Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-03-14 20:55:02
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Afania said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
you can manually fudge the spreadsheet by using old fashioned math to calculate the various multi attack rates with Raetic inclided,

Possible to elaborate a bit more about this?

Say if I have 20%(1/5) proc rate from raetic, and 5 QA, 20 TA, 30 DA in melee TP set.

I just manually change the MA rate to 1% attack 5 times(1/5 of QA rate), 8% QA(remaining 4% base QA+1/5 of base TA rate), 22% TA(remaining 16% TA + 1/5 of base DA rate), 24% DA (4/5 of base DA rate)?

Also how do I add values for QA+1 proc?
Basically, start at the highest column and add a rate equal to the Raetic + previous MA rate round combination occurrance rate, and proceed down. For example, let's say you have 400 MP for 20% Raetic Rate (let's call it RA), 20% DA, 20% TA, and 5% QA.

First, you calculate QuintA, with RA * QA = 1%. That's 5 attacks out of 100, so when we're done, we'll add 1% to QA (+3/100) and 1% to TA (+2/100).

Next, we move onto QA. Your new QA is RA * TA + QA = 9 QA, so manually add 5 QA on the spreadsheet under the custom row (with 1 QA for the QuintA calculations), so your total QA is 10%.

Your new TA is RA * DA + TA = 24% TA, so manually add 5 TA (with 1 TA for the QuintA calculations), so your total TA is 25%.

Your new DA is the combined chances of RA or DA proccing, which is (1-(100-RA)*(100-DA)) = 36%. Manually add 16% to your DA rate here, so your total DA is 36%.

Finally, go to the data sheet and find how many attacks per round each weapon gets on average. Then, add (10)/(Average Attacks per Round) to the STP cell in the custom row. So, if you average 3 attacks per round, add 3 STP there.

Two things to keep in mind. First, this method only works when single wielding or dual wielding Raetic weapons only, as you can't add stats to the custom row that only apply to one weapon but not the other. To separate the weapons, you'd have to head to the Data sheet and do your adjustments there, which is probably possible, but I haven't done it (as I've only calculated Raetic DPSs for two handed weapons).

Second, there are three sources of skewing due to basically brute forcing it:

1: We cannot directly input Quintuple Attacks; splitting them up between QA and TA gives you the same total number of additional attacks per round, but is sometimes slightly different in terms of when you reach 1000 TP. Depending on the TP scaling your WS of choice has, this can skew the DPS either higher or lower than it actually is (given realistic QA rates).

2: We cannot input STP only on the first hit of a weapon's round, so we're averaging it with the average number of hits per round. This introduces rounding errors (more significant with lower Raetic rates), and will rarely misrepresent (in both directions) whether you barely hit 1000 TP in a round or not. Depending on the direction of your STP rounding, this can skew your DPS in either direction.

2: If you're dual wielding two Raetic Weapons, spreading out Quintuple attacks removes the effect of the 8 attack per round cap. In the actual game, if you get two QuintA procs, you lose 2 hits that round, and if you get a QuintA and a QA proc, you lose 1 hit that round. This never happens when you spread them between QA and TA, so the spreadsheet calculation never has you losing hits. With realistic QA and Raetic rates, this will only rarely happen, but it does have an effect. This will slightly skew your DPS higher than it actually is.
Or the correct and easier way:
current average hits per round + (floor(mp / 20) / 100) = new average hits per round

I don't know a lot about excel in general, and I don't pay much attention to the spreadsheets myself. But it seems like the easiest solution would be to take an already existing average hits per round, and then take your floor(mp / 20) / 100 in a seperate cell and add that to your total average hits per round instead of the way you went.

as for the STP, assuming the sheets account for the relic bonus, I'd just group it with that somehow.
The spreadsheets are too complicated to just do that; believe me, I've looked. They take your multi hit rates, and then use statistics to determine your hits per round and rounds per WS for many consecutive rounds(in order to properly take consideration of variable size rounds per WS). It basically simulates a bunch of rounds (though using averages instead of random variance), just like your simulations. Any "average hits per round" boxes are outputs or incomplete inputs, not full inputs like that would require.

For example, if you just adjust the boxes that give average hits per round, it adjusts your white damage per round correctly, but has no effect on the rounds/WS calculation (since it doesn't affect the spreadsheet's simulations), throwing everything off.
Posts: 14
By AkaniDragoon 2018-03-14 21:18:56
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The only content I'd give even two thoughts about snake eye merits would be in Ambuscade. Any other time it's pretty pointless as you are usually pre-rolling your first 11 and riding it out anyways.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3729
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-03-14 21:36:20
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Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
Or, derp, keep Yemaya, swap to Carmine Finger Gauntlets +1 and Rapid Shot is increased by a full 11 and that Taeon Chapeau can still be below max to keep capped Snapshot. I think?

