String Theory: A Puppetmaster's Guide *NEW*

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String Theory: A Puppetmaster's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-03-27 07:18:37
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
not a "tank for retards" or whatever crap you said to get a reaction.

ofc i said that for a reaction lol. I'm bored out my mind so why not have a bit of fun. But yeah, I come across WAY too many players who claim PUP is the best and it's annoying, that's all.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-03-27 07:48:36
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
I was just quite sad with Ruau's video being spammed with dumb Pup comments.

The biggest mistake Rua did was including WAR as a tank in that video. There is several jobs on top of PLD, RUN and NIN that are FAR more suited for tanking than WAR. WAR cant be even considered a tank imo. It's a DD who can survive taking hate. There are several other jobs who can do the same, but have better survivability, have different ways to build hate, have AoE hate tools, have more group utility focused on tanking etc. and they weren't included.

That actually wouldn't been a mistake of Rua, if he would simply explain this with "I coudnt include them because video would be too long and I dont have enough experience with them tanking or couldnt find people with such experience", but instead he wrote "I'd like to say that I made the decisions not to include MNK/DRK/BLU for good reasons I had no chance of fitting in here given how long it already was. To fully explain why I'd have to break down how Enmity Bleed/Loss works and it'd all make perfect sense why they're not up here." which is some very vague excuse, that is rather telling me Rua is confused how enmity loss works, because all above jobs will bleed less enmity than WAR. MNK will have higher HP with same DT and you have counters and much higher meva in hybrid set, so enmity loss will be for sure lower. DRK will have less enmity loss simply by having 9000 max HP (which is a key factor in enmity loss formula). You could argue you wont be able to use Drain everywhere or it can be dispelled, but you simply wouldnt use DRK for tanking in such scenario (which is not common at all). BLU would lose less enmity, because even while having less HP, BLU can simply avoid tons of damage with blink tanking, higher DT, much higher defense, much higher meva and situational buffs like Seline coat or debuffs like stun, flash etc.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2020-03-27 07:54:25
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »
not a "tank for retards" or whatever crap you said to get a reaction.

ofc i said that for a reaction lol. I'm bored out my mind so why not have a bit of fun. But yeah, I come across WAY too many players who claim PUP is the best and it's annoying, that's all.

PUP is the BEST job to work on during the covid-19 pandemic - tedious/slow skill ups and a boat load of attachments to collect!
Posts: 517
By mhomho 2020-03-27 09:24:24
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Are attachments just all the ones from the Nashmau NPC? You can only get one of each ya? They're like teaching your automaton spells that you equip similarly to BLU, ya?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2020-03-27 09:42:07
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You can only trade in one of each to equip, yes.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:19:56
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Ruaumoko said: »
Hey everyone, been a while since I posted in here.

There was some fallout from the last video I uploaded where I worked with other players in the community to go over the tank jobs. I omitted PUP from this and in hindsight that was a mistake, I'm not totally convinced but that's why I'm here.

Would anyone like to argue the case for PUP as a serious endgame tank while being honest about its shortcomings? If you'd like to contribute some audio then PM me and we can discuss it further. There's no real rush for this either, but I will hope to get the follow-up done within the next week.

Out of all the contents that I've done, Lamia ambu is the only content that PUP tank would be useful. And thats ONLY if your main tank isn't using react.

If going for most optimal setup, RUN RUN RUN all things IMO... using anything else just slow ***down. Maybe PLD if it's main healing with geo and use 2nd DD.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-03-27 10:25:41
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Ruaumoko said: »
Hey everyone, been a while since I posted in here.

There was some fallout from the last video I uploaded where I worked with other players in the community to go over the tank jobs. I omitted PUP from this and in hindsight that was a mistake, I'm not totally convinced but that's why I'm here.

Would anyone like to argue the case for PUP as a serious endgame tank while being honest about its shortcomings? If you'd like to contribute some audio then PM me and we can discuss it further. There's no real rush for this either, but I will hope to get the follow-up done within the next week.

If you included WAR (lol!) and NIN as tanks then PUP is an obvious inclusion. PUP tanking is far more useful than either of those, and in fact warrior tanking can mostly be substituted with any heavy DD or even dancer, lol. Warrior doesn't get any special mitigation outside of a low shield block rate. edit- hell blue mage is a better tank than warrior.

Asura.Shiraj said: »
PUP is never an endgame tank. It's a tank for retards who can't play PLD or RUN. The job sucks with and without Overdrive. Just Overdrive takes it into the mediocre section instead of the dogshit section.

