Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 16
By Bahamut.Creaucent 2025-01-03 07:06:37
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On that attack speed BGWiki page there is a nice chart down at the bottom that has with just magic haste, with haste samba from /dnc and haste samba with dnc main.

Are you sure Ulima is actually giving you March? She likes to pianissimo minuets on to RNG and COR. Both brd trusts will also change to various other songs when certain hp/mp minimum values are reached.

You can always throw in a rdm trust for haste II (King or Arciela as Koru gives COR flurry) to get to the magical haste cap which reduces how much DW you actually need. Capping DW without capped magical haste is going to be a massive pain and sacrifices a lot of the more defensive gear for squishy stuff.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-03 07:09:33
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Phoenix.Darwinion said: »
OK I'm new to COR, just got it mastered this week. I'm a bit confused over the haste cap and DW calculations. I seen the chart linked earlier,

Wondered if someone can tell me I'm working this out correctly.

So, I'm dual boxing with a THF and I'm on COR/DNC using haste samba. Trusts Ulmia and Joachim are giving me Victory and Advancing marches. (Dunno if they will always give that though).

I'm calculating I get 31% Haste on /DNC so need 35 DW for cap.
But I would be below 30% haste on /NIN so would need 42 DW to cap.

Do I have this correct?

In that chart the top row is magic haste. Your magic haste cannot change from your subjob if you're /DNC or /NIN. The left column is where you select which row you're picking from the main chart.

If you have 30% magic haste (only marches, no trust giving you haste at all) then you'd want 31 DW for /NIN, 41 DW for /DNC, or 35 DW for /DNC if you're maintaining haste samba.

You should get Haste (or haste II) from a trust and then use the "Cap" column to pick the amount of DW you need. Being haste capped or not makes a huge difference in the amount of jank gear you need to wear to cap delay reduction.
By K123 2025-01-03 09:26:59
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Is there a Trust that will use Haste2 on COR? Arcelia?
Posts: 3648
By Taint 2025-01-03 09:46:12
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K123 said: »
Is there a Trust that will use Haste2 on COR? Arcelia?
By K123 2025-01-03 11:19:54
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Oh, never used him much because of Firaga madness but if no risk of tagging more mobs it would be fine I guess.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-01-03 11:48:44
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K123 said: »
Is there a Trust that will use Haste2 on COR? Arcelia?
I not II. As well as king of hearts
By K123 2025-01-03 11:58:59
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
K123 said: »
Is there a Trust that will use Haste2 on COR? Arcelia?
I not II. As well as king of hearts
Yeah, I meant I by not writing II :)
Posts: 37
By jarhead402011 2025-01-08 08:29:11
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So what does like a starting tp set for cor look like? The guide suggests mostly full adhemar +1 gear but that’s just a glass cannon setup. Not really realistic for things like ody c farming and such.

And then what’s a better set look like? Obviously full malignance is likely the dream but how do I get there in terms of gear?
Posts: 16
By Poundsndrome 2025-01-08 09:08:54
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Depending on how far you are into the game, the Ambuscade armor provides a little more defensive capabilities than Adhemar. On page 127 are some good starting and progression sets as well.

I would recommend getting the empyrean legs upgraded ASAP as they are amazing for DT, melee and ranged sets. Fill in the rest with Malignance when you can.
By K123 2025-01-08 10:25:45
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Even as a starter you should be able to make emp+1 119 pretty easily (but can be time consuming - depends when you can get kupons for seals). From there to +2 it you could do slow 3-4k galli runs and hope for stones from chests.
By LightningHelix 2025-01-08 14:01:57
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Coincidentally, kupons will be back next month! Starts this Friday (the 10th)
Posts: 41
By spicychai 2025-01-09 02:19:37
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Hi, just was curious because I have LS friends that credit Corsair a lot, not just as a support but as a DD too.

How useful is corsair in lowman situations or with trusts? (Basically without other players)

Because corsair itself provides some of the most useful DD buffs in the game. Say we have a monk fighting a boss with just trusts, they've got great base damage, but they're barely buffed to max even with Qultada or Joachim, I'm thinking they can't attack cap themselves either without outside help.

But a corsair can buff themselves even if they have much lower base damage than MNK so I'm curious if that at least bumps up the gap in a corsair's own damage?

