Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-11-29 13:07:47
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Fenrir.Snaps said: »
Practically speaking I think using a mob to gain TP is not going to be fast. With just 2 COR 2 RNG, we have cleared all statues in wave 1 and 2 with enough time to clear the wave 3 boss and all wave 3 mobs. The only thing we used was crooked 11 tactician's and samuarai's roll for some extra TP on WS. No roller's rings or adloquium although those would certainly help and there's no harm in using them.

It helps if you have a bunch of people coming gump jobs for unlocks. Cleared zones with only 2 cor killing statues.

blm can also 1 shot statues with death but probably slower unless you have a ton of mp support.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2018-11-29 13:22:04
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Yeah 18k is a lot for an alt but something worth looking into (not really) maybe.

Might have to look at the absolute minimum to do it. With a buyable gun and no "good" bullets its rough.

I did a run with a shell like this at the start of the campaign. 6 CORs all capable of one-shotting on wave 1 and about half of us bowed out in Wave 2. I think there was maybe one DP in the whole group. GEO 2 stronk.

Personally I thought it was too many cooks: I did terribly because I just wasn't fast enough on the trigger before somebody else killed my target, and the whole thing moves too quickly to really coordinate when you can just, pun intentional, let shooters shoot.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelwulf
Posts: 13
By Phoenix.Baelwulf 2018-11-29 13:24:03
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hobo said: »
Wave 2 NM statues suck for one-shotting with leaden tho, seen many a fail on those.

I find wave 2 only gives me trouble when I forget to set my Obi. Even then if I wait for 2k TP they go down just like the others.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelwulf
Posts: 13
By Phoenix.Baelwulf 2018-11-29 13:27:31
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Yeah 18k is a lot for an alt but something worth looking into (not really) maybe.

Might have to look at the absolute minimum to do it. With a buyable gun and no "good" bullets its rough.

Yeah it'd be asking a bit much of an alt. A well-augmented Doomsday with well-augmented Herc gear, a Pixie Hairpin +1, Archon Ring and Obi would probably do the trick but it'd be close.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-11-29 13:57:06
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Crystal Blessing helps if you're having trouble one shotting.
By Afania 2018-11-29 14:09:35
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Going to cruise into dyna with some mules on COR and just kill stats for campaign. looking for a max regain setup

Tact crooked 11
rollers ring
SCH adloquium

What else can I do to get my regain/killspeed up?

Last farming run I was in zone one shoting status while other member kill adds for RP/heroism. I usually run to where pt kill fodder, do 1 qd in stp set, run to next statue. With tact roll and strong qd stp set, I would have 1300 to 1500 tp once I get to next stats, essentially almost always have tp by the time I'm ready to 1 shot, even without buffs. From my experience 1300ish tp is enough to 1 shot wave 2 status with r15 dp.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 14:11:08
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It would be nice to see what the minimum MAB+AGI would be to do 18k/23k @ 1k 2k and 3k (with obi pixie+1 and archon) Disregarding tpbonus because *** wotg.

Would help people get started instead of just telling them "this best get it or *** off"
By Afania 2018-11-29 14:16:35
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Is that a thing? If you leaden the statue without pulling/aggroing the mobs dont pop so you just farm statues for the campaign?

That might almost be worth doing with 6 cors if you dont have to fight anything.

I'd do 3 man: cor cor support. Cor 1 and support fight fodders for rp and heroism, cor 2 gain tp from fodder via qd stp set and tact roll, and 1 shot every other statue.

If you are aiming for max efficiency, then I wouldn't take more than 2 or 3 person because from my experience we have the highest heroism/card gain per person with 2 people. Having more people actually lowers gain per person if they cant bring faster kill speed for pt.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
telling them "this best get it or *** off"

Nobody said that. I was answering Toras question when a I mentioned R15 dp, which I believe he has. He said he is going with other mule on cor, not going on a cor mule.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 14:20:53
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I mean, as an overall, being a guide, instead of a maximum everything all the time always, it was unrelated.

