Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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By Afania 2020-04-18 23:46:47
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What's everyone's opinion on Armageddon AM3 build since Rostam C came out?

I recently just got back to playing COR again, and I've been doing Lilith spite warden runs for armor. Since dark fetters absorb all magic damage and SC, I had to use Armageddon to avoid last stand SC damage healing it to full.

That being said, everytime when I reroll I lose AM3 from rostam swap and its god awful. There are only 3 choices to solve this:

1) Don't bother with getting AM3 up and do gimped damage.
2) roll in +7 gears instead of +8 and screw that +1 difference
3) reroll after AM3 wears.

Seems like 2) is the best solution?

Regardless I feel the fact that rostam C exists makes Armageddon even less attractive as a physical DPS weapon. I'd only ever use it for WF or avoiding SC now.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-04-19 03:11:43
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I dont get it, why you reroll? Roll wears off?

I think usually when you plan to use Arma for physical damage, you only roll every 10 minutes.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-04-19 08:05:09
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I think 10 minute duration rolls are quite sufficient. having to swap that infrequently is far from a hardship.

that being said, there are times when I do roll in just Regal Neck for that purpose, but its not my priority.
Server: Bahamut
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user: grumpette
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2020-04-19 08:08:56
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Lol. Simon. Be kind to Afania. He's a returning member.

Afania, 2, is a good choice when you are with a bunch of silly DD who keep getting themselves killed and you need to keep re-cycling rolls without losing your TP.

When I was doing Lilith solo last year, I either went THF or COR(with th4 gear) on easy. Frankly was getting better drop rates on solo and duo easy mode than with a group doing D/VD. Less competition on solo/duo. When Astinek is in game, we COR duo on easy and kill Lilith in 2-4 minutes. His drop rate with me has been about 25% over all with 4/8 pieces in 20 runs. The drop rate should get dramatically worse when Astinek returns again because he's running out of available drops.

The problem with soloing or duoing on COR, when Lilith is in dark form, is pulling hate from a trust tank using Last Stand spam. On solo/duo, hate management is more important than max damage.

When needing to do physical damage and hate management/mob spikes/mob AOEs are unimportant, I don't bother with Foma or Arma. I do Savage Blade spam.

I use all purpose Arma when needing to do a variety of different mob types like DI bead farming, Wave3, Omen card farming, assorted BCNMs, and Aeolian Edge cleaving.

If you keep needing to reroll, is your party taking too long to kill things? If so, I'll help you duo easy.
By Afania 2020-04-19 08:16:34
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SimonSes said: »
I dont get it, why you reroll? Roll wears off?

I think usually when you plan to use Arma for physical damage, you only roll every 10 minutes.

Afania said: »
and I've been doing Lilith spite warden runs for armor.

..... because spite warden run takes 10+ min? >.>

Go watch papasses video, geez. It's 15 min minimum. Without SMN it can take much longer because his SMN actually did incredible damage in the BC with ability to MB on some of the warden. Since we just invite anyone interested its less likely to have a pt as Optimal as his, generally it's going to be more than 15 min.

Saying "roll every 10 min" it's dump as ***, because I only put on arma when gvye popped since fomal works on Lilith just fine and I want the SC dmg on her. So I can have various different buff remaining time. It's not possible to "time" your roll to the point that AM3 wears on certain time.
By Afania 2020-04-19 08:26:57
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Bahamut.Minimuse said: »
Lol. Simon. Be kind to Afania. He's a returning member.

Afania, 2, is a good choice when you are with a bunch of silly DD who keep getting themselves killed and you need to keep re-cycling rolls without losing your TP.

When I was doing Lilith solo last year, I either went THF or COR(with th4 gear) on easy. Frankly was getting better drop rates on solo and duo easy mode than with a group doing D/VD. Less competition on solo/duo. When Astinek is in game, we COR duo on easy and kill Lilith in 2-4 minutes. His drop rate with me has been about 25% over all with 4/8 pieces in 20 runs. The drop rate should get dramatically worse when Astinek returns again because he's running out of available drops.

The problem with soloing or duoing on COR, when Lilith is in dark form, is pulling hate from a trust tank using Last Stand spam. On solo/duo, hate management is more important than max damage.

When needing to do physical damage and hate management/mob spikes/mob AOEs are unimportant, I don't bother with Foma or Arma. I do Savage Blade spam.