The amount of PUP players i see who say "Oh you musn't have seen a good PUP player" and when I see them play they lose hate after 1 WS -_-.

Inb4 PUP fanboys come at me. Go learn a real job and don't hide behind PUP.

This is really stupid my dude and it's just low-tier trolling. I play both paladin and rune fencer, and play with a lot of great tanks. Still, my LS uses PUP all the time; I'd say we have at least half-dozen people who have endgame puppetmasters. It's great in Dynamis and Omen (and HTBF, and Ambuscade, and some Escha NMs). PUP isn't well suited to melee strats but it's powerful for pet or even some nuking strats, utterly breaking some mechanics similar to summoner. PUP is also a better solo job than either RUN or PLD, and at lower gear levels with less risk.

If you want to troll the PUP form please be more subtle. For instance, autos have no way to deal with Doom.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-03-27 10:29:59
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Why are people reacting to pup being ***on this pup thread? I thought this is for people that like playing pup.

@Shiraj your reaction is based on everyone having bis which is not realistic for a lot of people.

I don't understand why ppl compare themselves that are in strong groups to more casual players.

In my opinion, pup offers a lot without the need of having bis or hard to attain gear.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:32:08
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
A little zealous about it but he's not wrong.

PUP tank scales proportionally to what(who) it's tanking against. Easily tank over an automaton if you're BiS after a couple seconds.

Lacks enough enmity moves, and zero ability to do a damn thing after a reset. Only useful against excessive/unavoidable charm/insta death or as a last resort for inability to find a real tank or good enough WHM.

Comparing the job to RUN and PLD proves he's a moron. It's a very unique job - the most unique in the game.

Regarding enmity, anyone who isnt a single-minded "MAX DAMAGE ONRY" type player can give the dd a dirge, have them /drg or both. Yes dd can still take hate from the pup if they want to, but if you want to take advantage of the insane damage reduction of the auto a smart dd can play it safe, evaluate and gauge how to play depending on the situation whilst still doing high (not max) damage.

Not using a setup that allows max DPS output is anti-thesis of playing DDs....

I mean, if DD can't do max DPS because set-up is bad, the right solution is changing the setup, not telling DDs to hold back.

Dirge takes up 1 precious song slot in high lv content so no thanks. I'm ok with dirge for ranged setup, not melee.

/Drg isn't viable for COR and BRD since they need DW.

Honestly someone wants to play PUP in endgame I'd take a DD PUP as melee then keep RUN as tank before considering using dirge on DDs. That would probably have higher pt performance since h2h update lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-03-27 10:32:48
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Asura.Sirris said: »
PUP is also a better solo job than either RUN or PLD, and at lower gear levels with less risk.
Aight so I gotta put you down here lol.
PUP is 100% not better than RUN for soloing.
PUP can barely solo Lilith on N with Overdrive. RUN can do D-VD without 1 hours.

RUN doesn't need 1 hours to solo almost any NM that is actually soloable. 6 T4s, Tumult, etc and Yakshi are not for example. *** Yakshi.

Anything PUP can solo, RUN can do it. I 100% guarantee it. Neak, easy. Sovereign Behemoth, easy. Vir'ava, easy. You name it.
But yeah, some of my posts were slight trolls just to trigger people, and I had fun.

For soloing at lower gear levels, I agree.

And about the other stuff, I know PUP can be used for other strats, but there is a very small minority who do content with pets/MB strats that aren't 1 hour burned.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-03-27 10:37:04
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
PUP is also a better solo job than either RUN or PLD, and at lower gear levels with less risk.
Aight so I gotta put you down here lol.
PUP is 100% not better than RUN for soloing.
PUP can barely solo Lilith on N with Overdrive. RUN can do D-VD without 1 hours.

RUN doesn't need 1 hours to solo almost any NM that is actually soloable. 6 T4s, Tumult, etc and Yakshi are not for example. *** Yakshi.

Anything PUP can solo, RUN can do it. I 100% guarantee it. Neak, easy. Sovereign Behemoth, easy. Vir'ava, easy. You name it.
But yeah, some of my posts were slight trolls just to trigger people, and I had fun.

For soloing at lower gear levels, I agree.

And about the other stuff, I know PUP can be used for other strats, but there is a very small minority who do content with pets/MB strats that aren't 1 hour burned.

Rune fencer can solo frog Ambuscade VD? Rune fencer can solo Shedu?

