String Theory: A Puppetmaster's Guide *NEW*
By Trageu 2021-06-29 05:28:01
I take it this is the mos up-to-date sets instead of the BG-wiki?
This guide directs you to BG-wiki but has sets with oddysey gear unlike BG.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2324
By Bahamut.Negan 2021-06-29 07:07:38
I take it this is the mos up-to-date sets instead of the BG-wiki?
This guide directs you to BG-wiki but has sets with oddysey gear unlike BG. Aerix's sets are spot on.
By Aerix 2021-06-29 09:57:37
The ones from my profile are the same ones in the guide on the first page (as I'm maintaining the node), which also has a proper layout with additional info.
I take it this is the mos up-to-date sets instead of the BG-wiki?
This guide directs you to BG-wiki but has sets with oddysey gear unlike BG.
The FFXIAH node is exclusively dream tier sets (I'll be adding Nyame soon after some testing). The BG guide has sets and information useful to newer PUPs.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to edit the OP to add an explanation for the differences. That's something Fab would have to do.
By Aerix 2021-07-07 00:16:45
My static took a while to catch up, but we finally got around to finishing some Nyame augments:
For the record, the augment says only Pet: Accuracy+20, but it gives Ranged Accuracy+20 as well. Did some quick numbers testing with the pure SS/SS Automaton as well.
Buffs: Grape Daifuku, Crooked Rostam Comp 11, Rostam Beast Lucky 4, Idris BoG/EA Frailty, triple Wind maneuvers
No Nyame:
 (these are Repeater procs)
With Nyame:
Arcuballista with VE/SS (was very roughly the median with Fire/Fire/Wind):
DPS was a bit hard to test since the toads died so fast, but the SS/SS did around 1k DPS with both Nyame pieces and the VE/SS around 1400-1600 with body fulltimed and legs swapped in for WS.
If I'm not mistaken about the numbers, they seem to imply the Nyame pieces are multiplicative to each other (or at least to other Pet WSD gear), but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
I also tested Mpaca feet's ilevel effect on maton damage while I was at it. Seems to boost matons by about ~2% (via Attributes?) in addition to the Acc/Atk
By Asura.Sesshmaru 2021-07-07 00:24:53
Congratulation bro, great analysis! I wish we could do more of Nyame set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2021-07-07 23:04:14
Math wise would you say the full time nyame +5% to all damage is better then pitre’s store tp +15 and swapping in nyame for weaponskill.
I’ve finished body and legs too I’m considering making the head path D since there’s not a great alternative for armor shatterer (or string shredder.) The pet is missing weaponskills often that it is noticeable, even with drachen and scope 4. After that there is not much point for any other nyame path D since there is already mpaca hands and feet.
By Aerix 2021-07-08 00:53:37
Math wise would you say the full time nyame +5% to all damage is better then pitre’s store tp +15 and swapping in nyame for weaponskill.
I’ve finished body and legs too I’m considering making the head path D since there’s not a great alternative for armor shatterer (or string shredder.) The pet is missing weaponskills often that it is noticeable, even with drachen and scope 4. After that there is not much point for any other nyame path D since there is already mpaca hands and feet.
If you have a decent Comp Roll, then I'd say the STP does very little for the maton since it almost never WSs at exactly 1k. Only Arcuballista really benefits from TP overflow and the +15 STP on the 3-5 hits the maton lands between WSs likely don't add a significant amount over the +5% to all white damage. It may still be a miniscule net gain to DPS if you never miss a single WS swap, but with Comp Roll & Double Attacks it's relatively easy to mess up because TP can randomly skyrocket.
As for head slot, we have Pitre Taj +3 for decent ACC/RACC and massive ATK/RATK already. I honestly don't really have the kind of Acc troubles you mentioned even without Drachen/Stabilizer/Target Marker support except maybe on CL150 stuff, at which point I'd be using those anyway. And that was pretty much the case even before Mpaca feet. Perhaps you're just noticing a large amount of misses because the pet is capped at 95% Accuracy unlike HTH?
I guess it's your call if you consider ACC+33/ATTRI+5 vs. ATK+57/RATK+57 a worthwhile trade for damage. I personally don't because the maton doesn't cap attack as easily outside of Shatterer or OD as one might think (i.e. Arcu or white damage hits). Unless, of course, SE messed up the descriptions and Nyame D actually gives a percentage bonus to attributes instead of a flat value.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2021-07-09 12:40:34
I got my account back yesterday. I'm surprised at how little has changed. Peak PUP isn't significantly different from what it was in 2016 when I stopped playing basically. No wonder the job seems to have fallen behind. Oh well. I'm going to try to play casually with my friend, we'll see how it goes.
