Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Fairy
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user: Trig
Posts: 83
By Fairy.Trig 2018-09-19 12:59:09
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Follow-up Lua question about Arislan's COR Lua from the guide. Using the file as is, I can't get the selectqdtarget feature (toggle <stnpc> vs <t>) to work. The toggle notification works but the functionality always stays <t>.

I read through the relevant code (@lines 1263 and 1322) and see no input for <stnpc> anywhere. Is there a line missing? Is this function actually working for anyone? Sanity check me pls!

I would expect to see ('@input /ja "'..doqd..'" <stnpc>') somewhere (like on line 1336 for <t>)...

Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-09-21 10:08:27
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Have fun!

NEW COR Spreadsheet >.>
As always it's a shared folder so the link has not changed:

I have not changed the way WSD is working ATM because I truly believe it will have a fix incoming. If nothing happens by Oct's update then I'll change.

September 16th to 21st, 2018
Wildfire and Leaden Salute: MDmg wasn't calced in the sheet for Ranged Weapons Skills only Quick Draw.

Edit: Ok I added MDmg calcs to the sheet but forgot to add them in the final calc for WF/LS. Also I noticed magic WSes don't have the math for post lvl 99. Working on it atm.
Read the post below on Rev3.

**It's still not in the sheet for Melee WSes but ATM there are no magic melee WSes in the sheet so doesn't matter.

Changed ODT Rate (Ranged) on Setup sheet to Empy AM and made it a drop down list 0%, 30%, 40% and 50%. Added a check later on to make sure you're actually wearing Arma or it doesn't count.

Foods: Altana's Repast (NQ, +1, & +2)
**MAB added to food calculations.

Necks: JSE x6 Base and Rank Max (NQ, +1, & +2)

Rings: Epaminondas's, Mummu Ring
**(Mummu +2 Set Bonus added: 8-32 Dex, Agi, & Chr)

Head: Lanun +2/+3, Mummu +2

Body: Lanun +2/+3, Mummu +2
**(Nisroch Jerkin had 0 STP fixed to 7, True Shot +5 added -Oversight when I added True Shot as stat to the "Gear List" instead of hard coded like it use to be.)

Hands: Lanun +2/+3, Mummu +2
**(Mummu NQ & +1 weren't listed as %.)
**(Relic(Lanun) +3 Triple Shot to Quad Shot calc added. Assumes 50% really need better testing done imo.)

Legs: Lanun +2/+3, Mummu +2

Feet: Lanun +2/+3, Mummu +2

Ranged: Augged EMP weapons added.
**Going to assume it's just addtive with older REMA WSDMG increases since no one seems to be testing this and ATM I can't.
**Added new sections for Emp and Aeonic in the calculation for respective weaponskills.

Daggers: Commodore's, Lanun and Rostam added too. For Commodore's & Lanun if you're in dyna give yourself +10 more acc manually.
**Will say depending on buffs Path A and B can jump bigly into first place between each other.

Weapons: FUA(M/O) (Follow up Attack) (Main/Offhand) added to "Gear Lists" stats and ODDM (Occ deals double DMG mainhand).

***FUAM added ic calcs but ghettoly (Rate x 0.99) for main hand added to AVG hits while this works 100% it should be added even better so you can see probability like the rest of Multi Attack but wasn't a big priotity since most fo you just care about the deeps(DPS) outcome. Sorry, this part never got saved.

Swords: Blurred Sword +1 changed to 40% from 45% to be inline with Blurred Dagger +1.

Mobs: Copied the Stats of WoC and Apex Bats (136) from the DNC Spreadsheet.

Lets talk about Mythic and COR/RNG spreadsheet...
**Mythic AM 1
***Mythic AM 1 R.Acc wasn't on sheet at all, added to RA, RA WS and Barrage calcs. Made proper section on "Setup" sheet and a table on the "Data" sheet.

**Mythic AM 2
***AM2 had left over checks for Melee Att on melee only but could never go off since it looked for Carnwenhan... RNG sheet has this check too. I ripped it out on COR sheet now.
***AM2 had no calcs for R.Atk at all, added to RA, RA WS and Barrage calcs.

