Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By Afania 2020-05-03 19:55:03
Has 120+ higher dps than adhemar+1 but lower meva/mdef. Basically light DD version of argosy +1.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2020-05-03 20:09:47
Has 120+ higher dps than adhemar+1 but lower meva/mdef. Basically light DD version of argosy +1.
Honestly there are 0 situations where I’d use either argosy or thaumas.
Without the meva or mdef on ilvl gear it’s completely noticeable and it’s more likely to get 1-shotted.
Even when fighting fodder just being able to resist a paralyze or stun would trump that extra 120dps imo.
By Afania 2020-05-03 20:15:23
Has 120+ higher dps than adhemar+1 but lower meva/mdef. Basically light DD version of argosy +1.
Honestly there are 0 situations where I’d use either argosy or thaumas.
Without the meva or mdef on ilvl gear it’s completely noticeable and it’s more likely to get 1-shotted.
Even when fighting fodder just being able to resist a paralyze or stun would trump that extra 120dps imo.
"0 situations" is exaggerating.
If I'm fight something with AOE magic DMG or debuffs moves I'd swap it out, and there is bg wiki that tells you exactly what TP move each NM has. It's not meant to be used full time but you CAN get a few DPS increase in situations that magic DMG/debuffs just isn't coming.
I don't need 5 random people on the forum giving me lectures by telling me not to use it. I can make such decisions myself.
Thanks but no thanks.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2020-05-03 21:44:03
"0 situations" is exaggerating.
If I'm fight something with AOE magic DMG or debuffs moves I'd swap it out, and there is bg wiki that tells you exactly what TP move each NM has. It's not meant to be used full time but you CAN get a few DPS increase in situations that magic DMG/debuffs just isn't coming.
I don't need 5 random people on the forum giving me lectures by telling me not to use it. I can make such decisions myself.
Thanks but no thanks.
You seem like you would be a hit at parties.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 172
By Asura.Zidaner 2020-05-04 00:02:26
Everyone in this thaumas vs. malignance makes a good point. Just agree to disagree and do it your own way.
No matter how you look at it if you died it was the WHM fault anyway.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-05-04 00:05:54
"DPS loss" in a way that it affects DPS in real gameplay, less about actual math behind it.
I already know /DNC has higher dps on paper if samba is up. In real gameplay putting up samba can be the difference between doing 4 WS in a zerg before the NM dies or 5. And that 1 WS difference becomes noticable on parses.
I agree with you about samba being niche at best, and arguably just a TP-sink. For the most part, any other DD is gearing to hit capped delay reduction without accounting for samba - and I don't know many people who are really adjusting their gear in a particular fight based on /DNC haste samba.
That being said... an undervalued aspect of /DNC is the Skillchain Bonus I (8%) trait (which also doesn't show up on spreadsheets). Especially for a job like COR that is often dropping some huge WS to close SCs. If you don't need /NIN for safety or for the higher DW, that's a real consideration.
By geigei 2020-05-04 02:23:47
You know it's time to move on when thaumas pops out.
By Afania 2020-05-04 08:17:54
"DPS loss" in a way that it affects DPS in real gameplay, less about actual math behind it.
I already know /DNC has higher dps on paper if samba is up. In real gameplay putting up samba can be the difference between doing 4 WS in a zerg before the NM dies or 5. And that 1 WS difference becomes noticable on parses.
I agree with you about samba being niche at best, and arguably just a TP-sink. For the most part, any other DD is gearing to hit capped delay reduction without accounting for samba - and I don't know many people who are really adjusting their gear in a particular fight based on /DNC haste samba.
That being said... an undervalued aspect of /DNC is the Skillchain Bonus I (8%) trait (which also doesn't show up on spreadsheets). Especially for a job like COR that is often dropping some huge WS to close SCs. If you don't need /NIN for safety or for the higher DW, that's a real consideration.
