Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Bismarck
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user: drakelth
Posts: 751
By Bismarck.Drakelth 2021-09-18 17:36:17
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Vaerix said: »
SimonSes said: »
Genjosanzo said: »
"Augments will push this dagger into B.I.S. main hand for Evisceration (Path B), melee TP + Leaden spam (Path B) and ranged TP (Path A)." Note the bolded part. But then when I went down to the Leaden Set, it specifically says underneath "Rostam: Path A". So is it Path A or Path B?!?)

Its very close, Afaik path B is better if you melee in Malignance, path A is better/even if you melee in MA gear.

I don't really find this entirely convincing, I often melee in MA gear utilizing path B and its absolutely worth using over path A. Yes, you could get a followup attack and utilize your marginal DA/TA values from accessories to pull out 5-6 attacks in a round with a massive stp bonus, but I find follow-up can often insta fill tp with a strong TA value from a MA based tp set. 6-8 attacks on an attack round with follow-up proc is quite good.

Not to mention Path B cuts down on tp you give enemies. I've always been of the stance melee path B full stop, ranged path A full stop.

Your mileage may vary.

this is my opinion on them aswell. Path c>b>a in importance as well.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-09-19 10:05:03
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Guys I have a question about cor, I am seeing people ask for a +8 cor. Does this mean regal necklace is required? Also I saw you can get +8 from a dagger with augments, I saw in the Q&A the ring and necklace do not stack. So whats a common approach to meeting this +8 thing? I only have the ring...
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-09-19 10:13:08
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Phantom Roll+ does not stack so +8 would mean someone has Patch C Su5.

What does stack is duration boost.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-09-19 10:31:06
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wow so the shout for +8 is only people who have the knife that cost 60 mil, I was going to try for the regal neck but even that seems really hard to get. How much better is +8 over the +5 ring? I don't think roll duration matters much. Most stuff dies quick, odyssey it might be big though.
By Draylo 2021-09-19 10:33:50
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Pretty much doesn't matter on anything that isn't v15 odyssey. In there you might have a case for requiring it, but its certainly not a make or break. Most people in shouts are just dumb and try to single everyone out except the best of the best. Nowdays with so many mules though it pretty much works because most mules have that gear.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-09-19 10:38:35
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Slowforever said: »
I don't think roll duration matters much.
It matters a lot unless everything you do is dead before rolls drop.

Segment farm
Ody NM even
Master trials
Even some Ambu to name a few things
That and always having CC up when you need to reroll is very nice.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2021-09-19 11:18:37
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the less time you need to spend rolling, is more time you can be doing anything else. "it's not that important" only really counts if your favorite part of COR is casting buffs.

Regal Necklace seems to be one of, if not the most common of Ou's gear drops. if you do Omen with a competent group, you will see plenty of them.
Server: Asura
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user: Setho
Posts: 18
By Asura.Setho 2021-09-19 12:14:27
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And the +8 dosent give duration, but roll potency
Posts: 122
By Korgull 2021-09-19 14:01:37
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Asura.Setho said: »
And the +8 dosent give duration, but roll potency

Rostam R25 gives +60 phantom roll duration.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-09-19 16:19:45
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Slowforever said: »
wow so the shout for +8 is only people who have the knife that cost 60 mil, I was going to try for the regal neck but even that seems really hard to get. How much better is +8 over the +5 ring? I don't think roll duration matters much. Most stuff dies quick, odyssey it might be big though.
fillerbunny9 said: »
the less time you need to spend rolling, is more time you can be doing anything else. "it's not that important" only really counts if your favorite part of COR is casting buffs.

Regal Necklace seems to be one of, if not the most common of Ou's gear drops. if you do Omen with a competent group, you will see plenty of them.

quoted both, because the comment directly above would have been 75% of my response, so wanted to give credit where it was due. Getting +7 really isn't that difficult if you have a group that does Omen- as mentioned, its an extremely common drop to where we're seeing them floor, even a few WHM/GEO alts have them by now. So that will come, not to worry.

