Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2019-05-22 09:22:17
I preferred using Decimating bullets on anything meaningful if divine were out of stock. Saved Eminent for CP parties where ranged attack/acc were less of a concern.
Decimating bullets can be purchased at the curio moogle. 18 less DMG than Eminent, but 10 racc and 5 ratk. Not sure how the math works out.
Let me clarify, I was using Decimating on anything where I was ranged attacking for TP and/or using Last Stand. For Leaden Spam or melee, I just used Eminent.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2019-05-22 15:49:54
Glancing at spread sheet, I get A+ambu dagger slightly higher then B+ambu dagger for WF+melee but margin is within like 20dps on spreadsheet. A is going to be more consistent on xhit shooting depending on cor roll and pull ahead on melee if getting attack buffs. B generates a bunch of TP overflow thats useless for WF.
Question: How acc low are you guys willing to go in savageblade sets? Pulled 13str/7%wsdmg legs from dm augs, but savage set already feels pretty sketch with +2 neck and af3 body.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-05-22 17:01:04
I whiff savage blade a lot, always find myself adding in acc
By Afania 2019-05-22 18:21:13
Question: How acc low are you guys willing to go in savageblade sets? Pulled 13str/7%wsdmg legs from dm augs, but savage set already feels pretty sketch with +2 neck and af3 body.
Short answer: as low as I can.
Just keep a lowest acc set for both melee and WS, and use them when you can.
My lowest acc TP set has around 980 acc. 2nd lowest is about 1020-1030, 3rd lowest is about 1080-1100, then 2 more tier until 1280ish.
I find every opportunity to lower my melee acc as much as possible. In ambu I like to make my brd SV whenever it's up, then WC to reset it whenever it's up. I use RDM as main healer whenever I can so I can push acc lower for more dps. I only ever swap to higher acc sets when SV/distract 3 aren't available.
If extra buff isn't available I generally keep it at 1050-1100ish in ambu.
By Afania 2019-05-22 18:24:10
Glancing at spread sheet, I get A+ambu dagger slightly higher then B+ambu dagger for WF+melee but margin is within like 20dps on spreadsheet. A is going to be more consistent on xhit shooting depending on cor roll and pull ahead on melee if getting attack buffs. B generates a bunch of TP overflow thats useless for WF.
Is it in lowest acc set or max? In dyna wave 3(where melee wf is used) I had to TP in very high acc sets with low MA. Not sure if the result applies.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-05-22 20:45:32
In wave 3 with my ls, we always have 4song brd and idris geo in dd parties. so I dont ever really have melee acc issues. really just depends on your setup
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2019-05-22 21:18:02
Glancing at spread sheet, I get A+ambu dagger slightly higher then B+ambu dagger for WF+melee but margin is within like 20dps on spreadsheet. A is going to be more consistent on xhit shooting depending on cor roll and pull ahead on melee if getting attack buffs. B generates a bunch of TP overflow thats useless for WF.
Is it in lowest acc set or max? In dyna wave 3(where melee wf is used) I had to TP in very high acc sets with low MA. Not sure if the result applies.
was just a quick look with w/e ideal tp set is and normal WF gear. If you have a specific tp set you want me to check, I can take a look later.
By Zhaoyan 2019-06-06 22:22:47
Bit off topic but does anyone know if the sword in the top picture in the guide that the Elvaan is holding is actually in the game?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-06 23:19:09
It's just the Cermet Kilij/Beast Slayer model.
By Zhaoyan 2019-06-06 23:39:20
It's just the Cermet Kilij/Beast Slayer model.
Thank you!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 878
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2019-06-24 03:34:12
Dear SE,
Please add a TH+ roll for balance purposes.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Phoenix.Faloun 2019-06-24 04:49:00
Dear SE,
Please add a TH+ roll for balance purposes.
Everyone. I'd rather they make quickdraw magic burstable (same way as lunge and swipe)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2019-06-24 07:23:06
Dear SE,
Please add a TH+ roll for balance purposes.
Everyone. I'd rather they make quickdraw magic burstable (same way as lunge and swipe)
OMG this would be so cool and OP at the same time lol, 99999 Ice shot x2 after 60k salute > 99k darkness.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Fairy.Khory 2019-06-26 10:45:44
Why Iskur Gorget on melee tp sets? sTP only?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-06-26 10:48:38
Why Iskur Gorget on melee tp sets? sTP only?
By Nariont 2019-06-26 10:49:21
Yeah, if you dont need acc theres not a whole lot better for the slot compared to the stp
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19
By Shiva.Pukkaup 2019-06-27 12:49:52
hey, can somebody tell me whats the best hybrid set is please for melee
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-27 13:09:29
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Asura.Shua 2019-06-27 15:08:51
I think a lot of people do not realize how easily obtainable -DT is for COR now more than ever. At least thats how I feel about it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2019-06-28 13:14:03
Yea lol, with 2 cores in pt that set is capped DT.
By Aerix 2019-06-29 05:25:52
Short answer: as low as I can.
Just keep a lowest acc set for both melee and WS, and use them when you can.
