Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By zixxer 2024-10-18 14:39:16
I'm looking for opinions and criticism from other people.
I need to upgrade some of my gimpCOR items but I can't get them all at the same time. I will, eventually, but I need to set a priority order since I don't have infinite gil and time.
These are the items I'm still missing. Atm I only have NQ Oshosi and Relic +1. Relic hands +3 = 15m (+2 = 9.5m)
Relic body +3 = 6m
Relic legs+3 = 3.8m
Relic feet+3 = 20m (+2 = 14m)
Adhemar legs+1 = ~11m
Carmine hands+1 = ~2.5m
Oshosi head+1 = 18m
Oshosi body+1 = 30m
Oshosi legs+1 = 29m
Oshosi feet+1 = 18m
Some of these items are used just in a single set.
Relic body/feet are nice for WS but how big of an upgrade are they over R30 Nyame?
What would you prioritize and why?
For ranged attack during triple shot I found myself not using any of my oshosi +1 when it comes to some endgame stuff. (v25s, sortie bosses, newer master trials)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-19 05:44:51
what do you use on triple shot in those scenario?
By Nariont 2024-10-19 13:20:43
Would assume as much DT/meva/def as you can squeeze while keeping the more relevant bits+bobs in
Ikenga hat
Emp+3 body
relic+3 gloves
emp+3 pants
Ikenga boots
DT or PDT cape
25~30 DT / 25~35 PDT
Swap into malig hat/boots if you need more DT as that will keep the STP in shot relatively the same, losing out on racc/ratk/PDL in its place
By zixxer 2024-10-19 20:25:38
what do you use on triple shot in those scenario? I haven't tweaked on my cor sets for a year or so so I'm not sure what is BIS. Feel free to point out if I should make adjustments. Top section is for endgame stuff, bottom stuff is when I used to use oshosi stuff. I could make a toggle to use the oshisi for easy content but I'm too lazy. I don't really get to do cor for most stuff anyway.
Code sets.midcast.RA.TRIPLE ={
ammo="Chrono Bullet",
head="Chass. Tricorne +3",
body="Chasseur's Frac +3",
hands="Chasseur's Gants +3",
legs="Chas. Culottes +3",
feet={ name="Ikenga's Clogs", augments={'Path: A',}},
neck="Iskur Gorget",
waist="K. Kachina Belt +1",
left_ear="Telos Earring",
right_ear="Crep. Earring",
left_ring="Paqichikaji Ring",
right_ring="Crepuscular Ring",
back={ name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','Rng.Acc.+10','"Store TP"+10',}},
--ammo="Chrono Bullet",
--head="Oshosi Mask +1",
--body="Chasseur's Frac +3",
--hands={ name="Lanun Gants +3", augments={'Enhances "Fold" effect',}},
--legs="Osh. Trousers +1",
--feet="Osh. Leggings +1",
--neck="Iskur Gorget",
--waist="Yemaya Belt",
--left_ear="Telos Earring",
--right_ear="Dedition Earring",
--left_ring="Ilabrat Ring",
--right_ring="Dingir Ring",
--back={ name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','Rng.Acc.+10','"Store TP"+10',}},
Below is my precast stuff in case someone asks. Code sets.precast.RA = {
ammo="Chrono Bullet",
head="Chass. Tricorne +3",
body="Laksa. Frac +3",
hands={ name="Lanun Gants +3", augments={'Enhances "Fold" effect',}},
legs={ name="Adhemar Kecks +1", augments={'AGI+12','"Rapid Shot"+13','Enmity-6',}},
feet={ name="Adhe. Gamashes +1", augments={'HP+65','"Store TP"+7','"Snapshot"+10',}},
neck={ name="Comm. Charm +2", augments={'Path: A',}},
waist="Yemaya Belt",
left_ear="Telos Earring",
right_ear="Dedition Earring",
left_ring="Ilabrat Ring",
right_ring="Crepuscular Ring",
back={ name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'INT+20','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Mag. Evasion+10','"Snapshot"+10','Mag. Evasion+15',}},
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 62
By Phoenix.Amarok 2024-10-21 05:52:20
Does anyone have an equipset for Terminus, both for medium buff and high buff/PDL situations?
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By Sylvebits 2024-12-02 18:46:26
Does Nisroch Jerkin have a place on COR or does it get overshadowed by other RA pieces?
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2963
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-02 19:05:19
I use it in my white damage shooting sets when triple shot is down, though TBH Ikenga's Vest R30 might be better (PDL, more STP, more ratk, more racc, less crit rate)
It's definitely extremely niche, if used at all.
By Sylvebits 2024-12-02 19:20:20
.-. i dont even have Ikenga R0
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 120
By Phoenix.Rizzspeed 2024-12-02 19:56:08
most guides have the Nisroch Jerkin in the aftermath TP sets for Armageddon.
