Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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By Afania 2018-11-21 21:04:10
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Decided to refine some of my cor lowman strat in various content and share it here to anyone interested in lowmanning on cor.

Omen cleaving
Already posted pulling set in last page, but I ended up changed it to high hp set instead. And just self cure before pull. I found that pulling in 2700 hp is much better than a few regen.

Dynamis D:
Cor can duo with any job that can aoe sleep. Geo/blm, whm/blm, sch, rdm, brd etc. Geo/blm is probably the best choice DPS wise,
But any other job works and honestly I dont really care much since cor+trust is self efficient enough to deal with variety of situation in dyna. The general strategy is pop tank/heal trust, keep shadows up between pull to absorb a few nukes before they are sleep.

Rolls: CC tact/Sam seems to be the best without geo, because wizard/sam doesn't increase kill speed since both buff combo needs 2x 1000 tp leaden to kill 1 fodder without malaise. So I prefer a combo that gains tp faster if I'm wsing twice regardless setup anyways.

In Sandy I prefer chaos/Sam instead, in case a green links and I switch to savage for it.

One of cor's biggest advantage is its ability to bypass wave 1 mob sp completely if you have a strong leaden/qd set.

Nin, run, whm mob has annoying sp. Nin blows up, run takes 0 magical damage which slows down the kill speed, whm will bene which also slows down the kill speed. Against these targets I usually do QD(in dmg set) +3k tp leaden which one shots them and completely bypass SP.

For THF perfect dodge, I swap to ranged attack for tp gain. for pld invincible, I use QD(in stp set) x2 for 1000 tp again and 2nd leaden finishes it off. Alternatively you can also use the 3k tp one shot trick to skip these sp.

Another annoying sp is charm from bst, charm has to land on trust tank, if it lands on the player it waste time AND trust will depop. So make sure the tank has hate before killing them, or just use 3k tp 1 shot trick to be safe.

If nin doesnt get one shot for whatever reason, quickly swap to high mdef set to survive. the extra DT from Rostam gives more room for more mdef. For example, my mdef dt set with 1x Rostam has 7 more mdef over my none Rostam dt set, and 7 more mdef is pretty high in ffxi. So take that advantage in weapon slot!

Alternatively if you have brd scherzo will save lives. Or whm Sacrosanctity.

On wave 1 boss AAHM is great tank. he takes very little dmg against mid boss. Switch to ranged mode to avoid aoe/stuns and alternate leaden/wf to bypass damage resistance mechanic.

On wave 2 is pretty much the same as wave 1 except 3k tp leaden 1 shot trick no longer work without geo malaise since they have higher hp, so sacro/scherzo on nin all the way.

On leader type mobs use leaden 3 step to kill faster. I normally don't do 4 step because wf sucks as closing, and there's a risk of 4th ws not connecting because mob tp move or bad tp gain in high acc set, which is required on leaders without brd. So I guess doing more 3 step over and over in the long run is probably better dps than 4 step and easier to manage.

Certain leader has high acc requirement which can be struggling without brd, if you have difficulty connecting sc consider offhand blurred+1 on boss for better tp gain instead.

In Sandy a weapon toggle for savage/leaden mode is required. In bastok I toggle between leaden/wf. In case green links.

Macro in th4 before killing mob is important for more drop. Having th4 and how well a cor uses 3k tp one shot trick to skip annoying sp is key to farm up high points/drops with just 2 person imo. The faster you kill the more you get etc.
Server: Asura
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user: Tename
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By Asura.Arico 2018-11-23 19:15:56
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Is there really a reason to have more than two rostams? seems like a single path A and C are the only really good options. I've heard of people getting 3 and 4 for some reason.
Server: Asura
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user: Crowned
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By Asura.Crowned 2018-11-23 20:04:41
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Path B is BiS for melee tp, so at most three rostams. Don't see a reason to have a 4th
By Afania 2018-11-25 12:05:08
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Asura.Crowned said: »
Path B is BiS for melee tp, so at most three rostams.