PUP can consistently solo better than RUN at lower gear levels. It's... a better solo job for sure, lol.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:37:53
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Asura.Sirris said: »
This is really stupid my dude and it's just low-tier trolling. I play both paladin and rune fencer, and play with a lot of great tanks. Still, my LS uses PUP all the time; I'd say we have at least half-dozen people who have endgame puppetmasters. It's great in Dynamis and Omen (and HTBF, and Ambuscade, and some Escha NMs). PUP isn't well suited to melee strats but it's powerful for pet or even some nuking strats, utterly breaking some mechanics similar to summoner. PUP is also a better solo job than either RUN or PLD, and at lower gear levels with less risk.

If you want to troll the PUP form please be more subtle. For instance, autos have no way to deal with Doom.

You can duo omen with DD+WHM, so it makes no difference there.

Dyna D full clear is doable with 0 PUP. Wave 2 boss is 1 min melee zerg and wave 3 is 10 min melee zerg too.

If every alliance has unlimited pt slot then sure there will be space for PUP. But they take away slots for a RUN so I don't see a reason. Adding 1 PUP tank in an Dyna alliance means 1 less RUN gets invite for gambit rayke boosting magical WS, thus lowers DPS.

I just don't see the point really.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:41:56
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ksoze said: »
In my opinion, pup offers a lot without the need of having bis or hard to attain gear.

Sure, PUP is a nice job for people that can't do optimal setups. But if everyone agrees with that why are you guys getting mad about Shirajs comments? He was right, just expressing it in a more trollish way.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:45:45
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Shiraj said: »
I was just quite sad with Ruau's video being spammed with dumb Pup comments.

The biggest mistake Rua did was including WAR as a tank in that video. There is several jobs on top of PLD, RUN and NIN that are FAR more suited for tanking than WAR. WAR cant be even considered a tank imo. It's a DD who can survive taking hate. There are several other jobs who can do the same, but have better survivability, have different ways to build hate, have AoE hate tools, have more group utility focused on tanking etc. and they weren't included.

That actually wouldn't been a mistake of Rua, if he would simply explain this with "I coudnt include them because video would be too long and I dont have enough experience with them tanking or couldnt find people with such experience", but instead he wrote "I'd like to say that I made the decisions not to include MNK/DRK/BLU for good reasons I had no chance of fitting in here given how long it already was. To fully explain why I'd have to break down how Enmity Bleed/Loss works and it'd all make perfect sense why they're not up here." which is some very vague excuse, that is rather telling me Rua is confused how enmity loss works, because all above jobs will bleed less enmity than WAR. MNK will have higher HP with same DT and you have counters and much higher meva in hybrid set, so enmity loss will be for sure lower. DRK will have less enmity loss simply by having 9000 max HP (which is a key factor in enmity loss formula). You could argue you wont be able to use Drain everywhere or it can be dispelled, but you simply wouldnt use DRK for tanking in such scenario (which is not common at all). BLU would lose less enmity, because even while having less HP, BLU can simply avoid tons of damage with blink tanking, higher DT, much higher defense, much higher meva and situational buffs like Seline coat or debuffs like stun, flash etc.

DRK BLU are both better tank than WAR IMO.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-03-27 10:48:36
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Rune fencer can solo frog Ambuscade VD? Rune fencer can solo Shedu?

PUP can consistently solo better than RUN at lower gear levels. It's... a better solo job for sure, lol.

I mean I'll give you the ambuscade one. But Shedu yes.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rwolf
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Rwolf 2020-03-27 10:51:03
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I think the problem was including NIN and WAR. Once you include situational tanks, it's understandable why players want to know why PUP is commented on by the video maker as useless.

I couldn't care less if anyone in the comments there or here says it is worthless. But if you say you're doing an unbiased guide and gathered others to speak on their jobs in detail, it comes off bias when you remove a situational tank that players do commonly use.

Not gonna defend PUP like it replaces a RUN. My gripe is including some situational tanks but not others. Better to not include them at all or rephrase the video as these are my top picks for tanks jobs.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:52:15
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IMO PUP is still the better solo job due to (much) lower skill requirement. I don't know many hardcore RUN soloer but most new player with PUP geared can solo decently.

However it was a tank discussion and my opinion is that in most optimal setup it's hard to use a PUP tank without performance decrease.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-03-27 10:52:40
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Afania said: »
Sure, PUP is a nice job for people that can't do optimal setups. But if everyone agrees with that why are you guys getting mad about Shirajs comments? He was right, just expressing it in a more trollish way.

For me I don't care what job is better, sounds childish to me.