I probably sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about lol, I certainly don't know the maths, but thought I'd hear what you guys think or know from experience.

Asking because I do more solo content. Thought I'd jp master a corsair for the occasional ambu/ody runs with my LS or friends, but also use it as a potentially strong solo DD with trusts.

If the job isn't very solo-capable then that's fine too I'll just max it out and have it beside my RDM for more group content stuff.
Posts: 643
By Kaffy 2025-01-09 02:21:42
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Cor is busted, easily one of the top 3 jobs in the game, and probably the most versatile when it comes to doing physical and magical damage on demand. Well worth time invested.
By Afania 2025-01-09 02:41:23
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spicychai said: »
How useful is corsair in lowman situations or with trusts? (Basically without other players)

Cor is a great lowman or trust solo job, one of the best in game imo. The ability to do ranged attack makes killing dangerous NM much easier. Cor can self buff for higher kill speed or survivability, and use defensive buffs on trusts(by doing roll rotation and positioning after engage) and make them more durable when they tank NMs.

If you are doing a no trust solo, then sch, blu, bst and rdm is probably better. Cor only performs well as a solo/lowman job with trusts or with another player or two.

With trusts though, cor is right up there as a solo job.

Note that you do need multiple sets of very good gear for cor to stand out as a lowman job. If you only have melee set without ranged nor magical ws then it's effectiveness will decrease. If you are new to this job, you probably won't see the effectiveness of it yet.
Posts: 96
By Ninjaxtasy 2025-01-24 12:54:41
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anyone have a current 2025 TP set?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Yso 2025-01-24 13:09:24
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Shooting or melee?

Glass canon TP sets are a no-go in current content. Ideally mix great amounts of DT reduction in, while keeping as much stats as possible. I use pieces of Emp+3 in combo with Malignance pieces.
Posts: 96
By Ninjaxtasy 2025-01-24 13:29:09
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 16
By Bahamut.Creaucent 2025-01-24 13:36:50
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ItemSet 398036
cape: DA+10 PDT-10

What I'm using at the moment with Glet's Knife which will put you at 25% haste.

ItemSet 398037
Cape: DW+10 PDT-10

if I'm not using Gleti's Knife its this set.

Edit: If you have Null neck and back you can then change to defending ring instead of Gelatinous Ring+1 and be at 49% PDT. Its a massive shame that Null Shawl doesn't have any PDT or DT on it for more flexible gearing options.

ItemSet 398038
Posts: 16
By Poundsndrome 2025-01-29 15:26:53
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Bahamut.Creaucent said: »
ItemSet 398036
cape: DA+10 PDT-10

What I'm using at the moment with Glet's Knife which will put you at 25% haste.

ItemSet 398037
Cape: DW+10 PDT-10

if I'm not using Gleti's Knife its this set.

Edit: If you have Null neck and back you can then change to defending ring instead of Gelatinous Ring+1 and be at 49% PDT. Its a massive shame that Null Shawl doesn't have any PDT or DT on it for more flexible gearing options.

ItemSet 398038

What weapon combo are you using if Leaden Salute is the main weaponskill? Rostam + Tauret? I'm wondering if Gleti's is still better given the lack of magic damage but the added TA %.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1830
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2025-01-29 15:39:15
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no need to post entire sets about this concept, but I know many of us have moved to using Ambuscade Capes with "Dual Wield+10" on them as our source of DW within TP sets vs a combo...reasoning being the benefits in other stats (multiattack, STP, etc) that can be accomplished nowadays in waist+ring combo far outweigh +10 STP from the typical Corsair Ambu Cape.

(Basically, it retires the Reiki Yotai+Eabani or Suppa sets)

Now, it does leave you 1 DW under cap when your haste is covered, but after over 2 years of this now for myself I've never felt "slow" because of it^^
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-29 17:49:22
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Personally I don't see a reason to go /NIN over /DNC really. You almost never cast shadows for anything you melee on COR tbh, while haste samba helps not only you, but WAR, potentially MNK and any melee support forced to go non DW subjob and boxstep (even just one time for -5%def) is great too. I would simply go this:

ItemSet 398121
With Null Shawl

Exactly 9% DW you need with Haste Samba and /DNC, enough DT for a hybrid TP set (neck and ring are options to push to 50%DT if you want) and massive MEVA
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: glaciont
Posts: 775
By Lakshmi.Glaciont 2025-01-29 18:42:14
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Where does Null loop come in? I know Iskur has the stp but Loop looks really nice.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-30 02:55:03
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Lakshmi.Glaciont said: »
Where does Null loop come in? I know Iskur has the stp but Loop looks really nice.