Yeah, cap is 70 but you just need Snap+60 to cap with maximum gifts. Some people do Snap+71 to ensure you're above 70% with an x/1024 calculation... I'm really not sure whether that's actually necessary with modern gear, but for me I'm fine hitting "only" Snap+70 when given the choice to add Rapid Shot gear instead (e.g., Yemaya over Impulse Belt).

I think you're right that getting Carmine+1 hands in there for a net gain in Rapid Shot is the way to go.

The below set is what I use for no Flurry. It actually has Snap+60 in gear, and doesn't require the super pricey/rare HQ Oshosi body:
ItemSet 357345

Another interesting option for people with Haverton+1 is to use AF body/legs for a net gain in Rapid Shot (Rapid+20 from AF body, 7 more than the Rapid+13 on Adhemar+1 legs):
ItemSet 357346

Point being, there are a lot of ways to play around with gear to hit snapshot cap, depending on the HQs/Taeon augments/ring/gifts/etc. that you have available.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-03-14 22:28:58
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Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
Or, derp, keep Yemaya, swap to Carmine Finger Gauntlets +1 and Rapid Shot is increased by a full 11 and that Taeon Chapeau can still be below max to keep capped Snapshot. I think?

Yeah, you're totally right. Not sure how Lanun hands got mixed up in there. ^^;

BTW: waiting for the site to add +3 relic body/legs before we update some Dream Tier sets.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-03-15 00:16:09
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capuchin is my go-to for preshot any more lol...he thinks around corners I never do.
By Afania 2018-03-15 04:29:00
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
The guide doesn't outright dismiss 5/5 Snake Eye but it VERY heavily favors Winning Streak. If you wanted to say it's "just preference" you'd do it like how I'd write THF merits on a guide and say "You can go 5 in Sneak Attack, 5 in Trick attack, or 5 split between the two, it's personal preference as long as those 5 points are in one of those categories, but I prefer Trick Attack as it's easier to be able to line that up". Instead the COR guide offers reasons to favor Winning Streak and including the absolute bogus line of "most content takes 15-20 minutes". If that line wasn't involved I probably wouldn't have gone wtf.

Well first thing first, about the nature of the guide, since guide drama has happened in FFXI community for too many times that we may as well make things clear.

I am aware that the current wording favors WS 5/5. And obviously the guide is just reflection of authors opinion. BG guides even has a tag that says "please keep in mind that guides are works of opinion". And that's just the nature of the guide that you(or other people starting guide drama in DRG forum)don't seem to get: The guide will gravitate towards certain choice because the writer feels it's the best choice for the reader.

I've talked to Arislan about whether or not to change the wordings for the merit to give SE 5/5 a bit more weight, but he mentioned casual players simply just don't kill as fast as you described. Thus the wording is kept as it is.

Anyways, back to my reasoning for WS 5/5:

I have changed merit to SE 5/5 several times in shorter fights before full time CC bonus doable, but in the end I made WS 5/5 my "default" setup because I feel pros of WS 5/5 outweight the cons. More so after Ou neck release making full time CC bonus possible.

The roll distribution math on this page last time when we argued about it:

Shows that 5/5 SE has 1% more avg potency than 3/5 SE, but CC bonus has 10% potency gap.

In other words, a roll with full time CC bonus would have higher avg potency in the long run than a roll only getting CC half the time.

Since 3/5 WS has roll duration of 8:38 min if I remember correctly, any fight that last longer than 8:38 min would favor 5/5 WS because you'll either have to reroll and lose DPS, or lose CC bonus unless you random deal/WC for CC, which is often not available due to BRD/GEO/triple shot resets.

You can probably make an argument that you could just CC on 2nd roll in a roll cycle by waiting for a bit longer on 2nd roll, but depending on what you do 2nd roll may not be as beneficial as first.

Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I also like Snake Eye better as it feels more COR-ish

I'm just gonna quote Saevel this time:
The human brain is notoriously bad at averages and likes to just take the biggest number as the "average".

It's like real gambling, SE 5/5 seems godly because whenever you hit a 11 it feels good and we tend to notice it more. And we have the tendency to pay attention to big numbers whenever we get them, and give credit for SE 5/5 more than it really does.

But math shows that roll potency with 5/5 SE simply does not beat 3/5 SE + full time CC in a 10+ min fight. In a less than 10 min fight it makes 1% difference, which really isn't huge. Unless you get a different result from math, the fact that 10+ min fight favors WS 5/5 is hard to deny. Unless you choose to defy math.