If you wanna boast about rune, go on a rune thread.
By Afania 2020-03-27 10:55:10
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ksoze said: »
Afania said: »
Sure, PUP is a nice job for people that can't do optimal setups. But if everyone agrees with that why are you guys getting mad about Shirajs comments? He was right, just expressing it in a more trollish way.

For me I don't care what job is better, sounds childish to me.

If you wanna boast about rune, go on a rune thread.

Nobody is "boasting" about RUN for no reason. Rua asked community opinion on PUP as a tank, other people simply respond about what they think.

Then PUP players getting mad for no reason.... despite nobody told PUP players to gtfo and stop playing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-03-27 10:55:50
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Afania said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
This is really stupid my dude and it's just low-tier trolling. I play both paladin and rune fencer, and play with a lot of great tanks. Still, my LS uses PUP all the time; I'd say we have at least half-dozen people who have endgame puppetmasters. It's great in Dynamis and Omen (and HTBF, and Ambuscade, and some Escha NMs). PUP isn't well suited to melee strats but it's powerful for pet or even some nuking strats, utterly breaking some mechanics similar to summoner. PUP is also a better solo job than either RUN or PLD, and at lower gear levels with less risk.

If you want to troll the PUP form please be more subtle. For instance, autos have no way to deal with Doom.

You can duo omen with DD+WHM, so it makes no difference there.

Dyna D full clear is doable with 0 PUP. Wave 2 boss is 1 min melee zerg and wave 3 is 10 min melee zerg too.

If every alliance has unlimited pt slot then sure there will be space for PUP. But they take away slots for a RUN so I don't see a reason. Adding 1 PUP in an Dyna alliance means 1 less RUN gets invite for gambit rayke boosting magical WS, thus lowers DPS.

I just don't see the point really.

This is really embarrassing.

So any fight that lasts like 2 minutes or less (Kouryou/WoC/HELM zergs) would be all warriors and support, or summoners. Rune fencer is a big dps loss for melee zerg on these fights. All Dynamis runs would be CORs and RNGs and su5 RDMs, with 2 RUNs for Rayke. Ambu, eh it depends on the month, but it would almost-always be either SMNburn, heavy DDs, ranged, or PUPburn.

This game is ancient and a lot of us, myself included, have been playing since the very beginning. Who cares about always doing "optimal setups" for content that we have to grind dozens or hundreds of times? This excludes many jobs that players enjoy playing, including PUP as well as all light DDs. I have a lot of "optimal setup" jobs but, leading groups for content, it's much more engaging to switch up and use different strats so that players feel engaged and don't burn out.

And just to add, the easiest way to clear Dyna wave 3, if you don't care about drops, is to use PUP to do all fetters, just speed your way to w3 boss, and kill with magical strat. That was how my LS did our first wave 3s, it's the easiest strat, and you cannot do it without puppetmaster.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-03-27 11:00:04
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Afania said: »
despite nobody told PUP players to gtfo and stop playing.

true mate, maybe a troll allergy of ppl
By Afania 2020-03-27 11:03:53
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Afania said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
This is really stupid my dude and it's just low-tier trolling. I play both paladin and rune fencer, and play with a lot of great tanks. Still, my LS uses PUP all the time; I'd say we have at least half-dozen people who have endgame puppetmasters. It's great in Dynamis and Omen (and HTBF, and Ambuscade, and some Escha NMs). PUP isn't well suited to melee strats but it's powerful for pet or even some nuking strats, utterly breaking some mechanics similar to summoner. PUP is also a better solo job than either RUN or PLD, and at lower gear levels with less risk.

If you want to troll the PUP form please be more subtle. For instance, autos have no way to deal with Doom.

You can duo omen with DD+WHM, so it makes no difference there.

Dyna D full clear is doable with 0 PUP. Wave 2 boss is 1 min melee zerg and wave 3 is 10 min melee zerg too.

If every alliance has unlimited pt slot then sure there will be space for PUP. But they take away slots for a RUN so I don't see a reason. Adding 1 PUP in an Dyna alliance means 1 less RUN gets invite for gambit rayke boosting magical WS, thus lowers DPS.

I just don't see the point really.

This is really embarrassing.

So any fight that lasts like 2 minutes or less (Kouryou/WoC/HELM zergs) would be all warriors and support, or summoners. Rune fencer is a big dps loss for melee zerg on these fights. All Dynamis runs would be CORs and RNGs and su5 RDMs, with 2 RUNs for Rayke. Ambu, eh it depends on the month, but it would almost-always be either SMNburn, heavy DDs, ranged, or PUPburn.

