Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
Server: Asura
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Posts: 28
By Asura.Zulaern 2019-04-17 10:37:33
So, I finally stopped being lazy and made a point to go get all my Jovian abj (minus Body, Pakecet was being stingy). I'm going to be updating my TP set from mostly Meg+2 gear but I just now realized how much Accuracy I'm going to lose. This worries me.
My question is, should I be concerned? I wanted to do Path B on Adhemar but I'm wondering now if I'll be forced to do Path A.
I'm trying to follow the gear sets listed in this guide, but I can't afford the HQ stuff or get some of the other pain in the *** stuff to get (like Telos) but my gear is getting decent, probably above average, but not to the level where a lot of you are.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2019-04-17 10:54:22
So, I finally stopped being lazy and made a point to go get all my Jovian abj (minus Body, Pakecet was being stingy). I'm going to be updating my TP set from mostly Meg+2 gear but I just now realized how much Accuracy I'm going to lose. This worries me.
My question is, should I be concerned? I wanted to do Path B on Adhemar but I'm wondering now if I'll be forced to do Path A.
I'm trying to follow the gear sets listed in this guide, but I can't afford the HQ stuff or get some of the other pain in the *** stuff to get (like Telos) but my gear is getting decent, probably above average, but not to the level where a lot of you are.
Trade the already upgraded piece of equipment to Nolan and you can change the augment path whenever you want. This way you can customize a little depending on what you’re doing (higher acc, more ranged set up etc) without having multiple of the same piece.
By Afania 2019-04-17 11:24:24
So, I finally stopped being lazy and made a point to go get all my Jovian abj (minus Body, Pakecet was being stingy). I'm going to be updating my TP set from mostly Meg+2 gear but I just now realized how much Accuracy I'm going to lose. This worries me.
My question is, should I be concerned? I wanted to do Path B on Adhemar but I'm wondering now if I'll be forced to do Path A.
I'm trying to follow the gear sets listed in this guide, but I can't afford the HQ stuff or get some of the other pain in the *** stuff to get (like Telos) but my gear is getting decent, probably above average, but not to the level where a lot of you are.
For cor, acc path adhemar all the way. And it doesn't matter the gear level you are in because if you go attack path you would have to sacrifice more important stats like MA/STP in endgame on cor.
By lhova 2019-04-17 12:18:39
Hey guys, question for Dyna wave 3, on Cor typically to start are you guys solo-ing melee tp on mobs (after statue is dead and not on nin type mobs) holding tp until 2k or so and then able to kill your solo mob? Then on wave 2 boss I’m assuming the cors start a triple shot random deal cycle, range tp and leaden him either at 1k tp or holding for 3k? Then on the circles I’m assuming were changing back to melee tp and savage blade spamming? Lastly on W3 boss are we going back to leaden or sticking with Savage? This is assuming a very well geared Cor with R0 Foma, Nageling, Kaja knife, 1k tp gun and 1 path A Rostam. Thanks for any advice!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Asura.Zulaern 2019-04-17 12:26:22
And it doesn't matter the gear level you are in because if you go attack path you would have to sacrifice more important stats like MA/STP in endgame on cor. I'm confused by this part of your statement. Could you elaborate? Though I guess, now that mention accuracy is the way to go, that makes sense. I'd be using WSD aug'd herc or AF/relic +3 pieces for WS. So it's not like the attack/STR on path B would be that beneficial, just extra white damage yea?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2019-04-17 12:35:21
Generally on cor white damage is not the primary concern, cor really shines on WSD due to special items for WS (tp bonus gun) or amazing WSs (salute). While more white damage is good it should be second to tp gain speed to max WS frequency unless you are holding for SC and get to 3k tp well before that SC, since nearly all WSs you will use on cor get good dmg bonuses from more tp so tp gain should be primary.
By Afania 2019-04-17 13:57:05
And it doesn't matter the gear level you are in because if you go attack path you would have to sacrifice more important stats like MA/STP in endgame on cor. I'm confused by this part of your statement. Could you elaborate? Though I guess, now that mention accuracy is the way to go, that makes sense. I'd be using WSD aug'd herc or AF/relic +3 pieces for WS. So it's not like the attack/STR on path B would be that beneficial, just extra white damage yea?
