Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Odin
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user: Creaucent
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By Odin.Creaucent 2021-01-16 10:42:15
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Server: Hades
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user: Dade
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By Hades.Dade 2021-01-16 15:56:04
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yall got any numbers to back that up? when I added rostamB to spreadsheet forever ago it had B/tauret beating blurred+1.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-01-16 19:38:58
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Hades.Dade said: »
yall got any numbers to back that up? when I added rostamB to spreadsheet forever ago it had B/tauret beating blurred+1.

A spreadsheet is likely going to look at that setup difference and compare them apples to apples- a simulation of consistently using Leaden Salute at the same TP for example.

But that's not how it would play out in reality. In reality, the Blurred+1 offhand is going to result in more swings per round, meaning you consistently WS after the same number of attack rounds each time, you'll use Leaden at a higher TP than if you were offhanding Tauret. This also can result in more total WSs used over time with the Blurred+1, and your overall dealt damage will be greater.

If you're comparing the results of just the WS damage, of course at the same TP offhanding Tauret will look like more damage. The question is WS frequency vs WS potency.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-01-20 11:50:50
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SimonSes said: »
Shiva.Arislan said: »
SimonSes said: »
Idk, if Melee needs to frequently turn and RNGs can do constant damage, I dont feel like melee could beat RNGs by much or at all.

On Demhar video killing time was 3min, but 2nd RNG did half of Demhar's damage and Demhar was using Gandiva (Armageddon should be better) and COR damage doesnt look good too, so probably not bis either. On video with 2xCOR + RNG (with Arma this time, but /DRG), killing time took ~2min, but again I dont think thats optimal. Optimal would be COR + 2RNGs using Arma and /war and WS only at 2000+ This should go under 2min killing time (I could be wrong tho) and the fastest melee killing time I have seen is those JPs using 2 MNKs and mewing lullaby and it was 1:38min.

3x COR should theoretically beat everything riding fulltime cascading tripshots and Arma R15 AM3.

Problem is, good luck finding ranged optimized CORs these days, with Arma, and a tank who could hold hate off all that.

I actually wonder if COR can beat RNG. RNG has massive offensive advantages over COR for Arma build.

1. 16% higher max pdif (with JSE neck)
2. Velocity shot adding at least 11% DPS
3. Sharpshot boosting cap of racc to 99% (only 1 min duration but its a lot in zerg like this)
4. Probably the most important +53% crit damage
5. I guess Barrage can also be consider as an advantage in putting AM3 up.

I dont think all of that can be beat by just triple shot being better than double shot.

EDIT: I actually wrote this ~4 hours ago, but I havent posted, because wanted to make calc for COR white damage, similar that I did for RNG, but Im a little confused, so moving this to COR thread.

Ok in order to finish this, I need to exactly know how aiming delay works, because I found too many info about it.

Assuming I want to get value in second and we foget Rapid Shot exist to make it easier is it:
(Ranged Weapon Delay x (1 - Snapshot) x (1 - Velocity Shot))/114 + 1? EDIT: That +1 being forced 1 sec delay after shot.

example for Armageddon and 70% snapshot and 34% Velocity Shot:
(582*0.3*0.66)/114+1=2.01 sec

Is that 2.01 sec time between two ranged attacks, assuming I have perfect timing to innitiate next ranged attack?

Please help.
Leonardo da Clippi
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1463
By Asura.Carrotchan 2021-01-20 11:58:20
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Odin.Creaucent said: »
"The following sets assume that you're ranged TP'ing. If meleeing for TP, then main and sub will favor Rostam/Lanun Path B and or Blurred Knife +1."

The above is from the guide and r15 Demersal Degen +1 is also an option for harder stuff giving a lot more acc then blurred knife +1 for a little bit of delay.
it's possible that I'm just dumb, but with COR having B+ skill with dagger than B- sword, I thought it was a minimal acc increase with demersal over blurred? unless you meant macc?
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-01-20 12:10:37
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Asura.Carrotchan said: »
Odin.Creaucent said: »
"The following sets assume that you're ranged TP'ing. If meleeing for TP, then main and sub will favor Rostam/Lanun Path B and or Blurred Knife +1."

The above is from the guide and r15 Demersal Degen +1 is also an option for harder stuff giving a lot more acc then blurred knife +1 for a little bit of delay.
it's possible that I'm just dumb, but with COR having B+ skill with dagger than B- sword, I thought it was a minimal acc increase with demersal over blurred? unless you meant macc?

Degen is more of acc option for Savage WS accuracy, but it still has like 17 acc over blurred knife+1 in offhand, so it's not that minimal.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-01-20 13:26:23
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Seriously guys help me understand this aiming delay, because Im getting some RIDICULOUS white damage DPS right now with how I understand it works >.>
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2021-01-20 14:19:04
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Asura.Carrotchan said: »
Odin.Creaucent said: »
"The following sets assume that you're ranged TP'ing. If meleeing for TP, then main and sub will favor Rostam/Lanun Path B and or Blurred Knife +1."

