Ecliptic Attrition Malaise for Cactuar, then Blaze of Glory Frailty for Antica. How did you handle adds? I did this on vd but adds were a pain.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-01-23 00:37:12
I went /RUN on SAM to grab hate on adds with Pflug and Vallation and used a Hybrid set with 45% PDT. Between that and Wilt, I wasn't getting hit very hard, but that was on D.
It's not actually uncommon for 0 adds to show up on D using Konzen > Leaden method. Unfortunately, VD seems to always spawn adds before the Cactuar runs in for the first needles. Tried meriting Shikikoyo so the COR could have 3k TP without damaging the Antica, but he still summoned adds while at 100% HP before the first needles.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2020-01-23 10:51:30
I went /RUN on SAM to grab hate on adds with Pflug and Vallation and used a Hybrid set with 45% PDT. Between that and Wilt, I wasn't getting hit very hard, but that was on D.
It's not actually uncommon for 0 adds to show up on D using Konzen > Leaden method. Unfortunately, VD seems to always spawn adds before the Cactuar runs in for the first needles. Tried meriting Shikikoyo so the COR could have 3k TP without damaging the Antica, but he still summoned adds while at 100% HP before the first needles. Ya, I went /run too but the GS I use uses Pflug and Vallation auto, so need to stop that lol.
I killed the three adds but his AoE tp moves were too strong because of that.
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Tyleron 2020-01-24 16:07:21
I am a returning player was going to try to duo box Easy. Could I duo War + Whm with Trusts? 119 gear on war and on pld
My options are Pld or War with duo box Brd or Whm.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-01-24 16:19:22
Of course. Kind of annoying though, build tp on the boss and ws the cactus when it stops to needle. Cactus has like... 50k hp on easy takes me 2 ws to kill it with that method.
Could also ignore the cactus and just kill each add as they pop if you want, needles is pretty much irrelevant. (it will raise the attack of the boss though)
By trinironnie 2020-01-31 23:00:56
Is squall random damage? We will not touch this damn thing during sand trap and the squall will do heavy damage all the time -_-. Is it a latency issue?
By AkaniDragoon 2020-02-01 00:15:17
Is squall random damage? We will not touch this damn thing during sand trap and the squall will do heavy damage all the time -_-. Is it a latency issue?
Squall usually does more DMG depending on the number of adds spawned and or killed. And obviously during Mighty Strikes. You can basically negate the hell out of it by just going /nin for shadows. Also worth mentioning that his mevasion is crazy low (D and lower) and that enfeebling him is definitely worthwhile.
By trinironnie 2020-02-01 05:51:14
Óo will look into /nin..does wilt ) barrier work on this ?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2020-02-01 09:37:42
Óo will look into /nin..does wilt ) barrier work on this ? They do. Shadows also work
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By Asura.Eiryl 2022-03-09 14:49:54
Should've bumped this a day or so ago, but still about 13 hours to gear up your smn before all the prices double on a conduit month
Primary strat is conduit.
MultiCOR zerg after leaden the cactus. (true flight too, just cors get rolls so)
SCH + BLM(s)
Or simply zerging with melee.
All pretty viable strats. 2 years of power creep and 30 master levels, it'll fall over dead in 20 seconds.
Try to guess the speedrun jp vod
Something like get tp as fast as possible on cor (tact/sub sam/main sam shiki) 2 leadens > zerg ant
Or, SCH solos cactus while brd cor war rdm mnk wafflestomp ant with regen on
90 seconds with buff time
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2022-03-09 22:57:17
assuming they didn't add some new moronic ability as well
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-03-10 03:26:29
Just did several VD with RUN WHM BRD COR WAR SAM (SAM went DRK for the first fight or two), pretty straightforward and no new f-you moves. Sub-5min wins on VD once we got the hang of the fight and remembered how it works.
Buffed up and tanked it in the middle, DDs get TP to kill Cactaur when it stops and boss summons adds. Might take a couple tries to kill Cactaur if you don't wipe it out on first WS volley, COR can do some QD/ranged attacks too while it's running. Once the Cactaur is dead, no more Antican adds will spawn. DDs kill off the Antican adds, then everyone kill boss. Boss can use Mighty Strikes multiple times, may be worth kiting for 30sec then back to killing.
Nice to see a relatively easy month again, and likely works fine with multiple different strats.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-03-10 08:38:09
Worth noting that I think you need to kill the boss first. I had killed the adds first and boss was just mega buffed and hitting RUN for 600 and one-shotting DD with this AoE move called "Debris Storm".