If I am using sword/savage build, I have around 1080-1090 melee acc in max MA/STP set even in HQ acc path adhemar. So something like this:
ItemSet 340332
From my experience 1080 is pretty much the lowest you can go in ilv 139+ content if your brd dont SV and not in escha. There are no room to go any lower than that without vorseals/SV.
So if you use NQ attack path adhemar, it will be even lower unless you sacrifice some other slots with stp/ma for acc.
If you do so then your ws frenquency gets hit and youd do less dmg because majority of cor dmg came from ws, not melee hits.
If you do rostam/tauret/leaden build then you will have more room to tp in less acc since my base acc with leaden set has over 1100. But even then Id change food to stp or meva food or swap body slot out before I consider attack path adhemars.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Asura.Zulaern 2019-04-17 14:05:03
Thanks, this is super helpful. Maybe I'll be fine then, because according to your post my accuracy is too high currently. I feel like I'm sitting around 1150 ish, maybe a tad lower.
That build is pretty much exactly what I'd be using, except maybe a Brutal Earring instead of Dedition because I don't have one. And I'm using NQ stuff because I'm a peasant.
What type of content do you need Sushi for and when can you get away with attack food?
By Afania 2019-04-17 14:37:41
Thanks, this is super helpful. Maybe I'll be fine then, because according to your post my accuracy is too high currently. I feel like I'm sitting around 1150 ish, maybe a tad lower.
If you use the identical set as posts above, you wont get 1150 with sword build without vorseal/food/songs.
So def a tad lower.
What type of content do you need Sushi for and when can you get away with attack food?
Its really really hard to get away from sushi on cor in serious content from my experience. I just abuse Geo sp+wc spam reset/armor break to cap pdif. Having naegling also makes pdif capping easier. So generally I worry about attack less often than worry about melee acc.
I think its best to do a checkparam in the pt you are in and make decision base on result since every pt uses different buffs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Asura.Zulaern 2019-04-17 14:53:27
Thanks, this is super helpful. Maybe I'll be fine then, because according to your post my accuracy is too high currently. I feel like I'm sitting around 1150 ish, maybe a tad lower.
If you use the identical set as posts above, you wont get 1150 with sword build without vorseal/food/songs.
So def a tad lower. I haven't made the jump to Adhemar yet, with my current Meg+2 in Head/Body/Hands I'm higher than that I meant.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-04-17 15:43:50
Hey guys, question for Dyna wave 3, on Cor typically to start are you guys solo-ing melee tp on mobs (after statue is dead and not on nin type mobs) holding tp until 2k or so and then able to kill your solo mob? Then on wave 2 boss I’m assuming the cors start a triple shot random deal cycle, range tp and leaden him either at 1k tp or holding for 3k? Then on the circles I’m assuming were changing back to melee tp and savage blade spamming? Lastly on W3 boss are we going back to leaden or sticking with Savage? This is assuming a very well geared Cor with R0 Foma, Nageling, Kaja knife, 1k tp gun and 1 path A Rostam. Thanks for any advice! for wave 1 I roll tact/wiz StpPath/tauret/DP clear statue path for w.e zone im in then switch to stp/wiz and shoot & leaden mobs/midboss. then wave 2 mobs and boss I naeg/blurred +1/tpbonus gun Savage spam chaos/sams roll. wave 3 mobs/circles
naeg/blurred +1/tpbonus gun Savage spam chaos/sams roll, and on wave 3 boss FUA/Tauret/DP leaden spam wiz/sams roll.
this is the melee tp set I usually use during Dyna
Adhemar Path A
Herc Dex, acc. triple attack
Back Dex, acc/att, DA, acc, PDT-10
ItemSet 366245
By Afania 2019-04-17 16:41:39
Hey guys, question for Dyna wave 3, on Cor typically to start are you guys solo-ing melee tp on mobs (after statue is dead and not on nin type mobs) holding tp until 2k or so and then able to kill your solo mob?
There are no playstyle thats universally best for all cor. This will depend on your setup and group, and gear level. Personally, I went with melee setup most of time so melee all things.