Then it goes back to the question about exactly which content last longer than 10 min:

Escha: Most fights last less than 10 min, sure. But in real events, we tend to spam T1-T3 and finish them in 1 sitting without going back to the moogle. Essentially it's a 1hr content that we just fight multiple NMs by keep popping them. I don't think we'll just do a T1, reroll, do another T1, reroll again. Instead we put on a 9.5 min roll and only reroll after it wears then keep popping one after another.

In bigger fights like T4 etc, pre roll a 11 and 4 roll rotations for different pt are frequently utilized. So that also makes WS 5/5 more attractive. We do 4 roll rotation for DDs before fight on harder NM, and tend to do less important rollx2 first, and we don't rotate CORs in and out after pop. Thus the longer first 2 rolls last, the better DPS we get.

Obviously different group do things differently, so if you prefer SE 5/5 no matter what, go ahead. But it seems to me that WS 5/5 is hard to beat in Escha.

Omen: Once again, it's a 1hr long event that benefits from full time CC bonus.

You can make an argument that on fodder floor roll potency doesn't matter, and you would only super buff on bosses, and boss dies in 5 min. Then it goes back to Arislan's casual player argument: Casual players can't kill things as fast. If the fight did not end in 8:30 min(roll duration for 3/5 WS), then you get better roll potency from 5/5 WS.

Dynamis: It's a 1.5 min long farming event, enough said. Full time CC bonus for nukers so they kill faster for more drops. We tend to do wizards/tact for BLM in dyna since we also go for megaboss so we can't BLU farm things, have to use BLMs. Since tact is just there to recover BLM MP occassionally it really doesn't need CC bonus, so full time CC mab roll or bust in BLM setup.

Megaboss can be cleared in 5 min with bigger pt and strong SCH BLMs. But if you go low man or not as elite it would last longer than 8:38 min for sure.

Ambuscade: This depends on the month or whether you SMN burn or not. In February if you roll with SMN then I can see SE 5/5 being more beneficial since it end in 3 min.

With ranged setup it can last anywhere from 6 min(elite pt with no mistake), 7-10 min(above avg pt or with 1-2 tank MPKing) to 10+ min (mediocre RNG COR or underbuffed). You pretty much need everything going perfect to have SE 5/5 outweight WS 5/5. If you go with lesser geared people, less support, or make mistake on MPKing then WS 5/5 will win.

No matter how I see it, WS 5/5 seems like a more useful choice most of the time, with a few exceptions such as SMN burn ambuscade, or easy month ambuscade(which we haven't get for quite a while...)

Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Are you calling it a pissing contest because I mentioned you? Pretty sure Arislan dismissing my argument saying that I am effectively too elite did that first.

We have the tendency to only see things from our perspective and fail to understand other people's pov. What he meant is that when you made statement like "99% of content" then proceed to make argument about how you do things, or your kill speed based on your pt capabilities, you failed to acknowledge that other people have different pov, experience, resources, playstyle from you. Not everyone can clear things in less than 9 min.

A word of advice, sometimes spending a little bit more effort trying to understand exactly why others have different opinion can go a long way, in game and irl.

I have the tendency to only see things from my own experience as well, that's why working with Arislan is great since he provides different perspective from a more casual pov, something that I can't do. And our COR experience/perspective complements each others. I fully respect his decision and direction of the guide. Unless there's a different argument supporting SE 5/5, I think it's quite reasonable to make WS 5/5 default recommendations and SE 5/5 being more of an alternative choice.

Edit: phone Typo fix.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2018-03-16 06:50:17
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Another suggestion: Add a little bit more information about Ataktos.

Similar to how you list augment paths for other gear, somehow indicate the desired path either by trial number or benefit.

I only suggest this because there isn't any information about it provided by the linked icon in the weapon set--no one has commented on it.

Thanks again for the awesome guide!
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2018-03-16 08:26:03
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Way too much drama over extra 40sec roll.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-16 09:02:18
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geigei said: »
Way too much drama over extra 40sec roll.

Especially when I clarified my major issue was claiming most content is 15-20 minutes. Hell, one of the major intros to ilvl content is UNM...most of which have a 15min max on them...

All I see is this theoretical perfect scenario where fights last exactly 52s longer than 3/5 Winning Streak or "Well that's just a preference it's whatever". Which is major backpedaling from "Yeah everyone go 5/5 WS because fights are super long and ***so yeah that's the best for sure."

Not everyone can clear things in less than 9 min.