This game is ancient and a lot of us, myself included, have been playing since the very beginning. Who cares about always doing "optimal setups" for content that we have to grind dozens or hundreds of times? This excludes many jobs that players enjoy playing, including PUP as well as all light DDs. I have a lot of "optimal setup" jobs but, leading groups for content, it's much more engaging to switch up and use different strats so that players feel engaged and don't burn out.

And just to add, the easiest way to clear Dyna wave 3, if you don't care about drops, is to use PUP to do all fetters, just speed your way to w3 boss, and kill with magical strat. That was how my LS did our first wave 3s, it's the easiest strat, and you cannot do it without puppetmaster.

I never said you can't play jobs that you like. I only said it's not optimal in current content as a tank.

The problem with skipping fetter is that it's less RP and drops for everyone.

We can generally clear entire wave 3 and all the fetter with a melee setup and still have 1 hr left. In fact we would spend 30 min farming RP in wave 1 and 2 then proceed with wave 3 because there so much time left.

I see no reason to sack fetters, nor sacrifice a RUN tank slot for another PUP tank.

I don't mind someone wanting to play PUP in Dyna D at all, but I would put him on melee DD slot instead of tank slot. Since h2h update the job should have competitive DPS to SB Cor now no? Even that would be a better choice than taking up the precious tank slots.

Honestly we take mid tier DD to Dyna D all the time and still got plenty of time left. Really there's no issue using a melee DD PUP. But double RUN as tank is just too good to change. Even a DD PUP is a better "fit" than tank PUP in Dyna D IMO.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2020-03-27 11:22:26
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Afania said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
A little zealous about it but he's not wrong.

PUP tank scales proportionally to what(who) it's tanking against. Easily tank over an automaton if you're BiS after a couple seconds.

Lacks enough enmity moves, and zero ability to do a damn thing after a reset. Only useful against excessive/unavoidable charm/insta death or as a last resort for inability to find a real tank or good enough WHM.

Comparing the job to RUN and PLD proves he's a moron. It's a very unique job - the most unique in the game.

Regarding enmity, anyone who isnt a single-minded "MAX DAMAGE ONRY" type player can give the dd a dirge, have them /drg or both. Yes dd can still take hate from the pup if they want to, but if you want to take advantage of the insane damage reduction of the auto a smart dd can play it safe, evaluate and gauge how to play depending on the situation whilst still doing high (not max) damage.

Not using a setup that allows max DPS output is anti-thesis of playing DDs....

I mean, if DD can't do max DPS because set-up is bad, the right solution is changing the setup, not telling DDs to hold back.

Dirge takes up 1 precious song slot in high lv content so no thanks. I'm ok with dirge for ranged setup, not melee.

/Drg isn't viable for COR and BRD since they need DW.

Honestly someone wants to play PUP in endgame I'd take a DD PUP as melee then keep RUN as tank before considering using dirge on DDs. That would probably have higher pt performance since h2h update lol

You’re simply incorrect. A top tier dd with one less song will do more damage. The pup also takes less damage than the RUN and almost plays itself. I’m not saying pup is a better tank than run because it’s not, but it can open up different strategies for those with a few brain cells.

I enjoy taking on content with as little players as possible as a challenge and is one of my favourite aspects of the game. Thinking a dd job doing full dd at all times is the only way they’re useful is daft for any strategist worth their salt. Honestly not sure why people who only ever try cookie-cutter set ups even still play.
By Afania 2020-03-27 11:31:07
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Afania said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
A little zealous about it but he's not wrong.

PUP tank scales proportionally to what(who) it's tanking against. Easily tank over an automaton if you're BiS after a couple seconds.

Lacks enough enmity moves, and zero ability to do a damn thing after a reset. Only useful against excessive/unavoidable charm/insta death or as a last resort for inability to find a real tank or good enough WHM.

Comparing the job to RUN and PLD proves he's a moron. It's a very unique job - the most unique in the game.

Regarding enmity, anyone who isnt a single-minded "MAX DAMAGE ONRY" type player can give the dd a dirge, have them /drg or both. Yes dd can still take hate from the pup if they want to, but if you want to take advantage of the insane damage reduction of the auto a smart dd can play it safe, evaluate and gauge how to play depending on the situation whilst still doing high (not max) damage.

Not using a setup that allows max DPS output is anti-thesis of playing DDs....

I mean, if DD can't do max DPS because set-up is bad, the right solution is changing the setup, not telling DDs to hold back.