Granted if you have nothing better, than use it if you have it for w/e u need it for.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2963
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-02 20:23:22
.-. i dont even have Ikenga R0
I'd wear it in white damage builds then (typically just Armageddon AM3). The only other competitive piece would be Meghanada+2 body, but IMO the crit rate is more impactful than the crit damage, plus it has STP.
If you're not going for white damage, Malignance is much better.
If you have triple shot up, empy body is much better.
It (Nisroch) isn't an amazing piece, but it's still got a little niche IMO.
If you don't have an armageddon, I don't think I'd put Nisroch in any COR sets. I guess it's in my Evisceration set...so...that's a thing...
By Sylvebits 2024-12-02 20:54:04
Phoenix.Rizzspeed said: »most guides have the Nisroch Jerkin in the aftermath TP sets for Armageddon.
Granted if you have nothing better, than use it if you have it for w/e u need it for.
Wait... people make separate TP sets when they get the AM Lv.3 buff from their weapon?
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2024-12-02 21:16:12
Phoenix.Rizzspeed said: »most guides have the Nisroch Jerkin in the aftermath TP sets for Armageddon.
Granted if you have nothing better, than use it if you have it for w/e u need it for.
Wait... people make separate TP sets when they get the AM Lv.3 buff from their weapon? I'm not sure how much it's used these days.
But I do for COR or RNG with Empyrean. But it's more of a set to optimize white damage. AM3 makes for some really nasty damage once you factor in Triple Damage, critical hits, and triple shot.
With Relic +3 Gloves: ("Triple Shot: Occasionally becomes Quad Shot" activates 50% of the time Triple Shot procs.)
By Nariont 2024-12-02 21:27:40
Wait... people make separate TP sets when they get the AM Lv.3 buff from their weapon?
For emps/mythics, yes. Its gotten a bit narrower in set variety due to the higher desire for defensive stats but in general;
Mythic: load up on store TP, if a melee wep then also triple attack/quad, can throw in double but it can block a occ. Att. 3 times proc
Emps: crit rate/dmg and general MA to make the most of the triple dmg procs
By Trillium 2024-12-04 00:39:37
Does Nisroch Jerkin have a place on COR or does it get overshadowed by other RA pieces?
Love it as a lockstyle piece, but ya, it is more niche. I can't recall if it is still in my AM set for arma. I think the problem is triple shot is where you really want to take advantage of the AM, so there are better options. Really like the look with some other pieces, so again lockstyle is highly recommended.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1843
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-04 06:32:35
It does fine for RNGs when you have AM3 up and double shot is down. Even better on a bow in trueshot range.
By Sylvebits 2024-12-08 19:59:00
Just wondering how my sets are shaping up or where I should focus X_X I havent done much group content with COR because I'm worried I wouldnt stack up in group content..
My ranged weapon currently is Holliday with augments:AGI+14 RACC+19 DMG+24. All my R/E/A is atleast 119+1 also.
ItemSet 397614
Cape: +10 snapshot
ItemSet 397615
ItemSet 397613
Cape: +20DEX/ACC/ATT +10DA
Herc body has +20 ACC +15ATT +4haste
ItemSet 397612
Cape: +20DEX/ATT/ACC +10DWW
Legs: +20ACC +12 ACC +6DW
Taeon: +20ACC/ATT +7STR/DEX +4DW
Body: +10AGI/DEX +15ACC
By Hylin 2024-12-09 07:55:06
Most of the time I'm not shooting on cor with a few exceptions. I would focus on a roll set, ws sets, and tp sets (in that order).
It looks like you have a lot of DW in your to set, over capping reduces tp/hit. Check out the chart at the bottom of this page
Server: Asura
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Posts: 50
By Asura.Shang 2024-12-09 10:00:10
would def work hard on the rest of malig. get rid of the squishy stuff. don't think i have a single tp set on cor under 40dt. In my experience give up the dw all around. I don't use it on cor or brd promise u do better without it. the ol sailfi and cessance life. i guess if u just have to follow the guides u can dw on ur cape? but just da or stp that bad boy. and good for you making preshot midshot any cor worth their salt will shoot. triple shot is one of the most disrespectfully broken ja's in ff11 def use that and abuse it. work towards some chirich and a eponas if you can both very solid for cor. chirich more so since is also a good midshot option. cor looks good def on the right path just keep grinding ^^
By Sylvebits 2024-12-09 12:33:24
Most of the time I'm not shooting on cor with a few exceptions. I would focus on a roll set, ws sets, and tp sets (in that order).
Shoot.. forgot to list that one ><
ItemSet 397620
I think you might be right :/ my DW set has +43 DW in it as /NIN..