But it doesn't have to be. The major deal between 3/5 WS and 5/5 WS is based on fights being 8min to 9min, or 16min+. Anything else and you either never reroll at all, or reroll just once, and the extra duration rolls give you an extra CC duration for that first roll, whereas Snake Eye makes it much easier to have the max potency on the reroll. Which is, at minimum, a complete *** wash between the preferences.

Instead we have Afania who has quite the way with arguments on the forums somehow able to avoid the fact that the claim was made that most fights are 15-20min and that's the issue at hand here.

The last time I had a fight consistently in the 15-20min range Afania was our attempts at melee Kei in the really early days of Omen, and that only was so incredibly painful because you could not react outside of your precise vision of how the fight was going to go so one switch to slow spikes would entirely wreck the entire SC because you could never change up the order of WS's on the fly. So when you say things like:
We have the tendency to only see things from our perspective and fail to understand other people's pov.

yeah I know that's how you work. And obviously everyone does to varying degrees, but I know from personal experience you're extremely guilty of this. You are stuck in your way until someone absolutely proves it to be wrong, and there's essentially no way to do that on an internet discussion of this variety, lol. But we've played with each other a fair bit, and you know how I play, I am very variable. I change as needed, and am not stuck in my ways because that's what I know. I do what I do because it works best, until someone shows me better. And at no point have I ever seen an argument for 5/5 WS to be superior to 5/5 SE as a general rule. All you give here are crazy hypotheticals and personal preference, instead of conceding that it's far closer of a decision than you'd let on, and changing a few words.

It also involves some assumptions. Somehow 9.5min rolls turn into FULL TIME 10min CC ROLLS. Odd how that one works. Odd how nobody dies in these scenarios (despite Afania's tendency to do just that). Odd that rolls never get changed, though I guess not so odd since everyone is obsessed with chaos/sam. Odd how every CC somehow also nets an 11 for max bonus, and never gets ruined by an unlucky 6-6.

This is exactly why I struggle to enjoy playing with you, you seem to exist only in one ideal scenario, and any break from that script completely catches you off guard. This game gets chaotic, and you have to be able to change around it. Snake Eye better allows that. Winning Streak 5/5 absolutely has its place in certain content, but it's not an ever useful thing. It is very frequently wasted, either from the nature of content or the chaos of this game.

I mean for crying out loud the argument here is "5/5 winning streak because casuals are bad" while IGNORING THAT BAD CASUALS ARE GOING TO DIE AND REMOVE THE ENTIRE CC 5/5 WS BONUS.
By Afania 2018-03-16 09:25:26
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geigei said: »
Way too much drama over extra 40sec roll.

I don't think I'm the one who started drama here. ***is real, but I already know LoH hates me with a burning passion so what's new.

Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
geigei said: »
Way too much drama over extra 40sec roll.

Especially when I clarified my major issue was claiming most content is 15-20 minutes. Hell, one of the major intros to ilvl content is UNM...most of which have a 15min max on them...

All I see is this theoretical perfect scenario where fights last exactly 52s longer than 3/5 Winning Streak or "Well that's just a preference it's whatever". Which is major backpedaling from "Yeah everyone go 5/5 WS because fights are super long and ***so yeah that's the best for sure."

Not everyone can clear things in less than 9 min.

But it doesn't have to be. The major deal between 3/5 WS and 5/5 WS is based on fights being 8min to 9min, or 16min+. Anything else and you either never reroll at all, or reroll just once, and the extra duration rolls give you an extra CC duration for that first roll, whereas Snake Eye makes it much easier to have the max potency on the reroll. Which is, at minimum, a complete *** wash between the preferences.

Instead we have Afania who has quite the way with arguments on the forums somehow able to avoid the fact that the claim was made that most fights are 15-20min and that's the issue at hand here.

The last time I had a fight consistently in the 15-20min range Afania was our attempts at melee Kei in the really early days of Omen, and that only was so incredibly painful because you could not react outside of your precise vision of how the fight was going to go so one switch to slow spikes would entirely wreck the entire SC because you could never change up the order of WS's on the fly. So when you say things like:
We have the tendency to only see things from our perspective and fail to understand other people's pov.

yeah I know that's how you work. And obviously everyone does to varying degrees, but I know from personal experience you're extremely guilty of this. You are stuck in your way until someone absolutely proves it to be wrong, and there's essentially no way to do that on an internet discussion of this variety, lol. But we've played with each other a fair bit, and you know how I play, I am very variable. I change as needed, and am not stuck in my ways because that's what I know. I do what I do because it works best, until someone shows me better. And at no point have I ever seen an argument for 5/5 WS to be superior to 5/5 SE as a general rule. All you give here are crazy hypotheticals and personal preference, instead of conceding that it's far closer of a decision than you'd let on, and changing a few words.