**Mythic AM3
***Mythic AM3 was adding Occ shoots twice to twice in RA calculations :( IDK who added this part it came after Mote's last version. Hugely big *** up
***Mythic AM3 ODD/ODT DMG Ranged Set 1 was calculating DMG lower then it should have by checking "D Rating" a second time.
***Mythic AM3 ODD/ODT DMG Ranged Set 2 was calculating DMG lower then it should have by checking "Over all Ranged ACC". It's the cell before "D Rating" :/
***Death Penalty 119 III wasn't adding ODD/ODT DMG to Ranged Attacks nor would have "Death Penalty 119 III Aug".

Should have all the proper checks to not count them if you don't actually have Mythic equipped. >.>
Also has checks to cancel out lower lvl AMs if you have a higher one turned out.

Verde fixed but left some of this in the RNG spreadsheet too. Some of it was from Moletenn's time and others that edited COR before I took over. I may have forgot some checks when III came out but I think III weapons were in it before I started.

Not added:
Orpheus's Sash (I need more info first.)
Raetic (Soon)

I don't think I ever made a public version of the below.
Post May 25th, 2017 to early 2018 - This is a bit fuzzy since I forgot to log this stuff down as I went.
Swift Blade added.
4 New Swords added. (Hepa)
WSAcc is now a listed stat not the old list it as Acc with a (WS) tag on the piece of gear.
Regal Ring now counts for set Bonus.
WSAcc Listed in Gear/R_Gear.
Fotia Gear added so that it can later be added to Calc +1% proc rate.
Embrava Haste Calc new info. Not Skill/20 its really Skill/20 + 1. Also never had fixed for set 2.
T2 of Rapid Shot added with a level check.
Added a 99% cap to Rapid Shot in Sets both Barrage and Ranged Attack 1/2.

Add Raetic and get FUAO calculations added so it works.
Change Staff Affinity to it's own term since it is different from other affinity.
Add Volte Harness Set at Afinia's request.
Figure out how I want Fotia gear to be displayed.
There is ton of stuff I like that Bradon did on the DRG spreadsheet that at some point I'd like to do. Killer effects, mob weakness(piercing etc), cheer effects...

If you find any mistakes PM me them please.

Update: Oct 4th, 2018:
All 4 Hepa Swords did not have their DMG or Delay added to sheet that has been fixed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-09-21 11:09:30
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Rev 2 Rev 3(read below) out the new Empy and Aeonic III Aug WS bonus was checking for the Weapon from Set 1 even in set 2. Fixed.

Edit: Ok I added MDmg calcs to the sheet but forgot to add them in the final calc for WF/LS. Also I noticed magic WSes don't have the math for post lvl 99. Working on it atm. This equals a lot, thousands of DMG when we get into high end sets.

Edit 2 (Rev 3): Baetyl Pendant was listed as MAB +14 when it's really +13

Edit 3 (Rev 3): Ok I have it all fixed up (for us that only care about iLVL 119 DMG that is, I expect that's almost all of us) (Rev 3) manually telling it we have a 119 Ranged weapon equiped. ATM we never gave it iLVL info for weapons other then checks on REMA weapons. I need to go in and add iLVL info for all weapons (at least ranged) but if I plan to add magic Melee WSes then it has to be all... The WS DMG should now equal Afania's WS DMG spreadsheet/ bg equation. It's a couple hundred DMG+ what it should be but we never figured out the flooring 100% on magic wses. Trying to figure it out to update it at some point for everyone.
Posts: 225
By olson2189 2018-09-21 15:07:19
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With MAB +7, Mag Dmg +25, AGI +15, and M.Acc +25 on the Commodore Charm, would't it beat Baetyl for the dream tier LS set (or at the least, wouldn't it beat Sanctity Necklace for the LS m.acc swap pieces)?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2018-09-21 16:04:14
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olson2189 said: »
With MAB +7, Mag Dmg +25, AGI +15, and M.Acc +25 on the Commodore Charm, would't it beat Baetyl for the dream tier LS set (or at the least, wouldn't it beat Sanctity Necklace for the LS m.acc swap pieces)?
Hell yes, AGI is a modifier to Leaden
Posts: 225
By olson2189 2018-09-22 18:18:36
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Was more of a rhetorical question as the guide still has Baetyl Pendant in there, but it's been updated in other spots for the Commodore Charm (i.e, pre-shot set).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2018-09-23 00:31:43
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Was last updated before the augments were known. At what rank would it start outperforming the Sanctity Necklace? I can't remember the general X AGI = Y MAB rule of thumb.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-09-23 01:20:18
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I'm not going to plug in all the ranks but even a R15 NQ Neck beats Baetyl Pendant by a few hundred DMG. Sanc has even less MAB.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-24 15:09:20
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I took a look at the preshot sets listed in the guide and the Flurry sets aren't quite right. I think you want the following

