Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By SimonSes 2020-04-26 11:54:18
For my leaden set i have 395 MAB (295 from gear + original 100) with pixie +1 its equivalent to 395 x 0.28 = 110 extra MAB.
If you can get MAB + 100 augment on herc head it might be better than pixie
Not really. Its much closer than that. First of all ideally you also have archon ring and o.sash, so pixie is around 23.3% increase and thats closer to ~92 mab. Then herculean also has 25 AGI and thats like another 20 mab equivalent. So in theory 50mab augment would only be 12 mab behind Pixie. In theory DM augment with close to max mab and max wsd would actually beat Pixie.
Edit: actually max possible fern augment with 35mab/5wsd/10agi would also slightly beat Pixie
Edit2: actually that DM augment wouldnt need to be that close. Something like 40 mab and 7wsd would already be better
Edit3: ofc you would need to keep in mind that you can add some outside source of mab still which would drop value of mab on herc, but you cant really add more dark affinity unless with some abyssea atma.
By Afania 2020-04-26 21:36:58
Since /DRG is the standard /Ra SJ now, what gear should I use for high jumps? I suppose it's the same as melee gears with multi hit, but use accuracy level that matches the content/acc buffs?
By GwenStacy 2020-04-28 18:44:30
Do people TP in full Malignance set now?
By missdivine 2020-04-28 20:30:14
Is 10 agi better than +10 magic damage for leaden salute?
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2020-04-28 20:31:50
yes, by a wide margin
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-04-28 20:32:54
Do people TP in full Malignance set now?
When you want to be in a Hybrid set, it's not a bad option.
By Galkapryme 2020-05-02 02:47:49
Since /DRG is the standard /Ra SJ now, what gear should I use for high jumps? I suppose it's the same as melee gears with multi hit, but use accuracy level that matches the content/acc buffs?
Wait...when did /DRG become the standard?
By Galkapryme 2020-05-02 02:55:29
What's everyone's opinion on Armageddon AM3 build since Rostam C came out?
I recently just got back to playing COR again, and I've been doing Lilith spite warden runs for armor. Since dark fetters absorb all magic damage and SC, I had to use Armageddon to avoid last stand SC damage healing it to full.
That being said, everytime when I reroll I lose AM3 from rostam swap and its god awful. There are only 3 choices to solve this:
1) Don't bother with getting AM3 up and do gimped damage.
2) roll in +7 gears instead of +8 and screw that +1 difference
3) reroll after AM3 wears.
Seems like 2) is the best solution?
Regardless I feel the fact that rostam C exists makes Armageddon even less attractive as a physical DPS weapon. I'd only ever use it for WF or avoiding SC now.
I was under the impression that the skillchain absorbed depends on the Lilith form. So if you're fighting the first version, Foma with Last Stand and Light-based skillchains should be used. If fighting second form, Death Penalty and Leaden Salute. Though, I have little experience with the second form on COR.
By geigei 2020-05-02 05:45:10
Wait...when did /DRG become the standard? It's not.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-05-02 10:12:42
I tend to /dnc or /nin on corsair. To maintain flexibility, never know when dual wielding weapons will be the better option.
By Afania 2020-05-02 15:21:34
What's everyone's opinion on Armageddon AM3 build since Rostam C came out?
I recently just got back to playing COR again, and I've been doing Lilith spite warden runs for armor. Since dark fetters absorb all magic damage and SC, I had to use Armageddon to avoid last stand SC damage healing it to full.
That being said, everytime when I reroll I lose AM3 from rostam swap and its god awful. There are only 3 choices to solve this:
1) Don't bother with getting AM3 up and do gimped damage.
2) roll in +7 gears instead of +8 and screw that +1 difference
3) reroll after AM3 wears.
Seems like 2) is the best solution?
Regardless I feel the fact that rostam C exists makes Armageddon even less attractive as a physical DPS weapon. I'd only ever use it for WF or avoiding SC now.
I was under the impression that the skillchain absorbed depends on the Lilith form. So if you're fighting the first version, Foma with Last Stand and Light-based skillchains should be used. If fighting second form, Death Penalty and Leaden Salute. Though, I have little experience with the second form on COR.
I wasn't talking about Lilith herself, it was about the fetter ....
Fomal and DP shouldn't be used on fetters. It absorbs ALL magic damage including SC.