It also involves some assumptions. Somehow 9.5min rolls turn into FULL TIME 10min CC ROLLS. Odd how that one works. Odd how nobody dies in these scenarios (despite Afania's tendency to do just that). Odd that rolls never get changed, though I guess not so odd since everyone is obsessed with chaos/sam. Odd how every CC somehow also nets an 11 for max bonus, and never gets ruined by an unlucky 6-6.

This is exactly why I struggle to enjoy playing with you, you seem to exist only in one ideal scenario, and any break from that script completely catches you off guard. This game gets chaotic, and you have to be able to change around it. Snake Eye better allows that. Winning Streak 5/5 absolutely has its place in certain content, but it's not an ever useful thing. It is very frequently wasted, either from the nature of content or the chaos of this game.

I mean for crying out loud the argument here is "5/5 winning streak because casuals are bad" while IGNORING THAT BAD CASUALS ARE GOING TO DIE AND REMOVE THE ENTIRE CC 5/5 WS BONUS.

You are making this way too emotional, and entire argument is basically "you choose X because you suck, my way is the best way", which isn't legit for a job discussion and pretty much proved my original point in the last paragraph.

Also don't act as if I am the one who pushed WS 5/5 in the community.

Back in the old discussion:

several posters posted their reasoning behind WS 5/5, and those people includes Zeak, Aza, Eightball, Arislan all expressed pro WS 5/5 argument. Now in this thread several people also expressed their opinion towards WS 5/5. If I am going to follow the majority as recommendation, it would still be WS 5/5.

So yeah, Im totally the only person who sit here bashing anyone who does SE 5/5 isn't it? Why don't you vomit your personal hatred toward Eightball, Aza, Anza and Arislan instead?

My choice is purely math based, I took my time to calculate the roll distribution and it's legibility is also number based. If you are not happy, feel free to math out the number difference instead of attacking people. If you can come up with numbers that supports SE, then I would totally change my stance.

Or maybe you could write your own guide, nobody would stop you from doing so.

Last but not least, saying that I am not flexible with setup thus my stance is not legit is absolutely BS as well. I do content with variety of setup with variety of people, most of the time don't even go with idris/REMA DD, nor so called perfect setup. I believe my reflex, playskill and group that I play with belongs to vast majority of endgame demographics: Not top tier, but not horrible tier either. We just work our way and make things work with practices and grind and be somewhere in the middle(majority). So my background can certainly apply to many endgame players out there, that many people can benefit from WS as much as I do.

It's fact that I have the tendency to lean toward ideal circumstances like you said, but since I also enjoy pt organization it's just something that I aim for naturally. And there's a difference between aiming for perfect scenario by slightly pushing them(something that I may do, and IMO right things to do), or making others feel like complete piece of ***for perfect scenario(I don't think I do that).

You sound like my opinion about merit is not legit because I aim for ideal circumstances or make mistakes if things go wrong so my background can't be applied on other readers, this is as subjective as it could be. My preference may be different from you. That doesn't mean it's different from every other individual. Having play with various different people from different demographics, I honestly dont think my background is too different from them to the point that my preferred merit is completely useless to every single reader.

Most people out there are just like me, do 2 rolls, keep one CC, and kill things. Its easy and simple that way. Very few people would keep a 11, change rolls on the fly, and react to situations with superior reflex. My ls has 50 people and 30 cors, theres like 1-2 person has that kind of reflex. If you can or need to do that, go ahead. But for those who can't, there's no reason to. Personally, it's far easier to make things go smoother via coordination pre fight rather than reflex mid fight, due to coordination can be improved but reflex is natural talent. That I can't agree that your way is the only way. It certainly doesnt apply to everyone.

Most people that I work with on regular basis have no issues pt together with my preference and style. Why do you *** care anyways? I don't expect to work well with every single individual in the world, and just move on with life if it doesn't work. You should too.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2018-03-16 09:31:07
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Using the present length of this argument as an example, I think a high Winning Streak (potency and duration, sometimes stronger than perfection) is of greater benefit than Snake Eye (greater chance of perfection).
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-16 09:33:03
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i change my WS to snake eye when running SMN burn to save silt on super revits

anything else, winning streak is the obvious choice
By Afania 2018-03-16 10:29:04
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OK lets see:

Comeatmebro, Cherrywine, Arislan, Akani, Anza, Eiryl, all expressed pro-WS 5/5 being default setup and SE being an alternative. There were a couple other pro-WS people in the original thread as well, that includes Eightball and Aza.

