Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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By 2018-08-11 19:30:40
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By hobo 2018-08-11 19:54:18
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Carmine+1 gloves are 42 mab 12 agi so the herc gloves with base 8 agi have to be rather nice to beat. Legs you have a lot more flexibility.
I would suggest messing around with Afania's leaden calculator to see what edges out on gloves.

I think the calculator is still:

unless that was changed?
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2018-08-11 20:05:18
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DirectX said: »
How much WSD and MAB is needed on Herc hands and legs? I have never seen above 25 MAB with WSD. Is 25 MAB 4% WSD better than 34 MAB?

It would take such luck and LOTS of stones. As for herc hands I think i used pellucid stones to get +18 macc/+32 MAB and WSD +3%

I was lucky to get this set of augments with fern stones for herc legs.
By 2018-08-11 20:45:20
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By hobo 2018-08-11 22:37:05
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Use the calculator, you can save as excel and copy the table to mess with values and compare one set vs another (remember to paste special). It is really simple, just numbers, none of this searching for specific gear.

I have 280 agi, 284 mab, 24 wsd, 33 affinity, and 453 magic damage, using obi because too lazy to change weather. That is using the dream set, setting legs as 30mab 4wsd, and carmine+1 over herc.

You copy the table, subtract 4 agi and the 42 mab, then start messing with values. TLDR you need better than 30mab 4wsd with that set to win with herc, didn't check break even point cause lazy.
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-08-12 02:20:38
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Bismarck.Zuidar said: »
It would take such luck and LOTS of stones.

I find that the odds are bad enough that I don't want to bother with normal stones, but I definitely toss Herc pieces at Oseem every DM campaign (like, NOW until the end of August) in hopes of WSD+6%~10% paired with a healthy chunk of MAB... or AGI... or the dream scenario of all three.
Server: Leviathan
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user: kingkitt
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By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2018-08-12 08:13:53
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DirectX said: »
So MAB+30 and WSD+4 is best legs, but what about hands? I am asking about in the set on front page listed as best.

Carmine +1 are still pretty strong. I'd just run those unless you get some great augs on hands; you'd be aiming for the ~30mab, ~15agi, wsdmg 4 on those though.
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-08-12 10:16:14
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Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »
DirectX said: »
So MAB+30 and WSD+4 is best legs, but what about hands? I am asking about in the set on front page listed as best.

Carmine +1 are still pretty strong. I'd just run those unless you get some great augs on hands; you'd be aiming for the ~30mab, ~15agi, wsdmg 4 on those though.

I'm pretty sure herc AGI aug is an off path aug on magic augment.
By 2018-08-12 10:31:44
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By Asura.Toralin 2018-08-12 11:32:38
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Spent forever trying to aug mine, ended up with 15AGI, 21MAB, 15 Macc on herc legs
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By Siren.Kyte 2018-08-12 11:44:22
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AGI is indeed off path and getting over ~25 MAB for non-pellucid is a pretty shitty process.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Eightball 2018-08-12 12:17:23
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best chance at something to beat carmine +1 is with DM augments but GL on that.
Posts: 251
By hobo 2018-08-13 18:17:48
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What do you guys use to track rolls? Having some mixed experiences with Timers, I was looking for some alternatives. Timers seemed fine doing 2-3 rolls, but after that it seemed to drop some when I had haste/flurry up on people, and doesn't help when a roll gets dispelled from the tank.
Server: Hades
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By Hades.Dade 2018-08-16 17:09:25
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I couldn't find a spreadsheet with stuff from last few updates. I assume for savage the best rings now are Epaminondas's Ring/Karieyh Ring +1? Was also wondering if Epaminondas's beat Dingir on Leaden? I'm guessing not but not sure.
By Afania 2018-08-16 17:28:18
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Hades.Dade said: »
I assume for savage the best rings now are Epaminondas's Ring/Karieyh Ring +1?