I already acknowledged SC bonus. DNC was my SJ choice for fights like Sahagin or iroha. Since both fights has SC setup.
Otherwise I only ever do SC when I solo, and I rely on shadows way too heavily when I solo to give up NIN.
Don't know why everyones against thaumas this much. If I see a mob pop SP like hundred fists or currently casting single target spell with shadows on, or if UNM got proc blue then I'd be 100% sure that would be a small window that I would never be hit with debuffs/magic DMG for a few sec. I'm gonna take the 120 DPS increase even just a few sec. Extra DMG is extra dmg, but I guess some people doesn't care.
As far as dying, I don't blame whm if I die, its just a game and it's meant be fun. If we successfully pushed the button fast enough for min max its fun. If we failed the button push and die we just get up and try again.
Don't know why people going nuts over thaumas and meva debate, like FFXI is some kind of job that no mistake can ever be made. How boring is that to play defensively on every single mob and every seconds of engage and never attempt to push the DPS higher in situations that you absolutely can.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2020-05-04 09:51:23
like FFXI is some kind of job that no mistake can ever be made.
Says the person with 6890 forum posts and a COR white damage set. I think if anybody is treating this as some kind of job, it would be you.
By Afania 2020-05-04 15:03:20
like FFXI is some kind of job that no mistake can ever be made.
Says the person with 6890 forum posts and a COR white damage set. I think if anybody is treating this as some kind of job, it would be you.
No, I treat FFXI as a game. Job is something you do to survive, game is something you play to challenge yourself, explore new possibilities and have fun doing it.
I already beat all of the end game content very long time ago and I have 11 jobs geared. There aren't many interesting things left to do in game. As a result I quit the game last year because there were just no goals left.
Fast forward to 2020 with new gears released I feel the potential of COR has gone up quite a bit. With new sets to explore, new possibilities to push the potential of the job is even higher than before.
That's exactly the reason why I came back. It isn't because it's a job, but because its fun to push the potential of a job higher than before, and explore new possibilities.
I believe the purpose of the video game forum is to explore new possibilities, new builds, and ways to improve overall performance. So I don't understand why people immediately shut down the idea to improve performance as soon as they hear it.
That's where the white dmg set came from, it isn't a "requirement" to do endgame, but once all of your goal in game has been reached it's one of the next goal.
Honestly, if others are having fun with it why does it matter to you? Why do you feel like popping on a video game forum attacking people for playing the game differently from you?
I don't give a ***about what haters think anyways. 11 years of maining COR I've seen enough haters. If I care I'd quit COR(and FFXI) years ago. But until I quit ffxi for good I'm just gonna keep working on the job as long as my account is active.
Feel free to play the job however you want, doesn't mean certain sets/style can't be a potential improvement to the job. And god forbid people just want to improve their favorite job in FFXI because seeing their favorite job performs better is fun and satisfying.
Yes to white dmg set and 50 other new sets incoming. I can't wait to finish my new HP boost/weakened TP set from new UNM gears.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-05-04 18:14:08
I use thaumas---> Quad 3 Herc ---> Adhemar ---> Malignance with different cor tp capes - Always depending on the situation at hand. If you are prepared, Understand game mechanics and supplemented by likeminded players it's very easy to get away with it and gain the extra dps.
Its weird to see people actually beefing with Afania on this now when a year ago no one said anything.
QA+3/stp augmented herc hand with 0 acc, QA+3 herc feet, thaumas coat, dedition earring. thats what I have for the lowest. This set has around 100 more dps than 1085-1100 acc set with hq adhemar body and hands.
with naegling I think my lowest can go a bit above 1000 now. 1)That is correct. DW+10 on back with thaumas coat.
2) The lack of acc on thaumas coat bothers me more than the lack of defensive bonus lol. I use the coat on teles and dyna wave 3 fetters+aurix since Im over capping acc on them, so far I havent die because of it.