ItemSet 361575
ItemSet 361576

The Flurry I set gives +9 additional Rapid Shot over what was in the guide and the Flurry II set gives +5 additional Rapid Shot. I know it's Rapid Shot, but it's better than nothing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-09-24 19:53:50
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Your Flurry 2 sets gives +1 more Rapid shot. It caps at 99% and the prev set was at 98%.

Personally I think the Flurry 1 set is iffy but I know Arislan goes for the straight 70% where I think it's probably 72-3% to actually cap just like most things in the game are not true values.

edit: though maybe even if I was right since the brings it up to 98 rs if i counted right atm it might still be worth it. don't feel like mathing right now though

also just looks like they only did partial redo on sets since new weapon/neck
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2018-09-24 23:47:57
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can you dual wield dyna weps in dyna to get points on both or only get main hand points ?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 159
By Asura.Warusha 2018-09-25 00:34:36
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
can you dual wield dyna weps in dyna to get points on both or only get main hand points ?
The points accrued are split evenly amongst all your augmented items.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-25 01:33:53
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Your Flurry 2 sets gives +1 more Rapid shot. It caps at 99% and the prev set was at 98%.

Personally I think the Flurry 1 set is iffy but I know Arislan goes for the straight 70% where I think it's probably 72-3% to actually cap just like most things in the game are not true values.

edit: though maybe even if I was right since the brings it up to 98 rs if i counted right atm it might still be worth it. don't feel like mathing right now though

also just looks like they only did partial redo on sets since new weapon/neck

I think you'd have to provide some data for this. Snapshot was tested to show there was no measurable difference between 70% and 84% Snapshot. Fast Cast isn't represented using some binary base, I think most things are actually represented using integers and Haste is one of those exceptions.

I didn't even notice but you're right about the Flurry II set, you're only gaining 1 Rapid Shot (lol). That said, there's nothing novel or exotic about the Flurry II set in regards to the other sets. If people have the gear for the first two sets, they likely have this gear. It's just a different combination of items people already have that provide a slightly better result.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-25 01:59:01
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Also I'm not sure if it's been posted, but it was implied that the wave 3 fodder resist Leaden Salute in some thread somewhere. This isn't true. If you're getting resists you're deficient in magic accuracy. I don't have issues and I don't have any Rostam although I do get Indi-Focus and use Marine Stewpot. I also use herculean gloves with 30+ macc/mab augments instead of Carmine Finger Gauntlets. We were even able to Leaden Salute on the wave 2 boss although we do use Dark Threnody II for that. I'm not sure how much is magic accuracy required for any of this, just that if you're having issues you can probably remedy them.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2018-09-25 02:14:41
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Fenrir.Snaps said: »
Also I'm not sure if it's been posted, but it was implied that the wave 3 fodder resist Leaden Salute in some thread somewhere. This isn't true. If you're getting resists you're deficient in magic accuracy. I don't have issues and I don't have any Rostam although I do get Indi-Focus and use Marine Stewpot. I also use herculean gloves with 30+ macc/mab augments instead of Carmine Finger Gauntlets. We were even able to Leaden Salute on the wave 2 boss although we do use Dark Threnody II for that. I'm not sure how much is magic accuracy required for any of this, just that if you're having issues you can probably remedy them.

In that short post, you first say that it's not true that wave 3 fodders resist Leaden, to later say that you needed to use tons of macc to be able to land LS on them.

It's like I would say "I heard that ppl say wave 3 THF has high evasion. That's not ture. You only need to push your accuracy with buffs and debuff him and you are fine."

