Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-10-26 16:19:10
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
I wanted to match the part of the spreadsheet I was editing not getting average attacks per round. It was just 10min throw away code, and remembering python 2.0 type conversion was longest part.
but all of that is not necessary. i assume the spread sheet already calculates average hits per round, so all you'd have to do is make a rule for if cell mainhand is rostam B, to just add an additional 0.5.

No need to check individual values with DA, TA and QA to calculate it like you're trying.

it does but its a derived value after it calculates chance of attack round being single, double, triple, etc. I honestly haven't messed with a spreadsheet since college if not high school and cell formatting was my concern. It calculated number of attacks per rounds off probability of each outcome which is where I was making edits and where I wanted to check.

Honestly I think a spreadsheet is a terrible setup to test this crap but I also don't have the time to write a ffxi combat sim from the ground up.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-10-26 16:22:35
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Hades.Dade said: »
Ramuh.Austar said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
I wanted to match the part of the spreadsheet I was editing not getting average attacks per round. It was just 10min throw away code, and remembering python 2.0 type conversion was longest part.
but all of that is not necessary. i assume the spread sheet already calculates average hits per round, so all you'd have to do is make a rule for if cell mainhand is rostam B, to just add an additional 0.5

No need to check individual values with DA, TA and QA to calculate it like you're trying.

it does but its a derived value after it calculates chance of attack round being single, double, triple, etc. I honestly haven't messed with a spreadsheet since college if not high school and cell formatting was my concern. It calculated number of attacks per rounds off probability of each outcome which is where I was making edits and where I wanted to check.

Honestly I think a spreadsheet is a terrible setup to test this crap but I also don't have the time to write a ffxi combat sim from the ground up.
I did something in python 3 as well, only as a proof of concept to show average hits is increased by 0.5 with 50% FUA

Doing it like the way you're doing it tends to be off since any DA, TA, QA, etc. will affect WS damage. I don't use the spreadsheets either, so I could be mistaken there.
from random import random
import numpy as np

while True:
    da = int(input("Double Attack "))
    ta = int(input("Triple Attack "))
    qa = int(input("Quad. Attack "))
    mythic_am3 = input("Mythic AM3 0 or 1 ")
    oat_sub = input("OAT Offhand 0 or 1 ")
    fua_main = int(input("Follow Up Attack Main "))

    hit_list_main = []
    hit_list_sub = []

    def melee_round(da, ta, qa, mythic_am3, oat_sub, fua_main):
        hit_main = 1
        hit_sub = 1

        if random() <= qa / 100:
            hit_main += 3
        elif random() <= ta / 100:
            hit_main += 2
        elif random() <= da / 100:
            hit_main += 1
        elif mythic_am3 == '1' and random() <= 0.6:
            if random() <= 1 / 3:
                hit_main += 2
                hit_main += 1

        if random() <= fua_main / 100:
            hit_main += 1

        if random() <= qa / 100:
            hit_sub += 3
        elif random() <= ta / 100:
            hit_sub += 2
        elif random() <= da / 100:
            hit_sub += 1
        elif oat_sub == '1' and random() < 0.5:
            hit_sub += 1

        return hit_main, min(8 - hit_main, hit_sub)

    for i in range(5000):
        a, b = melee_round(da, ta, qa, mythic_am3, oat_sub, fua_main)

    print(np.average(hit_list_main), np.average(hit_list_sub))
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-10-26 16:56:29
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The values I was checking were for building a set of probabilities for melee attack rounds. I have no clue how spreadsheet handles multi strike ws procs but if it's this table ***like blurred knife throw it off. My goal was to have something based off how ffxi procs work to check numbers against.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-10-26 16:57:11
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that's how mine will print it out then, if that's what you're looking for.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2018-10-26 17:06:34
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Isn't Orpheus's Sash superior to Svelt +1? I mean, if we're including Rostam stuff.
By Afania 2018-10-26 17:21:55
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Isn't Orpheus's Sash superior to Svelt +1?

Yes it is.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-10-26 17:44:44
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Afania said: »
Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Isn't Orpheus's Sash superior to Svelt +1?

Yes it is.
Not implemented in spreadsheet unless I missed something.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-10-26 17:53:13
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Hades.Dade said: »
Not implemented in spreadsheet unless I missed something.
I had listed on last update it didn't get added because no one had done a test so we didn't know what it was doing since then it has been tested. It uses the Affinity term.
Server: Bahamut
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user: ryoshi
Posts: 120
By Bahamut.Ryoshisan 2018-10-26 19:02:13
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For Leaden spam - will the fettering blade will outparse a Rostam that has twice the magic damage but lacks the mab for raw damage?
Posts: 251
By hobo 2018-10-26 20:09:13
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you should clarify your question, do you mean just raw leaden damage without considering how fast you tp or ranged vs melee?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: ryoshi
Posts: 120
By Bahamut.Ryoshisan 2018-10-26 20:31:16
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Yes, thank you - what I meant to ask was for raw damage.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-10-26 22:06:25
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
Not implemented in spreadsheet unless I missed something.
I had listed on last update it didn't get added because no one had done a test so we didn't know what it was doing since then it has been tested. It uses the Affinity term.