What can PUP realistically handle solo now that is relevant for progression post Reisenjima? I did a tiny bit of Omen and that's literally it beyond Reisenjima. Looks like Xiucoatl is the obvious first upgrade to get, and everything else feels really marginal? Some of my DM augmented Hercs gear also seems relevant (And Taeon still!?). Malignance is also a first priority, it seems. I'm going to assume that Odyssey isn't very friendly to a solo PUP, but I'm sure some of it is doable. Mpaca pieces seem pretty useful.
By Aerix 2021-07-09 13:20:11
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »I got my account back yesterday. I'm surprised at how little has changed. Peak PUP isn't significantly different from what it was in 2016 when I stopped playing basically. No wonder the job seems to have fallen behind. Oh well. I'm going to try to play casually with my friend, we'll see how it goes.
What can PUP realistically handle solo now that is relevant for progression post Reisenjima? I did a tiny bit of Omen and that's literally it beyond Reisenjima. Looks like Xiucoatl is the obvious first upgrade to get, and everything else feels really marginal? Some of my DM augmented Hercs gear also seems relevant (And Taeon still!?). Malignance is also a first priority, it seems. I'm going to assume that Odyssey isn't very friendly to a solo PUP, but I'm sure some of it is doable. Mpaca pieces seem pretty useful.
Some bullet points to address your questions:
Yep, not a ton has changed. In the current meta we're still mostly only relevant as a pseudo-tanking job, although our melee/ranged/BLM pets have gotten some power boosts. We're still great tanks in pure pet groups and with Dirge and Pacifying Ruby support we can tank for player DDs who are careful, although as usual with the caveat that matons can't really deal with adds or hate resets
PUP can solo most/all Omen bosses if you're good enough/highly geared while Odyssey: Sheol A and B are fairly solo friendly with Trusts, although it's not the most efficient thing to do. Dynamis is still group content if you want to get any Wave 3 clears, but simple farming is doable with Trusts (if you have people to enter you).
You assessed it correctly: Xiucoatl and Malignance are great, Taeon is still very relevant and Mpaca is all-around fantastic. There's some useful new accessories, while Nyame is a bit of a tricky deal. Most people will opt for Path B to make all of their other jobs stronger--meaning for PUP it'd largely just be a defensive set along the lines of Malignance, but with more HP and DEF.
Biggest change to PUP in recent years was the massive buff to HTH, which changed practically every WS into having ftp transfer, making the master quite the competitive DD (roughly Naegling COR tier before maton). The changes to Flame Holder/Ice Maker/Barrage Turbine/Eraser also made them infinitely more useful and usually a part of every relevant attachment setup.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-15 09:50:30
Meh. Stupid question.
What's the minimum I'd need to be able to V0 Arebati.
A fodder account so no su5 no taeon no herc augs. Could I kill it with just 5/5 heyoka +1 and Ohtas with OD Or do I need cor/geo. Still yet to see a single merc shout for it but I know they do it on pup.
Also, which build
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2021-07-15 16:47:44

Finished Nyame helm path D
It gives just all automaton stats +5
I'm using it with Armor Shatterer and String Shredder. I would switch to tp bonus for Armor Piercer and Arcuballista.
By Aerix 2021-07-15 17:03:12

Finished Nyame helm path D
It gives just all automaton stats +5
I'm using it with Armor Shatterer and String Shredder. I would switch to tp bonus for Armor Piercer and Arcuballista.
What's the damage difference between Nyame head and Pitre Taj +3 on Armor Shatterer and regular ranged attacks?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2021-07-15 17:48:26
Fire Light Wind
Pitre Taj +3
Ranged Attack -3330
Armor Shatterer- 17196
Nyame Helm R20
Ranged Attack -3362
Armor Shatterer- 17385
Also i've noticed inhibitors make pet refuse to overkill mobs with weaponskill, making it to prefer to wait for ranged attack cooldown.
Once Inhibitor is removed pet will fire a weaponskill as soon as it hits 1k.