Like I said, for set I posted, you can replace Iskur and Chirich with Null and Defending ring for 51%DT. If you are using Gleti's knife, you can also replace belt with Null belt for really solid turtle TP set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2025-02-28 11:29:33
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I'm trying to free up some inventory space.
I swapped some items in some sets for several jobs and the result is that atm I'm using Sveltesse Gouritz +1 in a single set across all my jobs.
That's Leaden Salute at distance.

So I'm wondering, can anybody give an estimate of how big of a loss would using Eschan Stone or Fotia Belt be, compared to Sveltesse Gouritz +1?
If the difference is small enough I could gain +1 inv space by putting away the Sveltesse Gouritz.
On a hunch I'd dare to say the difference should be pretty small?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2025-02-28 11:36:54
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Do you have K. Kachina belt +1 for am3 set? Could just do that and take the -2 agi hit
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Vargasfinio 2025-02-28 12:41:05
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Any use cases still in effect for Kustawi +1?

I'm starting to kit out COR for use in Gaol or other content as a useful job swap to add my to kit and I have a Fettering Blade, Nusku Shield and will have access to Rostam / Lanun once I finish out my JP. I have the other usual suspects as well (Naegling / Tauret / Gleti's).

Best use I can see is for ranged fights where you use Last Stand...but I can't think of any fights / content off the top of my head where that would be a very common thing.
By Dodik 2025-02-28 13:20:37
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Cor is ranged with last stand for Arebati, Ou, Fu. Not that many ranged only fights.
Posts: 251
By Weeew 2025-02-28 13:21:00
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SimonSes said: »
Personally I don't see a reason to go /NIN over /DNC really. You almost never cast shadows for anything you melee on COR tbh, while haste samba helps not only you, but WAR, potentially MNK and any melee support forced to go non DW subjob and boxstep (even just one time for -5%def) is great too. I would simply go this:

ItemSet 398121
With Null Shawl

Exactly 9% DW you need with Haste Samba and /DNC, enough DT for a hybrid TP set (neck and ring are options to push to 50%DT if you want) and massive MEVA

Sorry Simon but you are 103% wrong about sub ninja. For multi-boxers who have an OK cor just following the main DD and doing less damage never pulling hate sure /dnc could do well, but for any hardCORe corsair out there who has strives to surpass all the other DD's around them occasionally pulling hate, and constantly is off to the side soloing things to make the runs go a lot faster, sub ninja is 100% a must have. I cannot count how many times shadows have saved me from the brink of death in a lot of meaningful content. I am very surprised you have this take as we probably exceeded 5000 hours playing together!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2025-02-28 14:08:07
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Ragnarok.Vargasfinio said: »
Any use cases still in effect for Kustawi +1?

I'm starting to kit out COR for use in Gaol or other content as a useful job swap to add my to kit and I have a Fettering Blade, Nusku Shield and will have access to Rostam / Lanun once I finish out my JP. I have the other usual suspects as well (Naegling / Tauret / Gleti's).

Best use I can see is for ranged fights where you use Last Stand...but I can't think of any fights / content off the top of my head where that would be a very common thing.

If you’re doing sortie and you need last stand in the basement for skillchains. Pretty much the best offhand and you absolutely need the racc
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2025-02-28 14:08:12
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Ragnarok.Vargasfinio said: »
Any use cases still in effect for Kustawi +1?

I'm starting to kit out COR for use in Gaol or other content as a useful job swap to add my to kit and I have a Fettering Blade, Nusku Shield and will have access to Rostam / Lanun once I finish out my JP. I have the other usual suspects as well (Naegling / Tauret / Gleti's).

Best use I can see is for ranged fights where you use Last Stand...but I can't think of any fights / content off the top of my head where that would be a very common thing.

If you’re doing sortie and you need last stand in the basement for skillchains. Pretty much the best offhand and you absolutely need the racc
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