To demand +8 rolls over +7 though...that is quite tedious. Up there with the shouts for RMEA DD only for a Normal Ambuscade. There is a difference between +7 and +8 rolls, and since the Crooked Cards and Job bonuses happen after any +roll value, that difference gets magnified for many rolls (yes, some are flat bonuses vs % based bonuses when it comes to how CC or Job bonuses affect different rolls).

COR is just a damn expensive job at times. It doesn't mean that all the expensive Su5 weapons and necks, and R15'ed RMEA guns are needed to be functional- far from it. For me it was a LONG process of building it up, and creating priorities of what to aim for first becomes the way to not stare at a shopping list and get overwhelmed.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Seonyx
Posts: 20
By Bahamut.Seonyx 2021-09-20 04:09:44
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Might also be worth noting that the Lanun Knife, the SU4 HQ+1 version of Rostam, can reach +7 rolls. It will probably cost a fraction of the price of a Rostam, to both buy and fully augment, but still offers an additional 45 seconds on roll duration. This is absolutely worth if you aren't planning to buy and R25 a full Rostam in the near future, and is very strong both before and after the acquisition of a Regal Neck.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-09-20 06:00:20
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Personally I think this Lanun is only worth it if you can augment it for free. If you need to buy Heroism, do it only if you NEVER plan to make Rostam.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-09-20 16:31:37
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Bahamut.Seonyx said: »
Might also be worth noting that the Lanun Knife, the SU4 HQ+1 version of Rostam, can reach +7 rolls. It will probably cost a fraction of the price of a Rostam, to both buy and fully augment, but still offers an additional 45 seconds on roll duration. This is absolutely worth if you aren't planning to buy and R25 a full Rostam in the near future, and is very strong both before and after the acquisition of a Regal Neck.

I'd merc a Regal Neck before buying a roll lanun. Its still useful to hit full CC uptime if you decide to buy a rostam later and has to be cheaper then buying the items to full aug. (I assume if you have a group that can farm dynamis D can farm OU)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-09-20 17:52:04
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SimonSes said: »
Personally I think this Lanun is only worth it if you can augment it for free. If you need to buy Heroism, do it only if you NEVER plan to make Rostam.

If referring to a path C, 100% agree. (knew you were, just wanted to get your very true comment paired with "Path C" for future searchers lol)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2021-09-24 21:58:29
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Gunsliger cape aug with 5 MAB and 5 WSD, I am assuming this beats out Camulus's Mantle augmented for Leaden?
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-09-24 22:11:02
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Asura.Otomis said: »
Gunsliger cape aug with 5 MAB and 5 WSD, I am assuming this beats out Camulus's Mantle augmented for Leaden?

I don't know if 15 MAB 5 WSD beats 30 Agi, 10 WSD, I'm pretty sure it comes down to your spread of the 3 different stats tbh. Leaden being 100% Agi I'm pretty sure ambu wins out in the end.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2021-09-24 23:23:32
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You're comparing 5% MAB that Gunslingers has over Camulus against 30AGI, 5%WSD, 10 Magic Acc and 20 Magic Damage.

The 5% WSD already beats out that 5% extra MAB it has over the Camulus mantle then the other stats just further pushes it ahead.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-09-26 18:05:39
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aisukage said: »
You're comparing 5% MAB that Gunslingers has over Camulus against 30AGI, 5%WSD, 10 Magic Acc and 20 Magic Damage.

Gunslinger has 10 MAB Stock, Augment adds 5, with 5 WSD. The MAB vs WSD is more of a close issue if you have many sources of WSD over MAB, because 15MAB is the highest you can get on a back slot.

Losing the 30 AGI is the biggest problem in the equation. Realistically the 15 MAB/5 WSD could be better than 10wsd ambu cape, but I highly doubt it would overcome the 30 AGI.

Wrote this all just to correct "5 MAB".
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2021-09-27 00:47:18
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Vaerix said: »
aisukage said: »
You're comparing 5% MAB that Gunslingers has over Camulus against 30AGI, 5%WSD, 10 Magic Acc and 20 Magic Damage.