I use all purpose Arma when needing to do a variety of different mob types like DI bead farming, Wave3, Omen card farming, assorted BCNMs, and Aeolian Edge cleaving.

If you keep needing to reroll, is your party taking too long to kill things? If so, I'll help you duo easy.

Thanks. I can solo easy in about 2 min. But it's incredibly boring and drop rate is *** terrible with TH4. That's why I've been killing spite wardens for extra drop rate. At least it's more fun.

I do have an enmity- set for both TP and WS so generally if I pull hate 1 jump is enough to send her back.

I AM looking for a duo partner for N difficulty with 1 spite warden kill though. I have an idea for duo strategy but I just need to give it a try to make sure it works.

Or maybe looking for a THF willing to be my slave ^^; for lower difficulty. E with TH4 is just bad...

Bahamut.Minimuse said: »
Lol. Simon. Be kind to Afania. He's a returning member.

Afania, 2, is a good choice when you are with a bunch of silly DD who keep getting themselves killed and you need to keep re-cycling rolls without losing your TP.

No I don't reroll ever. There's really really rarely a situation that sacrificing COR DPS for reroll even worth it anymore, the job is just too strong these days. IF DD do die they are usually a melee anyways. So AM3 problem wouldn't exist in a melee set-up.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: grumpette
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2020-04-19 08:40:19
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Sure, I'll come help. Muse's TH4 is weird. I can get 2 pieces of Volte duo farming Dyna on COR with TH4 and zero Voltes on my mules's THF8. Muse TH4 is oddly lucky on Lilith.

I'll try THF/DRK with you on a session. I hope you are as lucky as Astinek.

If melee are getting an 8 minute roll from me... it's a subtle nudge that they are being silly.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-04-19 08:40:55
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Lol girls chill out.
There was nothing unkind in my post. I asked valid questions, because I havent done Lilith even once with killing spitwardens, so I have no idea how long it is and why you need to reroll, so I wanted to know more details of that scenario.

Afania said: »
Saying "roll every 10 min" it's dump as ***, because I only put on arma when gvye popped since fomal works on Lilith just fine and I want the SC dmg on her.

Not sure why you are being aggressive. Unless I completely misunderstood your post, you was asking about Arma am3 build in general, not only in this specific example that you havent even explained in details. I wrote that you usually roll every 10 min in general and this is not dump as ***, but true. It might not be true in your Lilith run, but again your question havent sound like you asking about only Lilith, but you just gave one example for us showing one problem with this build in specific scenario.

I still dont know exactly how that Lilith fight looks like from cor perspective, but I assume the problem is that after 10 min into the fight you might have to reroll and you might have arma at that moment with am3? So would you lose am3 once then and have no problem with it for next 10 min? Sounds to me like very niche scenario of using Arma and building am3 or not would probably depends when you switch to Arma. If you know you will need to reroll in 60 sec, then building am3 doesnt make sense. If you rerolled 1 min ago and have 9 min before next roll, then build am3?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-04-19 08:49:48
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Bahamut.Minimuse said: »
He's a returning member.

She not he, unless I was living in a lie for all this time and also she is not returning member. She just play rarely and make frequent small breaks, but afaik she has been playing rather regularly for couple years.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: grumpette
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2020-04-19 08:53:00
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Lol. Simon, we're joking. Returning players just needs a little direction in sorting out what they already know. Thank you for helping Afania shake some of that returning player rust.
By Afania 2020-04-19 09:13:12
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SimonSes said: »
Lol girls chill out.
There was nothing unkind in my post. I asked valid questions, because I havent done Lilith even once with killing spitwardens, so I have no idea how long it is and why you need to reroll, so I wanted to know more details of that scenario.

Afania said: »
Saying "roll every 10 min" it's dump as ***, because I only put on arma when gvye popped since fomal works on Lilith just fine and I want the SC dmg on her.

Not sure why you are being aggressive. Unless I completely misunderstood your post, you was asking about Arma am3 build in general, not only in this specific example that you havent even explained in details. I wrote that you usually roll every 10 min in general and this is not dump as ***, but true. It might not be true in your Lilith run, but again your question havent sound like you asking about only Lilith, but you just gave one example for us showing one problem with this build in specific scenario.

