Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-02-08 07:49:04
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Sylph.Excalin said: »
So, does the dagger make Evisceration worth using?

Not over savage blade with ambu sword, unless maybe on some piercing weak mobs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Trumpet
By Asura.Trumpet 2019-02-08 07:53:10
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Sword looks nasty for sure, but how's that knife for evisceration spam stack up against rostam B? Evis +50% sounds bananas unless it's still one of those first hit only deals.
Server: Sylph
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user: Excalin
Posts: 90
By Sylph.Excalin 2019-02-08 08:14:57
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SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Excalin said: »
So, does the dagger make Evisceration worth using?

Not over savage blade with ambu sword, unless maybe on some piercing weak mobs.

I guess I am asking if it makes it the go-to ws when main handing a dagger
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-02-08 08:34:35
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
O generally aim for mdef after pdt capped because mdef saves lives from magical aoe more than other defensive stats such as meva/defense/HP and such. Its pretty nice to take 200-400 dmg when NIN blow up in dyna for example

Ok this is confusing. By mdef you mean Magic def. Bonus aka MDB? How that helps against NIN blowing up? I was 100% sure that only thing super effective against mijin is meva, because meva can reduce damage by a lot (down to 12,5% of original damage). I always use meva set on brd for nin blowing up and im always getting hit for like 200 damage. That set also has high MDB tho, but i dont see how mdb can counter mijin when mdb counters MAB and mijin is not affected by MAB?

MDB lowers the magic damage you take on all hits, even ones that don't get resisted. It is directly tied to the matk of the magic attack. Matk/MDB is essentially the relationship.

MEva gives you a chance to get a resist, but MDB works on every hit. So with higher MDB a max damage Mijin might only do 1500 damage instead of 1800 damage.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-02-08 08:43:08
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Ok, but that means what makes mijin hits for like 200 is mainly meva reducing it to 1/8 dmg, then mdt and mdb reducing it further, so meva is the most important thing here.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-02-08 08:45:30
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Sylph.Excalin said: »
SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Excalin said: »
So, does the dagger make Evisceration worth using?

Not over savage blade with ambu sword, unless maybe on some piercing weak mobs.

I guess I am asking if it makes it the go-to ws when main handing a dagger

Then your queation is strange because there is no other dagger ws that was even close to Evisceration on cor, so nothing would change 8f Evisceration get even stronger.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2019-02-08 09:01:09
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This is generally my go to capped PDT/MDT(with Shell V) while trying to keep as much Mevasion and HP+ in the set. I find ahosi leggings amazing for this cause they provide a lot of Mevasion while giving -4PDT i use these for most my jobs that can utilize them like BLU/THF etc.
ItemSet 364959

Main = 150HP -12DT
Head = 77HP 90 Meva
neck = -6DT
ear 1 = 45HP 8meva
ear 2 = 100HP -2MDT
Body = 111HP 106 Meva
Hands = 70HP 100Meva
ring 1 = -10DT
Ring 2 = -7PDT/+1MDT
Cape = 60HP -10PDT 30Meva
Waist = -4PDT
legs = 104HP 131meva
Feet = 18HP -4PDT 123Meva

Total = +735HP
29MDT (50+ with shell V)
588 Meva

forgot to add the HP from gel ring (though it's random based off unity rankings etc)
By Afania 2019-02-08 13:23:42
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SimonSes said: »
Ok, but that means what makes mijin hits for like 200 is mainly meva reducing it to 1/8 dmg, then mdt and mdb reducing it further, so meva is the most important thing here.

The reason why I generally aim for mdef is because meva doesnt always reduce dmg taken but mdef always works.

Its utterly obvious against PW2 astral flows. When I idle im meva set I took MUCH more dmg than mdef set because I cant resist anything against such high end target.

Im unsure if enemy mijin actually use mdef to determine dmg taken, nor I think its tested. But Im 100% sure mdef > meva against high end targets that just has so much macc.
By Afania 2019-02-08 13:30:30
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SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Excalin said: »
SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Excalin said: »
So, does the dagger make Evisceration worth using?

Not over savage blade with ambu sword, unless maybe on some piercing weak mobs.

I guess I am asking if it makes it the go-to ws when main handing a dagger

Then your queation is strange because there is no other dagger ws that was even close to Evisceration on cor, so nothing would change 8f Evisceration get even stronger.

