Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By SimonSes 2025-02-28 15:33:09
List meaningful content where:
a) COR has access to subjob
b) that subjob isn't forced to be /DRK
c) Savage/HotShot/Leaden isn't one shooting the mobs
d) COR is meleeing and pulls hate
I guess you could technically list Odyssey C seg farming 3rd-4th floor if you have a BRD without Aria, but if you can't one shot mobs there and you are scared of leaving them at 10%HP and getting hit by TP move, you can simply do some 10k WS and follow up with kill shot Savage. Mob will die in the same time, but it will be safe, since you won't push it to 50% before killing it, meaning it wont TP move before it gets 3000TP. Ofc on parse you will do less damage, because 10kWS+Savage is less than 2x Savage doing virtual damage, so I guess if you try to push parse with fake damage, then go /NIN :P
By Weeew 2025-02-28 15:38:22
List meaningful content where:
a) COR has access to subjob
b) that subjob isn't forced to be /DRK
c) Savage/HotShot/Leaden isn't one shooting the mobs
d) COR is meleeing and pulls hate
I guess you could technically list Odyssey C seg farming 3rd-4th floor if you have a BRD without Aria, but if you can't one shot mobs there and you are scared of leaving them at 10%HP and getting hit by TP move, you can simply do some 10k WS and follow up with kill shot Savage. Mob will die in the same time, but it will be safe, since you won't push it to 50% before killing it, meaning it wont TP move before it gets 3000TP. Ofc on parse you will do less damage, because 10kWS+Savage is less than 2x Savage doing virtual damage, so I guess if you try to push parse with fake damage, then go /NIN :P
Dyna D wave 3, Sheol last floor, Sortie non aminon... Also many HTMB and other random stuff you do daily for many many reasons whether its helping other players or stupid ***like Vanabout. Just give up you are not going to win this one.
By SimonSes 2025-02-28 15:57:15
Dyna D wave 3, Sheol last floor, Sortie non aminon... Also many HTMB and other random stuff you do daily for many many reasons whether its helping other players or stupid ***like Vanabout. Just give up you are not going to win this one.
Dyna D is AoE Aeolian with tank tanking
Sheol last floor I covered in my response
Sortie not Aminon is still best to do with PLD kiting and even if you insist to use suboptimal method, you won't pull hate against 2 top DD jobs and beside Gartell counters, every other meaningful damage is magic AoE where shadows wont help you.
Many HTMB is too vague to respond too.
Random stuff doesn't sound like something requiring a shadows.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2958
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-28 16:40:12
Maybe I'm an idiot but I've never used aeolian edge in dynamis [d] on cor...ever. that seems like asking for bsts to charm you, nins to mijin, etc. Is this some blu cleave strat stuff?
We use hot shot to hit 99k and 1shot the small mobs, and then do 99k per WS to the volte big guys until they die. Is aeolian stronger than that somehow...? How do you prevent every mini BST from charming your tank and then dying? Is aeolian doing 99k and 1shotting all 3 minis each time?
I guess it's not important that we debate dyna d strategy here but I've never done this and CONSTANTLY use kustawi+1 on COR/NIN or COR/DNC, like twice a week.
Other than that, I don't think there are too many COR shooting scenarios where you are desperate for max racc. I guess sortie mage strat non aminon but I haven't personalty done that in ages so can't speak to it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 42
By Asura.Mcdoogle 2025-02-28 17:08:05
It’s mainly a numbers game. If you do 33k with AE, you only need 4 mobs to beat 99k single target. So if you do more than 33k per AE or have more than 3 mobs, you’re doing more damage.
These are hypothetical numbers. I forget how much AE does in Dyna.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10258
By Asura.Sechs 2025-02-28 17:14:51
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Do you have K. Kachina belt +1 for am3 set? Could just do that and take the -2 agi hit Isn't that for Arma AM3?
I only have Foma and DP so I never bothered with that, alas.
I would've used that of course but buying one doesn't grant me an inventory+1 so at that point I might as well keep the Sveltesse xD
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2958
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-28 17:15:24
It’s mainly a numbers game. If you do 33k with AE, you only need 3 mobs to beat 99k single target. So if you do more than 33k per AE or have more than 3 mobs, you’re doing more damage.
Fair point, except:
Once the 3 baby mobs are dead, you're now doing 33k instead of 99k on the Su5-wielder and have the wrong offhand to hit Hot Shot without missing
This ignores skillchains. If you hit 99k+70k Liquefaction, then the math changes quickly in the other direction
The stuff I said about BST, NIN, or other potentially dangerous mobs.
I guess it ultimately boils down to whatever your group finds fastest/most fun/what jobs you have, etc. I'm not going to try to pretend that I have the definitive best dynamis strategy ever, I'm open to the idea that cleaving is faster, it could well be. Either way, there's definitely a place in W3 for HS and (IMO) Kustawi is extremely good for that scenario.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Asura.Psycosocial 2025-02-28 22:45:48
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe I'm an idiot but I've never used aeolian edge in dynamis [d] on cor...ever. that seems like asking for bsts to charm you, nins to mijin, etc. Is this some blu cleave strat stuff?