My lowest acc TP set has around 980 acc. 2nd lowest is about 1020-1030, 3rd lowest is about 1080-1100, then 2 more tier until 1280ish.
I find every opportunity to lower my melee acc as much as possible. In ambu I like to make my brd SV whenever it's up, then WC to reset it whenever it's up. I use RDM as main healer whenever I can so I can push acc lower for more dps. I only ever swap to higher acc sets when SV/distract 3 aren't available.
If extra buff isn't available I generally keep it at 1050-1100ish in ambu.
How are you getting as low on Acc as 980 with all the Acc+ on stuff like Naegling, Tauret or Rostam lately? Are you TPing in QA+3 Herc pieces that have zero Acc + Dedition Earring?
By Afania 2019-06-29 08:58:00
Short answer: as low as I can.
Just keep a lowest acc set for both melee and WS, and use them when you can.
My lowest acc TP set has around 980 acc. 2nd lowest is about 1020-1030, 3rd lowest is about 1080-1100, then 2 more tier until 1280ish.
I find every opportunity to lower my melee acc as much as possible. In ambu I like to make my brd SV whenever it's up, then WC to reset it whenever it's up. I use RDM as main healer whenever I can so I can push acc lower for more dps. I only ever swap to higher acc sets when SV/distract 3 aren't available.
If extra buff isn't available I generally keep it at 1050-1100ish in ambu.
How are you getting as low on Acc as 980 with all the Acc+ on stuff like Naegling, Tauret or Rostam lately? Are you TPing in QA+3 Herc pieces that have zero Acc + Dedition Earring?
QA+3/stp augmented herc hand with 0 acc, QA+3 herc feet, thaumas coat, dedition earring. thats what I have for the lowest. This set has around 100 more dps than 1085-1100 acc set with hq adhemar body and hands.
with naegling I think my lowest can go a bit above 1000 now.
By Aerix 2019-06-29 20:09:15
Thaumas Coat is pretty nice, but I can't think of a lot of content where I would risk using it due to the lack of defensive bonuses. I assume when you do wear it, you have DW+10 on your cape?
By Afania 2019-06-29 21:13:59
Thaumas Coat is pretty nice, but I can't think of a lot of content where I would risk using it due to the lack of defensive bonuses. I assume when you do wear it, you have DW+10 on your cape?
1)That is correct. DW+10 on back with thaumas coat.
2) The lack of acc on thaumas coat bothers me more than the lack of defensive bonus lol. I use the coat on teles and dyna wave 3 fetters+aurix since Im over capping acc on them, so far I havent die because of it.
I have capped mdt full time just from MH rostam, 2 rolls, mdt +10% TP back and whm shell 5. For physical dmg I recast utsu 1 between pulls so for the most part its relatively safe IMO. other DD with berserk/last resort up are far more likely to die.
I cant cap acc in thaumas coat most of the time anyways, so the situation that I really TP in it is quite rare. But its nice to have a max dps set ready when you can afford to push dps a bit higher.
By Aerix 2019-06-29 23:06:47
I didn't mean with regard to dying, rather the lack of MEVA makes you unlikely to resist any status effects even with Barspells up. Also, isn't there an ilevel penalty attached to using it? Although perhaps not when using 119 offhand and ranged.
By Afania 2019-06-30 12:09:47
I didn't mean with regard to dying, rather the lack of MEVA makes you unlikely to resist any status effects even with Barspells up. Also, isn't there an ilevel penalty attached to using it? Although perhaps not when using 119 offhand and ranged.
I'm not aware of any ilv penalty negatively impact your dps. Am I missing anything?
As far as status effect goes, just don't use it if mob has any that affects dps, or use react with resist set to counter it. It's not a big deal: FFXI is meant to be played swapping gears and no set should be full timed ever.
By Aerix 2019-06-30 12:53:40
[...] use react [...] FFXI is meant to be played swapping gears
But I'm pretty sure FFXI wasn't meant to be played with bots.
As for the ilevel thing: using non-ilevel gear could drop you to ilevel 117, which might affect level correction, but not sure if it's ever been tested.
By Afania 2019-06-30 13:46:28
[...] use react [...] FFXI is meant to be played swapping gears
But I'm pretty sure FFXI wasn't meant to be played with bots.
Missing the point, but whatever.
(By swapping gears, I meant swap it in any way you want, not necessarily botting. Idk why you put 2 of my different sentence in the same one in the same quote and change the meaning of my post.)
As for the ilevel thing: using non-ilevel gear could drop you to ilevel 117, which might affect level correction, but not sure if it's ever been tested.
Lv correction doesnt apply to all zones, and you TP in it not WS in it lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-06-30 13:59:51
Id hardly call react a bot, it can do the exact same thing gearswap luas can do.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-06-30 14:08:33
Id hardly call react a bot, it can do the exact same thing gearswap luas can do.
I'd hardly call gearswap luas 'not a bot', they can do the exact same thing bots do.
(Seriously, if you're automating something that should demand reaction time, you're cheating. I'm not going to pretend I'm above cheating, but you can't honestly believe it's not a huge unfair advantage.)