The above is from the guide and r15 Demersal Degen +1 is also an option for harder stuff giving a lot more acc then blurred knife +1 for a little bit of delay.
it's possible that I'm just dumb, but with COR having B+ skill with dagger than B- sword, I thought it was a minimal acc increase with demersal over blurred? unless you meant macc?

The acc+45 applies to both main and offhand as well as acc+7 from the DEX+10. So vs the knife+1 it offers 32 more acc for your main hand and for the off hand, like Simon pointed out, about 17 acc. The macc+45 is just icing on the cake for stuff like wave 3.
Server: Asura
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user: Tawhoya
Posts: 387
By Asura.Tawhoya 2021-01-20 14:52:59
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@Simon, I'm not too great at the math aspects, but for delay values I go to the FFXICalculator app. Perhaps you could use it to match values? That's all I got.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-01-21 06:28:34
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Ok since I dont see anything or anyone saying that ranged delay works differently..

COR Ranged "White" DPS calc
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2021-01-21 16:43:20
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Ok, I usually don't do stuff like this, but I finally farmed my Archon Ring cause I was informed that that ring is the best for Leaden Salute. However, I'm a pessimist so I decided to do some testing to see if it really was best.

Mind you, I didn't do the most "scientific" testing, and my gear isn't the best, and I'm not Master COR either.

I'm also sorry if this has already been proven by somebody else. I didn't look hard to see if this has been touched on.

My testing is to see which combo of the following 3 rings would produce the best damage:

archon ring
Epaminondas's ring
Dingir ring


Solo (no trusts)
No Food
Gearswap unloaded
COR/NIN (JP 491)
5 Leaden Salutes of each combo of 2 rings (Archon/Epa, Epa/Dingir, Dingir/Archon)
Fire Day on all 15 shots (no day bonus)
Mob Target: Huge Hornet (Level -10
No weather.
Each LS was shot between 11.5 - 12.5
Each shot was made at 3000 TP
Only rolls on each shot was SAM and Tactician's Roll

Naegling/Fettering Blade
Fomalhaut/Chrono Bullet
Pixie Hairpin +1
Commodore Charm +1
Hecate's Earring (Moonshade would be worthless in this testing)
Friomisi Earring
Lanun Frac +3
Herculean Gloves (Augments - MAB+20/WSD+4)
Camulus's Mantle (Augments - AGI+30/MAcc +20/MDMG +20/WSD+10/DT-5)
Eschan Stone
Herculean Trousers - (Augments - AGI+15/Accuracy +13/Attack+13/MAcc+20/MAB +20/TH +2/SIRD+8%)
Lanun Bottes +3

All 5 shots from each ring combo were the same, so average = data. I know that 5 shots is a very small sample size, but since there was zero differences between shots, I think it's very reasonable that 100 shots each would be the same, barring resists.

Epa/Dingir - 33727
Arch/Dingir - 33684
Arch/Epa - 33324

Again, I'm sorry if this information has already been posted that, apparently, Epa/Dingir is the best combo of the 3, again, I was going by what I was told that Archon Ring is BiS for Leaden, but apparently it isn't. Damage is very comparable though.

Thank you for reading this.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2021-01-21 17:40:41
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Archon is only better than Epa if you have more than 28 WSD in your set. You only have 24% WSD, so Epa is going to win. If you had herc legs with WSD too, it would be break even at 4% WSD.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-01-21 18:02:40
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Again, I'm sorry if this information has already been posted that, apparently, Epa/Dingir is the best combo of the 3, again, I was going by what I was told that Archon Ring is BiS for Leaden, but apparently it isn't. Damage is very comparable though.

There is one thing about Epam that you need to consider. -10sTP means your TP return on WS will be lower by 16TP. While this might sound like its not much, it means your next Leaden will be fire off with 16TP less (unless you are in some scenario where you are only shooting from 3000TP and WS frequency doesnt matter at all). 16TP is around 0.6~0.8% increase in Leaden Damage (depends at what TP you do it). IF you apply that to your damage from Arch/Dingir, you get 33886~33953 which beats Epa/Dingir.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2021-01-21 18:11:22
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What Simon said and we dont really have any where in the set unlike say DRK with a scythe to a add in 10 STP.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-01-21 18:25:11
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Odin.Creaucent said: »
What Simon said and we dont really have any where in the set unlike say DRK with a scythe to a add in 10 STP.

It doesnt really even matter if you can make up that 10sTP, its always gonna be 10sTP less.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2021-01-21 18:54:01
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Archon is only better than Epa if you have more than 28 WSD in your set. You only have 24% WSD, so Epa is going to win. If you had herc legs with WSD too, it would be break even at 4% WSD.
Yeah, I was informed of that in my Discord about that. If I actually used Carmine Finger Gauntlets +1 over those Herc Gloves, those ring setups will probably change also.

