String Theory: A Puppetmaster's Guide *NEW*

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String Theory: A Puppetmaster's Guide *NEW*
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Posts: 18
By ikudosi 2020-11-27 09:07:25
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Anyone know if Xiuacoatl is worth the upgrade from Pitre Fists? The price difference is huge but the automaton dmg bonus is only 5%.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-11-27 09:13:36
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Only you can answer that.

Is more dps better? Yes.

Is #% worth 150m? Yes. But to you?

Do you have everything else that's more gain for less cost? etc
Posts: 18
By ikudosi 2020-11-27 09:54:35
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If anyone has a Xiucoatl can they do Sarama UNM on overdrive using fire/wind/light with the following load-out:

<frame>sharpshot frame</frame>
<head>sharpshot head</head>
<slot02>inhibitor ii</slot02>
<slot03>steam jacket</slot03>
<slot04>magniplug ii</slot04>
<slot05>turbo charger ii</slot05>
<slot07>optic fiber</slot07>
<slot08>armor plate iv</slot08>
<slot10>flame holder</slot10>
<slot11>optic fiber ii</slot11>
<slot12>auto-repair kit iv</slot12>

I'd like to compare your damage output compared to mine.

Reference fight -
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Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-11-27 13:18:31
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ikudosi said: »
If anyone has a Xiucoatl can they do Sarama UNM on overdrive using fire/wind/light with the following load-out:

<frame>sharpshot frame</frame>
<head>sharpshot head</head>
<slot02>inhibitor ii</slot02>
<slot03>steam jacket</slot03>
<slot04>magniplug ii</slot04>
<slot05>turbo charger ii</slot05>
<slot07>optic fiber</slot07>
<slot08>armor plate iv</slot08>
<slot10>flame holder</slot10>
<slot11>optic fiber ii</slot11>
<slot12>auto-repair kit iv</slot12>

I'd like to compare your damage output compared to mine.

Reference fight -
YouTube Video Placeholder

this is was i used, might not be efficient
                <frame>sharpshot frame</frame>
                <head>valoredge head</head>
                <slot02>inhibitor ii</slot02>
                <slot03>steam jacket</slot03>
                <slot04>flame holder</slot04>
                <slot05>turbo charger ii</slot05>
                <slot06>coiler ii</slot06>
                <slot07>turbo charger</slot07>
                <slot09>magniplug ii</slot09>
                <slot10>auto-repair kit iv</slot10>
                <slot11>optic fiber</slot11>
                <slot12>optic fiber ii</slot12>
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-11-27 22:47:02
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Unless you've got something like Truesights on, a Wind Maneuver under Overdrive will do pretty much nothing at all. OD already adds 25% magic haste, so the maton will automatically cap with both Turbo Chargers and zero Wind Maneuvers thanks to Optic Fibers.

Other the other hand, Light/Thunder/Fire will force multistep skillchains and increase DA/Acc. The faster TP speed should generally outweigh the Truesights bonus, even if Liquefaction/Fusion aren't doing much.
Posts: 18
By ikudosi 2020-11-28 01:20:43
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So I did a test on Sarama to compare to my previous video using a Fire / Thunder / Light build using the following loadout:

<frame>sharpshot frame</frame>
<head>valoredge head</head>
<slot01>flame holder</slot01>
<slot02>inhibitor ii</slot02>
<slot04>magniplug ii</slot04>
<slot05>turbo charger ii</slot05>
<slot07>optic fiber</slot07>
<slot08>steam jacket</slot08>
<slot09>coiler ii</slot09>
<slot11>optic fiber ii</slot11>
<slot12>auto-repair kit iv</slot12>

This was a bit of a more riskier setup and I did use a full Taeon set with DA to get near 100% DA and to makeup for loss of Armor Plate IV. Result is night day compared to the Fire / Wind / Light fight that did constant 25K+ WS.

