Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By eeternal 2020-09-28 17:34:29
never really used wildfire and not an expert on its damage but I really doubt it would do 55k-70k+ nothing compares to R15 DP even in W3
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By Hades.Dade 2020-09-28 18:43:38
never really used wildfire and not an expert on its damage but I really doubt it would do 55k-70k+ nothing compares to R15 DP even in W3
It depends on group makeup and buffs, in an ideal situation you aren't conflicting with another DP cor/have enough macc/getting thren & gambit on NMs DP is better. Any time you are having any of those issues, R15 arma may do better for overall group dps assuming can get fire weather.
I really like arma for wave2 boss ranged strat for physical dmg since with 2 cors can pretty much ride triple shot all fight.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Suteru 2020-09-28 21:54:08
Am I the only one in an LS that doesn't gear Wave3 completely around COR?
No idea how you're getting those numbers.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-28 22:32:27
Am I the only one in an LS that doesn't gear Wave3 completely around COR?
No idea how you're getting those numbers.
I've done runs both built around heavy DDs/physical damage, as well as runs built around ranged magical damage/melee for TP. The latter is infinitely faster outside of the most extreme groups with several near perfect heavy DDs.
Not talking the difference between success and failure, but the difference between going directly for wave3 for the win, or killing every NM in wave2 AND a wave3 win. And again, please no need for "well my group does fine with physical damage"- I'm sure you do! Not going to say its impossible because I've been on runs that do that quite well!
At the end of the day, most groups do wave three the way they do it based around the members of their group and their strongest jobs. So if your shell has 2 great rangers and 3 great corsairs, melee for TP/magical WSs. If your shell has amazing MNKs and a couple insane 2handers, do that.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2020-09-29 01:36:52
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Not in the least. Situations can change, hybrid needs can arise.
Like what? I'm honestly struggling to come up with a scenario where you'd have to use Wildfire and Leaden or Last Stand in the same fight without changing weapons.
By Afania 2020-09-29 02:04:07
I know more than a couple of career THFs never bother with Vajra. And more than a couple of cor ended up getting an armageddon when they see the parse in action.
And this suppose to be an argument lol? I could give you several reasons why you dont see many Vajras but you see Armageddons. Biggest would be COR is bandwagon jobs and being bandwagoned also by rich players, they simply do all REMAs for it even for small niche gains or even just for completion sake. THF is usually only bandwagoned for farming outdated events or in full buff scenario. Vajra is more of a weapon for THF players that use THF for many things. Not only providing significant light SC, but also being by far the best weapon for solo harder things with Trusts ie: Odyssey C (because of AM3 synergy with Malignance and Mandalic being the best WS in low attack scenario). Most THF players dont even make REMA and just use Tauret.
I said career THF, never said bandwagon THF. If Vajra is that appealing then at least career THFs would build them like mad and advocate it on THF forums.
Vajra has any of these?
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »AM3 paired with quad shot -check.
A non-dark based elemental WS that actually deals damage -check.
Said WS has beautiful hate properties for a job that these days builds hate way too easily -check.
Said WS even self-chains? -check.
Weapon that laughs in the face of Amnesia? -check.
Dual use if you ever level RNG? -check.
Build a 300m+ niche weapon just for stronger fusion WS and compare it with another multi purpose weapon like armageddon, give me a break lol.
Quote: COR is bandwagon jobs and being bandwagoned also by rich players, they simply do all REMAs for it even for small niche gains or even just for completion sake.
Lol don't be silly. First you said bandwagon, then you said people would bandwagon a job and build niche REMA. These contradict each other. Real bandwagoners only build 1 REMA and move on.
SAM were bandwagoned in 2014, Ive never seen any bandwagoners build all REMA for it back then, just koga.
THF were bandwagoned in 2015 and vajra train never happen.
BST were bandwagoned in 2016, never seen tons of guttlers.
BLU were bandwagoned in 2016 after BST and most build an almace then stop there.
SMN were bandwagoned in 2017, did bandwagoners build anything outside of nirvana?
Your argument makes 0 sense and it's actually funny to read. Get real, people don't build Vajra because it's too niche. Armageddon isn't THAT niche. Fact.
never really used wildfire and not an expert on its damage but I really doubt it would do 55k-70k+ nothing compares to R15 DP even in W3
When we said wave w3 we meant volte, not fetter/boss.
Leaden aren't doing 55k-70k without gambit/threnody/rayke because volte takes reduced darkness damage.
