Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By Vaerix 2021-07-20 21:30:44
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Are you saying 59snap 39 rapid is better then 60 snap and 35 rapid?
... I'm just never in a 100% shooting scenario without Flurry2...
I see your position, and I raise you Arebati V15. Idk how you would compare rdm to brd or geo and still have a healer or tank in the equation. This is a 100% Shooting strat with rng and cor, but sans flurry 2. Embrava gives some(If SCH heals), cor roll could give some, but not in any fashion reliable or known/metric'ed fashion.
By Vaerix 2021-07-20 22:11:05
Serious question, why has no one ever tested courser's roll? With +8 from rostam, even if every roll level was only +1 snapshot,
(Roll) Value {Blitzer value for reference}
(1) 2 SNAP {2}
(2) 3 SNAP {3}
(3) 11L SNAP {4}
(4) 4 SNAP {11L}
(5) 5 SNAP {5}
(6) 6 SNAP {6}
(7) 7 SNAP {7}
(8) 8 SNAP {8}
(9) 1U SNAP {1U}
(10) 10 SNAP {10}
(11) 12 SNAP {12}
Blitzer Empy bonus is +3
Blitzer Roll+1 bonus is +1
That gives Rostam roll flurry1 effectiveness at 7 or above. And this is only assuming bare minimum values for the roll, and roll+, and disregarding empy bonus item. If it has the same values as Blitzer(which makes sense delay reduction and ranged delay reduction) it could give access to flurry1 levels of support without a rdm, with the amounts of different levels of snap it shouldn't be hard to test if someone could help me find ways to accurately time delay I'd be glad to do testing for it.
The reason I bring this up is we could effectively change our ability to gear given that we can create snapshot outside of gear. I highly doubt we'd be able to hit flurry 2 levels but with blitzer levels a max roll, with empy bonus, we could hit +23 which is pretty big as far as gearing for snap is concerned.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-07-20 23:08:13
Not saying you are not on to something, but would have to compare the extra rapid shot you get vs. the roll you give up.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »I'm not suggesting others give up the true cap of 60 for "my build"- I haven't parsed out any results to give evidence that its equal or better- its just a sacrifice I'm comfortable making because of how little I really shoot in a "No Flurry" set for extended periods. I guess I don't understand what the point of you post was?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-07-20 23:45:32
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Are you saying 59snap 39 rapid is better then 60 snap and 35 rapid?
... I'm just never in a 100% shooting scenario without Flurry2...
I see your position, and I raise you Arebati V15. Idk how you would compare rdm to brd or geo and still have a healer or tank in the equation. This is a 100% Shooting strat with rng and cor, but sans flurry 2. Embrava gives some(If SCH heals), cor roll could give some, but not in any fashion reliable or known/metric'ed fashion.
Very fair point- wish I could comment on the COR's position in this fight with a set like I have, but I've been on RNG 100% of our Arebatis ^^
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2021-07-21 01:20:44
1) You can have different snapshot sets depending on buffs
2) RDM can heal for arebati fight, its not particularly hard since only the RUN should be in range, I've done it many times.
3) As to the question of if you should sacrifice some snapshot (when not capped) for more rapid shot. I would almost always take snapshot up to cap before any rapid shot even if it on average is better with the rapid shot that assumes you manage to take advantage of the random reduction in delay when it procs, snapshot isn't random and provides predictable delay which is much easier to take advantage of. In addition Rapid shot's max delay reduction on a proc is 50% and average is well below that (I've seen a few conflicting claims on how its distributed) so even if you could perfectly use your rapid shot you need an awful lot to beat even 1 snapshot, especially near the snapshot cap.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-07-21 12:19:06
What are people doing for Ikenga set augments first?
Thinking body for Last stand capped attack
I don't normally do True shot
By Vaerix 2021-07-21 13:43:53
I did boots first, because I want to try and build a function in my Lua to utilize true shot. The next 2 I'm doing are Helm and Legs because they can direct replace malignance in midshot.
Server: Hades
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By Hades.Dade 2021-07-21 14:54:30
What are people doing for Ikenga set augments first?
Thinking body for Last stand capped attack
I don't normally do True shot
I did head/body/legs evenly, I could see body or feet rushing to be an argument but figure would get more value on white damage shooting.
as an aside to the snapshot ***, some people have thrown out cap is prob over 70(71/72) but not sure if it has been tested in any decent way.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2021-07-27 07:25:06
Finishing up my nyame(B), and wanting go through my COR WS sets, and update.
Anyone got updated sets with Nyame
Savage Blade(head/body/hands/legs)
Last Stand
Leaden(using hands/legs)
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Dekoda 2021-08-03 14:21:12
Messing with snap/rapid shot sets in the spreadsheet.