By Aerix 2021-07-15 18:55:07
Fire Light Wind
Pitre Taj +3
Ranged Attack -3330
Armor Shatterer- 17196
Nyame Helm R20
Ranged Attack -3362
Armor Shatterer- 17385
Also i've noticed inhibitors make pet refuse to overkill mobs with weaponskill, making it to prefer to wait for ranged attack cooldown.
Once Inhibitor is removed pet will fire a weaponskill as soon as it hits 1k.
So about a 1.1% damage increase for WS and 0.9% for Ranged if Attack is capped. Unfortunately, it seems really hard to justify Path D on Head and Hands/Feet already have Mpaca's. SE really screwed pet players there; it should have been +20-25 to all attributes.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2021-07-15 23:18:07
Meh. Stupid question.
What's the minimum I'd need to be able to V0 Arebati.
A fodder account so no su5 no taeon no herc augs. Could I kill it with just 5/5 heyoka +1 and Ohtas with OD Or do I need cor/geo. Still yet to see a single merc shout for it but I know they do it on pup.
Also, which build
I did this earlier today. You'll want Sharpshot decked out for an Overdrive. I'd opt for taking a COR and leaving Inhibitors off. Beast+Comps. If the COR can Last Stand from time to open to Open Bone Crusher for the Puppet, so much the better. Thought Last Stand was Frag, and just mentally swapped Armor Shatterer for Bone Crusher.
Also i've noticed inhibitors make pet refuse to overkill mobs with weaponskill, making it to prefer to wait for ranged attack cooldown.
Once Inhibitor is removed pet will fire a weaponskill as soon as it hits 1k.
If Master TP is above a certain threshold, the Automaton wll hold TP until someone else WS, then it will use whatever WS will chain, with priority for higher level chains. Useful for forcing a Automaton to use a particular WS when you might not want that manuever.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-15 23:25:53
ok, two things.
I'm betting you did it in a much better set than heyoka, and SS or Bruiser, cause it can't be both, bonecrusher would be bruiser set up
Just trying to be clear on the not wasting segments part.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2021-07-16 00:04:58
ok, two things.
I'm betting you did it in a much better set than heyoka, and SS or Bruiser, cause it can't be both, bonecrusher would be bruiser set up
Taeon, but I honestly don't think I needed the DT. My accessories are still Reisenjima and back, so they're awful compared to what exists now. I also have a Rank 9 Xiucoatl. And you want to use Sharpshot. I just swapped Armor Shatterer for Bone Crusher in my head, and I assumed Last Stand was Frag because the COR was using it. I'm a bit rusty, I've only been playing for a week now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2021-07-16 00:43:24
ok, two things.
I'm betting you did it in a much better set than heyoka, and SS or Bruiser, cause it can't be both, bonecrusher would be bruiser set up
Just trying to be clear on the not wasting segments part.
Arebeti is the easiest to kill damage wise so heyoka might even be enough... Tend to have 1 min left on overdrive (full rng, double inhib.)
Quote: Taeon, but I honestly don't think I needed the DT The DT can help if not using mana jammer 4 (alongside steam jacket.)
Quote: If Master TP is above a certain threshold, the Automaton wll hold TP until someone else WS, then it will use whatever WS will chain, with priority for higher level chains. Useful for forcing a Automaton to use a particular WS when you might not want that manuever.
Full ranged pet with inhibitors refuses to overkill low level mobs outside windy with weaponskill. Easy to test yourself. It will just wait for ranged attack to come of cooldown. Tested speedloader it doesn’t cause this refusal to overkill those low level mobs.
By Aerix 2021-07-16 08:02:31
Full ranged pet with inhibitors refuses to overkill low level mobs outside windy with weaponskill. Easy to test yourself. It will just wait for ranged attack to come of cooldown. Tested speedloader it doesn’t cause this refusal to overkill those low level mobs.
This actually makes sense and I feel like I experienced that occasionally myself even if I only took note of it subconsciously. The attachment description does say "Improves TP usage efficiency" rather than mention skillchains, so this additional behavior would explain it. Good catch.
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »If Master TP is above a certain threshold, the Automaton wll hold TP until someone else WS, then it will use whatever WS will chain, with priority for higher level chains. Useful for forcing a Automaton to use a particular WS when you might not want that manuever.
This is correct for Speedloaders, which will indeed use whatever WS will create the highest tier of SC. Inhibitors, on the other hand, will use the highest level of WS that can still create any skillchain.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2021-07-17 14:18:18
Full ranged pet with inhibitors refuses to overkill low level mobs outside windy with weaponskill. Easy to test yourself. It will just wait for ranged attack to come of cooldown. Tested speedloader it doesn’t cause this refusal to overkill those low level mobs.