When I killed the adds first, I simply couldn't keep anybody alive and they are using sitting at 40-50% DT.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 273
By Bahamut.Balduran 2022-03-10 08:38:34
Just tried this with PLD COR WAR BRD GEO White, we zerged it without killing the Sabotender, took around 2 minutes time. Our initial setup with SAM instead of WAR failed, where Tachi: Jinpu lacked the buffs, so Warrior saved the day, hopefully get round to posting a video later.
Edit: @Belkin same, the boss wiped us with Debris when took adds down first.
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-03-10 08:49:40
Quote: Defeating the summoned adds will significantly increase the attack of the Bozzetto Consul with each one defeated.
By Lederic 2022-03-10 09:21:25
Best place to farm KI?
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-03-10 09:26:11
Kind of the only place - QSC the Fount warp
By Lederic 2022-03-10 11:13:09
Sorry which warp would that be?
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-03-10 11:15:52
By Lederic 2022-03-10 12:26:49
Thank you
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Valefor.Cinzia 2022-03-10 17:15:37
Just did several VD with RUN WHM BRD COR WAR SAM (SAM went DRK for the first fight or two), pretty straightforward and no new f-you moves. Sub-5min wins on VD once we got the hang of the fight and remembered how it works.
Buffed up and tanked it in the middle, DDs get TP to kill Cactaur when it stops and boss summons adds. Might take a couple tries to kill Cactaur if you don't wipe it out on first WS volley, COR can do some QD/ranged attacks too while it's running. Once the Cactaur is dead, no more Antican adds will spawn. DDs kill off the Antican adds, then everyone kill boss. Boss can use Mighty Strikes multiple times, may be worth kiting for 30sec then back to killing.
Nice to see a relatively easy month again, and likely works fine with multiple different strats.
Can't see how to zerg when 12(or is it 15?) adds are making the damn NM move about, I really hate the pathing/collision of this game.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-03-10 18:14:44
Can't see how to zerg when 12(or is it 15?) adds are making the damn NM move about, I really hate the pathing/collision of this game.
Gotta kill the cactaur faster to prevent more adds. If you kill it quick, it should just call one (or zero) set of adds and it's manageable for the tank to hold them. Even two sets is prob OK, more than that is gonna overwhelm you. I was RUN/BLU, gave em a quick Jettatura/Blank Gaze and had to move around to position a bit, but overall that wasn't a major issue.
We didn't really have major issues dying even with killing the adds first on VD. The boss did hit a bit harder, and occasionally did KO someone after hate reset - but it wasn't unreasonable for me with 3x Flabra runes up (and Cocoon/Phalanx). Honestly, the scarier times were getting Eagle Eye Shotted by an add while tanking multiple mobs.
Perhaps killing each add = more power up to the main boss? And if it only gets to summon one set... not a problem since there are only so many dead adds. I'm not sure.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-03-10 18:19:27
Updated video for this months run. Solo video is a new strategy from last time this was around. Party strategy shown is same from Jan 2020 and still works well. Great month for many jobs.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Lederic 2022-03-10 23:34:08
What’s the next fastest way if you don’t have fount warp?
By Autherius 2022-03-10 23:54:35
You don't need to finish the second quest to get the fount - Just do the first quest(5 min) and be on the second to unlock that fount. total time should be around 10 min.
By Masaru 2022-03-11 00:01:53
What’s the next fastest way if you don’t have fount warp? Voidwatch Teleport
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-03-11 02:03:11
Yeah did some more fights tonight. A few on D (which is really easy, should be able to kill cactaur before any adds are spawned, then just fight boss), and more on VD. Real key seems to be killing the Sabotender quickly, to prevent too many adds from coming out.
Messed around and let it summon lots of adds and then killed them off, and the Consul got really strong. But when it summons like one set of 3 adds, you can absolutely kill some (even all) and IMO it's fine. Maybe a good balance is to leave like 1-2 adds up until after Consul dies if you're worried about Consul getting powered up? I could survive fine on RUN even with all the adds dead, but hate reset+petrify does mean that the Consul has time to one-shot a WHM or something if you're unlucky.
We were just using a pretty standard RUN WHM COR BRD DDx2 setup. Fast kills, great points.
Edit to reflect the title change:
Antican Ambuscade, 5/17 6/18 1/20
Widely used strat was BLMs. Sch immanence cactus, burst with fire then kill the antica.
Cactus dies in... 2-3 nukes (fire 5/6 bursts) 140k
But has changed to melee strats, build tp on boss and ws cactus, then kill boss. (corsairs)
The old thread
Bg strat