I'm possibly even thinking that the only way a Fire / Thunder / Light build can be better would be if the mob you're fighting is un-resistant to all the SCs the pet is doing? Would like to know your thoughts on possible alternative loadout for me to try. Here's a video of that fight:

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Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-11-28 08:27:29
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ikudosi said: »
So I did a test on Sarama to compare to my previous video using a Fire / Thunder / Light build using the following loadout:

This was a bit of a more riskier setup and I did use a full Taeon set with DA to get near 100% DA and to makeup for loss of Armor Plate IV. Result is night day compared to the Fire / Wind / Light fight that did constant 25K+ WS.

I'm possibly even thinking that the only way a Fire / Thunder / Light build can be better would be if the mob you're fighting is un-resistant to all the SCs the pet is doing? Would like to know your thoughts on possible alternative loadout for me to try. Here's a video of that fight:

The reason your damage output was so different is because Daze and Arcuballista always need TP Bonus gear (Karagoz Capello +1 and max augmented Dispersal Mantle) to reach their full damage potential. Armor Shatterer and Armor Piercer do not scale with extra TP (and go through defenses), so you didn't notice any damage difference while using full Taeon. From what it looks like you had gearswap doing WS swaps for your maton, but gearswap can't properly handle it for matons and doesn't swap early enough for the TP Bonus to take effect (which is why I lock my set in).

I haven't done Sarama in a while, but if I remember correctly I used a slightly changed version of my usual OD gear set (low DT) because Repair and ARKIV were usually enough. Always make sure to deploy the maton behind Sarama to reduce Magma Hoplon frequency.

ItemSet 376797

Attachments were the following:
                <frame>sharpshot frame</frame>
                <head>valoredge head</head>
                <slot03>inhibitor ii</slot03>
                <slot04>flame holder</slot04>
                <slot05>magniplug ii</slot05>
                <slot06>coiler ii</slot06>
                <slot07>turbo charger ii</slot07>
                <slot08>optic fiber</slot08>
                <slot09>optic fiber ii</slot09>
                <slot10>auto-repair kit iv</slot10>
                <slot11>mana jammer iv</slot11>
                <slot12>steam jacket</slot12>

The Mana Jammer 4 is there for extra safety, but I don't remember if it was absolutely necessary. If damage seems a bit too low you can swap it out for Turbo Charger 1 or Magniplug 1. Generally, though, both TCs aren't necessary because the maton can still reliably multistep skillchain despite the uncapped Haste.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-11-28 08:35:58
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also you didn't use dia this last time, i also use trust to do a quick debuf by engaging at the start. (king of hearts fe)

don't forget pitre body for extra overdrive time

@aerix do you use max maneuvre + gear? was wondering the impact of those extra stats.
Posts: 9
By Maiyuuu 2020-11-28 08:40:48
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Alright, I need some help. I've put PUP on the backburner (for a couple months) and today I decided to try out some Lilith again. I've used the same set up, same maneuvers (light/fire/water) and for some reason, my lil dude is using Chimera Ripper and Cannibal Blade and missing on VE! This has happened 3 times now. And yes, he is on OD.

Any ideas to why? I'm honestly stumped. I've never had this happen before and I'm wondering if SE changed something while I was away.

** The set up is the same that was posted in this guide from way back. **
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-11-28 08:44:29
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Maiyuuu said: »
Alright, I need some help. I've put PUP on the backburner (for a couple months) and today I decided to try out some Lilith again. I've used the same set up, same maneuvers (light/fire/water) and for some reason, my lil dude is using Chimera Ripper and Cannibal Blade and missing on VE! This has happened 3 times now. And yes, he is on OD.

Any ideas to why? I'm honestly stumped. I've never had this happen before and I'm wondering if SE changed something while I was away.

** The set up is the same that was posted in this guide from way back. **

Sounds like you were doing Up in Arms and activated your maton under level cap. This level capped maton carries over even if you zone, so you have to deactivate and reactivate while you're in an uncapped area to fix it.

ksoze said: »
@aerix do you use max maneuvre + gear? was wondering the impact of those extra stats.