This actually makes sense and I feel like I experienced that occasionally myself even if I only took note of it subconsciously. The attachment description does say "Improves TP usage efficiency" rather than mention skillchains, so this additional behavior would explain it. Good catch.
It amazes me that things are still being discovered about this game. I wonder what the threshold is that causes it to change behavior. My guess would be that it has to do with the raw HP value of the target rather than some ratio, or there is more than one rule governing it. The game can predict the expected damage of a WS, and if it is some magnitude greater than the HP of the target, it doesn't use it. Or possibly it checks the target's level first, then their raw HP value? I guess this actually isn't that hard to test out. I'll go play around with it and see what happens.
Went and ran several test across a range of targets, and the only one the Automaton wouldn't WS against (even as low as 1% - 4%) were mobs in West Ron. It had no problems overkilling mobs in Qufim, even at low percentages of HP. If there is an HP check or level check or anything like that, it is set to an extremely low level such that practically speaking it is irrelevant. But I did notice that it would not use a WS at all against mobs in West Ron. Maybe it checks against total HP first, and if that value is below a certain point it will not WS?
The lowest level mob I could get it to WS on was a level 12 Fungaur in La Theine. It would not WS against anything level 11 or lower that I found around there.
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »If Master TP is above a certain threshold, the Automaton wll hold TP until someone else WS, then it will use whatever WS will chain, with priority for higher level chains. Useful for forcing a Automaton to use a particular WS when you might not want that manuever.
This is correct for Speedloaders, which will indeed use whatever WS will create the highest tier of SC. Inhibitors, on the other hand, will use the highest level of WS that can still create any skillchain.
That makes sense. I've occasionally noticed the Automaton using a WS I did not expect. Thanks for sharing that with me.
By Aerix 2021-07-17 21:16:06
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »It amazes me that things are still being discovered about this game. I wonder what the threshold is that causes it to change behavior. My guess would be that it has to do with the raw HP value of the target rather than some ratio, or there is more than one rule governing it. The game can predict the expected damage of a WS, and if it is some magnitude greater than the HP of the target, it doesn't use it. Or possibly it checks the target's level first, then their raw HP value? I guess this actually isn't that hard to test out. I'll go play around with it and see what happens.
Went and ran several test across a range of targets, and the only one the Automaton wouldn't WS against (even as low as 1% - 4%) were mobs in West Ron. It had no problems overkilling mobs in Qufim, even at low percentages of HP. If there is an HP check or level check or anything like that, it is set to an extremely low level such that practically speaking it is irrelevant. But I did notice that it would not use a WS at all against mobs in West Ron. Maybe it checks against total HP first, and if that value is below a certain point it will not WS?
The lowest level mob I could get it to WS on was a level 12 Fungaur in La Theine. It would not WS against anything level 11 or lower that I found around there.
The super low HP threshold might be a leftover from 75 cap days where it was far more likely for a mob to drop under 100 HP after a hit and stay there long enough for a WS to go off. The level thing is weird, though, maybe the AI behavior wasn't fully implemented.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2021-07-18 09:09:14
The super low HP threshold might be a leftover from 75 cap days where it was far more likely for a mob to drop under 100 HP after a hit and stay there long enough for a WS to go off. The level thing is weird, though, maybe the AI behavior wasn't fully implemented.
It would require more tests to be sure, but I noticed my Automaton using WS against crabs in Qufim when they were under 10%, which should put them under 100hp. It's possible that the check to use a WS happened before the target dropped to that HP and that's why it was using a WS. It's just observational qualitative data, so more smoke than fire. Still interesting though.
I'd guess that level is actually just an endogenous predictor. I don't have the domain knowledge anymore to suss out where it's coming from. If someone can point me to formula to figure out enemy stats, I could look at it more intensively. After I finish working on my real job. Which is currently kicking my ***.
By tmd5 2021-07-27 19:36:55
Does anyone have a good attachment setup for a DD pup for Arebati V5?
V0 was no problem at all to even solo, but V5 is giving us major problems. Six tries with no win. Best we got him to was 20%.
Usually I go in with my full VE/SS setup that I use for 1hr soloing Sarama and Sov. Behemoth. Usually this will get him to about 50%. Once Overdrive is over it all goes downhill so fast since the fetters start popping.