So LoH are you going to argue that I should fight against everyone's opinion here and change to pro-SE? Because that would make the guide direction being more of minority instead, and it's disrespectful to Arislan's vision.

And no, the guide doesn't need wordings like "my preference is X", the guide is OPINION already, it's redundant to do that as the reader should be aware it's all preference to begin with.

Now if you still have problem with the guide, talk to other pro-WS 5/5 people instead. Or maybe talk to someone else about the wording. Because you absolutely targeted at the wrong person the moment you post salty things with my name in it.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-03-16 10:47:04
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I feel like unless LOH is prepared to come with something other than anecdotes/vitriol (aka math), we should all just move on.
Server: Leviathan
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user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2018-03-16 10:56:28
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1 great reason for 5/5 winning streak: when you are rolling for an alliance to buff before a zerg. Don't want rolls wearing before you engage or mid fight.
By Afania 2018-03-16 10:57:06
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
I feel like unless LOH is prepared to come with something other than anecdotes/vitriol (aka math), we should all just move on.


I have absolutely zero issue changing the stance if it's support by math.

I understand that LoHs argument is not math based, rather than people/scenerio based. Which is fine. bolded for the importance.

But scenerio based argument can't really be a standard because there are different type of player with different background. Especially if the opinion is supported by the minority, on the forum at least.

Now if more people find "keep a 11 and change rolls on the fly" being mainstream friendly then I can change. But I just don't see it being avg player friendly like WS 5/5 does.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2018-03-16 13:05:31
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I'm fine with whatever people choose as long as the pros and cons of each are being fairly presented.

I admittedly skimmed the math, but at a glance it didn't appear that the chance at having SE reset itself was factored in.
By Afania 2018-03-16 13:48:16
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Siren.Kyte said: »
I'm fine with whatever people choose as long as the pros and cons of each are being fairly presented.

I admittedly skimmed the math, but at a glance it didn't appear that the chance at having SE reset itself was factored in.

It doesn't, mainly because it's extremely time consuming to simulate distribution manually already, factoring in SE reset would make it even harder. And that would affect 2nd roll potency too, since part of the benefit of it is 2nd roll potency. So it's just being used as a way to estimate No.11 rate and lucky number rate.

My point is, until distribution is laid out we can't really tell that lucky number rate is actually 45%. Which is already very high, and there's already 60% of chance that WS 5/5 would either land on lucky or No11. And it's certainly not like WS 5/5 has absolutely ***potency and SE 5/5 has godly potency. The differences are probably as small as 52 sec gap between them. Safe to say that no configuration change cor so much to worth the people drama.

If someone can write a SIM to do more accurate simulation, or do the math to prove that SE 5/5 ended up having superior potency by making up the 4% potency gap after factoring pants reset, then I certainly won't have an issue with changing stances.

And I have np if LoH is willing to do the math, that would certainly convince every pro WS 5/5 people to the point that we will have to change.

About the wording, do you find it being unfairly presented? At this point I don't think it's objective from those who involved in the argument. I leaned toward changing the Wordings and already participated in discussions about changing it pages ago, but others don't feel it's biased so it was kept.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-16 15:46:39
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Ok, firstly, that last post was the last thing I did before bed, so my filter was fading, sorry about any offense caused by it.

Secondly, you guys just said in your series of posts here, "Unless you're going to support your position with math it's worthless" and "It's too hard to simulate this ability with math" so I mean

And thirdly this comes into my whole issue with spreadsheet usage in MMO's, they only take into account ideal scenarios. People get way too gung ho about the absolute max top DPS and forget to factor in all the variance that naturally comes into play. Things change in fights, very frequently, especially in this game which is far more randomized than other MMO's. In a perfect scenario you can math Winning Streak to work, fine, great. I've even said there are scenarios where Winning Streak 5/5 is best.

Fourthly it's impossible to show the math in this because of exactly some of the things we have discussed here. How long is the fight? We doing one fight or long content? Just because that math doesn't get shown doesn't mean that Winning Streak is superior, it just means we don't have the proper calculations to prove one side or the other. And yes, not being able to take into account all factors also discredits 5/5 WS as the best. And my whole stance has been it's far more even than people are letting on, not that 5/5 SE is the 100% way to go.

Fifthly, Afania sorry I got a little too personal with you. It's what I know, it was close to bedtime, and you're the one actually arguing with me :-P I do hold by most of what I said. You're an extremely rigid player most of the time. You're an extremely useful resource and an overall boon to any group that you're in, but that rigidity makes it a struggle in some of the more dynamic content at times. And I do consider you one of the best COR's in FFXI.