Gunslinger has 10 MAB Stock, Augment adds 5, with 5 WSD. The MAB vs WSD is more of a close issue if you have many sources of WSD over MAB, because 15MAB is the highest you can get on a back slot.

Losing the 30 AGI is the biggest problem in the equation. Realistically the 15 MAB/5 WSD could be better than 10wsd ambu cape, but I highly doubt it would overcome the 30 AGI.

Wrote this all just to correct "5 MAB".

Yup my bad, I counted the slot for 10MAB and 10WSD on ambu cape twice. Was like 5am when I wrote that. Lol it's 6:40 am now but even 15%MAB will be close to the 5% WSD difference. Then as you stated all the extra stats just push it ahead.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-09-27 02:48:18
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aisukage said: »
Vaerix said: »
aisukage said: »
You're comparing 5% MAB that Gunslingers has over Camulus against 30AGI, 5%WSD, 10 Magic Acc and 20 Magic Damage.

Gunslinger has 10 MAB Stock, Augment adds 5, with 5 WSD. The MAB vs WSD is more of a close issue if you have many sources of WSD over MAB, because 15MAB is the highest you can get on a back slot.

Losing the 30 AGI is the biggest problem in the equation. Realistically the 15 MAB/5 WSD could be better than 10wsd ambu cape, but I highly doubt it would overcome the 30 AGI.

Wrote this all just to correct "5 MAB".

Yup my bad, I counted the slot for 10MAB and 10WSD on ambu cape twice. Was like 5am when I wrote that. Lol it's 6:40 am now but even 15%MAB will be close to the 5% WSD difference. Then as you stated all the extra stats just push it ahead.

I'm totally with you for ambu > adoulin JSE but it always leads to a question I've had on the rng forum regarding MAB, WSD and WSC stats. If not for the agi it wouldn't be so clear between the w capes, I was wondering if anyone has updated calculators for leaden or even true flight that I could mess around with because while nyame has some MAB and good WSD I'm sure there's a point at which MAB might become more usable over wsd or visa versa. Not trying to reinvent the wheel or give bad information but there has to be a point when the diminished returns from WSD are overtaken by raw MAB.

I'm mostly trying to figure out what those breakpoints are.

Again, totally on the same page ambu>jse but does nyame give us enough wsd that the ambu cape might be better off as MAB?

Edit: completely off topic but kinda on the same point, I've found cohort+1 does better than nyame head/body when dual wielding KC on rng because you're losing a ton of MAB using tauret/KC over malevolence x2, again, just personal experience and I know cor Relic Body trumps nyame body for leaden handedly, just looking for more clear numbers.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 542
By Asura.Dexprozius 2021-09-27 21:11:00
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Is there even a 'rule of thumb' for valuing stats when eyeballing a piece for Leaden? Alot of people give the 1 WSD = 2 MAB = 3 AGI type example, but its really the sum of all parts and dumping all into one or the other wont result in better numbers. So when comparing the capes its also the matter of how much overall you have in comparison right?
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-09-28 05:49:36
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Vaerix said: »
aisukage said: »
Vaerix said: »
aisukage said: »
You're comparing 5% MAB that Gunslingers has over Camulus against 30AGI, 5%WSD, 10 Magic Acc and 20 Magic Damage.

Gunslinger has 10 MAB Stock, Augment adds 5, with 5 WSD. The MAB vs WSD is more of a close issue if you have many sources of WSD over MAB, because 15MAB is the highest you can get on a back slot.

Losing the 30 AGI is the biggest problem in the equation. Realistically the 15 MAB/5 WSD could be better than 10wsd ambu cape, but I highly doubt it would overcome the 30 AGI.

Wrote this all just to correct "5 MAB".

Yup my bad, I counted the slot for 10MAB and 10WSD on ambu cape twice. Was like 5am when I wrote that. Lol it's 6:40 am now but even 15%MAB will be close to the 5% WSD difference. Then as you stated all the extra stats just push it ahead.