What you wanted to say is "IT IS TRUE that Wave 3 fodders resist LS, because they have high magic evasion, but with enough macc buffs, it's possible to overcome it."
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-09-25 02:21:03
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I assume by resist, he means high SDT rather than just extra magic evasion against it.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-25 02:30:38
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I think I was fairly clear I was simply stating there's nothing unique about Leaden and wave three as some have formerly suggested.

I'm also not sure if extra magic accuracy is needed in comparison to anything else. Most people use pixie hairpin, which has zero agility and macc on it, and Carmine finger gauntlets which also have zero macc.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2018-09-25 02:42:36
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All right my bad then, tho not everyone are even familiar with what SDT actually is and how it works so when you talking about resists and imo using mind shortcuts, then its harder to understand the meaning.

Would be probably better to explain it a litte better next time. Even what you said now that "there iw nothing unique in wave 3 fodders, they just have very high evasion so you need around <number here> macc to land unresisted LS on them". That would be shorter, easier to understand and more helpful :)

Tho I am grateful for your info anyway because our ls plan to start doing wave 3 soon and the plan was to use corsairs. May I ask you what weapon and ammo you was using too?
By Afania 2018-09-25 09:36:31
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Siren.Kyte said: »
I assume by resist, he means high SDT rather than just extra magic evasion against it.

If he's referring to leaden discussion in dyna 3 thread, I mentioned volte mob has high stat(ilv149) and needs macc buffs, and leaden dmg is crap until the right fetter is dead because of elemental dmg mechanic.

Didn't mention SDT.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-25 11:21:12
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I don't think the circles affect damage on the volte mobs. We did a few runs thinking this until we actually just tried using Leaden out of the gates and it worked without issue. Saves a lot of time because they die very fast this way.
By Afania 2018-09-25 11:27:44
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Fenrir.Snaps said: »
I don't think the circles affect damage on the volte mobs.

Really? We do dyna D with mage setup frenquently And the first fetter+volte group always took the longest to clear without unlock.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-25 12:07:18
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We've been running with ranged. I haven't tested any if these observations with laser precision but we didn't seem to get resists on even the first group.

Also, the compiled mob list on bg forums lists hydra as 130% fire/light and 50% dark/ice with no additional modifiers. It seems like the hydra in dynamis divergence must be different because 50% is supposed to guarantee a resist but that does not seem to be the case in my experience. Our Trueflight damage is off the walls there so I think they might take double light damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2018-09-25 15:47:17
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Does anyone have a GS/addon that'll work like AutoEcho but for when I run out of Trump Cards? Or that'll at least warn me if I'm low
Posts: 251
By hobo 2018-09-25 16:51:45
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What is the ranged accuracy check on the wave 3 boss? I saw talk of upwards of 1500?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-25 18:11:42
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Fenrir.Snaps said: »
We've been running with ranged. I haven't tested any if these observations with laser precision but we didn't seem to get resists on even the first group.

Also, the compiled mob list on bg forums lists hydra as 130% fire/light and 50% dark/ice with no additional modifiers. It seems like the hydra in dynamis divergence must be different because 50% is supposed to guarantee a resist but that does not seem to be the case in my experience. Our Trueflight damage is off the walls there so I think they might take double light damage.

Some additional info on this.

After reviewing this page ( it seems like 50 dark/ice SDT might actually line up to the observed results. 50 SDT would guarantee a half resist, although I find even if this is the case the damage is still very high. I feel there is likely some modifier being applied (maybe for all magic?) as a 3000 TP Trueflight will do 100k in DD but only 45k~ to a level 0 mob. The disparity between Trueflight and Leaden Salute is also not as profound on the wave 3 boss (Trueflight doesn't appear to gain any bonus over Leaden Salute with 6/8 circles down), so any natural SDT may be different in that scenario as well.
By Afania 2018-09-25 20:05:17
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This makes sense since volte are fomor, I actually regeared whm for dyna just so people can come rng and TF things, lol.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Terazuma
Posts: 253
By Ragnarok.Lockfort 2018-09-27 14:25:25
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What kind of augments on herc gloves will beat carmine gloves +1 for leaden/wildfire? I currently have MAB+20 wsd+4, but I'm not sure if the 22 MAB outweigh wsd+4.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-27 19:24:26
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You need really great augments to actually do more damage than Carmine. I just tested my augments (STR+7 Macc+32 Mab+29 WSD+3) against level 0 stuff using Trueflight.