I have capped mdt full time just from MH rostam, 2 rolls, mdt +10% TP back and whm shell 5. For physical dmg I recast utsu 1 between pulls so for the most part its relatively safe IMO. other DD with berserk/last resort up are far more likely to die.
I cant cap acc in thaumas coat most of the time anyways, so the situation that I really TP in it is quite rare. But its nice to have a max dps set ready when you can afford to push dps a bit higher.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 172
By Asura.Zidaner 2020-05-04 21:04:33
Quote: I already beat all of the end game content very long time ago and I have 11 jobs geared. There aren't many interesting things left to do in game. As a result I quit the game last year because there were just no goals left.
How the hell do you have 11 jobs fully geared? I have 6 and my bags are overflowing....
Do you have some of the gear of those 11 jobs sittin on mules then just send it back when you need it?
By Afania 2020-05-04 22:09:02
Quote: I already beat all of the end game content very long time ago and I have 11 jobs geared. There aren't many interesting things left to do in game. As a result I quit the game last year because there were just no goals left.
How the hell do you have 11 jobs fully geared? I have 6 and my bags are overflowing....
Do you have some of the gear of those 11 jobs sittin on mules then just send it back when you need it?
Money money money, pay SE money, pay SE more money ;/
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2020-05-04 22:32:01
Depends on the jobs ppl have. I have 0 heavy dd jobs but the rest of mine are all light dd and mages who share alot of the same gear, thats 12 geared rdy jobs all together for me. I dont deal with that storage slip crap either but ya space for stuff running out is real. I can't fathom how i would work another job in. Esp with new gear coming out down the line that i'll prol want.
I get harped on alot you should make a rng next but ya i already have a amazing cor i dont see the point. Not bashing any Rngs out there either. If inv space wasn't a issue atm i'd consider it for sure.
By Draylo 2020-05-04 22:34:34
Depends on how far you take the min/maxing because each job can easily use like 5~8 capes so it can get ridiculous. Have to make some kind of sacrifices to gear that many jobs tbh. I like to hold some of my event and vanity items but I've found myself storing a lot of them now.
By Asura.Trumpet 2020-05-05 19:30:57
Its weird to see people actually beefing with Afania on this now when a year ago no one said anything.
This is def the weird part. Feel like it's been long established that Afania goes for absolute max dps in all possible situations and is willing to make all the niche sets imaginable for it. We just take her numbers and decide when it's worth chasing after and when it's not. Knowing how much you're potentially losing to sit in Malignance or offhand a Rostam is good info imo, even if I sometimes do those things anyway.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Asura.Creole 2020-05-07 17:51:05
can't get it to go into melee mode
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 1694
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2020-05-08 12:45:37
Feel like it's been long established that Afania goes for absolute max dps in all possible situations and is willing to make all the niche sets imaginable for it I mean, that's the whole point of writing guides isn't it? Instead she gets called out for making a white damage set lol
By Galkapryme 2020-05-10 00:06:35
Hmmm...now I'm thinking. The jobs I have fully or very close to fully geared are:
COR (super-geared)
I pretty much all of the REM gear on the Porter Moogle. Multiple jobs can use the same Escha and Ambu gear. It's not hard to have 11 fully geared jobs (I'm talking 5-10 capes on jobs too). It can be an annoying asspain when you have to move gear from one spot to another every time you gear a job, but it's not impossible.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Bahamut.Balduran 2020-05-19 22:58:03
Any recommendations for COR jump set with SJ Dragoon please?
Purpose: additional STP option at Sealed Fate battle
My first guess would be accuracy equip set?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-05-20 00:35:57
Should just be a heavy acc/STP set, something like:
ItemSet 373213
If you're still uncomfortable with acc, maybe swap out Dedition->Cessance, and Iskur->Lissome.
Multattack does help jump TP gain too, but I think the above set is likely better than focusing on MA. And particularly for your application, I'd assume the more consistent STP-focused set is the better call.