Cell F160 (and G160) on the Data sheet limits ranged minimum delay to no less than 20% of the gun + ammo delay. Seems incorrect for two reasons but maybe someone can confirm:
1.) I can't find anything anywhere that says ranged delay can't go any lower than a certain value. If true this would make rapid shot (and velocity shot for RNG) only contribute an additional 10% total delay reduction past the snapshot cap.
2.) This calculation is based off of gun + ammo delay, while actual delay time is only based off of gun delay.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Wormfeeder 2021-08-04 15:19:34
Where does triple shot gear go? midcast or precast?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-08-04 15:22:17
My lua has a sets.TripleShot
then in job_post_midcast there's: Code if spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' and buffactive['Triple Shot'] then
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kuroganashi 2021-08-21 17:05:10
Does anybody have a COR Spreadsheet up to date?
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Lockfort 2021-08-30 17:08:12
so what would you use this for?
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Watusa 2021-08-30 17:16:29
Ragnarok.Lockfort said: »
so what would you use this for?
TP set for sure
By SimonSes 2021-08-30 17:16:54
Ragnarok.Lockfort said: »
so what would you use this for?
Probably nothing if you have Nyame legs R20 path B. If you don't then probably only Leaden Salute and Trueflight and I guess Savage Blade on COR.
EDIT: Just realized its in COR thread, so Trueflight is irrelevant.
By Asura.Trumpet 2021-09-16 14:04:01
What's the strongest weapon setup for when you need piercing for odyssey? I've been swapping to rostam + gleti (no crep knife) + fomal and it works well enough, but curious yall's opinions on how other options like tauret evis or degen +1 offhand etc work out.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-16 14:10:05
Quote: Where does triple shot gear go? midcast or precast?
Triple shot gear must be worn at the time the shot goes off, so it needs to go in the mid shot set.
Quote: What's the strongest weapon setup for when you need piercing for odyssey? I've been swapping to rostam + gleti (no crep knife) + fomal and it works well enough, but curious yall's opinions on how other options like tauret evis or degen +1 offhand etc work out.
Tauret/glet's spamming evisceration should be better than rostam/gleti's. Tauret's mainhand bonus is the more impactful of the two. Fomalhaut is great for more than just the sTP too, since it lets you fire off a last stand after you've cleared out the mobs closest to you without having to close the gap on ones farther away.
By Asura.Trumpet 2021-09-16 14:27:11
Oh I should specify that despite melee for TP, I am using last stand as the WS, hence not using tauret. Do you find tauret evisceration better than using last stand in ody?
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-16 14:38:01
When you asked about other dagger options like tauret I had assumed you were already using evisceration. If you're only using last stand then rostam is the better mainhand since you're only concerned with tp gain. As to which weapnskill is better, I'd say the two options are pretty similar, but if your last stand gear is optimized it should have the edge, especially with fomalhaut's tp bonus.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-09-16 14:56:49
Oh I should specify that despite melee for TP, I am using last stand as the WS, hence not using tauret. Do you find tauret evisceration better than using last stand in ody?
I'm sorry that you "despise" meleeing for TP, but the harsh reality is that unless you're riding Triple Shot, there's just no comparison to the gains. And of course, meleeing for TP doesn't require using melee WSs.
Piercing options for COR in Odyssey feel gimpy to us because our Savages and Leadens are overpowered, and Last Stand on say a Lamia looks like "normal" damage, which feels like crap when dropping 40k savages without a GEO is par for the course. When it comes to Lamia Halos in there, I typically either go Rostam/Blurred+1 with Fomalhaut and Last Stand, or if the Accompanying Nostos family is not CJ'able, I just work on them and leave a piercing family to those better suited for it (mostly polearm users, let's be honest).
By fillerbunny9 2021-09-16 15:12:20
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Oh I should specify that despite melee for TP, I am using last stand as the WS, hence not using tauret. Do you find tauret evisceration better than using last stand in ody?
I'm sorry that you "despise" meleeing for TP, but the harsh reality is that unless you're riding Triple Shot, there's just no comparison to the gains. And of course, meleeing for TP doesn't require using melee WSs.
Piercing options for COR in Odyssey feel gimpy to us because our Savages and Leadens are overpowered, and Last Stand on say a Lamia looks like "normal" damage, which feels like crap when dropping 40k savages without a GEO is par for the course. When it comes to Lamia Halos in there, I typically either go Rostam/Blurred+1 with Fomalhaut and Last Stand, or if the Accompanying Nostos family is not CJ'able, I just work on them and leave a piercing family to those better suited for it (mostly polearm users, let's be honest).
he said despite, not despise. ^^;
By Asura.Trumpet 2021-09-16 15:21:44
So blurred > gleti for offhand when meleeing for last stand? Makes sense. Definitely agree on leaving things to a better suited DD for stuff like Lamia, trying to optimize a bit for when I have to fight them.