I do path B first, personally. Having FUA +50/SBII and 12% dt in one slot greatly increase my efficiency (in terms of offense and defense) in omen cleaving with AE and duo dynamis D for gil. That generates gil for subsequent expensive gear upgrades since these content are 3m to 4m/hr easily.

C is just 3% more attack and 4 more stp for rolls while taking my tp away when I swap to it, doesn't seem as good for first one. But for roll only cor in pet pt or ambuscade only cor, I guess it can be the best first choice.

Stp path is probably the least useful ones because range is niche as always.
Posts: 2
By Jicent 2018-11-26 00:24:26
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So I've been having a lot of trouble with the haste and dual wield detection in the gearswap lua. I just cant seem to get it to work with gearinfo. I could really use some help been banging my head against this for hours now.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-11-26 04:27:59
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Afania said: »
Asura.Crowned said: »
Path B is BiS for melee tp, so at most three rostams.

I do path B first, personally. Having FUA +50/SBII and 12% dt in one slot greatly increase my efficiency (in terms of offense and defense) in omen cleaving with AE and duo dynamis D for gil. That generates gil for subsequent expensive gear upgrades since these content are 3m to 4m/hr easily.

C is just 3% more attack and 4 more stp for rolls while taking my tp away when I swap to it, doesn't seem as good for first one. But for roll only cor in pet pt or ambuscade only cor, I guess it can be the best first choice.

Stp path is probably the least useful ones because range is niche as always.

I disagree. I did A first because its bis for ranged, but its also very close to B for TP (even with crooked Samurai roll).

For 2x Rostam with 128 store TP total and avg 3.1 attacks per round I'm getting 518 TP per round for path B and 495 TP per round for Path A. That gives Path B only 4.6% lead. Assuming you would only have one Rostam and offhand Blurred +1 till you get second one, Path A + Blurred is even closer to path B + Blurred. Path A also has slightly better white damage, which reduces that small lead of path B even more.

So path A is well worth it for first Rostam, giving you best ranged and second best melee options.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2018-11-26 05:30:00
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Wait, arent augs for main hand only? what good rostam offhand?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-11-26 05:38:40
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geigei said: »
Wait, arent augs for main hand only? what good rostam offhand?

6% DT per roll, 50 macc/acc/racc, 269 dagger skill, 217 magic damage and 150HP.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-11-26 08:32:46
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Jicent said: »
So I've been having a lot of trouble with the haste and dual wield detection in the gearswap lua. I just cant seem to get it to work with gearinfo. I could really use some help been banging my head against this for hours now.

Is gearinfo installed correctly and have you confirmed that UGS is toggled on? Have you tested gearinfo with other jobs/luas?
By Afania 2018-11-26 12:35:40
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geigei said: »
Wait, arent augs for main hand only? what good rostam offhand?

Assuming you don't need dt and acc, It's still bis offhand for melee leaden salute build based on spreadsheet result, even though rapier +1 generates bigger ws avg. I'm guessing rapier+1 lose because of higher delay and lower white dmg.

However if you are closing darkness SC higher ws dmg from rapier +1 may still win. But I would just default to offhand Rostam for magical ws.

For melee savage, offhand Rostam doesn't really beat blurred +1 even though they are quite close in high MA tp set. The less ma you have in a tp set the more blurred pull ahead. So I wouldn't default to offhand Rostam unless surviability is an issue.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Shiyo
Posts: 36
By Leviathan.Kozumi 2018-11-26 14:22:12
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Afania said: »

Stp path is probably the least useful ones because range is niche as always.
Isn't melee technically becoming more niche for us with how our AF and relic seems to have little to no melee attack/accuracy/multihit on most pieces(no mulithit on any iirc) and favors ranged attack and magic attack bonus?

This is making us get stuck using adhemar and herculean still, which is falling behind other jobs TP options when you compare them to gear like dnc relic boots/body, thf relic hat/feet, thf af body/legs, as some examples.