I'm getting regal/epaminondas winning at low attck (18k ws avg), Karieyh +1/epaminondas winning at high attack (25k ws avg or more).

Seems to me that there are more and more gears sit in low attack set but not high attack set. (regal, lanun +3 pants etc).
Server: Asura
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user: Suteru
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By Asura.Suteru 2018-08-18 10:01:04
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A note on QD recast: reduction from JP 550 gift and gear is capped at -10.

From what I can tell, the max for this is -15, not -10 for combined JP + Gear reduction. :35 seconds is what I'm getting down to.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Faelar
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By Bismarck.Faelar 2018-08-26 12:21:52
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The example lua provided in the OP is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to complicated for my taste/skill level with using luas. Trying to setup a basic COR lua for my roommate for general use (not endgame content).

I have a few sets defined, now I just need the functions.

Equip Idle set after all actions
PhantomRoll set before all rolls
QuickDraw set before using QuickDraw
Ranged Attack set before shooting
WS set before WS is used

I have something like

ifskill = healingmagic then
equip setCure

on my WHM. Can I do something similar with COR for all of this? If so, what's it called?
Server: Carbuncle
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user: lunamars
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-08-26 12:25:45
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If you go to the gearswap shop thread theres a super basic one there I think.
Used it when I first resubbed and there was nothing complicated, shoot in this melee in this ws in this etc
Posts: 25
By Aanja 2018-08-26 12:38:01
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Carbuncle.Lunatone said: »
If you go to the gearswap shop thread theres a super basic one there I think.
Used it when I first resubbed and there was nothing complicated, shoot in this melee in this ws in this etc

Where is this thread you mentioned located? Forum search doesn't seem to be working and I don't see it.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: lunamars
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-08-26 15:03:27
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If its easier for you I think I still have it saved on my computer if xiah lets you I can just PM the lua file
Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
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By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-08-28 14:20:55
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Apologies if I missed a discussion on this already:

Thoughts on Mummu Jacket +2 vs Meghanada Cuirie +2 for Armageddon AM3 sets (no Triple Shot)?

This is my current set in the above conditions. I also find that using Begrudging/Mummu Ring leaves me a little low on ranged acc. Noticed this mostly in this month's ambu on VD. I suspect this is moreso due to the fact that I desperately need Iskur Gorget and new earrings.

I recognize the recommended sets say Meghanada but I would think prioritizing crit rate over crit damage would be better under AM3 (more crits > harder hitting less frequent crits?). Same logic with Kecks vs Darraigner's Brais.

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By Sylph.Darkside 2018-08-28 15:33:40
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I prefer gearing for store tp over crit so I can shoot less and ws more. =) So personally just looking at your set I would use the adhemar hands and legs +1 both will have far superior r.acc and store tp. But that's just my opinion
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Nickeny 2018-08-28 16:43:45
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Sylph.Darkside said: »
I prefer gearing for store tp over crit so I can shoot less and ws more. =) So personally just looking at your set I would use the adhemar hands and legs +1 both will have far superior r.acc and store tp. But that's just my opinion

And feet
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-08-28 16:53:32
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
Apologies if I missed a discussion on this already:

Thoughts on Mummu Jacket +2 vs Meghanada Cuirie +2 for Armageddon AM3 sets (no Triple Shot)?

I recognize the recommended sets say Meghanada but I would think prioritizing crit rate over crit damage would be better under AM3 (more crits > harder hitting less frequent crits?). Same logic with Kecks vs Darraigner's Brais.

Crit damage is a big DPS improvement over similar amounts of crit rate, which is why Meg+2 body is typically recommended over Mummu+2. (plus, if you're in an uncapped attack situation, Meg+2 adds Ratk+46 and a little more STR)

The legs are a harder call. Darraigner's will give you stronger DPS if you can hit, but they seriously lack Racc. RNG can usually deal with that, but it's a bit harder for COR (and as you noted, you're running into some Racc issues on higher end Ambu) so in your situation you probably do want to go with Mummu+2 for the Racc+45 and Crit rate +7% when AM3 is up (and maybe use Adhemar when AM3 is down and you want more STP). Plus, don't forget to account for the additional AGI+8 from another piece of Mummu set bonus, which is going to further help your Racc and crit rate.