Since /DRG is the standard /Ra SJ now, what gear should I use for high jumps? I suppose it's the same as melee gears with multi hit, but use accuracy level that matches the content/acc buffs?
Wait...when did /DRG become the standard?
Since the WSD update. Unless your attack is extremely low 7 WSD on both hits should beat 200 TP bonus from /WAR. High jump is icing on the cake.
High jump is almost always needed in all of my E solos, tbh. That JA is so good.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Eightball 2020-05-02 15:29:45
Since /DRG is the standard /Ra SJ now, what gear should I use for high jumps? I suppose it's the same as melee gears with multi hit, but use accuracy level that matches the content/acc buffs?
Wait...when did /DRG become the standard?
/drg IS the standard for RA only events as it not only adds WSD but adds enmity shed which cor desperately needs when doing phys ranged damage, for anything requiring melee or a combination of setups /dnc is the usual or /nin if need shadows.
By Galkapryme 2020-05-02 16:21:33
Regarding the sets in the guide, can someone help me understand why Wildfire and Leaden Salute aren't treated the same in terms of the waist? They are both magical WS and both have the same dSTATs: (pAGI-mINT)×2. Shouldn't they both use Skrymir +1/Orpheus, or shouldn't they both use Sveltz +1/Orpheus?
By Galkapryme 2020-05-02 16:33:30
never mind. I see why.
By Afania 2020-05-02 16:33:38
Regarding the sets in the guide, can someone help me understand why Wildfire and Leaden Salute aren't treated the same in terms of the waist? They are both magical WS and both have the same dSTATs: (pAGI-mINT)×2. Shouldn't they both use Skrymir +1/Orpheus, or shouldn't they both use Sveltz +1/Orpheus?
Huh? Their ws mod aren't the same. WF is agi 60% but leaden is 100%.
Skrymir +1 may beat sveltz anyways though, I need to math that out.
By Afania 2020-05-02 17:00:16
Do people TP in full Malignance set now?
Short answer: don't full time it.
Decided to play with spreadsheet for a bit using sword builds just to see where it stands compare with normal TP set and pre Malignance hybrid set, all assuming sword/blurred+1 so no rostam, 52 STP Sam roll.
50 PDT, 50 MDT(with shell V) maglinance TP set:
ItemSet 372711
DW+10, PDT+10 on back.
6035 DPS.
Normal TP set:
ItemSet 340332
6674 DPS
If I go extra offensive and TP in thaumas:
6796 DPS
If I swap out armor slots to maglinance and keep DD accessories:
6061 DPS
Compare with a hybrid set without one single magliance:
ItemSet 345206
6038 DPS
Basically, a hybrid with magliance is slightly better than the one without. Higher accuracy, ability to cap both PDT and MDT, on the other hand before magliance you can only cap one of them to maintain 6038 DPS.
Using full set is still a tad behind full DPS set though. Like 10% to 11% behind. Even if you only swap out the armor and keep every other DD accessories the gap is still huge. I wouldn't full time it ever.
Also If you are already using rostam + ranges ws keep in mind that 1 weapon + 2 roll + MDT Ambu back already give you 24 MDT, capped with shell V. Using magliance just adds mdef/meva, that's it. It's a huge sacrifice for small gains.
By Galkapryme 2020-05-02 17:10:07
Regarding the sets in the guide, can someone help me understand why Wildfire and Leaden Salute aren't treated the same in terms of the waist? They are both magical WS and both have the same dSTATs: (pAGI-mINT)×2. Shouldn't they both use Skrymir +1/Orpheus, or shouldn't they both use Sveltz +1/Orpheus?
Huh? Their ws mod aren't the same. WF is agi 60% but leaden is 100%.
Skrymir +1 may beat sveltz anyways though, I need to math that out.
I discovered the 60% to 100% difference in AGI after I posted. But I am now curious about Skrymir +1. Post if you find out. In the meantime, I'm still feeling like they can both benefit from Orpheus and Hachirin. I plan to modify my gearswap to include Wildfire for those intances.
By Afania 2020-05-02 17:11:07
Since /DRG is the standard /Ra SJ now, what gear should I use for high jumps? I suppose it's the same as melee gears with multi hit, but use accuracy level that matches the content/acc buffs?
Wait...when did /DRG become the standard?
/drg IS the standard for RA only events as it not only adds WSD but adds enmity shed which cor desperately needs when doing phys ranged damage, for anything requiring melee or a combination of setups /dnc is the usual or /nin if need shadows.