The point was strictly for killing statues, totally ignoring mobs.
By Afania 2018-11-29 14:23:12
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The guide has downgrade gears, and spreadsheet/excel can calcuate leaden avg with the mab that you have.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 14:33:55
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
It would be nice to see what the minimum MAB+AGI would be to do 18k/23k @ 1k 2k and 3k (with obi pixie+1 and archon) Disregarding tpbonus because *** wotg.

Would help people get started instead of just telling them "this best get it or *** off"

It'd be nice, to see it on here, for everyone. Like that xenius guy is shouting right now for a oneshot leaden cor. I'll bet that 100% of people that would be interested have no idea if they can do it or not. So they could IDK come to a guide and find out.

Like, again, I don't know, maybe I'm the crazy one thinking a guide should be more "guide like"
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-11-29 14:54:51
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For one shotting statues, the damage output from Leaden can be improved with TP Bonus/AGI/MAB/WSD. There can be no simple answer for the exact requirements for one shotting. If you want to calculate how much TP you need based on some combination of AGI/MAB/WSD, you will need to measure their HP/MDB/INT and do the calculations yourself. You can also do a 3000% TP with your current gear and use that as a baseline to determine how much TP is required for the gear you have to do the one shot.

The guide shouldn't pander to everybody. It's not practical or anybody's job to do this. If you think completing WotG is setting the bar too high, you're welcome to write your own guide. Nobody is obligated to help you.
By Afania 2018-11-29 15:27:48
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Fenrir.Snaps said: »
It's not practical or anybody's job to do this.

This so much.... I frenquently receive PM like "hey Afa which is better for leaden? Mab+30 wsd+3 or mab +20 wsd +8?". Everytime I had to facepalm with this kind of message.

Because in order to find out, I will have to reply the PM with "sup, can you tell me what is your total mab/wsd/agi in entire set", pop my spreadsheet, add their augments to the spreadsheet , then give them the answer based on the result. And it's faster if people use the spreadsheet to find out themselves. If I find the answer for them it would be doing the job that one person can do with the man hour of 2 person.

Don't get me wrong, When it comes to playstyle discussions and "builds" to accomplish certain result, or how to use certain niche gears. I'm always open to discuss and offer my opinion about them even if its not always right.

But when it comes to things that's hard dps math, I cant be more accurate than a spreadsheet or calculation. Because that's the source to all the answers I have to begin with. It's so much more efficient to find out in a spreadsheet than expecting the guide to cover 12345678 possible gear combinations for certain results.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
It would be nice to see what the minimum MAB+AGI would be to do 18k/23k @ 1k 2k and 3k (with obi pixie+1 and archon) Disregarding tpbonus because *** wotg.

Would help people get started instead of just telling them "this best get it or *** off"

It'd be nice, to see it on here, for everyone. Like that xenius guy is shouting right now for a oneshot leaden cor. I'll bet that 100% of people that would be interested have no idea if they can do it or not.

If they do not know, they can ask about stats HP, download the spreadsheet, add their gears, get the ws number, add tp until ws number matches mob hp.

It's not practical to create a set, in a game with random augments, and tell people "hey, you need mab+20 wsd+1 herc legs, mab+10 wsd+5 herc feet to one shot statue, but if you have malaise, you can use this...blah blah"in a guide.

Nobody tell me if I'm ready to one shot statue when I started, and how much TP do I need to one shot them. I just do it, eventually found that 1500 tp works. As my gear got better I lower it to 1300. That's all I do. So can anybody.

And if people aren't willing to join a pug dyna D pt unless a guide tell them exactly what they need to 1 shot a statue, I question if they are ready for this event anyways. Doing research is part of playing ffxi since launch.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 15:35:39
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Its *** pointless. You guys just never quite grasp the concept of not being selfish.

Instead of asking a thousand people to download it and run it, you could just do it and save that thousand people the time.

And no, there is no "variables" there is one god damn answer. It takes EXACTLY this much MAB and AGI to achieve EXACTLY 18k damage.
By Afania 2018-11-29 15:37:58
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
You guys just never quite grasp the concept of not being selfish.