By Afania 2020-05-21 16:55:54
Should just be a heavy acc/STP set, something like:
ItemSet 373213
If you're still uncomfortable with acc, maybe swap out Dedition->Cessance, and Iskur->Lissome.
Multattack does help jump TP gain too, but I think the above set is likely better than focusing on MA. And particularly for your application, I'd assume the more consistent STP-focused set is the better call.
Can you double check on this? A few weeks ago when I asked the same question and didnt get reply, I decided to test different sets, and it turns out that multi attack set had more TP return. I'm not sure if this is just luck or something.
That being said, in situations that jumps are used, there usually aren't enough melee buffs so going with malig set for acc is probably correct.
Btw, sets in the guide were updated and some notes on certai gears:
Rings for SB: I'm getting Epaminondas's + Karieyh +1 beating Epaminondas's + regal at capped attack.
Balder Earring +1 doesn't seem to beat Dedition Earring with acc buffs.
R15 Sailfi Belt +1 doesn't beat windbuffet +1 for TP BUT its good swap for haste if need them.
Hauksbok Bullet is BiS ammo for QD AND AE.
Odr Earring for melee max acc and evis.
Tuisto Earring good for weakened/HP boost but make sure there's MP in some slots too.
Beyla Earring BiS for max racc/subtle blow/enmity-.
Mimir Earring: Phalanx set for /RDM cleaving.
By wick 2020-05-23 08:41:02
Is 10 agi better than +10 magic damage for leaden salute? Anyone answer?
By AkaniDragoon 2020-05-23 10:59:09
Is 10 agi better than +10 magic damage for leaden salute? Anyone answer?
AGI, 100%.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2020-05-23 11:27:32
Is 10 agi better than +10 magic damage for leaden salute? Anyone answer?
You didn't check the next post down?
Server: Seraph
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Posts: 1
By Seraph.Razuile 2020-05-23 20:07:57
Does Rostam Path A double dmg proc work on Leaden Salute at all?
By Korgull 2020-05-23 20:26:22
It's only for melee hits.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 702
By Lakshmi.Watusa 2020-05-23 22:22:09
Does Rostam Path A double dmg proc work on Leaden Salute at all? No, but it'll give you a hell of a TP return.
By lhova 2020-05-26 19:06:11
Hello all, I’m trying to figure out how is Skrymir +1 belt is better than Orpheus sash for Aeolian edge for dream tier? In Dyna D I saw a massive dps increase with sash.
By tyalangan 2020-05-27 11:40:05
Hello all, I’m trying to figure out how is Skrymir +1 belt is better than Orpheus sash for Aeolian edge for dream tier? In Dyna D I saw a massive dps increase with sash.
Interesting, as I was just looking this up yesterday. I went with Orpheus as it makes no sense why it wouldn't be best.
But I have another question in regards to Aeolian. I have seen screenshots/videos/streams of characters hitting 25k+ aoe damage in Omen with AE. Now, I don't have the best gear yet by any means but with BoG Malaise, indi-acumen, boost int, and Wizard's roll I was maxing out at 6500~ with 3000TP on Omen fodder.
Malignance Chapeau: DEX40,INT25
Baetyl Pendant: MAB13
Moonshade Earring (worthless at 3000tp)
Friomisi Earring: MAB10
Laksa. Frac +2: DEX34,INT28,WSD5
Meg. Gloves +2: DEX50,INT11,WSD7
Dingir Ring: MAB10
Shiva Ring +1: INT9,MAB3
Camulus's Mantle: AGI25,MAC20/MD20,WSD10
Orpheus's Sash
Herculean Trousers: INT29,MAC20,MAB33
Herculean Boots:DEX36,MAB10,MAC10,WSD4
I understand my gear isn't top-notch and I understand where I can upgrade but there is nothing I could do in gear that would increase my damage 3 fold that I can think of. What am I missing or misunderstanding?