I use /NIN 99.99% of time when I melee even if I don't need shadows. Honestly /DNC damage suck because of the lack of DW tier. Then you either have to use samba and lose DPS, or swap to DW Ambu back and lose DPS. /DNC just doesn't offer enough.
And yeah, certainly agree that high jump being incredibly good for Ra.
By SimonSes 2020-05-02 17:14:13
Again you fell into same trap Afania. You compare pure dps on sheet, completely ignoring the fact that in max dps you meva is ***and you will get hit by every possible debuff which will lower that 10-11% dps significantly. It all depends what are you fighting. That other hybrid set also has shitry meva.
By Afania 2020-05-02 17:18:27
Again you fell into same trap Afania. You compare pure dps on sheet, completely ignoring the fact that in max dps you meva is ***and you will get hit by every possible debuff which will lower that 10-11% dps significantly. It all depends what are you fighting. That other hybrid set also has shitry meva.
Wow ***, thanks for making the exact SAME point that I made.
Basically, a hybrid with magliance is slightly better than the one without.
Short answer: don't full time it.
I flat out said magliance is slightly better than a set without when you need a hybrid, and I said "don't full time it" which means it's situational. Why do you feel like starting another argument arguing the same thing? What is the point that you are trying to make?
By GwenStacy 2020-05-02 17:55:04
Do people TP in full Malignance set now?
Short answer: don't full time it.
Decided to play with spreadsheet for a bit using sword builds just to see where it stands compare with normal TP set and pre Malignance hybrid set, all assuming sword/blurred+1 so no rostam, 52 STP Sam roll.
50 PDT, 50 MDT(with shell V) maglinance TP set:
ItemSet 372711
DW+10, PDT+10 on back.
6035 DPS.
Normal TP set:
ItemSet 340332
6674 DPS
If I go extra offensive and TP in thaumas:
6796 DPS
If I swap out armor slots to maglinance and keep DD accessories:
6061 DPS
Compare with a hybrid set without one single magliance:
ItemSet 345206
6038 DPS
Basically, a hybrid with magliance is slightly better than the one without. Higher accuracy, ability to cap both PDT and MDT, on the other hand before magliance you can only cap one of them to maintain 6038 DPS.
Using full set is still a tad behind full DPS set though. Like 10% to 11% behind. Even if you only swap out the armor and keep every other DD accessories the gap is still huge. I wouldn't full time it ever.
Also If you are already using rostam + ranges ws keep in mind that 1 weapon + 2 roll + MDT Ambu back already give you 24 MDT, capped with shell V. Using magliance just adds mdef/meva, that's it. It's a huge sacrifice for small gains.
This is great information, thanks!
Server: Siren
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Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2020-05-02 19:02:31
I pretty much full time malig in real endgame content for several reasons.
A dead DD does no damage. You can live with malig versus bad Mijin Gakure's in dyna for example.
Malig also helps you resist stuns/slows/bad effects in general. If I would wear my TP set and get stunned for 10 seconds that's actually lost dps for example dyna statue aoe or Warder of courage. I actually beat our R15 Calad DRK once in the parse just because he kept getting stun locked on WoC.
At the end of the day it's your choice/preference but in my eyes malig is too OP to not full time in actual end game content.
By Afania 2020-05-02 19:12:46
I pretty much full time malig in real endgame content for several reasons.
A dead DD does no damage. You can live with malig versus bad Mijin Gakure's in dyna for example.
You don't NEED malig to survive mijin though. I've survived countless mijin before malig even released. Remember COR gets 50% MDT from just shell V, back and rostam. That's enough to cut down a 2.5k mijin to 1.3k.
Most of the time I do try to macro in meva mdef gears before a mijin incoming for even more damage reduction. I was able to push down the damage reduction further down to something like 300-400 if I macro it in on time.
If I fail to cut off mijin damage that's probably because I get hit in WS set, and it's not like malig helps.
So use hybrid set ENTIRE time? It seems excessive.
Malig also helps you resist stuns/slows/bad effects in general. If I would wear my TP set and get stunned for 10 seconds that's actually lost dps for example dyna statue aoe or Warder of courage. I actually beat our R15 Calad DRK once in the parse just because he kept getting stun locked on WoC.
I've never seen anyone got stunned by WoC with SV carols. So that's still excessive.
The only situational that I see worth losing 10% DPS is against mobs with stun on every single TP move, and even then I'd probably only macro it when I see enemy red lines.