Yea I saw that but was hedging against an updated spreadsheet I missed. Only a couple have showed up on my shitty server. I appreciate you maintaining the spreadsheet. I tried to look at ws calc to see if i could add wsdmg to all the hits and ***gave me a headache.

A thing to keep in mind about leaden in general on spreadsheet is it assumes mobs have 0 mdb.

Ramuh.Austar said: »
that's how mine will print it out then, if that's what you're looking for.
While that would have worked if I was sure I did the formulas right, I wanted to be sure the direct cells I were editing were getting correct values.
each swing probably in red is the sum of probably of each outcome that can generate that number of hits. As I said in original post I only did it for and tested DA/TA/QA. Basically, I wanted to be sure ***like
=(1-B7)*(1-B6)*(B5)*(1-B8)*(1-B28) + (1-B7)*(1-B6)*(1-B5)*(B9)*(B10)*(1-B8)*(1-B28) + (1-B7)*(1-B6)*(1-B5)*(1-B9)*(B25)*(B26)*(1-B8)*(1-B28) + (1-B7)*(1-B6)*(1-B5)*(1-B9)*(1-B25)*(B8)*(1-B28)+(1-B7)*(1-B6)*(1-B5)*(1-B8)*(B28)

was giving something I was fairly sure was correct.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-10-27 17:14:29
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I tested Orpheus's. It adds 15 affinity when you are 0-1 (cna't remember now if 0-1 or 0-1.9) from target and it decreases by one for every 1 range (so drops to 1 at 15 or 16 range). I added a rule in my lua that I use sash for range 10 and less. Also it takes range value between you and the center of the mob, so if mob is really big, it doesn't matter, you would need to "go inside" it to take full benefit of Sash.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Asura.Louieck 2018-10-27 18:54:14
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I tested the Orpheus's sash long ago, don't know what happened to my post but i recapped it in the rng thread from the data i had left over

Obi is bis if there is double dark weather at any range and bis at around 6+ yalms with single weather vs sash, Orpheus's Sash is bis when no weather and between 1-15.9 yalms.

The same applies to Quick Draw for dmg if anyone cares.

SimonSes said: »
0-1 (cna't remember now if 0-1 or 0-1.9) from target
0-1.9 and ya that center of the mob thing is a pain in the *** for big mobs
By Afania 2018-10-31 02:05:50
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Hades.Dade said: »
From what I can tell its the leaden dmg.
Blurred+1 is 2.4 rounds/ws, 1778 avg TP, and 63332 Leaden
Rostam off is 2.52 rounds/ws 1767 avg TP, and 66868 Leaden

This is why I was questioning the leaden calc in the spreadsheet.

So I was playing with numbers earlier and updating sets, I'm getting hep. rapier +1 beating Rostam for the ws avg. Although I'm not sure if it also wins for overall dps. Can you check that as well? Thanks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-11-01 09:05:55
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Someone asked for this so here it is for anyone else.

COR WS Spreadsheet: This is originally by Afania I just modified it.

The math in it was cleaned up, added Staff and Augments to it, changed mythic bonus to just percent, and on LS I changed fTP to TP so you don't need to figure that out it will just do it for you.

The numbers will not line up with the full COR DPS sheet atm because this is more accurate then it is. (Newer info and such.) I haven't seen a number different by more then 0-2 verse in-game DMG since updating.
By Afania 2018-11-01 11:18:26
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
The numbers will not line up with the full COR DPS sheet atm

Spreadsheet adds tp overflow dmg to ws, so there can be variations.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-11-01 11:35:13
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Afania said: »
Asura.Chiaia said: »
The numbers will not line up with the full COR DPS sheet atm

Spreadsheet adds tp overflow dmg to ws, so there can be variations.
Yes but I know for sure there are mistakes still. You can force 3k TP and you would see they do not line up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2018-11-03 02:54:55
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I have a question about something I maybe don't understand properly, it was my understanding that weapon skill dmg functions as an ftp increase. If that's the case then wouldn't say 30% wsdmg be a fairly small boost for savage blade since it has a high base ftp especially with tp bonus gun?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-03 06:28:11
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Weaponskill damage +% is raw damage +

The gorget typo is what you're referring to, that one is not WSD+10% it's ftp+
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2018-11-03 23:53:45
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Oh really? so gorgets/belts are ftp and other wsd is actually what it says, thanks that makes a lot more sense then.
By Afania 2018-11-07 02:10:15
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Has anyone try omen cleaving to farm detritus? I've been playing with it and so far this is the strat that I've used:

Buffs: CC gallant/Tact/stoneskin/phalanx
Trusts: august/KoH/Selh'teus/ygnas/yoran

AE set used:
ItemSet 341284
Rostam path B
Int+30/mdmg/wsd+10%/pdt-10% back.
DM Mab herculeans.