By Nariont 2024-12-09 12:57:58
Yeah you're way overcap unless you usually have little/no haste. You'll also want to throw in DT/general defensive stats into your roll set, its similar to a WS set in that you can always get caught doing it during a TP move or something, specially doing double ups and then you get smacked. Would also set a toggle/seperate macro for luzaf's as you dont always want the extended range
By Sylvebits 2024-12-09 14:26:13
Yeah you're way overcap unless you usually have little/no haste. You'll also want to throw in DT/general defensive stats into your roll set, its similar to a WS set in that you can always get caught doing it during a TP move or something, specially doing double ups and then you get smacked. Would also set a toggle/seperate macro for luzaf's as you dont always want the extended range
Hmmm ok, so would 20-25DW be a safer better range to be in then?
For rolls, when you go to double-up do you still need to be in your rolls gear? I just added some defensive gear now with items I have on-hand
By Dodik 2024-12-09 14:37:16
Only need 11DW for /nin with max haste. Have a look at the cheat sheet, was posted above.
By Sylvebits 2024-12-09 14:39:45
Only need 11DW for /nin with max haste. Have a look at the cheat sheet, was posted above.
Ahh kk, I was having some trouble understanding it. So if I just have like.. Koru-Moru give me hate 2, I'd need +31 DW, and anything above magic haste cap (I think is 43%?) I would only need 11?
By Nariont 2024-12-09 14:52:48
For rolls, when you go to double-up do you still need to be in your rolls gear? I just added some defensive gear now with items I have on-hand
Correct on the dw needed with haste 2, as for double up you dont, i just had a defensive swap for it to be safe back in the squishier times, sometimes you have to double up a few times due to bad rolls, but once you have a strong engage/idle set you can take that off and just have a basic roll set
By Dodik 2024-12-09 16:27:14
Keep in mind the cheat sheet column on haste samba. 25DW if you have haste2 and haste samba from sub dnc.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2963
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-09 18:55:20
In my experience give up the dw all around. I don't use it on cor or brd promise u do better without it.
This is very bad advice. COR and BRD who are dual wielding (sub nin or dnc) absolutely want dw on gear. It will make a massive improvement to your attack speed. Don't overdo it, as was stated by many others, but absolutely don't make tp sets with 0 DW
For example, if you're BRD/NIN wielding Naegling/TP Bonus dagger and have capped magic haste and equip haste, your delay is 100. With 11 DW in gear that goes to 85 (capped delay reduction). This is a reduction of 15% in your delay, so you will attack 15% faster for 2 pieces of gear.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 50
By Asura.Shang 2024-12-09 22:45:42
I'm not a formula guy come take a ride to asura I can show you first hand. I've been known to play cor from time to time.
By Sylvebits 2024-12-10 23:58:13
Okies based on some the feedback I've made 2 branch DW TP sets
ItemSet 397631
This one has the 11 DW needed
Primary ACC without food is 1201
Attack: 1080(seems low?)
STP: +53
DA: +23
TA: +9
-I lucked out with a +16 ACC +4% triple attack aug on herc
-Cape is +10% DA
-Legs are DW path
-Feet are path B which is +12ACC/DEX... I mostly am only in these till I find something better; these have +8STP and 4% DA.
-My Sailfa isn't augmented yet either : /. So I might change back to Kentarcht+1 since I'm over the haste cape by 8%, and keeping the belt on for 1 extra haste and 2% TA doesnt sound as strong as +15acc +3%DA in the meantime.
-I know I need a better neckpiece : /
I also made this version of it the 11DW set
ItemSet 397633
Primary ACC: 1148
Attack: 1172
DA: +27
TA: +12
Body is Acc path A, Hands and head att path B, but I can work towards new ones for path A if needed.
Thoughts on these?
By Nariont 2024-12-11 02:45:26
My Sailfa isn't augmented yet either : /. So I might change back to Kentarcht+1 since I'm over the haste cape by 8%, and keeping the belt on for 1 extra haste and 2% TA doesnt sound as strong as +15acc +3%DA in the meantime.
It's potentially 2 extra haste and at high values that's very much a worthwhile trade off, but you can also just swap hats to gain that missing 2 haste. Personally id just keep the DW on the cape as that basically frees up all your other slots, being 1 off the cap isnt the worst thing
Otherwise for starting out that's fine, as stated keep working at malig as that's a solid overall set to TP in both offensively and defensively. As for necks, yeah the pickings can be slim there for COR, sanctity, lissome or iqabi are some easy alternatives if you're looking for acc
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 135
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2024-12-11 06:15:51
If you haven't yet I would suggest you unlock sortie asap and get the COR EMYP+2 legs for a big defensive piece with a lot of acc and STP.