You mean for Maneuver precast? Yeah, that's pretty standard (along with KKK for burden) honestly, but it shouldn't be a make-or-break difference.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-11-28 08:44:56
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Maiyuuu said: »

this is my setup, no issues on easy

<frame>valoredge frame</frame>
<head>valoredge head</head>
<slot01>auto-repair kit iv</slot01>
<slot03>turbo charger ii</slot03>
<slot04>optic fiber ii</slot04>
<slot05>optic fiber</slot05>
<slot06>steam jacket</slot06>
<slot07>turbo charger</slot07>
<slot10>magniplug ii</slot10>
<slot11>flame holder</slot11>
<slot12>inhibitor ii</slot12>

Posts: 9
By Maiyuuu 2020-11-28 08:46:34
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Hmm, I did some up in arms last night but he's been deactivated and reactivated since then. I'll try it again and see what he does.


Edit to add: well, his HP went back up. That's so weird because I could have sworn I've gone back and forth in the past and never had an issue. I must have changed him to his OD mode, put him away to change an attachment, and brought him back. I've been on PUP for years and never came across this problem. :/

What makes me most mad.. my husband even asked me "Did you turn him off and back on again?" being a coy lil sh*t, lol
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-11-28 09:33:35
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All right, so I went ahead and tested my old Light/Thunder/Fire setup with the new attachments vs. a Light/Wind/Fire variant with Truesights as suggested.

Indeed it seems like Sarama is a special case where the latter is superior because the NM presumably has such massive Defense that Daze and Arcuballista are pretty bad even with OD Attuner, /COR, Dia 2 and Grape Daifuku. Neither of them exceeded 12k~ damage, which is a far cry from the 30k-40k you may see on most other targets.

Armor Shatterer and Piercer enhanced by Truesights and OD Wind definitely perform far better due to their innate +125% Attack Bonus (Shatterer) and defense piercing effects (Piercer). And as mentioned above, you can also just wear full Taeon for safety and DA without having to worry about TP Bonus, which is a plus.

In any case, I will perform some further tests later on to see if there's still a way to make Daze/Arcuballista perform better in a solo situation. A COR main with Beast Roll might be able to fix that issue, but outside help makes the comparison kinda pointless when Shatterer/Piercer work anyway.

@ikudosi Thanks for the info and bringing this to attention!
Posts: 18
By ikudosi 2020-11-30 16:24:20
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Gave HTBF The Savage a go on VD with no Cor rolls. Still managed to beat it within overdrive duration using Fire / Wind / Light.

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Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-12-02 04:41:20
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Yeah, thankfully the HTBFs have become much easier compared to when I made my videos years ago thanks to the new attachments and buffs to Flame Holder. Though the main issue some people still have are the random Invincibles, which waste 30s of OD time.

But it's a good thing they've gotten more accessible to newer PUPs. And it helps having updated videos for the fights instead of my old ones with outdated loadsouts, since I haven't had any time to remake the videos lately.
Posts: 18
By ikudosi 2020-12-02 13:49:10
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Yes you're videos were the reason why I started Pup! Thanks for those content!
Guide Maker
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-12-02 14:13:51
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Cool videos - I like your pet info window.

Posts: 18
By ikudosi 2020-12-02 16:05:02
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Can't take the credit for that one. Forgot where I got the lua but it has been a life savor specially since I got surgery on my left arm and can't macro that quick / easily!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gotenn
Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2020-12-02 22:00:27
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Pup lua shown in the SS is here:
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: daviant
Posts: 60
By Gilgamesh.Daviant 2020-12-03 13:05:51
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I'm currently working on the asurans' fists set on the first page here. anyone have any idea what kinda numbers that set puts out with trusts or with a regular bard with Minuets
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2020-12-04 09:31:07
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So some time before I deactivated, I had been testing PUP/MNK. Really for the hell of it, but ultimately to see if there were any advantages in co-tanking with the automaton. With the inclusion of Dragon Fangs, I'm curious of the thoughts others have about gaining access to Kick Attacks+14 (%?) and how/when you would find them useful if at all.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-12-04 11:26:12
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Teuphist said: »
Dragon Fangs

I seriously doubt anyone will bother to analyze usage of those h2h until we know they will be obtainable from anywhere else than Bonanza or until someone from here win the bonanza and will consider getting them. Also analyzing them is especially hard, since we have no idea what Dragon Blow is and what is the % of occasionally double kick attack damage. Currently its a dead item for most of the community.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-12-04 16:30:13
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ikudosi said: »
Can't take the credit for that one. Forgot where I got the lua but it has been a life savor specially since I got surgery on my left arm and can't macro that quick / easily!