Missing Orpheus's Sash so kinda meh.

With CC gallant, stoneskin set and -31 dmg phalanx, I can pull entire floor on F1 and F2 even without defense food with very little risk of dying.

2nd roll would be tact so I'm always at 1000 tp or more when I finish pull.

Then I just AE > QD×2 in stp set for instant 1000 tp> AE again and mobs would die. First AE usually take them down to 20% ish, so 2nd AE could use some th gears since mob would still die with less damage. Generally takes 2 min to clear small floors.

On 3rd floor I use the same strategy to cleave 1-2 mob group at once, but I'd skip more annoying and time consuming mobs like pixie or panopt unless I'm utterly bored.

I find the fact that trust healer would pull hate from cures after first AE really slow down the cleaving process since I would have to chase after mobs, and that made gil/hr not as appealing as it should. Are there anyway to go through all 3 floors faster? I am considering something like curing in enmity+ set to pull my hate back or something. Looking at list of jobs that gives cor access to ae, there aren't many options to generate aoe enmity :(. Or maybe it's better to use frontline healer trusts instead?

Just interested to hear other people's detritus farm experience.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: siskotaru
Posts: 236
By Asura.Neufko 2018-11-07 03:32:22
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I've done it on blm but the drop rate is really low without TH.

On thf (but duoing) we can get 15-20 detritus per run. Which is not crazy, I must admit. But still, way better than a 2-5 run without TH.

So you should definitly use TH gear on your second AE
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-11-07 03:36:13
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What benefit would you get from /rdm?

You can get essentially the matk from an offhand Hepatizon Rapier or a Fettering Blade. /nin or /dnc.

You'd get DW /nin or /dnc so faster TP generally.

I guess the problem is if you do Koru-moru you get Flurry II/Phalanx II and if you KoH you get Haste II/Refresh II but you need both haste and phalanx...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-07 03:39:18
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Offtopic, but you just summed up my biggest grip with trust lol. Literally only use Koru to get the phalanx (and he's the only one that uses convert) but there needs to be a "I want haste 2" button to disable flurry I II and haste I.

and goes without saying disable AoE... firaga IV KoH... why...

...and marches, not preludes/ballads...
By Afania 2018-11-07 10:10:37
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
What benefit would you get from /rdm?

You can get essentially the matk from an offhand Hepatizon Rapier or a Fettering Blade. /nin or /dnc.

You'd get DW /nin or /dnc so faster TP generally.

I guess the problem is if you do Koru-moru you get Flurry II/Phalanx II and if you KoH you get Haste II/Refresh II but you need both haste and phalanx...

/rdm has overall more advantage than DW job from my cleaving experience PL many people from 0 to 99 in escha.

1) rdm has innate magic attack II job trait for mab+24, which make up the difference for offhand rapier+1.

With current gears I don't see how kill speed would change much with minor mab gear difference anyways. An AE that do 80% of mobs hp will have same kill speed as an ae that do 75% of mobs hp because both will do 2 shot kill on fodders. So the real difference is the remaining transcends I guess.

2) stoneskin and phalanx is crucial for bigger pulls. I am not sure if koru even cast phalanx II in phalanx+, enhancing skill and merit 5/5, and I can't find testing on koru phalanx dmg reduction.

A quick calculation on bg page shows 600 enhancing + full merit phalanx 2 but no phalanx + gives 38 dmg reduction.

I'm at 31 currently, but if I get an augmented earring for 3 more enhancing + 2x phalanx augmented taeon I can hit 38 damage reduction too. So unless trust cast in phalanx + it's not going to be stronger than player cast in phalanx +.

Further more, the key to do big pull is to get phalanx before pull so we can buff, do big pull, engage, kill. Trust can't buff before engage, and if I engage 1 mob and wait for koru to phalanx me then do big pull it takes longer to clear a floor.

3) Another spell advantage from /RDM is regen 1. Regen 1 is weak but its possible to get regen+ gears to enhance that.Taeon can get regen +3 on each piece for total of +15. I'm tweaking my pdt- set to add more regen gears too, so that should make it easier to do big pulls.

You can probably engage and let trust cure then pull to get big pulls but that's probably not as clean and fast.

4) rdm also has spikes if you feel like casting them.