Herculean - 45598
Carmine - 46168

So I'm down 1.25% damage from the swap, but I gain 32 magic accuracy. Wave 3 requires a lot of macc so it's worth using in that scenario.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Lilmartio
Posts: 47
By Bismarck.Lilmartio 2018-09-29 06:01:37
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Afania said: »
Fenrir.Snaps said: »
Afania said: »
Fenrir.Snaps said: »
Melee can weaponskill faster than shooting due to RA delay lockout although the TP return you get from Savage Blade is much lower than Leaden Salute or Last Stand, so in practice it might not be. In my experience ranged wins if you're using Leaden Salute. If you're using Last Stand then I'm not sure although there's also huge practical benefits from shooting. You don't need any kind of defensive buffs and you don't need to bifurcate your offensive buffs.

To be specific, I'm asking about wave 3 boss optimal DD style in a melee setup. So it's melee leaden v.s ranged leaden, not melee savage v.s ranged leaden,

Savage blade really can't compete with leaden with malaise on wave 3 boss. I've done tons of wave 3 boss clear runs and have parse data of every run. Savage blade normally came out avg 24 to 25k after a 20 min fight, despite it occasionally hits 37k spikes the avg really wasn't as high on scoreboard in the long run.

Leaden on then other hand, avg 40 to 45k on parse after win, and easily spike over 80k in bolster phase even if you ws as close to 1000 tp as possible. The dmg difference between leaden and savage(or any other physical ws including resolution from war) is night and day.

I really really doubt shooting full time wins in this case, since there's still 1600 acc requirement which requires racc swaps with prelude, and since boss last so long I'm not seeing how it's possible to maintain TS entire time. Even if every RD is successful you'd only get 4 TS with 1 cor, 7(?) TS with 2, so thats 10 min of TS max. And boss normally dont die in 10 min, at least with our group or other groups that Ive seen.

However ra mode may be worth considering when TS is up if it's proven to out dps melee mode. It also bypasses PD if boss uses it, which is kinda nice.

The safety from ranged isn't something I'd consider when I go with main group since my main group is swimming with manpower for additional support. We never wipe or anything with melee setup, and in last 3 runs with main group I only die once across all 3 run to a luopan from geo add. I'd pick a more offensive playstyle over ranged since the safety from attacking from a distance is not something I care about atm. I'd only consider ranged if /ra for tp out parse melee for tp with melee acc songs.

I'm not sure I see your point in regards to requiring Preludes.
Meleeing requires Madrigals. Is using Pianissimo or simply doing two sets of songs truly that cumbersome? If you're Leaden is averaging 40-45k and you're going as soon as you hit 1000, then you have a lot of room to scale Leaden http://FTP. The TP overflow from TS/QS leads to close to double the FTP of spamming at 1000 even after accounting for Moonshade Earring.

In regards to full time TS

TS -> RD -> TS -> RD -> TS -> WC ->
TS -> RD -> TS -> RD -> TS -> WC ->
TS -> RD -> TS -> RD -> TS

Potentially 9 Triple Shots (12.5 minutes) which you can force reset using Loaded Deck.

You're also stating that you're not concerned about the additional support required because your group is well supported, but that's not a strong argument. Any required support for a melee setup is part of the true cost for meleeing.

1) we usually go with melee setup, in that case cor gets melee songs. Doing 2 sets of songs and brd swapping just for cor seems cumbersome if melee turns out to have same or better output than ranged.

Also have to say that leaden doesn't work on adds and last stand is weaker than savage blade, so it's way more ideal to keep melee songs on so cor can switch to savage blade mode when adds pop. No thanks to pianissimo prelude erasing my precious melee songs.

2) 2000 tp per leaden is not a strong argument if ws frequency is worse with ranged mode.

3) other melee in pt is already getting the support for melee, so you are not "wasting" them since other people need it. If you change to ranged mode while support is present for melee, and ended up doing less dps as a result, then it's dps sacrifice for no gain.