Dirge takes up 1 precious song slot in high lv content so no thanks. I'm ok with dirge for ranged setup, not melee.

/Drg isn't viable for COR and BRD since they need DW.

Honestly someone wants to play PUP in endgame I'd take a DD PUP as melee then keep RUN as tank before considering using dirge on DDs. That would probably have higher pt performance since h2h update lol

You’re simply incorrect. A top tier dd with one less song will do more damage.

This sentence makes absolutely 0 sense. A COR or DD with TP bonus build will need 2 March 2 madrigals in higher lv content to reach max DPS. There is no such thing as "top tier DD" if they are forced to use accuracy sets. "Top tier DD" doest just magically generate DPS without buffs, they can reduce damage loss with less buffs if they are using accuracy sets, but it's still DPS loss.

Shiva.Flowen said: »
The pup also takes less damage than the RUN and almost plays itself.

Irrelevant with a healer and battuta.

Aiming for max performance IS strategy....and entertainment.
Posts: 517
By mhomho 2020-03-27 11:31:28
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
RUN can do D-VD without 1 hours.
with just trusts? seriously? i'll believe it when i see the youtube video...
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2020-03-27 11:42:24
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Afania said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
A little zealous about it but he's not wrong.

PUP tank scales proportionally to what(who) it's tanking against. Easily tank over an automaton if you're BiS after a couple seconds.

Lacks enough enmity moves, and zero ability to do a damn thing after a reset. Only useful against excessive/unavoidable charm/insta death or as a last resort for inability to find a real tank or good enough WHM.

Comparing the job to RUN and PLD proves he's a moron. It's a very unique job - the most unique in the game.

Regarding enmity, anyone who isnt a single-minded "MAX DAMAGE ONRY" type player can give the dd a dirge, have them /drg or both. Yes dd can still take hate from the pup if they want to, but if you want to take advantage of the insane damage reduction of the auto a smart dd can play it safe, evaluate and gauge how to play depending on the situation whilst still doing high (not max) damage.

Not using a setup that allows max DPS output is anti-thesis of playing DDs....

I mean, if DD can't do max DPS because set-up is bad, the right solution is changing the setup, not telling DDs to hold back.

Dirge takes up 1 precious song slot in high lv content so no thanks. I'm ok with dirge for ranged setup, not melee.

/Drg isn't viable for COR and BRD since they need DW.

Honestly someone wants to play PUP in endgame I'd take a DD PUP as melee then keep RUN as tank before considering using dirge on DDs. That would probably have higher pt performance since h2h update lol

You’re simply incorrect. A top tier dd with one less song will do more damage. The pup also takes less damage than the RUN and almost plays itself. I’m not saying pup is a better tank than run because it’s not, but it can open up different strategies for those with a few brain cells.

I enjoy taking on content with as little players as possible as a challenge and is one of my favourite aspects of the game. Thinking a dd job doing full dd at all times is the only way they’re useful is daft for any strategist worth their salt. Honestly not sure why people who only ever try cookie-cutter set ups even still play.

I wouldnt waste your breath its Afania its either super optimal or dont do the content.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2020-03-27 11:48:54
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Afania said: »
This sentence makes absolutely 0 sense. A COR or DD with TP bonus build will need 2 March 2 madrigals in higher lv content to reach max DPS. There is no such thing as "top tier DD" if they are forced to use accuracy sets. "Top tier DD" doest just magically generate DPS without buffs, they can reduce damage loss with less buffs if they are using accuracy sets, but it's still DPS loss.

It makes no sense to you who cant comprehend why dropping a song that offers 85 acc if needed or 200 attack if not needed is not easily made up by the multiple dd tools you get from a dd job. If you really think ensuring top dps is the best strategy for everything you have missed the point I was making entirely.

Afania said: »
Irrelevant with a healer and battuta.

Exactly, you are bringing a healer. With the pup you have one less person/character as it doesnt need healing, opening up low man options as suggested.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2020-03-27 11:50:08
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Odin.Creaucent said: »
I wouldnt waste your breath its Afania its either super optimal or dont do the content.

What a boring existence lol
By Draylo 2020-03-27 12:16:16
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They deleted PUP in the last update I think
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-03-27 12:21:25
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mhomho said: »
Asura.Shiraj said: »
RUN can do D-VD without 1 hours.
with just trusts? seriously? i'll believe it when i see the youtube video...

Yes with trusts. And it's not hard... use same trust setup you use to solo Omen bosses and GG. Lux runes pretty much make her harmless and panaceas.
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