In fully buffed situations this isn't an issue but if they continue down this trend, and especially if you're doing lowman or underbuffed on higher end content, the lack of accuracy and attack will start to hurt. Other melee jobs have options to overcome the lack of buffs while we fall short when it comes to melee gear options for that.

There's also the issue of adhemar and herculean falling behind in stats such as mevasion, vit, hp compared to af/relic which could start impacting how often we're enfeebled or flat out killed compared to other melee. Rostan's DT is pretty nice for not dying, though.

Don't get me wrong, rostam is a fantastic weapon and a really incredible upgrade for our meleeing, however you cannot use savage with one mainhand and our savage blade options are starting to lack in the accuracy department as well as far as skill is concerned(nice 32 accuracy on sapara).

In the current state of the game this doesn't seem too problematic, but I'm really just trying to think ahead and analyze the way SE has been handling gear for us, which is a big focus on shooting and less on melee. However, emp could just all be multihit melee gear and then we'd have everything.

It is correct that the most optimal way to maximize TP per second and thus highest WS usage is by meleeing for TP over shooting, right? This would mean that shooting is indeed a niche situaton - however I am curious if meleeing will become problematic if we are not given better TP gear options in the future.

I am curious what career corsairs opinions are on our itemization for AF/relic and its focus on shooting over meleeing and what they think about the future of our job from this type of itemization SE has been giving us.
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-11-26 15:56:32
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I don't get that argument when af/relic are also terrible for shooting. Relic hands are dope for Triple shot and af legs are a good Racc swap but none of it is good for a shooting TP set?
Server: Asura
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user: Serithus
Posts: 159
By Asura.Warusha 2018-11-26 16:08:22
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Factor in SU3 gear as well.
By Afania 2018-11-26 16:20:06
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Leviathan.Kozumi said: »
Isn't melee technically becoming more niche for us with how our AF and relic seems to have little to no melee attack/accuracy/multihit on most pieces(no mulithit on any iirc) and favors ranged attack and magic attack bonus?

My personal opinion is that if NM only take physical dmg and pt has haste buffs, melee savage blade is still tough to beat. This is because there are no delay between tp phase and melee for ws, but there is a delay between ranged ws. If triple shot is up, ranged may be competitive with tp overflow, more so if NM uses annoying aoe. As soon as TS drop(which doesn't last long) ranged dps pummel quickly. Without ts, There's just no way a ranged cor can keep up with melee in terms of tp speed even with 3 hit, assuming melee cor isn't perma amnesia/stunned that is.

Cor can reset TS with RD, but that also locks RD out for rolls, resulting low roll potency. Another disadvantage of ranged.

Finally, it has something to do with buffs. The buffs benefits melee cor are identical to buffs that benefits other melee. If you are in a pt with war drk, you'll get madrigal boost STR etc. This allows cor to tp ws in lowest acc set but if cor shoot they would need to shoot in high racc set. If brd give different buffs for cor in it may result more dps lose, or difficulty in swapping between melee and ranged when ts isnt up etc.

Overall using ranged in melee pt just make things more complicated than it should be, and more likely to lose dps in chaotic endgame content that I feel it's much easier and manageable to dps using the playstyle as every other melee and swap to ranged if it's absolutely necessary like weakaned/perfect dodge/haste dispel or perma amnesia/stuns.

Dpsing in endgame really isn't just what seems the ideal on paper or theory, but also engage speed, and how dps player manage entire situation. If brd *** up or be slow on ONE song because cor needs different set of songs, it will be much bigger dps lose on parse than anything else. Since winning a parse in endgame against other DD is matter of 1 ws.

You mentioned something about gears, many of the bis cor melee gear is pretty identical to bis melee gear for other job.....aka QA+3 augments.

For example, this is blu bis melee:
ItemSet 344932

This is cor:
ItemSet 340332

They are pretty much identical in terms of stats. Since feet can be augmented with qa +3 they should be at least close to horo feet no?