As far as status resist goes, sometimes I just use status resist Ambu back and cheer effect and call it done. Like this month's Ambu, there's an amnesia move but I was able to block it often enough with just back/cheer/bar spell and still TP in thaumas. In last few VD runs we were getting 5 min 5 sec kills without cleaving and I was parsing at least 10%-15% party DPS ahead of everyone else. If debuffs are THAT crippling I'd be the one losing parses or doing 10 min clears. So I feel the effect of the debuffs are often exaggerated by the community.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2020-05-02 19:26:40
That mijin and WOC examples was just a couple example from many.
In a real situation we aren't always going to be capped HP. The whm could be busy doing something whether that's cures/erases/enfeebs etc on the rest of the group. Malig provides value due to MEVA that the spreadsheet can't take into account imo. We aren't always attacking training dummies that don't come with any bad stuff.
I like to think of my healer and with laggy as certain content is even with gigabit internet there's a lot of times they just can't get to you. Maybe it's our linkshells fault for taking 18 people in dyna/omen/escha/vagary but the lag is there and it's a burden on casting and how fast you can get spells out.
If I could reduce damage from Interference or resist amnesia from Malign Invocation or resist any other stupid AoE dmg/enfeeb from Omen/Dyna bosses to reduce the load on our healer I will for a small sacrifice in numbers.
I see a lot of people going for flat out numbers all the time ending up dead for examples like the above. If you want to min/max your numbers because you're paying attention to the state of every encounter and your healer/team hp/mp/debuffs, then by all means go ahead. That's too much to manage for a person like myself. I'm a set it and forget kind of guy and if I'm one of the top parsers it works for me.
By Afania 2020-05-02 19:37:54
That mijin and WOC examples was just a couple example from many.
In a real situation we aren't always going to be capped HP.
The solution to this is easy. If you have capped HP, use full DPS set, even if mijin fires off you will still survive with 700 HP left
As soon as your HP drop to less than 1300 swap to resist set.
Your whm lag doesn't matter in this case, since you are reacting to situations.
If I could reduce damage from Interference or resist amnesia from Malign Invocation or resist any other stupid AoE dmg/enfeeb from Omen/Dyna bosses to reduce the load on our healer I will for a small sacrifice in numbers.
Your point would have make sense if hybrid set is only 1-2% behind.
But 10%-11% is way too large to me.
Maybe it's just me, when I'm on healer and DD told me they full time malig set it annoys the hell out of me. To me it basically means they don't trust supports a ability to remove debuffs on time. There are like 1-2 fights in entire game that I find it overwhelming, and it ONLY happens when poor organization happens, such as the lack of silence or defensive bubbles.
If you want to min/max your numbers because you're paying attention to the state of every encounter
That's what makes the game fun though. The idea of 1 set for every with a 10% sacrifice is boring as hell.
It's more fun to challenge oneself by pushing the dps higher and time the swaps.
Yes it's entirely possible that I can make mistake and die because of bad decisions making or bad timing, or because I was sleepy or something. I don't deny that. But even if that happens it's not the end of the world. Worst case we just get back and keep fighting, then I can go back and tweak playstyle to more defensive if I happened to fail a few times.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2020-05-02 19:48:30
Maybe it's just me, when I'm on healer and DD told me they full time malig set it annoys the hell out of me. To me it basically means they don't trust supports a ability to remove debuffs on time. There are like 1-2 fights in entire game that I find it overwhelming, and it ONLY happens when poor organization happens, such as the lack of silence or defensive bubbles.
That's the thing though. Not all groups have the top tier whms playing whm 24/7. People would get bored playing the same jobs all the time. Or even we might be dual boxing or triboxing whm/support jobs. We might have someone playing whm that really only plays it once a month because we rotate jobs to be fair and we're inclusive. They might not be on top of their game and I want to reduce their load/burden.
That's just me and it's my opinion but at the end of the day I rather play things safe because with the current power creep we still get content done with time to spare.
My group still clears w1 and w2 with trap statues/boss for RP farm and we can even get some w3 crystal farming in. And that's with carrying people who don't have BIS sets and are farming RP on necks or dyna clears for +3 unlocks.
So let's just agree to disagree
By Afania 2020-05-02 20:26:39
While we are on the conversation of amnesia DPS loss...I added r15 zoar sublugar to white DMG set and it seems that the DPS difference between a normal TP set and amnesia TP set pretty damn huge now.