By Afania 2020-09-29 02:22:45
Am I the only one in an LS that doesn't gear Wave3 completely around COR?
No idea how you're getting those numbers.
Then you should tell your LS change strategy and gear wave3 around COR. Magic damage works extremely well on all w3 and you only really need 1 bubble(malaise) for it as long as your cor has rostam/+2 neck/full time stewpot and put warlocks roll into your rotations.
SB hit like maybe 25kish on volte, maybe 30k if your party put a lot of effort on def- debuffs. Wildfire does 45k with malaise on volte. Leaden does 50-60k on fetter and aeolian edge is 20k AoE dmg=100k/WS on 5 mobs.
Basically, COR with malaise hits several times harder than cor without. Since you can put GEOs in tank pt, I don't see the reason not to add extra damage by adding malaise in the buff list.
By Whynez 2020-09-29 02:32:50
I went out and got all the gear needed for BiS wildfire set and my LS switched to only bringing one Geo and doing more melee clears lol. We sometimes do the RNG/COR oriented runs, but method depends on who needs clears and what jobs are available.
By Afania 2020-09-29 02:45:50
I went out and got all the gear needed for BiS wildfire set and my LS switched to only bringing one Geo and doing more melee clears lol. We sometimes do the RNG/COR oriented runs, but method depends on who needs clears and what jobs are available.
Huh? Cor can DD with every melee setup and still get magical buffs.
It would look like this:
Pt2 same as pt
Geo in tank pt does malaise, geo in melee pt does usual melee/defensive buffs. You don't need to do all cor RNG setup to get malaise.
By geigei 2020-09-29 02:50:35
A bit offtopic but: why you people keep mentioning w3? i havent touch that since the day they came out after clear, what's the point?
By Afania 2020-09-29 02:53:26
A bit offtopic but: why you people keep mentioning w3? i havent touch that since the day they came out after clear, what's the point?
Merc/farm gil(if you clear at high lv of efficiency)/get new people clear. I think my LS does weekly W3 since 2018 and never stop. There's often 20+ people wanting to join too. So it's overall a good and profitable event IMO.
By SimonSes 2020-09-29 02:58:04
Build a 300m+ mythic just for stronger fusion WS and call it game changing, give me a break lol.
You havent said its big game changer, you have said "It's a bigger game changer than vast majority of "No.2 REMA" because it covers different elemental damage."
Arma is nice to have because it boosts your damage in niche scenario where Wildfire is better than Leaden and you dont have buffs to use Savage or want to avoid too many people using Savage. People mostly do Armageddon for 2 reasons. Its good for Wave 3 fomors (tho people are fine without it too, just using Savage) or because they have other guns and they want to complete the set. If wave 3 wouldnt be part of endgame, none would care to build Arma for practical reasons.
That's why you dont see people talking about Vajra. It's usefulness is not connected with any big endgame event right now.
Also stop being silly with that "fusion WS" meme you are trying to make. First of all I see nothing funny in how important it is to have skillchain versatility. THF has no other fusion WS with Dagger and Sword. So as much ridiculous as you are trying to make it look like, having strong fusion WS to make Light is very useful. Second of all you keep ignoring (I guess it doesnt fit in your meme narration) that Mandalic Stab has build in 75% attack bonus, which makes it the best WS for low buff scenario, especially for harder solo stuff where you would also use Malignance and Vajra AM3 would mix perfectly with it. Vajra also has stronger SA or TA Rudra than Twashtar, assuming you dont use Cento offhand, so again something more like lowman, not more popular to talk about on ffxiah full buff scenario.
Also point me to that career THFs who dont build Vajra and lets ask them why they are not doing it. I bet most of them would simply tell you that they also main other jobs and has bigger priority items on their list for those jobs. I am career THF and Im building Vajra and definitely see value in it. On the other hand Im also main COR and I dont have Armageddon and never really needed it for anything so far (Im building it now, but more for RNG than COR).
By Whynez 2020-09-29 03:17:07
We’ve been using a BST instead of a 2nd GEO in the tank party. Geo in DD party usually lays down frailty and entrusts torpor. Annoying for me, but we clear efficiently enough with the set up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2020-09-29 03:19:00
Wildfire does 45k with malaise on volte
If that's with Arma, what's the realistic number I can get without it, assuming BiS/near-BiS set, full support and using DP as the weapon?