That's a pretty strong word to describe someone who simply said nobody has that kind of time to do personalized hand holding in a 15 year old mmo.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
And no, there is no "variables" there is one god damn answer. It takes EXACTLY this much MAB and AGI to achieve EXACTLY 18k damage.

Snaps already explained other variables, such as buffs. There's also no point to build sets focusing on exactly X amount of mab and agi because how everyone gear up a job is different.

If I make a guide that says "to do 18k dmg, you need X mab, Y agi" then another guy happened to have Z amount of mab and agi, then the guide would be useless to them. Same can be said for wotg earrings. A set without wotg earring is totally useless for people with them.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Instead of asking a thousand people to download it and run it, you could just do it and save that thousand people the time.

Not really saving anyone's time if everyone has different path to gear up. For example Some has wotg, some doesn't. And that's only 1 slot.
By Afania 2018-11-29 15:56:30
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
And I said, MINIMUM, no buffs. No variables. I dont give a *** what snaps said, I asked what I asked.

I said no WTOG because i dont want you to get confused. trying to add 1k tp 1250 tp 1750 tp.

JUST 1k tp.

In that case, you are asking for personalized guide for Eiryl for the situation that Eiryl is in, not a set that benefits thousands of people and save their time, lol. Plenty of people do dyna with buffs, how would a "no buff" one shot set help them in that case?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 15:58:30
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Afania said: »

I'm that case, you are asking for personalized guide for Eiryl for the situation that Eiryl is in, not a set that benefits thousands of people and save their time, lol. Plenty of people do dyna with buffs, how would a "no buff" one shot set help them in that case?

I'm not asking anything for me. I do not and will not do dynamis.

"no buff" helps you know the minimum. It doesn't mean you have to ACTUALLY use no buffs. It's literally to find the bottom.

Once you know its "300 MAB" then you can add your Acumen and wizards roll in to achieve said known minimum. Simple *** concept.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 16:04:13
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Every single statue is identical(per wave). resist is not a factor. race int/agi are negligible.

If two people, both wear identical gear (lets pretend 300 mab and 200 agi) they will do the same exact damage (minus a single digit) to every single statue in the zone. every single time. one hundred percent of the time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kutsurabi
Posts: 111
By Asura.Zanosan 2018-11-29 16:05:14
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Idk if that's a simple *** concept, but it's a simple *** concept that you're a complete moron.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-11-29 16:13:52
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how long is a piece of string?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kutsurabi
Posts: 111
By Asura.Zanosan 2018-11-29 16:16:43
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Idk. It depends. Is it brown string or purple?
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-11-29 16:18:46
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
I'm not asking anything for me. I do not and will not do dynamis.

Then why do you care? You are ignoring wsdmg, all 3 boost leaden and combination of change what tp value you would need to 1 shot statue. Simple answer is go to dynamis, see how much you do at 3k and figure out from there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 16:19:53
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Because its a *** guide. These kind of things should be in a guide.

These "guides" are an insult to guides.

A guide should develop the minimum and expand upward. Yall do this ***assbackwards.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-11-29 16:21:31
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sounds like you should write your own guide then
By Afania 2018-11-29 16:32:35
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
A guide should develop the minimum and expand upward. Yall do this ***assbackwards.

But it already has downgrade sets, did a quick check, it should be able to do 18k leaden unbuffed with it at 3k tp. Use that as minimum if you seriously need directions.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Because its a *** guide. These kind of things should be in a guide.

These "guides" are an insult to guides.

You do know that the people who work on guides in ffxi community aren't getting paid. They have no responsibility to report to other people or meet whatever "standard" they have in their mind. They are just volunteers willing to share the knowledge, on certain topic(not necessarily all topics), with their time.

Meeting some kind of performance standard, or "not be an insult to guides" (whatever that is) is not the responsibility of unpaid volunteers.

You are free to sponsor someone to write another if you are not happy with it. In that case it will contain whatever content you want.
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