I'd been swapping to fomal last stands for birds/bats on high floors as well for the self light thinking they're naturally weaker to piercing, do yall find it better just sticking with savage on birds/bats?
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-16 15:27:05
Last stand does perfectly fine on lamia. While you can certainly leave them to the other dd's, it's not hard at all to chain stands together and make light or radiance skillchains.
Quote: I'd been swapping to fomal last stands for birds/bats on high floors as well for the self light thinking they're naturally weaker to piercing, do yall find it better just sticking with savage on birds/bats?
Birds and bats take 25% bonus damage from piercing. Stick to last stand on them. It's better than savage there.
By Genjosanzo 2021-09-17 03:00:36
So, I've been using the gear sets to help setup my Corsair. But I have to admit the weapons shown are confusing me sometimes.
So I was hoping for some help in understanding what to use where.
I've got the Naegling, Tauret, Blurred Knife +1, 2x Lanun Knives (one is already augmeneted for Phantom Roll), and I've also got a NQ Demersal Degen.
So, to start. Right now I'm using the Naegling/Blurred Knife +1 for Melee TP/Savage Blade. Should I stay with that, or should I be switching the Blurred to the Tauret for both Melee TP and Savage? Or even the Degen? (And I know I'd need to +1/Augment it first, obviously)
For ranged TP/WS, I'm assuming that would just be determined by whatever ranged WS I'm using? So Naeg/Tauret if I'm using Wildfire, Lanun/Tauret for Leaden, and Lanun/Nusku for Last Stand?
(Also! One other thing that confused the heck out of me. When the guide lists out the daggers, it says for Rostam "Augments will push this dagger into B.I.S. main hand for Evisceration (Path B), melee TP + Leaden spam (Path B) and ranged TP (Path A)." Note the bolded part. But then when I went down to the Leaden Set, it specifically says underneath "Rostam: Path A". So is it Path A or Path B?!?)
By SimonSes 2021-09-17 03:34:42
"Augments will push this dagger into B.I.S. main hand for Evisceration (Path B), melee TP + Leaden spam (Path B) and ranged TP (Path A)." Note the bolded part. But then when I went down to the Leaden Set, it specifically says underneath "Rostam: Path A". So is it Path A or Path B?!?)
Its very close, Afaik path B is better if you melee in Malignance, path A is better/even if you melee in MA gear.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Creaucent 2021-09-17 05:19:22
"The following sets assume that you're ranged TP'ing. If meleeing for TP, then main and sub will favor Rostam/Lanun Path B and or Blurred Knife +1."
You also missed this bolded part.
By Genjosanzo 2021-09-17 12:58:47
"The following sets assume that you're ranged TP'ing. If meleeing for TP, then main and sub will favor Rostam/Lanun Path B and or Blurred Knife +1."
You also missed this bolded part.
Honestly, I didn't even completely read that whole paragraph above the Ranged sets. I skimmed it and it only seemed to be describing the WS, so there didn't seem to be anything important in there. Oops! LOL
So, seems like I can keep using Naeg/Blurred for melee then. Tauret seems to be mainly for Magic-based WS, both physical and ranged. And I'll Path A my other Lanun knife for using with the ranged WS.
By Vaerix 2021-09-18 15:48:11
"Augments will push this dagger into B.I.S. main hand for Evisceration (Path B), melee TP + Leaden spam (Path B) and ranged TP (Path A)." Note the bolded part. But then when I went down to the Leaden Set, it specifically says underneath "Rostam: Path A". So is it Path A or Path B?!?)
Its very close, Afaik path B is better if you melee in Malignance, path A is better/even if you melee in MA gear.
I don't really find this entirely convincing, I often melee in MA gear utilizing path B and its absolutely worth using over path A. Yes, you could get a followup attack and utilize your marginal DA/TA values from accessories to pull out 5-6 attacks in a round with a massive stp bonus, but I find follow-up can often insta fill tp with a strong TA value from a MA based tp set. 6-8 attacks on an attack round with follow-up proc is quite good.
Not to mention Path B cuts down on tp you give enemies. I've always been of the stance melee path B full stop, ranged path A full stop.
Your mileage may vary.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-09-18 16:39:01
a free 12% -DT just for having rolls up is nothing to sneeze at, either.