If you use ranged ws, that's another FUA +50 in the main hand which easily surpass what thf and dnc get in other slot in past 2 years. These jobs don't even get the option to spam their strongest ws at max potency with fua+50. Thf needs aeonic for boosted rudra and dnc needs mythic for boosted PK. So in terms of melee, cor really isnt behind.

Cor's acc is forever behind other jobs,but I personally don't see that as an issue. Besides wave 3 cor can tp in lowest acc set for everything with buffs. It's not the strongest job in low buff situations, but that's how ffxi goes. No job is good at everything.

Leviathan.Kozumi said: »
There's also the issue of adhemar and herculean falling behind in stats such as mevasion, vit, hp compared to af/relic which could start impacting how often we're enfeebled or flat out killed compared to other melee. Rostan's DT is pretty nice for not dying, though.

Don't get me wrong, rostam is a fantastic weapon and a really incredible upgrade for our meleeing, however you cannot use savage with one mainhand and our savage blade options are starting to lack in the accuracy department as well as far as skill is concerned(nice 32 accuracy on sapara).

For savage build, You can offhand Rostam by sacrificing 3% dps if you seriously need surviability. Then make a dt set with more mdef/meva but 12% less dt. That should fix cors weakness in terms of surviability.

It's a good thing that Rostam is a dagger not a sword, or else we may as well dont play other job except cor lol.

Leviathan.Kozumi said: »
I am curious what career corsairs opinions are on our itemization for AF/relic and its focus on shooting over meleeing and what they think about the future of our job from this type of itemization SE has been giving us.

Based on SEs past record on job balancing, I think cor would no longer receive power creep gears for next 2 years ._.. The job is simply too damn strong in dynamis D. And still pretty damn strong in ambu VD 6 man melee pt. Also strong as *** in ambu VD 6man ranged pt. I was pretty shocked to see SE give cor melee su5 tbh.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-11-27 11:27:11
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question on the petrov ring in the BiS melee setup. Personally, even with -emnity merits if I am in a longish fight requiring rerolling (example being wave3 dyna-D bosses) combined with DPS, its not uncommon for me to pull hate, especially if I have to walk a roll up to 11 with 4 or more rolls/doubleups. As such, I'm typically very hesitant to have +emnity anywhere if I can avoid it. How far behind is Hetaroi Ring considering our gear options do come with more TA than DA typically?
By Afania 2018-11-27 12:43:23
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »

question on the petrov ring in the BiS melee setup. Personally, even with -emnity merits if I am in a longish fight requiring rerolling (example being wave3 dyna-D bosses) combined with DPS, its not uncommon for me to pull hate, especially if I have to walk a roll up to 11 with 4 or more rolls/doubleups. As such, I'm typically very hesitant to have +emnity anywhere if I can avoid it. How far behind is Hetaroi Ring considering our gear options do come with more TA than DA typically?

They are basically side grades and which one is better depends on Sam roll value.

Spreadsheet result with my tp ws set, no Sam roll:
Petrov: 5026

52 tp Sam roll:
Hetaroi: 6082
Petrov: 6073

93 stp Sam roll:
Hetaroi: 6639
Petrov: 6693

So just use whatever.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-11-27 12:44:01
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thanks so much for hard numbers!

Server: Bismarck
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user: Lilmartio
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By Bismarck.Lilmartio 2018-11-28 15:19:50
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How does Rostam/Raetic+1 compare to Rostam/Blurred+1 when leaden spamming?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Nickeny
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By Bismarck.Nickeny 2018-11-28 16:21:34
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Bismarck.Lilmartio said: »
How does Rostam/Raetic+1 compare to Rostam/Blurred+1 when leaden spamming?