As a general rule, you either go all ranged in entire pt and take advantage of less support, or go all melee so everyone gets same support. With the exception of certain circumstances(deaths, amnesia spam NM, underbuffed etc) the worst thing a cor can do in melee pt is geo do wilt/vex/attunement for other melee and cor still /ra from a distance, the defensive bubbles only benefit 2 person instead of 3. On top of that whm doesn't get more mp return from curagas. If ranged can't out dps melee in this case, then it's not worth it.

And another general rule, melee kills faster than ranged. Since dyna is a 2.5hr raid with an NM resists leaden, not seeing how a all ranged setup can clear the whole zone as fast as melee.

We generally clear the whole zone include 8 fetter and wave 3 boss with 30+ min left, unless ranged setup is proven to clear faster than that it doesn't seem to worth it to change from melee to ranged when melee already clear so damn fast.

I'm open to a ranged group that can prove ranged > melee if they can manage a full clear run with 40 min left though.

There are also no real cost to throw more support at it in my main group. With 40 regular people and 18(or more) people per run, there are tons of room for people to come geos(who may not have rng geared at all) do defensive bubbles for melee. Really the low support benefit is only appealing to smaller groups struggling to get extra geos for defensive bubbles.

Anyways the question is really "should cor shoot for dps" in melee pt and there are no evidence that shows "yes" is the best answer in this case.

4) 12 min isnt enough to clear wave 3 boss in every group Ive been to, talked with, watched on stream. Full time TS is as unrealistic as it can be. We do full time TS setup in escha T4 ranged setup stack 3 cor per pt all the time, I already know how powerful it is with multiple cor. But without revit and in melee pt TS doesn't last as long.

Honestly, just not seeing a full time shooting mode out dps melee here. Even during TS I seriously doubt it wins with the power of path B rostam.

I'll try to do a ranged v.s melee calculation by hand this week if I get time for it, or just do a parse test. Some quick math, With rostam/blurred combo I'm getting 2+ swing per round on main hand, 1.7 offhand. Its incredibly fast to hit 1000 tp.

Have you ever try melee leaden with blurred x2 or path b/blurred? It's just that much faster than ranged mode or even savage mode. Just that blurred mainhand doesnt have the mdmg like Rostam, rostam is on a new tier for melee leaden with faster tp speed and stronger ws.
This is what I was able to gather from our run:
First thing, this is only 1min session. I accidentally hit my TS macro when bubbles/songs weren't up and RD was down at the time, so lost out on about 30secs. We were also cutting close on time, so I didn't to spend to much time testing. This test was done with buffs designed for a melee setup.

Zone: Windy
All 8 Fetters killed

Ranged: ItemSet 361691
Subjob: NIN
Buffs: SV:(H.March/Minuet V/Minuet IV/Minuet III/STR EtudeII) x2 Madrigals, 2 Minne, Haste II, Wizards Lucky Regal, Samurai 11 Regal, Triple Shot(1min), Darksday,
Debuffs: BoG+EA Malaise, Torpor, BoG+EA Frailty, Distract III, Frazzle III, Dia III+Light Shot
Time: 1min
Total Damage: 473893
Average TP: 1403
Highest RA: 11934 (4 hit)
Total WS: 8
Average WS Damage: 50112
Leaden Set: ItemSet 361693

Melee: ItemSet 361692
Subjob: Same
Buffs: Same (minus Triple Shot)
Debuffs: Same
Time: 1min
Total Damage: 472731
Average TP: 1509
Total WS: 9
Average WS Damage: 51020
Leaden Set: ItemSet 361694

TL;DR; Ranged in terms of overall damage won. Tried to do melee+TS but died in the process. I did like meleeing better as there wasn't a delay. I would still do melee but if you want that extra damage then ranged TS is the way to go.
By Afania 2018-09-29 13:42:26
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Thanks for the test. It seems that your total dmg was close enough(only 1k difference) that if random variation or gear difference(both ra nor melee set has room for improvement) comes into play then the result could change. I wouldn't be surprised if another person or you do the test again and melee ended up winning if the other person use different gear or get lucky/unlucky with TS or MA proc.

I would read the result as "ra with TS can be competitive to melee" and "ra is worth using during pd", but not "ra > melee if TS is up"
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