Whether I hold tp or not also depend on zone and green/blue. Its faster to kill mob in sandy on blue pulls if I hold tp to 1700ish. However if you cant 1 shot a mob with 1700 tp then you may as well ws twice.
I also hold TP for 1 shot on NIN PLD THF WHM RUN mob if Im soloing or lowmanning to bypass annoying SP which slows down kill speed.
Quote: Then on wave 2 boss I’m assuming the cors start a triple shot random deal cycle, range tp and leaden him either at 1k tp or holding for 3k?
As far as choice of ws, I alternate ws between AE/leaden/WF/Savage depending on mobs and buffs.
On wave 2 boss I generally melee and spam savage blade.
Then on the circles I’m assuming were changing back to melee tp and savage blade spamming?
We generally have malaise, so on circles I usually use leaden. However you will need a lot of macc on fetters or else resist rate will be high.
If you are getting too much resist on magical ws then feel free to use savage.
Fetter stat is kinda weird, it seems to have extremely low evasion but pdif is hard to cap and meva is also high......
On volte I use ae or wf depending on tank/healer/mob position. Wf is the strongest ws on volte with malaise unless you time gambit/rayke/dark threnody perfect, in that case you can use leaden.
Lastly on W3 boss are we going back to leaden or sticking with Savage?
Again with malaise/gambit I use leaden on boss, if adds pop I switch to TP bonus gun + AE.
There are quite a bit of ws switching required in dyna D so make sure you setup weapon toggles for it and only toggle right after a ws for minimial tp lose.
Again thats how I do it with current pt setup and gear access, feel free to make different playstyle decision with different setup or something.
By lhova 2019-04-17 18:16:31
Hey guys, question for Dyna wave 3, on Cor typically to start are you guys solo-ing melee tp on mobs (after statue is dead and not on nin type mobs) holding tp until 2k or so and then able to kill your solo mob?
There are no playstyle thats universally best for all cor. This will depend on your setup and group, and gear level. Personally, I went with melee setup most of time so melee all things.
Whether I hold tp or not also depend on zone and green/blue. Its faster to kill mob in sandy on blue pulls if I hold tp to 1700ish. However if you cant 1 shot a mob with 1700 tp then you may as well ws twice.
I also hold TP for 1 shot on NIN PLD THF WHM RUN mob if Im soloing or lowmanning to bypass annoying SP which slows down kill speed.
Quote: Then on wave 2 boss I’m assuming the cors start a triple shot random deal cycle, range tp and leaden him either at 1k tp or holding for 3k?
As far as choice of ws, I alternate ws between AE/leaden/WF/Savage depending on mobs and buffs.
On wave 2 boss I generally melee and spam savage blade.
Then on the circles I’m assuming were changing back to melee tp and savage blade spamming?
We generally have malaise, so on circles I usually use leaden. However you will need a lot of macc on fetters or else resist rate will be high.
If you are getting too much resist on magical ws then feel free to use savage.
Fetter stat is kinda weird, it seems to have extremely low evasion but pdif is hard to cap and meva is also high......
On volte I use ae or wf depending on tank/healer/mob position. Wf is the strongest ws on volte with malaise unless you time gambit/rayke/dark threnody perfect, in that case you can use leaden.
Lastly on W3 boss are we going back to leaden or sticking with Savage?
Again with malaise/gambit I use leaden on boss, if adds pop I switch to TP bonus gun + AE.
There are quite a bit of ws switching required in dyna D so make sure you setup weapon toggles for it and only toggle right after a ws for minimial tp lose.
Again thats how I do it with current pt setup and gear access, feel free to make different playstyle decision with different setup or something.
Are you referring to Aoelin edge when your saying AE and what is FUA?
By Afania 2019-04-17 18:25:47
Hey guys, question for Dyna wave 3, on Cor typically to start are you guys solo-ing melee tp on mobs (after statue is dead and not on nin type mobs) holding tp until 2k or so and then able to kill your solo mob?
There are no playstyle thats universally best for all cor. This will depend on your setup and group, and gear level. Personally, I went with melee setup most of time so melee all things.
Whether I hold tp or not also depend on zone and green/blue. Its faster to kill mob in sandy on blue pulls if I hold tp to 1700ish. However if you cant 1 shot a mob with 1700 tp then you may as well ws twice.