I still dont know exactly how that Lilith fight looks like from cor perspective, but I assume the problem is that after 10 min into the fight you might have to reroll and you might have arma at that moment with am3? So would you lose am3 once then and have no problem with it for next 10 min? Sounds to me like very niche scenario of using Arma and building am3 or not would probably depends when you switch to Arma. If you know you will need to reroll in 60 sec, then building am3 doesnt make sense. If you rerolled 1 min ago and have 9 min before next roll, then build am3?

Lilith isn't the only situation with 10+ min runs. I'm more or less trying to figure out if the old fomal v.s Arma debate was still legit. In that case it's all of the ranged setup in game and many last 10+ min.

Before rostam C exists the consensus was that Arma was stronger with AM3 build if you somehow get TP before pop. Now that losing TP from rolls is potentially an issue I feel this weapon is even more dead on COR unless you are using WF. It's pretty much a RNG weapon now.

As far as Lilith goes, yes I can make decisions on whether I should switch or not based on roll duration, and I've thought of that. But that adds extra level of work in a very very chaotic fight. More so with 4 rolls on which means I have to check which roll is mine too.

I was already doing quite a bit of management in that fight. Spamming absorb TP on recast after gyve popped (you really wouldn't want another warden and gyve when you already have 1), reposition myself to close to gyve but away from Lilith, swapping to physical or magical DT if warden hate is on me for whatever reason, swapping between AM up/down set, changing weapons based on warden type(they all take different type of damage, you actually want to use SB on one of them).

Since I don't automate anything it was pretty difficult to use that many different swaps. So ideally I'd reduce how much management I need, not the other way around lol.

I guess I just have to deal with it, since the original goal for doing higher difficulty is to practice playing the job after 1 year of not touching COR one bit.
By Afania 2020-04-19 09:18:17
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Minimuse said: »
He's a returning member.

She not he, unless I was living in a lie for all this time and also she is not returning member. She just play rarely and make frequent small breaks, but afaik she has been playing rather regularly for couple years.

Huh, I haven't play cor since 2019 May or something, and account wasn't active since 2019 early September.

I had like 0 idea on how to play COR when I activated account last week :/

As for the She/he thing, I stopped bothering to clarify because it almost always turn into some kind of catfish joke. That's why I tend to use "they" on the internet if I'm not sure.

But thanks, lol.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-04-19 10:20:35
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If we wanna approach it mathematically, its pretty clear to me that the gained white damage from Armageddon's Aftermath outweighs a Fomalhaut's white damage during that the time its up, and typically only takes between 30-45 seconds to get AM3 up- 9 shots.

The best white damage boost one could see when putting up AM3 on Armageddon would be 9 consecutive triple procs(I think that 334TP per shot is quite reachable between gear and Samurai Roll), or the damage equivalent of 27 shots. The worst would be 9 non-procs. Its likely a safe assumption that half can be use- or 4 triple procs and 5 single procs...the damage of 17 shots.

To me the only question becomes can the white damage make up for the lost skillchain damage of Fomalhaut, or can you manage hate wise to NOT use Wildfire.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 386
By Bahamut.Suph 2020-04-19 11:22:00
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Cele i think Afania is using Arma specifically to avoid SC healing Fetter in Lilith BC. So in this case SC damage will lower your damage
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-04-19 11:26:58
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Afania said: »

As for the She/he thing, I stopped bothering to clarify because it almost always turn into some kind of catfish joke. That's why I tend to use "they" on the internet if I'm not sure.

But thanks, lol.

I will be sure to use shclee and shcler for you from now on as the great Yivo has said.
By Afania 2020-04-19 12:04:54
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Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
If we wanna approach it mathematically, its pretty clear to me that the gained white damage from Armageddon's Aftermath outweighs a Fomalhaut's white damage during that the time its up, and typically only takes between 30-45 seconds to get AM3 up- 9 shots.

The best white damage boost one could see when putting up AM3 on Armageddon would be 9 consecutive triple procs(I think that 334TP per shot is quite reachable between gear and Samurai Roll), or the damage equivalent of 27 shots. The worst would be 9 non-procs. Its likely a safe assumption that half can be use- or 4 triple procs and 5 single procs...the damage of 17 shots.

To me the only question becomes can the white damage make up for the lost skillchain damage of Fomalhaut, or can you manage hate wise to NOT use Wildfire.

You didn't address any of my concern, lol.

I know that Arma white damage build would beat fomal if you don't count SCs. My concern is that the damage on paper can't be applied in real game play because rerolling loses AM3. This is kind of an issue that other AM3 DD will never need to face.