The real question is.....does evis+50% applies to all hits?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2019-02-08 13:42:21
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probably since they said specific ones like that do when they reversed the weapon skill bug
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-02-08 14:05:34
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In every other instance where a particular WS is listed as being increased (and there are instances beyond just RMEAs), the damage increase applies to every hit.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2019-02-09 02:38:50
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Afania said: »

Yeah, Sanare is certainly BiS, unfortunely I only play with myself and I cant solo DM yet so its unobtainable for me ;(

If you have access to an Epeo rune Normal isnt too bad baring bad mijin/charm. Duo'ed it with my geo mule. Never knew earring existed.
By Afania 2019-02-09 02:44:08
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Hades.Dade said: »
Afania said: »

Yeah, Sanare is certainly BiS, unfortunely I only play with myself and I cant solo DM yet so its unobtainable for me ;(

If you have access to an Epeo rune Normal isnt too bad baring bad mijin/charm. Duo'ed it with my geo mule. Never knew earring existed.

I dont have that either ;( how is the drop rate in N?

(Alternatively... are there any kind souls out there that can help a poor pirate get her earring? ;0)
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2019-02-09 03:02:49
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Afania said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
Afania said: »

Yeah, Sanare is certainly BiS, unfortunely I only play with myself and I cant solo DM yet so its unobtainable for me ;(

If you have access to an Epeo rune Normal isnt too bad baring bad mijin/charm. Duo'ed it with my geo mule. Never knew earring existed.

I dont have that either ;( how is the drop rate in N?

(Alternatively... are there any kind souls out there that can help a poor pirate get her earring? ;0)

I only did 1 run as a test. Had 2 non Earrings drop. Prob try sometime soon to just blow up EV and leave since I think its only one that drops it?
By 2019-02-10 10:23:56
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Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-02-10 11:32:58
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Kaja sword:
DMG:156 Delay:240 DEX+10 INT+10 MND+10 Accuracy+35 Attack+25 Main hand: "Savage Blade" "Savage Blade" damage +15%.

Hepatizon Sapara +1
DMG:155 Delay:230 STR+12 MND+12 Accuracy+32 Weapon Skill Accuracy+20

Yes, all stats Points to Kaja sword.
12str wont beat +15 wsdmg & 25atk.
By 2019-02-10 16:42:08
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-02-11 08:51:52
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Is ataktos still a thing nowdays? If so did you go wsd 10 or tp bonus 1000?
Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-02-11 08:54:54
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Odin.Slore said: »
Is ataktos still a thing nowdays? If so did you go wsd 10 or tp bonus 1000?

It's still the BiS for Savage Blade build.
And Tp Bonus+1000 is the way to go. Savage Blade fTP is wastly enhanced by TP
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Setho
Posts: 18
By Asura.Setho 2019-02-11 09:48:51
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Wotasu said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
Is ataktos still a thing nowdays? If so did you go wsd 10 or tp bonus 1000?

It's still the BiS for Savage Blade build.
And Tp Bonus+1000 is the way to go. Savage Blade fTP is wastly enhanced by TP
If im right, for Savage you can stop at Anarchy +2?
Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-02-11 11:08:22
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Asura.Setho said: »
Wotasu said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
Is ataktos still a thing nowdays? If so did you go wsd 10 or tp bonus 1000?

It's still the BiS for Savage Blade build.
And Tp Bonus+1000 is the way to go. Savage Blade fTP is wastly enhanced by TP
If im right, for Savage you can stop at Anarchy +2?

That is correct.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-02-11 12:08:20
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Asura.Setho said: »
Wotasu said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
Is ataktos still a thing nowdays? If so did you go wsd 10 or tp bonus 1000?

It's still the BiS for Savage Blade build.
And Tp Bonus+1000 is the way to go. Savage Blade fTP is wastly enhanced by TP
If im right, for Savage you can stop at Anarchy +2?

Better name and blue frame.. going further gimps your weapon!
By Afania 2019-02-12 05:11:15
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Siren.Kyte said: »
In every other instance where a particular WS is listed as being increased (and there are instances beyond just RMEAs), the damage increase applies to every hit.

Did some napkin math with spreadsheet by directly adding 50% more evis dmg to what I get.....Im only getting 17-18k evis with current set.

Still worse than augmented r15 last stand it seems, and it lacks tp speed of rostam. Uness you are in a situation that piercing dmg is required and lacks racc to land last stand, dont see how evis is winning now. Or it can be used for SC with Physical gravitation dmg prehaps? Since evis is much better than swift blade now.