Gearswap pup: Sometimes it gets stuck in my enmity set and the my tank is useless. Did you find that also?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dibble
Posts: 69
By Asura.Dibble 2020-12-08 13:57:30
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Aerix said: »
From what it looks like you had gearswap doing WS swaps for your maton, but gearswap can't properly handle it for matons and doesn't swap early enough for the TP Bonus to take effect (which is why I lock my set in).
My GS handles it just fine :) Probably won't handle regain and OD very well, though, thinking about it.

I use the action event to look for pet melee swings, then check TP and if TP is getting close to 1000 lock in the WS gear until there is a pet WS/ranged action AND TP drops below some threshold.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dibble
Posts: 69
By Asura.Dibble 2020-12-08 14:12:37
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ksoze said: »
this is my setup, no issues on easy
This is an OD set-up, right?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dibble
Posts: 69
By Asura.Dibble 2020-12-08 14:18:59
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I just remembered what I came to ask. I need to do W1 clears to get my Relic Body +3, is it worth getting the RP on a neck? Has no use outside pet nuke builds but even the NQ poops on the Adad (which I assume without checking is the next best thing)?
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-12-09 00:21:14
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Asura.Dibble said: »
My GS handles it just fine :) Probably won't handle regain and OD very well, though, thinking about it.

I use the action event to look for pet melee swings, then check TP and if TP is getting close to 1000 lock in the WS gear until there is a pet WS/ranged action AND TP drops below some threshold.

That function works fine for standard pet burning when TP gain is not too erratic, but a random double attack into WS means GS won't detect it fast enough to swap in time. Can happen pretty often under OD due to the high STP.

And locking gear for pet WS unfortunately isn't feasible if you're meleeing yourself, as you'd just be hurting your own output as the master too much.

Asura.Dibble said: »
I just remembered what I came to ask. I need to do W1 clears to get my Relic Body +3, is it worth getting the RP on a neck? Has no use outside pet nuke builds but even the NQ poops on the Adad (which I assume without checking is the next best thing)?

The neck is also good for the PDL, if you find yourself meleeing in situations with good buffs. Even without those Howling Fist tends to benefit.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-12-09 01:43:52
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Asura.Dibble said: »
ksoze said: »
this is my setup, no issues on easy
This is an OD set-up, right?

No, maiden doesn't require od
Make sure you use a dispel trust like ajido for spikes.
Posts: 89
By daviant 2020-12-09 05:12:05
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Question about getting JP.

So i'm meleeing with my pup and im not sure if the attachment sets im using are the best, i want to just have the pup spam as many ws as possible for greatest effect. Right now with this set armor shatter does about 8k on apex toads. Would you guys recommend a different set or is this about right

<frame>sharpshot frame</frame>
<head>valoredge head</head>
<slot03>magniplug ii</slot03>
<slot06>flame holder</slot06>
<slot07>optic fiber</slot07>
<slot08>coiler ii</slot08>
<slot09>optic fiber ii</slot09>
<slot10>inhibitor ii</slot10>
<slot11>turbo charger ii</slot11>
<slot12>auto-repair kit iv</slot12>
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-12-09 08:01:09
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daviant said: »
So i'm meleeing with my pup and im not sure if the attachment sets im using are the best, i want to just have the pup spam as many ws as possible for greatest effect. Right now with this set armor shatter does about 8k on apex toads. Would you guys recommend a different set or is this about right

when i did cp with my pup, i was focussing on sc double light based on bonecrusher and it tanking which gave me the greatest dps, but that was a while back.

for sets, that's a valor set so that should be different.
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