By Afania 2020-09-29 03:31:24
Also point me to that career THFs who dont build Vajra and lets ask them why they are not doing it. I bet most of them would simply tell you that they also main other jobs and has bigger priority items on their list for those jobs.
And that's why I find your talking with you about discussions is annoying as ***, mostly because you like to make assumptions based on your preference. It's biased as ***.
The real answer? Mythic quest sucks and THF can mostly live without having kick *** fusion WS. Very rarely a strategy build around THF doing fusion WS, so doing mythic WS just for is a lot of work for very little gain.
Quoting the answer itself. You would probably see me quit COR before LoH tell you they put another job on higher priority than THF lol. It's actually kind of funny to read your faulty assumptions everytime you argue.
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Ideal scenarios:
Pure WS spam = Twash wins
If you need some SC but dark is fine= Twash wins
If you need to vary your WS's and do light/dark = Aeneas wins
If you lack R15 = Aeneas wins
And if you can pick outside of Aeneas and Twashtar, Vajra is actually best for light WS and also for low pdif scenario.
Yeah but I'm not going to make someone suffer a mythic line for a niche/not-ideal-at-all weapon scenario.
If wave 3 wouldnt be part of endgame, none would care to build Arma for practical reasons.
I doubt that's true, since I know more than a couple of people owned armageddon III before w3 came out in 2018, and used them in ranged setup, not just w3. Chief was one of them, there are a many others that I know of, used armageddon in ranged setup.
I also used armageddon heavily in 2015-2017 when BLM setup was meta. Wildfire replaces BLM setup and make cor a good substitute. Highest racc to hit mobs without acc buffs, fire damage against certain mob etc.
Really it's not just w3. And you are just wrong.
By comparison I've met maybe less than 5 people in past few years with Vajra. In fact Ive seen less Vajra owner than terp owner.
Overall armageddon has much greater versatility than "strong fusion WS". Nor it's just a w3 weapon if you look at it's stat as a whole. You are just biased because you make decision that way so you assumed everyone else should make the same decision as you.
By Afania 2020-09-29 03:35:06
Wildfire does 45k with malaise on volte
If that's with Arma, what's the realistic number I can get without it, assuming BiS/near-BiS set, full support and using DP as the weapon?
If you use leaden on volte it's going to be very random. It can do full dmg 50k+ sometimes, when threnody and rayke is on. But then it drops to something as bad as 10k or less when they aren't on.
Wildfire is believed to have higher macc back in the day, so with just 1 malaise it's a much safer bet to use wf.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-29 03:51:28
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Not in the least. Situations can change, hybrid needs can arise.
Like what? I'm honestly struggling to come up with a scenario where you'd have to use Wildfire and Leaden or Last Stand in the same fight without changing weapons.
While in Wave3, if I've got Arma already equipped for primarily wildfire reasons, and we're fighting a RUN NM. I'd rather not be swapping guns/weapons more than I have to for rolls, and going from Arma WF into Arma Last Stand makes a helluva lot more sense than going DP Leaden into DP Last Stand. Or replace that RUN with a PLD while in a Savage Blade build. Same principle applies.
Solo/Lowman work where varying weaponskills for skillchain purposes. I feel much more versatile maining Arma over DP, and I feel a helluva lot safer maining Arma over Fomalhaut.
Again I'll repeat what I said on the last page- its not what I'd suggest building first, but that doesn't mean its not worth it.
A DRK can "get by" with just greatsword builds and a Caladbolg, but a complete DRK has both GSWD and Scythe builds, so they build a Liberator or the like. Same goes for CORs and RNGs- you don't "need" an Arma, but wow once you have it, gear properly for it, and find the situations where it can excel, you'll never regret it.
By SimonSes 2020-09-29 03:54:46
You are just biased because you make decision that way so you assumed everyone else should make the same decision as you.
This is the funniest and most hypocritical thing you ever wrote lol. Im done talking with you, its the biggest waste of time. Not ever responding to you will be a true game changer for me for sure.
By Afania 2020-09-29 03:57:43
This is registered Vajra 119 III user on AH.com
Registered user to armageddon III
Nearly double amount of difference and many finished the gun before w3 even came out before cor become the bandwagon job, and yet you are here arguing silly things.
This is the funniest and most hypocritical thing you ever wrote lol.
So said someone with a habit of stating opinion as fact.