Normal TP set white dmg DPS: 1278
Amnesia TP set white dmg DPS: 1978
ItemSet 372712
Rostam path A, QA+3 herc.
35% DPS increase if you swap TP gears with amnesia on, the difference is quite huge to make the set even more worth it than before IMO.
By SimonSes 2020-05-03 02:51:05
The solution to this is easy. If you have capped HP, use full DPS set, even if mijin fires off you will still survive with 700 HP left
As soon as your HP drop to less than 1300 swap to resist set.
Your whm lag doesn't matter in this case, since you are reacting to situations.
Ofc it does matter. You are at 700hp instead of almost full and you require fast cure or you might die. If rest on the party/alliance is like you, then everyone are at red hp. If WHM has lag, he wont give everyone fast cure, especially if people are in various places soloing their own target. I have seen it many times during wednesday dynamises and maybe 1 out of 10 mijin doesnt end up with someone dying.
We simply have pov difference Afania. Afaik you dont multibox, you dont play long sessions, so have difference experiences. Im too tired and too slow after few hours to try to time switch hybrid set before every tp move or I simply cant because i alt tab 2+ chars.
I usually only play our Wednesday dynamis runs which are less orginized because its farming and catch up runs and I dont mind people being less geared and less skilled on their rusty jobs. Before Malignance I was actually really feeling bad about the situation, because running with debuff feels bad, but spaming support with paralyna plz, erase plz etc feels even worse. Now I can wear Malignance and feel good :)
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Minimuse 2020-05-03 08:13:37
When I know I am going to be in a less than optimal alliance, with half of the alliance playing secondary jobs, I'll offhand one of the Rostams for the extra 12 DT. That offhanded Rostam is enough to keep me alive during a mijin if I'm not in my WS set. If my damage is pulling hate off the tank or I am one of those silly DD that runs off from the party's healer, I switch in and out of PDT as needed. Sometimes I switch to full DT to drop Quad attk set when encountering a MNK or DRK mob because Quad attk makes turning in time impossible when a DRK does dreadspike or a mnk turns and counters you to death. If the tank dies, I switch to DT/regen kite set and try to stay alive while the tank recovers and I kite in Carmine Cuisses+1.
The downside of trying to be prepared for optimal performance on every conceivable situation is it kills your inventory and wardrobe space. I have too many capes and DM augmented Herc gear tailored to different situational gearsets. Just build equipsets around your own inventory management, resources and curiosity levels.
By Afania 2020-05-03 10:02:48
The solution to this is easy. If you have capped HP, use full DPS set, even if mijin fires off you will still survive with 700 HP left
As soon as your HP drop to less than 1300 swap to resist set.
Your whm lag doesn't matter in this case, since you are reacting to situations.
Ofc it does matter. You are at 700hp instead of almost full and you require fast cure or you might die. If rest on the party/alliance is like you, then everyone are at red hp. If WHM has lag, he wont give everyone fast cure, especially if people are in various places soloing their own target. I have seen it many times during wednesday dynamises and maybe 1 out of 10 mijin doesnt end up with someone dying.
We simply have pov difference Afania. Afaik you dont multibox, you dont play long sessions, so have difference experiences. Im too tired and too slow after few hours to try to time switch hybrid set before every tp move or I simply cant because i alt tab 2+ chars.
I usually only play our Wednesday dynamis runs which are less orginized because its farming and catch up runs and I dont mind people being less geared and less skilled on their rusty jobs. Before Malignance I was actually really feeling bad about the situation, because running with debuff feels bad, but spaming support with paralyna plz, erase plz etc feels even worse. Now I can wear Malignance and feel good :)
Those problem absolutely nothing to do with the initial argument though. You are the one who was being super focused on the negative side of using a DPS set to the point to argue about it endlessly.
My solution to your problems is still the same. If you are tired, want to play safe, play with lesser skilled or unorganized alliance, use malig set more. If you feel you can playing offensively, don't use it and get 10% more DPS.
My point has always been everything is situational, always change sets/playstyle depending on situation. You guys are the one who post multiple times and listed situations that doesn't favor it, and made endlessly argument that only 1 playstyle is legit because [insert your problems]. This is super biased, and irrelevant to the discussion. Pretty anti-FFXI too, since FFXI is all about changing gears depending on situation.
I just don't get the point.