I also hold TP for 1 shot on NIN PLD THF WHM RUN mob if Im soloing or lowmanning to bypass annoying SP which slows down kill speed.
Quote: Then on wave 2 boss I’m assuming the cors start a triple shot random deal cycle, range tp and leaden him either at 1k tp or holding for 3k?
As far as choice of ws, I alternate ws between AE/leaden/WF/Savage depending on mobs and buffs.
On wave 2 boss I generally melee and spam savage blade.
Then on the circles I’m assuming were changing back to melee tp and savage blade spamming?
We generally have malaise, so on circles I usually use leaden. However you will need a lot of macc on fetters or else resist rate will be high.
If you are getting too much resist on magical ws then feel free to use savage.
Fetter stat is kinda weird, it seems to have extremely low evasion but pdif is hard to cap and meva is also high......
On volte I use ae or wf depending on tank/healer/mob position. Wf is the strongest ws on volte with malaise unless you time gambit/rayke/dark threnody perfect, in that case you can use leaden.
Lastly on W3 boss are we going back to leaden or sticking with Savage?
Again with malaise/gambit I use leaden on boss, if adds pop I switch to TP bonus gun + AE.
There are quite a bit of ws switching required in dyna D so make sure you setup weapon toggles for it and only toggle right after a ws for minimial tp lose.
Again thats how I do it with current pt setup and gear access, feel free to make different playstyle decision with different setup or something.
Are you referring to Aoelin edge when your saying AE and what is FUA?
Ae=aeolian edge. FUA=follow up attack.
Also some note about AE:
AE is extremely strong on cor if multiple mobs are present. Its not uncommon to get 20k AE avg on wave 3 boss parse. If 4 adds are out plus boss thats 20k×5=100k dmg every time you ws. On volte its equally good.
Its generally 1 key to clear multiple mobs/adds really fast, but your tank/support has to be prepare for it. Not all alliance are comfortable dealing with massive aoe from SMN or NIN SP if they dont have extra bubble slot/scherzo available for magic dmg. Ive seen alliance with weaker support that cant have DD cleaving and they must kill mobs one by one.
So make decision on use AE or not depending on your pt organization.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 702
By Lakshmi.Watusa 2019-04-18 01:43:41
Does Baetyl Pendant beat Commodore Charm +1 for Leaden? I don't see it listed in any of the non-dream tier sets.
I can't stomach dropping 80m on the item + 80m on upgrade items just for a single Leaden piece for the +2. If the +1 ain't so far away though...
By Asura.Yso 2019-04-18 01:53:54
Does Baetyl Pendant beat Commodore Charm +1 for Leaden? I don't see it listed in any of the non-dream tier sets.
I can't stomach dropping 80m on the item + 80m on upgrade items just for a single Leaden piece for the +2. If the +1 ain't so far away though...
Get charm +2 and don't look back.
By runelore 2019-04-18 02:18:54
Does Baetyl Pendant beat Commodore Charm +1 for Leaden? I don't see it listed in any of the non-dream tier sets.
I can't stomach dropping 80m on the item + 80m on upgrade items just for a single Leaden piece for the +2. If the +1 ain't so far away though...
I am interested in the answer to this too, for the same reasons stated by watusa
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2019-04-18 08:06:46
Does Baetyl Pendant beat Commodore Charm +1 for Leaden? I don't see it listed in any of the non-dream tier sets.
I can't stomach dropping 80m on the item + 80m on upgrade items just for a single Leaden piece for the +2. If the +1 ain't so far away though...
You're actually only dropping 80m, then farming Dynamis for points – for the best in slot Leaden, magic accuracy, snapshot, Savage Blade, and Wildfire neck.
So why wouldn't you do that?
edit* Also, as a side note. On anything meaningful you need MACC in you leaden set as well. Which means Sanctity or Commodore +1 are going to be better than Baetyl for certain ilvl content. But Commodore +1 might just be better outright seeing as it isn't that far behind +2.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-04-18 08:55:21
Telling anybody +2 or bust is kinda silly, especially since our JSE neck doesn't have anything special like damage limit+, and the real world difference between +1 and +2 (and even NQ) is nearly imperceptible.