We use hot shot to hit 99k and 1shot the small mobs, and then do 99k per WS to the volte big guys until they die. Is aeolian stronger than that somehow...? How do you prevent every mini BST from charming your tank and then dying? Is aeolian doing 99k and 1shotting all 3 minis each time?
I guess it's not important that we debate dyna d strategy here but I've never done this and CONSTANTLY use kustawi+1 on COR/NIN or COR/DNC, like twice a week.
I wouldn't call you an idiot for being skeptical, but just like any other strat you set up contingencies for the concerns you posted. AE or BLU cleaving is insanely effective and I haven't seen yet a faster way to full clear.
I haven't tried this to say it's spicy, but AE > Hot shot chains infinitely. If its just you, you could whittle the small guys down while still spiking the SU5 NM.
By SimonSes 2025-03-01 05:41:50
The main point in this discussion is that whichever you do, AE, AE+HS or just HS, none of that will pull hate and shadows are useless. You could argue for shadows on Fell Cleave NMs, but that should be just taken care with right positioning as far as I remember.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2958
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-03-01 08:53:41
List meaningful content where:
a) COR has access to subjob
b) that subjob isn't forced to be /DRK
c) Savage/HotShot/Leaden isn't one shooting the mobs
d) COR is meleeing and pulls hate
If you hit a few SCs on a Su5 mob and your tank isn't on the ball, or if you hit the SC early on in the mob, you can absolutely pull hate on dynamis W3 Su5 mobs. We run Dirge full time and still have DDs pull hate when they pop too much damage at the beginning of a mob, especially if the tank is distracted. They frequently get 1shot (or 2shot if nobody notices quick enough).
I mean TBH, I basically never keep shadows up because it's annoying as ***, they keep getting aga'd, and if I'm playing COR, 99% of the time I'm also 2boxing so I can't be arsed. I could still see how they could be valuable though.
Also: WAR using MS Fell Cleave can *** your ***up and shadows are useful AF to survive.
Also also: depending which zone you're in, it can be quite difficult (or maybe impossible without a strong Aria) to 1shot W2 mobs. It's highly likely you will pull hate with one WS, since the tank is only holding AoE hate. This mob could then decide to MS, HF, or do any number of other unpleasant things to your face.
I get that a lot of people cleave dynamis and maybe this doesn't apply in that scenario. I don't cleave dynamis.
It also REALLY depends on your gear level and the gear level of the people you're playing with. Maybe your tank sucks. Maybe you take 2 or 3 WS to kill mobs. Maybe the mobs got pulled the wrong color.
In the current month's ambu, shadows could save your life from any of the avatars, including and especially Ramuh.
By Weeew 2025-03-01 09:18:17
Basically Simon's argument is valid for:
1) multiboxers who's COR is pretty much passive and do the basic of what they need to do.
2)Using BEST OF THE BEST TACTICS for every bit of content cleaving and dominating with the best groups and everyone fully geared with Aria...
for the other 98% of Cor's out there, /nin is extremely useful and should always be considered depending on the content. When in doubt go /nin.
By SimonSes 2025-03-01 12:04:00
1) multiboxers who's COR is pretty much passive and do the basic of what they need to do.
This doesn't make sense at all. /DNC requires much more control to be utilized than /NIN
Whole point was that /DNC is higher dps when perfectly controlled by a person.
2)Using BEST OF THE BEST TACTICS for every bit of content cleaving and dominating with the best groups and everyone fully geared with Aria...
If you consider suboptimal setups, things like boxstep, haste samba and curing waltz might be way more valuable than shadows.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Also: WAR using MS Fell Cleave can *** your ***up and shadows are useful AF to survive.
If you are really worried about that, you can simply fight WAR mobs from distance. Triple shot TPing is very fast anyway.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2958
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-03-01 16:34:07
If you are really worried about that, you can simply fight WAR mobs from distance. Triple shot TPing is very fast anyway.
Definitely agree, but they can also do this to you when someone else is fighting them. Or if they get TP off hitting your tank, healers, etc.
To be clear, I don't think shadows are all that important and, as I mentioned above, I rarely bother to put them up even when I am /nin. I still think there's a case to be made that they're helpful on COR though.
By fractalvoid 2025-03-02 00:06:06
for folks using Hot Shot on A/E+C/G bosses in Sortie, what does your set look like, and how is your dmg/acc?
I'm using something pretty similar to what's in the OP with a few minor adjustments and I'm decently happy with my dmg (tho of course trying to eek out some more, if possible), and my acc is typically only an issue if we don't get distract.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-03-02 11:45:29
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Other than that, I don't think there are too many COR shooting scenarios where you are desperate for max racc. I guess sortie mage strat non aminon Yeah that's basically it. It's nice to be able to close SCs in the basement consistently. That's the only place max racc toggle has been used.