5) Diaga is extremely useful to get groups of mob from afar so you don't have to run there and waste time. This spell actually makes noticeable difference in escha cleaving because the faster you pull the more efficient it gets.

6) tp speed is mostly irrelevant unless I'm trying to finish off a transcend. Like I said, with tact roll you'd be 1000 tp when you engage so you can ws right away. Then 2 qd in full stp set you get close 1000 tp again, so tp time is minimal.
By Afania 2018-11-07 10:31:40
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Afania said: »
Then 2 qd in full stp set

While we are on the topic of qd stp set, I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about how good it is since I rarely see people use it in game. Personally I use qd stp set more often than qd dmg set these days.

Basically something like this
ItemSet 341542
Stp+10 back

I'm missing a better stp belt so meh.

If you need recast reduction then change head to augmented blood mask.

With a stp set its possible to get 1000 tp immediately right after ws. In dyna if leaden doesn't kill something and invincible/PD is triggered then do a qdx2 I can leaden again.

Another common use is qd x2 when a mob is being pulled toward the player to get a dps advantage with free ws. Assuming light shot x2 isn't necessary or tank pt cor is doing it that is.

If you do wave 3 with blm setup and don't have brd, I've found that do qd boost in stp set(so change feet to empy feet in the set above) is the difference between linking every sc or every 2 sc. And that's huge alliance dps difference with how blm setup works.

The difference between stp set and dmg set is only a few thousand, but a ws can do 2x or 3x more, seems well worth it.
By Afania 2018-11-07 10:36:30
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Offtopic, but you just summed up my biggest grip with trust lol. Literally only use Koru to get the phalanx (and he's the only one that uses convert) but there needs to be a "I want haste 2" button to disable flurry I II and haste I.

and goes without saying disable AoE... firaga IV KoH... why...

...and marches, not preludes/ballads...

They need to read ffxi job guides to play their jobs better ;)
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-11-07 11:11:38
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I am not sure if koru even cast phalanx II in phalanx+

It wouldn't matter if he did, lol
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-11-07 12:41:02
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Afania said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
What benefit would you get from /rdm?

You can get essentially the matk from an offhand Hepatizon Rapier or a Fettering Blade. /nin or /dnc.

You'd get DW /nin or /dnc so faster TP generally.

I guess the problem is if you do Koru-moru you get Flurry II/Phalanx II and if you KoH you get Haste II/Refresh II but you need both haste and phalanx...

/rdm has overall more advantage than DW job from my cleaving experience PL many people from 0 to 99 in escha.

1) rdm has innate magic attack II job trait for mab+24, which make up the difference for offhand rapier+1.

With current gears I don't see how kill speed would change much with minor mab gear difference anyways. An AE that do 80% of mobs hp will have same kill speed as an ae that do 75% of mobs hp because both will do 2 shot kill on fodders. So the real difference is the remaining transcends I guess.

2) stoneskin and phalanx is crucial for bigger pulls. I am not sure if koru even cast phalanx II in phalanx+, enhancing skill and merit 5/5, and I can't find testing on koru phalanx dmg reduction.

A quick calculation on bg page shows 600 enhancing + full merit phalanx 2 but no phalanx + gives 38 dmg reduction.

I'm at 31 currently, but if I get an augmented earring for 3 more enhancing + 2x phalanx augmented taeon I can hit 38 damage reduction too. So unless trust cast in phalanx + it's not going to be stronger than player cast in phalanx +.

Further more, the key to do big pull is to get phalanx before pull so we can buff, do big pull, engage, kill. Trust can't buff before engage, and if I engage 1 mob and wait for koru to phalanx me then do big pull it takes longer to clear a floor.

3) Another spell advantage from /RDM is regen 1. Regen 1 is weak but its possible to get regen+ gears to enhance that.Taeon can get regen +3 on each piece for total of +15. I'm tweaking my pdt- set to add more regen gears too, so that should make it easier to do big pulls.

You can probably engage and let trust cure then pull to get big pulls but that's probably not as clean and fast.

4) rdm also has spikes if you feel like casting them.

5) Diaga is extremely useful to get groups of mob from afar so you don't have to run there and waste time. This spell actually makes noticeable difference in escha cleaving because the faster you pull the more efficient it gets.

6) tp speed is mostly irrelevant unless I'm trying to finish off a transcend. Like I said, with tact roll you'd be 1000 tp when you engage so you can ws right away. Then 2 qd in full stp set you get close 1000 tp again, so tp time is minimal.

Good points

I wanted to point out that the bolded section is not how phalanx+ gear works

Rdm casts phalanx ii on someone while wearing phalanx+ gear and the person gets.... only phalanx skill bonuses.

Rdm casts phalanx ii on someone while that person is wearing their own phalanx+ gear that person gets the skill bonus from the rdm AND the bonuses from their phalanx+ gear
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