Sixthly as another point this guide is offering 5/5 WS and Afania is backing it up with 9.5min rolls to give 100% uptime usage on a 10min cooldown. Setting that 30s aside...what if the COR reading the guide doesn't even have all duration gear to get to that 9.5min duration? That takes away the "100% uptime"...
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-03-16 16:52:11
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I think between all the FUD is some very useful data from both of you.

- maybe put all the points into the guide. Without it, people are still going to wonder 5/5 SE or WS.

- maybe, if all duration gear is obtained, 5/5 WS pulls ahead.

I also think their is way too many good points from the two of you to deliver to the community, that you should team up and give us all the info that is best suited! :)
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-16 17:00:23
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toning up the civility doesn't make your argument hold any more weight

1st-3rd and 5th points are irrelevant to discussion

4th point is speculation and backpedaling, also pretty irrelevant

6th point is the only one(three) worth addressing.. my thoughts are as follows

(users without cor gear)
the guide exists for people who are trying to be the best cor they can be, and enhancements to roll duration are all incredibly easy to acquire by today's standards.. all soloable besides regal necklace(which should be the highest priority item for any COR to obtain in all circumstances), so that's a straw man at best and nonsense at worst

(30 second downtime, mostly applicable to farm style events that are sustained)
swapping in compensator pushes duration to 9;50 so downtime is only 10 seconds, a worthwhile thing to do for crooked cards.. if your downtime is close to a minute that's much less viable for a sustained situation

(larger fights)
for a fight big enough that roll quality could determine win or loss, you generally have the option to roll for 11s prior to starting.. rolling for 11s will eat a bit more time and having the extra duration helps ensure that you don't become a liability cycling rolls

if your roll quality won't determine win or loss, the goal becomes twofold: average speed and consistancy of speed

winning streak offers higher consistancy by extending crooked cards and reducing rerolls than snake eye offers through increased frequency of XIs

the average is the only part where all this mythical math starts to matter, and with all of this in mind it becomes more of an afterthought than anything else..keep in mind that if you're running chaos/hunter's/warlock's you have a high probability that an 11 is no better than any other decent roll due to caps, while extended duration will still benefit the corsair

most importantly, players are lazy and roll duration offers a tangible benefit in user relaxation whenever a fight falls between 9 min and 10 min in length.. ease to play is a huge factor in anyone's ability to sustain farming and shouldn't be undervalued despite being largely ignored in these discussions
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-16 17:15:45
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There are arguments on both sides, both making intelligent points that have made my opinion see the other side of it. I have WS 5/5 since I started corsair, mainly because the guide says so and I tried to follow it's suggestion. But that was just a result of what was suggested, and not all of the factors were really explored to make me think otherwise. Usually in FFXI, there is one clear answer to things, and other "acceptable" options. But this discussion doesn't produce a real winner, because there's way too many questions and factors to consider.

i.e. How many 11s did I miss out on because of not 5/5 SE?

How many times did I do a fight with duration enhanced rolls where the full duration was not necessary and I did not get an 11, but SE 5/5 would have given me a better chance to hit that 11, greatly improving the entire party's DPS?

How much quicker would I have hit 11 rolls in the past if I was using 5/5 SE (which would have allowed me to get back to dps'ing more than rolling) as opposed to WS 5/5?

How many times have I "busted" in an event because I was too risky with my rolls? SE 5/5 may have lowered that frequency a bit.

How much time overall do I save by choosing one option or the other?

There's a plethora of other questions that cannot be quantified no matter how you slice it for either ability. Like for instance, going 5/5 WS does not mean you will not be able to land 11s, it just means you can do it easier with SE 5/5. But you can't quantify that without looking at a large number of things.

Both Snake Eye and Winning Streak fall into the "It Depends" category. Which is actually quite fitting for the Corsair job overall: should you gamble your merits into SE for and increased rate of better, enhanced rolls, or take the safe method and stick with the (likely) lower quality rolls with a higher base duration. Kind of a fitting discussion for the job when you think about it. I'm glad you all had a share in this; I might just decide to split my merits up a bit more frequently now, since I carry 75/75 a lot.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-16 17:29:45
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »

most importantly, players are lazy and roll duration offers a tangible benefit in user relaxation whenever a fight falls between 9 min and 10 min in length.. ease to play is a huge factor in anyone's ability to sustain farming and shouldn't be undervalued despite being largely ignored in these discussions

I'm glad you said this, as this is basically the argument I see from the crazy hypothetical scenarios being used to back up 5/5 WS.