Neck/earrings you're aware of, but yeah, Iskur Gorget and eventually working toward better earrings is the thing to do. Relative ease of acquiring Enervating Earring if you can get your group to do a 5/5 Vagary run (or maybe just get lucky on Perfidien) would be a nice improvement for you and let you drop Volley.

If you really have to swap out a ring due to Racc issues, you could drop the Begrudging in favor of something like a Cacoethic+1 (or Haverton/+1 if you happen to have that) for a pretty large chunk in one slot. But ideally, you're able to pick up the ranged accuracy elsewhere like legs, improved earrings, a neck swap (see below), etc.

Similarly, lacking Iskur, you might look at swapping out Ocachi for something with more Racc, if hit rate is becoming a problem. Marked Gorget is a pretty good alternative, giving up Ratk+10/STP+2 in exchange for Racc+15/AGI+3.

Sylph.Darkside said: »
I prefer gearing for store tp over crit so I can shoot less and ws more. =) So personally just looking at your set I would use the adhemar hands and legs +1 both will have far superior r.acc and store tp. But that's just my opinion

You might not be considering that Lunafreya is asking specifically for an Armageddon. Ranged Empyrean weapons take WAY more advantage of crits when AM3 is up. If using a good crit set, it's not terribly surprising to see half of your crits (AM3 50% proc rate) landing at almost WS-like damage, sometimes multiple times in a single attack round when Triple Shot is up. That being the case, shooting with Armageddon is a bit of a unique case, since the ratio of white damage to WS damage is going to be substantially higher than any other COR setup. Maximizing that requires an approach that differs a bit from the more standard rationale for other weapons, which would lean more toward STP.
Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-08-28 18:13:40
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Really solid advice and that makes sense, thanks for that long explanation.
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2018-08-30 18:13:35
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2300 stones last night on Herc hands. Not even seeing MAB 20 and 4 WSD. Then finally 25MAB and 4 WSD , no Agility. SHould I replace my Carmine hands +1?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Eightball 2018-08-30 20:54:16
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i dont think so, but you will have to test with your set to be sure.
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2018-08-30 22:51:58
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Assuming I have everything in the dream tier set. What would be the minimum augs on her hands?
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-08-31 00:25:00
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Again, gonna have to test with your set, but probably something like MAB in the high 20s+ paired with WSD+4~5% (or obviously, if you get a lucky AGI roll with those or a DM augment with mega-MAB or WSD+6~10%, that gives you more leeway on the other stats).

Yours Herc gloves are pretty darn close, but probably not quite there to beat Carmine+1. I would imagine that MAB+17/AGI+4 advantage on Carmine+1 will beat the WSD+4% on Herc for most higher end WS sets. For Herc to win, you'll probably have a better chance hoping to just get a monster MAB augment (40+) from DM and hope for any additional AGI or WSD to show up on it (or get a DM WSD+6~10% paired with MAB 20ish or higher).

Also, note that it's INCREDIBLY hard to get AGI/MAB/WSD on the same Herculean piece, since AGI is a rare off-path augment on the magical path for Herculean gear (and the other paths also never have all three stats on same path). If you're talking about DM, any stats can show up but since there are so many options that's also super rare to find all three at once.

For testing, an unresisted Leaden/WF at the same TP with the same gear/buffs is going to give the same number every time, so go test a 3000tp WS on like a level 1-9 mob outside of starter cities to see for yourself with your set (and maybe check to get the same number twice to confirm no resist if you have any doubts).
Posts: 87
By mrlooolz 2018-08-31 02:08:01
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Thanks mate! yeah, Carmine +1 is just way easier.
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