The auto dies immediately along with the PLD tank soon after due to so many fetters.
At this point I switch to a full turtle setup just for holding him. Once the fetters pop my auto is dying fairly fast even with light and water maneuevers. I think maybe I can hold it for 5 minutes max. It feels like the fetters keep getting stronger and stronger.
I'm also at capped auto DT. I normally use a Taeon set with DT-4%, but don't currently have a set with Pet: Magic Evasion. Not sure if that's worth making for V5/V15 tanking. Maybe Harlequin Tank would do better?
Is there any attachments for turtle tank mode that are absolutely essential for holding V5 Arebati?
I was thinking maybe Mana Jammer IV, Steamjacket and maybe Resister 1,2.
Normally I don't use Resisters in full turtle mode.
My Turtle attachment setup is the same one that's listed in the guide.
I was actually thinking of trying FULL ranger (SS/SS) auto mode for 1hr, but at a distance with Divinator 2. I think auto might still live with fetters up. Maybe adding in some attachments to boost critical hits.
I don't think my turtle tank setup is good enough at the moment for V5 as the only tank. I can hold him well, but sometimes the fetters seem to be doing up to 300dmg per hit even with water maneuevers and steam jacket.
By Aerix 2021-07-27 21:58:46
Does anyone have a good attachment setup for a DD pup for Arebati V5?
V0 was no problem at all to even solo, but V5 is giving us major problems. Six tries with no win. Best we got him to was 20%.
Usually I go in with my full VE/SS setup that I use for 1hr soloing Sarama and Sov. Behemoth. Usually this will get him to about 50%. Once Overdrive is over it all goes downhill so fast since the fetters start popping.
The auto dies immediately along with the PLD tank soon after due to so many fetters.
At this point I switch to a full turtle setup just for holding him. Once the fetters pop my auto is dying fairly fast even with light and water maneuevers. I think maybe I can hold it for 5 minutes max. It feels like the fetters keep getting stronger and stronger.
I'm also at capped auto DT. I normally use a Taeon set with DT-4%, but don't currently have a set with Pet: Magic Evasion. Not sure if that's worth making for V5/V15 tanking. Maybe Harlequin Tank would do better?
Is there any attachments for turtle tank mode that are absolutely essential for holding V5 Arebati?
I was thinking maybe Mana Jammer IV, Steamjacket and maybe Resister 1,2.
Normally I don't use Resisters in full turtle mode.
My Turtle attachment setup is the same one that's listed in the guide.
I was actually thinking of trying FULL ranger (SS/SS) auto mode for 1hr, but at a distance with Divinator 2. I think auto might still live with fetters up. Maybe adding in some attachments to boost critical hits.
I don't think my turtle tank setup is good enough at the moment for V5 as the only tank. I can hold him well, but sometimes the fetters seem to be doing up to 300dmg per hit even with water maneuevers and steam jacket.
As I posted previously, I had zero trouble holding Arebati at V15 with this setup even through constant fetters, but in hindsight I would have tried (have yet to test because we're farming Bumba still) using double Resisters instead of MJ3 and AP3 because of the amnesia spam, which messed with the maton being able to keep hate off of our Gandiva RNG:
Light/Fire/Fire until first fetters phase, then OD Light/Fire/Water, then back to Light/Fire/Fire. Used Water without OD if we got a second fetters phase (but still no real danger that required mulsums, unlike with VE/VE)
Strobe 1+2
Armor Plate 3+4
Mana Jammer 3+4
Steam Jacket
Optic Fiber 1+2
Auto-Repair Kit IV
ItemSet 365470
The things that could be making the difference between our two setups are the Analyzer and the vastly higher HP thanks to Gnafron's and Rao+1 (which increases Regen from ARK4). There's also extra MDT from Shepherd's/Thurandaut+1/Rimeice/Ambu DT+5% cape.
As far as DDing Arebati goes, I'd continue using a VE/SS automaton as much as possible (especially for OD) because it has higher DPS and only switch to a SS/SS ranged setup if the maton really can't stay alive through AoEs post-OD. Comp roll is essential for staying alive as well as liberal use of Dawn Mulsums.