Always wondered this... baring you can get a rdm to refresh you I can see it as a option
Server: Asura
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user: Efan
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By Asura.Trickflo 2018-11-28 17:30:20
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Is Fettering/Hep. Rapier+1 better then Rostam/Fettering for Leaden or the other way around?
Server: Asura
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user: Crowned
Posts: 94
By Asura.Crowned 2018-11-28 17:42:56
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Bismarck.Lilmartio said: »
How does Rostam/Raetic+1 compare to Rostam/Blurred+1 when leaden spamming?
I'd imagine it works like any other raetic +1, its insane for tp gain until you run out of mp. Don't have any numbers to back give any solid proof though, just my two cents.

Asura.Trickflo said: »
Is Fettering/Hep. Rapier+1 better then Rostam/Fettering for Leaden or the other way around?
Rostam path B is BiS for meleeing and leaden spamming, so the latter
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2018-11-29 07:04:51
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Going to cruise into dyna with some mules on COR and just kill stats for campaign. looking for a max regain setup

Tact crooked 11
rollers ring
SCH adloquium

What else can I do to get my regain/killspeed up?
Server: Phoenix
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user: Baelwulf
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By Phoenix.Baelwulf 2018-11-29 07:13:41
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Going to cruise into dyna with some mules on COR and just kill stats for campaign. looking for a max regain setup

Tact crooked 11
rollers ring
SCH adloquium

What else can I do to get my regain/killspeed up?

Karieyh Ring(+1) and Frontier Sodas.

If you're bringing a SCH for Adloquium anyway though, just pull the first statue, sleep the mobs, kill all off but 1 and use the last one as a TP-soak.

TP to 1000-2000(whatever you need), disengage, SCH sleeps it, kill next statue. Rinse and repeat as needed.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-11-29 09:06:15
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Going to cruise into dyna with some mules on COR and just kill stats for campaign. looking for a max regain setup

Tact crooked 11
rollers ring
SCH adloquium

What else can I do to get my regain/killspeed up?

Summon tank and whm trusts. Pull one statue. Kill all but one mob with easy to handle job. Run around TPing on it and killing statues. several times faster than regain.

EDIT: Beaten :D I know I was beaten by long time but I failed to refresh page :P
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 12:30:15
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Is that a thing? If you leaden the statue without pulling/aggroing the mobs dont pop so you just farm statues for the campaign?

That might almost be worth doing with 6 cors if you dont have to fight anything.
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-11-29 12:35:03
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Bismarck.Lilmartio said: »
How does Rostam/Raetic+1 compare to Rostam/Blurred+1 when leaden spamming?

This would be extremely hard to parse in spreadsheet unless you were going to assume your mp was always at some constant value.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Mojopojo
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By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-11-29 12:35:28
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Practically speaking I think using a mob to gain TP is not going to be fast. With just 2 COR 2 RNG, we have cleared all statues in wave 1 and 2 with enough time to clear the wave 3 boss and all wave 3 mobs. The only thing we used was crooked 11 tactician's and samuarai's roll for some extra TP on WS. No roller's rings or adloquium although those would certainly help and there's no harm in using them.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Baelwulf
Posts: 13
By Phoenix.Baelwulf 2018-11-29 12:41:40
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Is that a thing? If you leaden the statue without pulling/aggroing the mobs dont pop so you just farm statues for the campaign?

That might almost be worth doing with 6 cors if you dont have to fight anything.

Yes, that's a thing. Not only is it useful during Statue Crusher campaigns but it's great tactics later in the run when your party is fighting the monsters with time ticking down. You can one-shot statues for the 1 minute time extension (up to the maximum) to keep the clock running.

You just need a COR with a good leaden set and either a dark obi or the combobi. Death Penalty helps but is not needed. Need to be able to dole out about 18000 on Wave 1 and about 23000 on wave 2
Posts: 251
By hobo 2018-11-29 12:56:11
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Wave 2 NM statues suck for one-shotting with leaden tho, seen many a fail on those.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-29 12:57:15
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Yeah 18k is a lot for an alt but something worth looking into (not really) maybe.

Might have to look at the absolute minimum to do it. With a buyable gun and no "good" bullets its rough.
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