SimonSes said: »
There is one thing about Epam that you need to consider. -10sTP means your TP return on WS will be lower by 16TP. While this might sound like its not much, it means your next Leaden will be fire off with 16TP less (unless you are in some scenario where you are only shooting from 3000TP and WS frequency doesnt matter at all). 16TP is around 0.6~0.8% increase in Leaden Damage (depends at what TP you do it). IF you apply that to your damage from Arch/Dingir, you get 33886~33953 which beats Epa/Dingir.
Well, another thing to consider is that I'm using Fomalhaut and Moonshade Earring for TP of >2250 too.

Honestly, I'm like, maybe 4th or 5th best COR in my shell. I'm usually not there as COR during events.

I guess I was trying to help the discussion a bit about those 3 rings, but honestly, it all depends on the gear. If I had BiS for everything, I can make an honest analysis between rings.

That's why I posted my LS gear so I can figure out if I was being stupid about my ideas or not. Like I said to my shell, I rather be told that I'm stupid and learn from it than assume something and be wrong without knowing or analyzing, and finding out much later that I was wrong and I never asked or figured it out myself.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: quro
Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2021-01-25 19:25:42
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I've been wondering - how do people handle Armageddon AM3 sets in their luas? I'm using Selendrile's as a base, specifically.

Would I need to define a new shooting mode and switch to it manually, or is it possible to detect as a buff?
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zaps
Posts: 194
By Lakshmi.Zaps 2021-01-25 19:35:30
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if the aftermath logic is in the logic file, and you have a weapon state named "Armageddon"

I'm pretty sure you can do something like:

sets.midcast.RA.Armageddon.AM = { gear here}

and im also pretty sure you can do....

sets.midcast.RA.Armageddon.AM.Acc (ect ect)

but this is me guessing without looking at my lua's sooooo grain of salt
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2021-01-25 22:36:25
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Asura.Essylt said: »
Would I need to define a new shooting mode and switch to it manually, or is it possible to detect as a buff?

Detect it as a buff:

if buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] and == "Armageddon" then
    equip(Your Set)
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zaps
Posts: 194
By Lakshmi.Zaps 2021-01-25 22:46:49
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this section of selindriles cor lua (the part most people dont want to touch) has...
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
	if and buff:contains('Aftermath') then
		if ( == 'Death Penalty' and buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3']) or ( == 'Armageddon' and (buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.1'] or buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.2'] or buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'])) then

which detects aftermath and creates the custom ranged group "AM"

so in theory you just need to create the set i listed above and fill with gear
sets.midcast.RA.Armageddon.AM = { gear here}

that should equip during RA when you have AM up
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: quro
Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2021-01-26 00:41:58
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Thanks! Should be much easier than flipping everything manually.
Posts: 12
By yarnox 2021-01-29 22:03:25
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Lua question:

Can I spam my RA hotkey and most luas will be ok? Or do I have to still time it when shot goes off hit hotkey again.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Xurion
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By Bismarck.Xurion 2021-01-30 14:02:28
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yarnox said: »
Lua question:

Can I spam my RA hotkey and most luas will be ok? Or do I have to still time it when shot goes off hit hotkey again.
Most (all?) of the Gearswaps I have seen will not deal well with the spamming of an ability. Similar to how you can't spam avatar blood pacts on SMN with Astral Conduit.

It shouldn't take much to test however.
Posts: 464
By drakefs 2021-01-30 18:33:14
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Bismarck.Xurion said: »
yarnox said: »
Lua question:

Can I spam my RA hotkey and most luas will be ok? Or do I have to still time it when shot goes off hit hotkey again.
Most (all?) of the Gearswaps I have seen will not deal well with the spamming of an ability. Similar to how you can't spam avatar blood pacts on SMN with Astral Conduit.

It shouldn't take much to test however.

Motes SMN lua has a built in catch to stop gear changes while Astral Conduit is active and the pet is midaction.

Not sure if you can do this for RA.
Posts: 12
By yarnox 2021-01-30 21:03:26
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So do you guys use the auto RA addon? or time it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2021-01-30 22:53:53
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AutoRA sucks. Shoot manually.
Posts: 12
By yarnox 2021-01-31 14:35:29
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thanks all
Posts: 17
By probot85 2021-02-03 11:38:53
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Hi all. I remember watching a video of someone rocking a Conserve TP set and it looked interesting but I cannot for the life of me find it. Does anyone here rock a Conserve TP set with their Savage Blades? If I recall the person using it indicated that you do a bit less damage but he does 2 Savage Blades for every 1 that others were doing.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2021-02-03 13:00:11
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probot85 said: »
Hi all. I remember watching a video of someone rocking a Conserve TP set and it looked interesting but I cannot for the life of me find it. Does anyone here rock a Conserve TP set with their Savage Blades? If I recall the person using it indicated that you do a bit less damage but he does 2 Savage Blades for every 1 that others were doing.

Thanks in advance.

Doesn't make sense, conserve tp adds avg 100tp to your return tp. Even with 100% rate it would maybe save half of attack round to next WS at best. Also I don't see any ilvl gear with Conserve tp on COR, not even from augments. Am I missing something.
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-02-03 13:02:08
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One thing you are missing is it's for COR, but still don't see how it's worth gearing for
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