Yes, any DD in game can freely use AM3 on their REMA. But I feel that on cor its less viable because of rostam C. Or maybe because I use the weapon completely wrong.

Also 30 sec to 40 sec to get AM3 up is *** terrible DPS wise. I think if I'm building AM3 I'd do it if my TS is up. If TS isn't up I'd probably just do regular last stand spam without AM. I haven't math out the DPS to make sure this line of thought is absolutely correct though.

Would you be interested in parsing a few Lilith run on RNG btw? It can probably work as a good reference for data.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2020-04-19 13:33:49
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Afania said: »
What's everyone's opinion on Armageddon AM3 build since Rostam C came out?

I recently just got back to playing COR again, and I've been doing Lilith spite warden runs for armor. Since dark fetters absorb all magic damage and SC, I had to use Armageddon to avoid last stand SC damage healing it to full.

That being said, everytime when I reroll I lose AM3 from rostam swap and its god awful. There are only 3 choices to solve this:

1) Don't bother with getting AM3 up and do gimped damage.
2) roll in +7 gears instead of +8 and screw that +1 difference
3) reroll after AM3 wears.

Seems like 2) is the best solution?

Regardless I feel the fact that rostam C exists makes Armageddon even less attractive as a physical DPS weapon. I'd only ever use it for WF or avoiding SC now.

Yeah, 2) seems like the smallest sacrifice, unless your AM3 and rolls wear off around the same time.

As for Arma R15 overall, I just finished mine not long ago and I'm actually pleasantly surprised by how much daily use I've been getting out of it.

It's been really nice to have the option to switch guns and continue one-shotting dark-resistant mobs in Odyssey, and I've been using Arma AM3 to nail down kill-shot on DI wave 1, and I've started using it over DP on low-man Dyna-D Wave2 farming.
By Afania 2020-04-19 13:48:33
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
Afania said: »
What's everyone's opinion on Armageddon AM3 build since Rostam C came out?

I recently just got back to playing COR again, and I've been doing Lilith spite warden runs for armor. Since dark fetters absorb all magic damage and SC, I had to use Armageddon to avoid last stand SC damage healing it to full.

That being said, everytime when I reroll I lose AM3 from rostam swap and its god awful. There are only 3 choices to solve this:

1) Don't bother with getting AM3 up and do gimped damage.
2) roll in +7 gears instead of +8 and screw that +1 difference
3) reroll after AM3 wears.

Seems like 2) is the best solution?

Regardless I feel the fact that rostam C exists makes Armageddon even less attractive as a physical DPS weapon. I'd only ever use it for WF or avoiding SC now.

Yeah, 2) seems like the smallest sacrifice, unless your AM3 and rolls wear off around the same time.

As for Arma R15 overall, I just finished mine not long ago and I'm actually pleasantly surprised by how much daily use I've been getting out of it.

It's been really nice to have the option to switch guns and continue one-shotting dark-resistant mobs in Odyssey, and I've been using Arma AM3 to nail down kill-shot on DI wave 1, and I've started using it over DP on low-man Dyna-D Wave2 farming.

Just FYI, leaden salute 1 shots DI wave 1 mobs. Just triple shot or QDx2 => leaden salute and you can 1 shot DI wave 1 mobs from afar before other people even get a chance to engage.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-04-19 14:01:13
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Afania said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
If we wanna approach it mathematically, its pretty clear to me that the gained white damage from Armageddon's Aftermath outweighs a Fomalhaut's white damage during that the time its up, and typically only takes between 30-45 seconds to get AM3 up- 9 shots.

The best white damage boost one could see when putting up AM3 on Armageddon would be 9 consecutive triple procs(I think that 334TP per shot is quite reachable between gear and Samurai Roll), or the damage equivalent of 27 shots. The worst would be 9 non-procs. Its likely a safe assumption that half can be use- or 4 triple procs and 5 single procs...the damage of 17 shots.

To me the only question becomes can the white damage make up for the lost skillchain damage of Fomalhaut, or can you manage hate wise to NOT use Wildfire.

You didn't address any of my concern, lol.

I know that Arma white damage build would beat fomal if you don't count SCs. My concern is that the damage on paper can't be applied in real game play because rerolling loses AM3. This is kind of an issue that other AM3 DD will never need to face.

Yes, any DD in game can freely use AM3 on their REMA. But I feel that on cor its less viable because of rostam C. Or maybe because I use the weapon completely wrong.