I mean you said in this post that either giving up to and do time to get full duration compensator is okay, or going a full 30s without a roll is perfectly okay. I think if we're already okay with that then how can you absolutely claim 5/5 WS is superior?

You're also ignoring important details over and over. What happens when you bust the crooked? What happens when you bust and go another 15-40s without a roll? Snake eye will reduce that happening.

In an ideal, winning streak wins. In reality, it's a wash and personal preference. That's all I am advocating for.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-16 17:42:19
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Just as an auxiliary note that may also influence the ws 5/5 recommendation

Snake eye doesn't guarantee an 11, whereas winning streak does guarantee a higher duration (if needed for the fight). Also, you can still hit 11 with winning streak maxed, but you cannot magically increase roll duration with only snake eye merits. So if you happen to be extremely lucky and frequently land 11s withoutThe need for enhanced snake eye, you Lose nothing from not meriting it. But that's a hypothetical gamble you have to take when it comes to Corsair
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-16 17:51:46
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I'm glad you said this, as this is basically the argument I see from the crazy hypothetical scenarios being used to back up 5/5 WS.
It's not the reason to do it, it's a side benefit. Complaining about your perception of one benefit doesn't negate the others.

I mean you said in this post that either giving up to and do time to get full duration compensator is okay, or going a full 30s without a roll is perfectly okay.
Dumping TP once does not cost you more than additional rerolls do in all likelihood. You can generally space your rerolls to fit a WS, but even if not.. do the math on TP gained in 2 seconds. Add in extra for snake eye and double ups, with double up's recast, any time you need multiple double-ups you're eating the 2 second penalty on each. Depending on fight length, you may actually net less TP over time using snake eye merits and not dumping TP than using winning streak merits and dumping it due to additional rerolls required. I have never advocated going 30 seconds without a roll.

I think if we're already okay with that then how can you absolutely claim 5/5 WS is superior?
This is not a logical argument, you made some derisive comments about dumping TP without following through. It in no way inhibits my ability to claim WS is superior.

You're also ignoring important details over and over. What happens when you bust the crooked? What happens when you bust and go another 15-40s without a roll? Snake eye will reduce that happening.
The same thing that happens when you bust with snake eye merits. The only time you'll prevent the bust happening in the first place is if you already used snake eye on your prior roll, the relic reset was hit(and otherwise wouldn't have been), and then you landed on unlucky without snake eye up, and you would have busted doubling on that unlucky. The amount of conditions involved to make that happen require significant mental gymnastics to justify. Even then, unless you roll extremely aggressively you have the option to random deal/WC.

In an ideal, winning streak wins. In reality, it's a wash and personal preference. That's all I am advocating for.
I'm glad you can accept this. I can accept that the differences are small enough to allow a degree of personal preference. However, I think you're going to have an uphill battle to convince people that the option with (however minimally) generally worse net benefit to the party and higher player involvement is worthwhile. The guide is worded to prefer WS, not to say it's the only option. That is perfectly adequate as far as I'm concerned.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-16 17:59:23
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How many additional rolls do you think happens between 3/5 and 5/5? In dynamis you're talking about 10~ rolls vs 9~ rolls, depending on exactly when you reapply. That's exactly one reroll difference in what is the current longest event in the game. And still doesn't account for mijin gakure deaths or bad timing on Mana Wall. You're vastly overstating the effect of those 52s. In most fights they're short and that duration isn't even applicable.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-16 18:05:28
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As I said, 'Depending on fight length'. In a 9-10 minute, 18-20, 27-30, 36-40, etc... minute event a full set occurs. This costs you about 10 seconds of melee, which should translate to thousands of TP. It's not a big deal, neither is dumping 200 TP for compensator.. they're a smudge on the ledger that is COR's net performance. To pretend one matters and not the other is laughable.

You're not making serious arguments, you're selectively addressing parts of posts that you see as weak while ignoring the rest. You're not even doing so correctly.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-16 18:24:17
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And how many fights fall into that specific time frame of 9-10, 18-20, etc. fight durations? You say I am not making real arguments while making up your own fight durations. If that 10s of meleeing is a big deal to a COR why are you ignoring that 5/5 snake eye can make it quicker to hit an 11 which gets you back to meleening at full buff power quicker? As I have said in almost every single *** post, my argument is that it's close and personal preference and the guide should reflect that. I am not saying 5/5 snake eye is the only way to go, merely that one of the few viable options in this game for merit selection is reflected as such in the guide.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2018-03-16 18:40:26
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Afania said: »
If someone can write a SIM to do more accurate simulation
A simulation would be easy if you give me the paramaters to determine when to double up or when to snake eye.
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