By Pilipinoboi 2019-04-18 09:49:02
I just look at it this way - while I agree the difference between the JSE necks aren't a world apart (as is with everything in game), there will come a time where you're wanting to upgrade your stuff to go BiS. (How many of you opted for the NQ abjurations before only to upgrade to +1 eventually if you already didn't +1 to start?)
At that point you'd have spent more cumulatively and then toss out a non-refundable +1 and the RP gained. Bite the bullet, save up and always go for top-tier.
Use Baetyl until you can upgrade and get some RP on your eventual +2.
This last part also goes without saying - a COR's best Leaden Salute upgrade will be the Death Penalty and Living Bullet. Next would be AF+3, your Herc augments then the rest. If you don't have #1, don't go ahead and upgrade item #10 first on the list as an example.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-04-18 15:40:30
Does Baetyl Pendant beat Commodore Charm +1 for Leaden? I don't see it listed in any of the non-dream tier sets.
I can't stomach dropping 80m on the item + 80m on upgrade items just for a single Leaden piece for the +2. If the +1 ain't so far away though...
+1 R20 beats baetyl. Also, Its not just a Leaden piece. can be used for Wildfire, and its BIS(nq/+1/+2) for savage blade, cor's 2nd bread n butter.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Asura.Cladbolg 2019-04-19 23:19:12
What are BIS for melee TP gain outside of DW Rostam?
Ambu sword and ambu dagger or ambu sword and blurred+1 (sword or dagger)?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-04-20 01:43:23
What are BIS for melee TP gain outside of DW Rostam?
Ambu sword and ambu dagger or ambu sword and blurred+1 (sword or dagger)?
depends what your doing. If your savageblade spam then naegling + blurred knife +1 or if your leaden spam/last stand spam then tauret + blurred knife +1. of course if you need more acc or dt and have them then offhand or mainhand(leaden/LS spam) a rostam or lanun knife.
By Asura.Yso 2019-04-20 03:29:47
This is what I currently use
Rolls: Rostam C
Savage Blade: Naegling/Blurred Knife +1
Leaden: Rostam A/Tauret
Last Stand: Rostam A/Rostam(/Nusku Shield)
By lhova 2019-04-20 10:07:01
This is what I currently use
Rolls: Rostam C
Savage Blade: Naegling/Blurred Knife +1
Leaden: Rostam A/Tauret
Last Stand: Rostam A/Rostam(/Nusku Shield)
Has anyone spreadsheet the actual dps difference between Nageling/Blurred knife +1 vs Nageling/Rostam A for melee on things like Ambu VD SB spam? I don’t get why blurred would be the preferred choice. I’ll be honest maybe I just want to justify selling my blurred so I could get rostam but I just don’t get why I would use blurred over rostam unless I was hoping for the haste buff.
By Nariont 2019-04-20 10:15:38
Cause FUA augment doesnt work on offhand but oat does?
By Afania 2019-04-20 11:31:09
This is what I currently use
Rolls: Rostam C
Savage Blade: Naegling/Blurred Knife +1
Leaden: Rostam A/Tauret
Last Stand: Rostam A/Rostam(/Nusku Shield)
Has anyone spreadsheet the actual dps difference between Nageling/Blurred knife +1 vs Nageling/Rostam A for melee on things like Ambu VD SB spam? I don’t get why blurred would be the preferred choice. I’ll be honest maybe I just want to justify selling my blurred so I could get rostam but I just don’t get why I would use blurred over rostam unless I was hoping for the haste buff.
Last time I checked Blurred +1 was about 3% ahead of rostam in max MA set, the gap gets bigger if you swap to dt or high acc set.
Blurred +1 is best dps for savage offhand pure dps unless you really need dt or acc from Rostam then rostam offhand works fine.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 152
By Asura.Blitzjr 2019-04-21 09:52:38
Does anyone have a gearswap implementation for when Double / Triple shot are active to equip Oshosi Gear?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-04-21 09:56:19
Does anyone have a gearswap implementation for when Double / Triple shot are active to equip Oshosi Gear? Code function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' then
if buffactive['Triple Shot'] then
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
if buffactive[467] then
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 152
By Asura.Blitzjr 2019-04-21 10:00:47
Thanks bro!