I'm totally with you for ambu > adoulin JSE but it always leads to a question I've had on the rng forum regarding MAB, WSD and WSC stats. If not for the agi it wouldn't be so clear between the w capes, I was wondering if anyone has updated calculators for leaden or even true flight that I could mess around with because while nyame has some MAB and good WSD I'm sure there's a point at which MAB might become more usable over wsd or visa versa. Not trying to reinvent the wheel or give bad information but there has to be a point when the diminished returns from WSD are overtaken by raw MAB.

I'm mostly trying to figure out what those breakpoints are.

Again, totally on the same page ambu>jse but does nyame give us enough wsd that the ambu cape might be better off as MAB?

Edit: completely off topic but kinda on the same point, I've found cohort+1 does better than nyame head/body when dual wielding KC on rng because you're losing a ton of MAB using tauret/KC over malevolence x2, again, just personal experience and I know cor Relic Body trumps nyame body for leaden handedly, just looking for more clear numbers.

was on bottom of guide first post of this thread...

Edit: Also be sure to check if acumen matters when deciding sets, easy to forget about a geo adding an additional 45-90 MAB
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [31 days between previous and next post]
By Delinger 2021-10-29 06:57:29
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any update for WS sets with nyameR20 now? or old set still better off ? becuase the WS sets not update>< just wondering.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-10-29 10:55:07
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Will depend on what WS and what you were using before.

All Herculean that is not some really good DM augments should be replaced.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2021-10-29 14:57:06
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Head/Body/Legs (Hands if you want to consolidate, but meg. technically still better)

Body/Legs (Not sure on body, Relic +3 has a lot of matk)


Last Stand:
Head/Legs, Ikenga body is really strong, otherwise AF+3


Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-10-29 15:53:31
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Relic Body is better for both Leaden and Wildfire, even with high mab buffs.

Also not sure how are Meg. Gloves better than Nyame for Savage? Nyame are better (marginally). For Last Stand tho, its other way around. That being said, Ikenga legs/hands seems like they might be bis for capped attack for Last Stand. Havent checked for sure tho.

Oh also Ikenga Body is better for capped attack Savage. Nyame B body is better for undapped.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2021-10-29 22:06:29
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Agree nyame hands for savage (overall gain in da/wsd/att/mnd > 6 str) as shared above. Should use the hands for leaden salute also, unless you have perfect dm aug herc agl/mab/wsd (yeah right). Even then, the skillchain damage is often overlooked on nyame and I always find myself closing skillchains with leaden salute and wildfire so my personal preference is nyame still.

I can confirm relic body soundly beats nyame body (r20 B). With no buffs and everything else bis, relic body was like 3.75% ahead of nyame. With crooked wizard roll, relic was around 2.4% better than nyame. With Geo buffs as well, you might be hitting 99k anyway with leaden, but the difference would be much closer (but still in favour of relic). For WF you could probably consider using nyame for the skillchain bonus at that point, although i'll note if you have allies roll you may well be capped on sc damage (depending on sub, and using legs, head and hands in your set)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2021-10-30 10:09:20
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Asura.Dexprozius said: »
Is there even a 'rule of thumb' for valuing stats when eyeballing a piece for Leaden? Alot of people give the 1 WSD = 2 MAB = 3 AGI type example, but its really the sum of all parts and dumping all into one or the other wont result in better numbers. So when comparing the capes its also the matter of how much overall you have in comparison right?

As a general rule for leaden you can use 1 WSD = 3.5 MAB = 4.5 AGL.

With lower end sets/no ws impacting buffs, MAB is a little more favourable (as low as 3.2-3.3 MAB: 1 WSD if I recall). With bis set and buffed, it is as much as 4.3 MAB: 1 WSD.

AGL:MAB doesnt change as much with different buffs/sets, it averages out about 0.8AGL: 1MAB.

So to answer the question above on gunslingers.. no it isnt even close to a 30AGL + 10 WSD Camulus's mantle in any situation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-10-30 13:35:00
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I made this tool for comparing Leaden sets a while ago.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2021-11-02 23:09:16
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I seemed to have misplaced my chrono bullet pouch? I have no idea how this could have happened. Is there anyway to get the item back? Been running around clicking a bunch of NPCs. I did a couple searches in forums but I am not seeing anything.
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