I heard things about evis worth using on dnc and thf, Im not sure if thats the gear difference between jobs.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2019-02-12 05:20:53
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Afania said: »
I heard things about evis worth using on dnc and thf
On dnc on this month ambu evi does more than rudra, i wouldn't use it on cor.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Trumpet
By Asura.Trumpet 2019-02-12 08:49:55
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Afania said: »
Did some napkin math with spreadsheet by directly adding 50% more evis dmg to what I get.....Im only getting 17-18k evis with current set.

Still worse than augmented r15 last stand it seems, and it lacks tp speed of rostam. Uness you are in a situation that piercing dmg is required and lacks racc to land last stand, dont see how evis is winning now. Or it can be used for SC with Physical gravitation dmg prehaps? Since evis is much better than swift blade now.

I heard things about evis worth using on dnc and thf, Im not sure if thats the gear difference between jobs.

I expect it'll be real nice vs stuff like Teles or Palila, haven't tested personally tho. Could also see it being a useful physical WS for skillchaining w fudo/CDC, especially on aforementioned feathery bosses. Fully aug'd fomal might be better for damage, but for those of us who haven't already beaten everything... :P
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-02-12 09:21:22
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Isn't it probably the crit damage traits of the two jobs, especially thf, that makes it worth using?
By Afania 2019-02-12 10:53:38
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Asura.Trumpet said: »
Afania said: »
Did some napkin math with spreadsheet by directly adding 50% more evis dmg to what I get.....Im only getting 17-18k evis with current set.

Still worse than augmented r15 last stand it seems, and it lacks tp speed of rostam. Uness you are in a situation that piercing dmg is required and lacks racc to land last stand, dont see how evis is winning now. Or it can be used for SC with Physical gravitation dmg prehaps? Since evis is much better than swift blade now.

I heard things about evis worth using on dnc and thf, Im not sure if thats the gear difference between jobs.

I expect it'll be real nice vs stuff like Teles or Palila, haven't tested personally tho. Could also see it being a useful physical WS for skillchaining w fudo/CDC, especially on aforementioned feathery bosses. Fully aug'd fomal might be better for damage, but for those of us who haven't already beaten everything... :P

Unless my math is wrong I'm not seeing how evis can beat savage on teles/Paula or any pierce weak mob tbh. Savage should be getting 30k avg now, 17-18k evis just isn't close even with 25% piercing bonus.

Mob has to resist slashing completely for savage to lose.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Trumpet
By Asura.Trumpet 2019-02-12 11:52:50
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Afania said: »
Asura.Trumpet said: »
Afania said: »
Did some napkin math with spreadsheet by directly adding 50% more evis dmg to what I get.....Im only getting 17-18k evis with current set.

Still worse than augmented r15 last stand it seems, and it lacks tp speed of rostam. Uness you are in a situation that piercing dmg is required and lacks racc to land last stand, dont see how evis is winning now. Or it can be used for SC with Physical gravitation dmg prehaps? Since evis is much better than swift blade now.

I heard things about evis worth using on dnc and thf, Im not sure if thats the gear difference between jobs.

I expect it'll be real nice vs stuff like Teles or Palila, haven't tested personally tho. Could also see it being a useful physical WS for skillchaining w fudo/CDC, especially on aforementioned feathery bosses. Fully aug'd fomal might be better for damage, but for those of us who haven't already beaten everything... :P

Unless my math is wrong I'm not seeing how evis can beat savage on teles/Paula or any pierce weak mob tbh. Savage should be getting 30k avg now, 17-18k evis just isn't close even with 25% piercing bonus.

Mob has to resist slashing completely for savage to lose.

Oh dang, I didn't realize savage still outclassed it so much. Still, an option worth considering since you can make darkness with it, which is helpful for Palila at least. I think Teles gets healed by light or at least frag so doing darkness SC's would be useful there too.

edit: To be clear, not trying to advocate using Evis everywhere, just trying to note where it'd be a good option since we're all making that dagger anyway
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tallica
Posts: 138
By Odin.Willster 2019-02-12 20:34:53
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Gearing my alt for statues....would lanun knife or fettering be better with eletta?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Trumpet
By Asura.Trumpet 2019-02-13 07:38:01
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If your only concern is 1 shotting statues with full TP, elatta (kaja) has higher damage per WS. Lanun gives higher overall DPS bc it's TP gain is much higher.
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