Sadly, Ranged Attacks from matons cannot crit due to being JAs and melee crits are blunt, which won't work on Arebati. In other words, you're gonna need a real player to proc Arebati and can only rely on the maton for pure damage purposes.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Lakshmi.Dissident 2021-07-31 22:02:35
Light/Fire/Fire until first fetters phase, then OD Light/Fire/Water, then back to Light/Fire/Fire. Used Water without OD if we got a second fetters phase (but still no real danger that required mulsums, unlike with VE/VE)
Strobe 1+2
Armor Plate 3+4
Mana Jammer 3+4
Steam Jacket
Optic Fiber 1+2
Auto-Repair Kit IV
ItemSet 365470
The things that could be making the difference between our two setups are the Analyzer and the vastly higher HP thanks to Gnafron's and Rao+1 (which increases Regen from ARK4). There's also extra MDT from Shepherd's/Thurandaut+1/Rimeice/Ambu DT+5% cape.
As far as DDing Arebati goes, I'd continue using a VE/SS automaton as much as possible (especially for OD) because it has higher DPS and only switch to a SS/SS ranged setup if the maton really can't stay alive through AoEs post-OD. Comp roll is essential for staying alive as well as liberal use of Dawn Mulsums.
Thanks. I tried this setup and it did a lot better than my usual Dynamis-D Wave 3 Turtle setup.
I also removed AP3 and Mana Jammer 3 and used resistor 1, 2.
Only difference is I only used NQ Rao set and it did just fine.
No DT-5 on my Pet: Regen+10 cape yet either (working on that).
After my 1hr was down and PLD died I was able to hold him the whole fight until we timed out.
Only DDs we had were a RNG and SAM. Got him down to about 20% HP. Not too bad considering my 1hr did zero damage due to a stupid mistake I made.
It screwed up our run completely and it was kind of embarrassing.
I called my VE/SS auto and he got murdered within a minute. Stupid me forgot Steamjacket!
Not sure if it was that or because I used my Pet TP Bonus set (doubt that would cause it!).
I assume a regular 1hr Pet TP Bonus set for 1hr would work best. I use the one from the guide.
I've seen some videos of people using a Pet STP set instead. I don't see how that could be any better though.
I guess maybe if I used Gearswap.
PS towards the end my auto got down to about 25% HP at one point. I did have to use 2-3 dawn mulsums the whole fight. I think I would have survived though without them. I plan on getting Rao +1 set soon and that may help.
I was kind of surprised that even NQ RAO set seemed to do better than my normal Taeon tanking set. I also used Gnafron's for the first time. I've always had problems convincing myself it was worth using for tanking (Over Condemners with Pet: DT-5).
By Gambits 2021-08-01 00:58:06
With that setup, I think auto is capped in term of PDT with just AP4
By SimonSes 2021-08-01 01:10:55
Lakshmi.Dissident said: »I guess maybe if I used Gearswap.
Gearswap won't give you an advantage here. It can't recognize when Automaton will do the WS, so all you could set is to change to tp bonus above 1000tp, but that would be as efficient as doing it manually.
By Aerix 2021-08-01 04:52:38
With that setup, I think auto is capped in term of PDT with just AP4
It is, but AP4+AP3 is meant to keep the maton capped on PDT even if you have to swap out of Pet DT gear momentarily, such as when using Enmity+ stuff. Not super necessary normally (I often run AP4+both Barrier Modules), but it's useful when the incoming physical damage is a potential risk or when blocking doesn't do anything.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 61
By Cerberus.Bongsolo 2021-08-04 15:35:04
Changed to Selindrile for pup, 2 questions.
#1 How to enable?
defaultManeuvers = {
Melee = {
{Name='Fire Maneuver', Amount=1},
{Name='Thunder Maneuver', Amount=1},
{Name='Wind Maneuver', Amount=1},
{Name='Light Maneuver', Amount=0},
2# How to toggle pet idle sets?
sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.Ranged = set_combine(sets.idle.Pet.Engaged, {})
By Seun 2021-08-04 18:17:00
Cerberus.Bongsolo said: »2# How to toggle pet idle sets?
sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.Ranged = set_combine(sets.idle.Pet.Engaged, {})
You don't have to adjust these sets. I'm pretty sure this lua determines which set to apply based on which head and body you have equipped for your automaton.
I prefer to maneuver manually so I'm not sure what the answer to the first question is. If you look through the other lua (not gear) you can probably search for 'automaneuvers' and find out how to use it.

>> Click Here to view the guide over at BG Wiki <<
Last Update: 26th April 2019
I'd like to give a big shout-out to all the Puppetmasters, old or new, who have been relentlessly sharing their PUP knowledge and findings online in order to help me write this guide.