If wave 3 wouldnt be part of endgame, none would care to build Arma for practical reasons.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-29 04:01:53
haha I'm listed twice on the Arma list! ;)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2020-09-29 04:33:22
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »While in Wave3, if I've got Arma already equipped for primarily wildfire reasons, and we're fighting a RUN NM. I'd rather not be swapping guns/weapons more than I have to for rolls, and going from Arma WF into Arma Last Stand Personal preference aside, why would you simply not swap guns in this case? In a full buff situation building TP back up should only take a few seconds.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: » "get by" with just greatsword builds and a Caladbolg, but a complete DRK has both GSWD and Scythe builds, so they build a Liberator or the like. This seems like a completely unrelated scenario to me since scythes and gswords are 2 entirely separate classes of weapons with different WS sets.
If you use leaden on volte I meant if using wildfire.
By Afania 2020-09-29 08:17:33
If you use leaden on volte I meant if using wildfire.
Why'd you use DP for wildfire? For macc? It only has mdmg +217, and TP generated per QD isn't particularly high.
By Asura.Trumpet 2020-09-29 08:31:57
Why'd you use DP for wildfire? For macc? It only has mdmg +217, and TP generated per QD isn't particularly high.
Assuming they're in similar boat as me, my gun options rn are r15 DP, r1 fomal, anarchy +2 and compensator (lol). Would fomal be better for the macc & stp?
Actually, I say that, I might still have a moly lying around in mog safe. I should test that one out too.
By geigei 2020-09-29 08:49:38
What bullets you using with Arma tho, Afania?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-09-29 09:17:10
I can only speak to my personal experience but as a COR whose only REMA gun is Arma, I haven't found hardly any situations where it wasn't sufficient for what I or my group was trying to do, and situations where it really shined. AM3 triple shot just feels so good when you have a situation where you can really turn it loose.
Would I have been better served making DP instead? Probably, but at the time I liked the possibility of having it transfer over to RNG, the fact that aeonics were out of my reach at the time I made it and it was an all purpose gun. Leaden damage with Arma is no slouch either.
Saying it shouldn't be the first gun you make is fair, but if you are a newer-ish player that can easily solo farm it (the arma/masa/calad path is a joke) it's a good option for all situations.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2020-09-29 09:29:55
Why'd you use DP for wildfire? For macc? It only has mdmg +217, and TP generated per QD isn't particularly high.
Assuming they're in similar boat as me, my gun options rn are r15 DP, r1 fomal, anarchy +2 and compensator (lol). Would fomal be better for the macc & stp?
Actually, I say that, I might still have a moly lying around in mog safe. I should test that one out too.
Exactly this. I just want to know what sort of DPS increase would I be looking at with an Arma vs. my current setup in a situation where I have to use Wildfire.
Saying it shouldn't be the first gun you make is fair, but if you are a newer-ish player that can easily solo farm it (the arma/masa/calad path is a joke) it's a good option for all situations.
Actually, the impression I got from this thread is that Armageddon is the gun you should make first. Especially if you can only afford one weapon. It seems like a great general purpose gun - decent at everything you'd need to do as a cor and considerably cheaper to make than a DP/Foma combo.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2020-09-29 09:44:02
Here's a question: Why is Malignance 'mid tier' in the guide? It's very very time-consuming to acquire (I still only have 1/5) and some of the mid-tier stuff that was there previously is more worth the time it takes.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kusare 2020-09-29 09:46:46
it's not difficult to acquire, just time consuming.
thf can do ve or e depending on gear and eventually get it all.
By Asura.Trumpet 2020-09-29 10:09:45
Yeah I would love if one of yall who had the r15 arma could run outside adoulin with /sch for fire weather and do a wildfire with it and then a wildfire with DP for a rough number comparison. I mess around in the calcs but I never trust my spreadsheet numbers as much as just in game validation.
For comparison, vs some random wasps by the home point in ceizak, I had WF doing 19399 with Fomal, 19762 with DP, and 20565 with Moly, all with firestorm. DP Leaden does 65k (@3k for consistency) on those same mobs w weather.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2020-09-29 10:16:22
I have both r15 DP and r15 arma, and in wave3 dyna DP with leaden does way more dps than arma, not even close. Especially with gambit on. With path b rostam/malignance and full buffs (bog geo-acumen/indi-focus/2xmarch 2mads/etc), you get tp absurdly fast that it's almost impossible not to get TP overflow.
I only got arma so I can once in a blue moon go "heheh.. beeg numbers..." on RNG.