Also 30 sec to 40 sec to get AM3 up is *** terrible DPS wise. I think if I'm building AM3 I'd do it if my TS is up. If TS isn't up I'd probably just do regular last stand spam without AM. I haven't math out the DPS to make sure this line of thought is absolutely correct though.

Would you be interested in parsing a few Lilith run on RNG btw? It can probably work as a good reference for data.

If you'd appreciate a few lilith parses on VE/E, all for it. No drop needs, but I really don't think that 40 seconds of AM3 down is that bad.

First of all, looking AM3 down in terms of "time" isn't appropriate. There is no variance in our attack speeds once buffed to the level we will get in the fight itself- thus its not a question of time but attacks.

Since on Arma we only time the time to deal with AM3 when it drops, its safe to assume that all TP when AM3 is down goes towards getting it back up in a Last Stand situation. The only time this isn't true is when using Wildfire for damage, and Last Stand still for AM3. That means between 9-12 attacks to reach 3k TP depending on Samurai Roll/TP set. Considering what you get in return, that's hardly a sacrifice.

In the situation you mention of using one weapon for Form 1, and then Armageddon for Form 2...I'd roll Tact/Sam in that order, fight lilith with those rolls and embrace the SC dmg at a loss of +atk, and then reroll Chaos to overwrite the Tact, but leave the Sam. This tradeoff I've only used when having a BRD and still getting minuets/honor march. Only way I could see maximizing your white damage on Arma...but without that BRD or GEO there boosting attack the loss of chaos will likely be too much.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2020-04-19 14:09:34
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Afania said: »
Just FYI, leaden salute 1 shots DI wave 1 mobs. Just triple shot or QDx2 => leaden salute and you can 1 shot DI wave 1 mobs from afar before other people even get a chance to engage.

Yeah, but one TS AM3 crit can one-shot, too. :)
Server: Asura
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user: Laboob
Posts: 1
By Asura.Snegma 2020-04-21 09:06:41
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Any thoughts on kariyeh +1/empa ring in ring1 slot and regal ring on ring2 vs metamorph +1 ring1 and regal ring2 for savage blade?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-04-21 10:26:45
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Asura.Snegma said: »
Any thoughts on kariyeh +1/empa ring in ring1 slot and regal ring on ring2 vs metamorph +1 ring1 and regal ring2 for savage blade?

16MND is around 1.6 to 1.8% increase in SB damage
4%WSD is around 2.4% increase in SB damage (slightly less if you have DM augments)

So I guess Metamorph can be good alternative, but it's not bis.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2020-04-21 10:39:19
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WSD Ring + Meta R15 should pull slightly ahead when pDif/acc are capped.

WSD Ring + Regal should win under most other circumstances.

Meta R15 + Regal falls behind in almost all situations.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-04-21 12:30:07
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
WSD Ring + Meta R15 should pull slightly ahead when pDif/acc are capped.

WSD Ring + Regal should win under most other circumstances.

Meta R15 + Regal falls behind in almost all situations.

There is another reason you want to use Regal ring tho and that's ~22 accuracy. Savage Blade set is already super low acc wise and taking away 22 more would be very bad.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-04-23 22:39:28
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Anyone know the proc rate on relic +3 hands "Triple Shot: Occasionally becomes Quad Shot" effect?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crowned
Posts: 94
By Asura.Crowned 2020-04-23 22:49:38
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It's 50% if you proc a triple shot iirc, so around 40-45%
Posts: 151
By Kazaki 2020-04-26 06:12:53
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If you augment Herc Helm with more than 18 MAB, considering it has +10 on it already totalling 28, is that better than Pixie Hairpin +1 for LS?
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2020-04-26 06:40:01
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Not even close
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-04-26 07:37:19
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Kazaki said: »
If you augment Herc Helm with more than 18 MAB, considering it has +10 on it already totalling 28, is that better than Pixie Hairpin +1 for LS?

Mab on Pixie Hairpin +1 is not regular mab but dark affinity. It's +28% dark magic damage, additive only with other sources of dark affinity (Orpheus's Sash and Archon ring for example).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 386
By Bahamut.Suph 2020-04-26 10:27:31
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For my leaden set i have 395 MAB (295 from gear + original 100) with pixie +1 its equivalent to 395 x 0.28 = 110 extra MAB.

If you can get MAB + 100 augment on herc head it might be better than pixie
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